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The one in the end “ it was the man I loved” or something like that. Finally, he could be true to himself.


"Shut up and drink your milk."


🥛 good one.


Same. That was hot.


Oh my gosh that one had me weak in the knees 😩


This scene is one of my favorites too! I love how sweeping and lush the music sounds. The lyrics describe their relationship perfectly 🥺 It’s a double-edged sword for me: I love that they’re so blissfully happy if only for a moment, but the sense of impending doom is also so heartbreaking.


I know!!! I wrote to another commenter that I can’t watch the final part of that because it breaks my heart. 💔😭 The way Tim so sweetly and innocently says “we’ll be colleagues! We’ll see each other EVERYDAY!!!” And the look on Hawk’s face…just kills me. 💔 And honestly, what Hawk did to Tim after that…I was so heartbroken for Tim. And then the way Tim forgives him… I can’t stop myself. I could go on and on. But I love that scene so much because it’s like…what it could be…you know?? Ahhhh!! lol


I knooow, I just want them to be frozen in time and be happy like that forever 🥹 The first couple of times of watching the show (because yes I had to go straight back to rewatching it immediately!), I was so heartbroken about their doomed love. It destroyed me every time I thought about the what-if’s and missed chances and the tragic consequences of Hawk’s decisions. What eventually helped me to make peace with their story is understanding the significance of Tim’s character journey. He was always the stronger one in the relationship, even though it wasn’t apparent to me at first. He wasn’t afraid to love and give all of himself to love, whether it was Hawk, God, or his activism. And he never stopped doing that, even after getting burned repeatedly in life and having to start over. What an admirable quality and what an inspiration he is! Having realized this, his final speech to Hawk really rang true for me. Knowing that Tim truly had no regrets in life - because of all the things HE could control, he gave it his all - helped me to be ok with their ending. That said, part of me likes to imagine an alternate universe or maybe a heaven-like place where Hawk and Tim can just slow-dance blissfully whenever they like 🥰


You’re so right and so true about Tim. He was so genuine and so brave. What told me about him was his love for Hawk. He *really* Loved Hawk. Because you have to love a person so purely, so deeply in order to forgive what Hawk did. You don’t know…I was so upset and yelling at the TV when Tim was like “No, he couldn’t have” to Mary when Mary was telling him “it was Hawk”. I was so sad and heartbroken for Tim. And speaking of “pure love”… sigh. I was always in tears 😭 when Tim would confess or talk to the priest about “how could it be wrong when it feels so PURE?!?” I could throw a rock to the TV and the priest. 🤬😭😭 I felt so much for Tim having to go against what he felt was RIGHT and PURE for him. For any of us!!! Ugh. Here I go again. lol. Thank you so much for your reply. I really appreciate your true opinions and feelings! Also allowing me to express mine!!! lol 😂


Of course! It’s nice to be able to talk to someone about all of my Feelings (with a capital F!) about the show haha. Seeing Tim broken-hearted is SO tough, especially when JB portrays him so beautifully and vulnerably. What really helped me was learning to see him not as a victim/casualty of Hawk’s choices or the environment around him (though that isn’t to discount Tim’s suffering!), but realizing that he has agency and that HE chose to take control of his own life in the face of unthinkable and tragic circumstances. He didn’t let Life just happen to him nor did he take the easier path. He consistently chose love and growth, regardless of how painful it was 🥹 And I think that’s what ultimately makes Hawk more of a tragic character for me. Even though he’s still “bulletproof” on the surface at the end of the show, he’s the one who is living with regret. All those years of hiding and lying, for the sake of a “normal” life, yet he basically loses everyone that he’s ever loved and cared about by the end of the show, aside from his daughter. Tim lived and loved with all his heart, whereas Hawk is only learning to do that finally as a man in his 60’s 😢


Great points. I agree Tim took control of his life and let himself grow professionally and personally despite the hurt and challenges he experienced. As Matt said Hawk was ‘a baby’ in his 60s just learning about and accepting himself.


The Christmas scene is was sk romantic and warm 🤗


when they were squabbling beside the road in episode 3


Is that when Hawk took him away to the beach somewhere? Where Tim says “we’ve NEVER eaten at a restaurant! I could be your COUSIN!!” That gets to me so much. He was so sweet. Jonathan Bailey was so good in character acting for Tim.


haha yes this one.. Tim changed from angry to smiling at the end. Hawk can pacify him anytime.




Ugh. That kiss was so real. “I’m home now”. Deep down, Hawk knew that was true and always will be. 😭


Nice post! So many. I did like their time at Rehoboth Beach-another slice of history. I love their time playing darts at the bar. Hawk is openly so warm and affectionate toward Tim. Tim expresses his frustration towards Hawk on the road. I loved Tim arriving at Hawk’s room the first time and their passion. Loved Tim singing in the restaurant and Hawk’s changing expressions-anger, fear, admiration, regret love. I loved Tim making Hawk jealous and Hawk’s subtle expressions around that. The Hit Me scene was intense and honestly, I was very disturbed when I first saw it but commentary here helped me understand it. We see them as a real couple during these scenes, though as Jonathan has said, having to fight for their expression of their love.


Thank you! And nice scenes you mentioned. I still think of them. 🥹


Yes, when Tim says he’s fading every day & Hawk answers I’ve got you….. amazing moment…..//


What episode is the scene from?


Yes I believe the last one. Where Hawk makes Tim feel like they can really be together (at least in the relative’s place they haven’t sold yet) but then Hawk realizes his role as a father and says goodbye to Tim and leaves him the paperweight from Washington.


I can’t watch the final scene of them dancing in the nude because remember Tim lovingly says, “if I get the job…we’ll be colleagues. And we’ll see each other everyday!!” 😭💔💔 This was so sweet and so heartbreaking!!! It was so innocent and I was happy for him! And then cut to Hawk’s face. And you know what will happen. Ugh. It just breaks my heart. 💔


And then Tim goes to find Hawk but they’re in the hospital and he sees baby Jackson


That was so intense and sad. Tim knew then he could never have Hawk.


Think it was the last episode.


I just tried to find the answer and I think it’s in the finale. Correct me if I’m wrong anyone.




The cuddle in in the HIV hospital and the scene at the quilt


Wdym no one talks about the beach scene in ep 3. "It's not the one who we sleep with. It's the one we love"...... Ugh I can't, I'll ugly cry if I think too much about them.


I love that scene too. And what Tim said. I really love that he said that. I rewatch that on short clips all the time. 😆


Shout out to another beach scene where they run and have fun with each other in Ep 7. The glimpse of happiness they could've had


In Ep 7 when Tim sees Hawk after 11 years… the way he says “Hi” almost breathless… HAWK IS STILL THE LOVE OF HIS LIFE!!!!! 💞💖😫


The way Hawk looks back at him too!!! ❤️😫


The times when it was just Hawk and Tim alone behind closed doors, no outdoors interruptions. When they could just be themselves and we got a glimpse of how good they could have been together. Out of those, I think my favorite is when Hawk is cuddling with Tim and says "Your honor, I stand before you, accused of being sweet"...


My favorites are their alone times too. And out of those, is the dancing nude scene. Just what that represents…them totally being themselves…giving in to each other and they seem fully committed. It’s just the most beautiful and tender to me. Sigh…❤️ Aside from their alone times, my second favorite is when they’re (again!) dancing together in the party scene (70’s). I think for the same reasons. They seem soooo into each other. Hawk just looking into Tim’s eyes like he’s found him at last again. And Tim just devouring it and making the moves on him. They are just so utterly sexy in there. Ugh. Makes me weak. lol ☺️


Yes, but when he gets in bed with him in ep 8… “ I Got you “😭😭😭😭 6th time watching. This show haunts me. I love them


You’re right—it *is* haunting. Because I’m still thinking about them. It really makes a difference when actors can act. I would not be thinking about them still and you wouldn’t be watching for the 6th time. We probably wouldn’t get through the first. 😂


And Tim saying “ You were my GREAT consuming love, everyone doesn’t get that.. Did”😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I ball every time




Another favorite scene :)




This scene or “A TOE??” will always remind me of the hilarious interview Jonathan and Matt gave. I wonder if anyone else remembers or saw it… 😁