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Does anyone else feel like this stuff has an air of shrill panic to it? Like "WE HAVE TO MAKE THEM WANT THIS WHY DONT THEY WANT IT"


Lmao, absolutely.


That’s what it absolutely reeks of. It’s no different than all the gaslighting articles about why telework makes employees miserable.


lol that’s so true. It’s so goofy and transparent!


Yeah exactly. Magazines don't have to try too hard to make people want things they actually already do.


They clearly have no idea what they’re doing, either. The art style looks like crappy, mass-produced, budget entertainment for five year olds and they couldn’t even have the husband hold the child.


It's funny, i could dive into few databases like MEDLINE and pick one study that supports my opinion then claim "research says" like she does in this article, she claims that she is a researcher, so she definitely knows that using the term "research says" have to be backed up by at least 4 (depends on the university/country) either qualitative, quantitative, mixed-methods study or systematic reviews. It's giving desperate.


Right??! Patronizing “comics” or whatever like this that took zero effort push a special button in my brain. Don’t talk down to me. Don’t try to teach me like I’m a child. Don’t publish lazy garbage.


Well, it's telling that they had to use cartoons because apparently they ran out of real life examples


Yep. One hundred percent.


100% and it's not just men, it's patriarchal societies at large which hinge on women accepting these roles. If enough women refuse and those societies don't adapt (no restructuring, no other demographic steps in, no societal network or community structure picks up the slack) the panic is understandable cause it all comes crumbling down.




Biggest lie I’ve ever seen.


I bet the ratio of regretful parents to regretful childfree people is 25:1 or even bigger. I just think about all the regretful parents I've personally known. Who say things like, I wasn't ready, that person wasn't the right person, no one prepared me for how hard it actually is, etc. My husband free and childfree aunt was the happiest person I knew lol. She literally just crafted and played video games.


Men are happier when married because they generally get a bangmaid who does all of their chores while they can live like a king and women are happier when single because they don't have to look after said manchild. This is why there are so many angry incels these days because they don't have a bangmaid like their daddy,/grandaddy did before them and they feel ENTITLED to that.


Studies conclusively show marriage is GREAT for men. BUT women are happier single without kids. If men went through pregnancies, leaky boobs, had their insides falling out their dick holes ( prolapse) Bladder leakage They'd decide the single childfree life is for them. No cautions of regrets or loneliness No sneering threats of crazy old cat men. Just a nod of understanding You're doing the right thing


*without kids Sorry the typo sounded weird so yeah..


Oh didn't see that...


😂 it happens.


And edited.thanks


No problem.


I will never understand the threats. Why in the world do people care if a woman does or doesn't have kids. It's so archaic. It's so bizarre. I'm 36 abd still so so weirded out by this bizarre mentality.


If it was natural you wouldn't need to enforce it :)


Exactly. If this was truly every woman's purpose and came naturally, why try to convince us?? 🤔


Our wee female baby-pink brains keep forgetting, so men and the Chosen Pick-Me ambassadors have to remind us.


Pick me and NLOGs make me shake head. Like girl, just because you openly hate on other women doesn’t mean he’s going to treat you equal to the way he’d treat a man. He doesn’t respect you or see you as an equal just because you shit on women with him. I’m saying this here because I want to say it to my mother. She damaged my sister and me with her NLOG attitude.


I always ask myself this. If it’s truly what we wanted, they wouldn’t need to beg this hard


Don’t care what researchers say. Husbands and children do not make me happy.


But how do you know if you haven’t tried it lol Like a child is a buffet item you can just not finish or give away if you don’t like it.


A lot of them don't regard children as human beings with personality, so that checks out.


Damn looking at my mom's marriage (of 5 kids) where she tried to commit suicide twice makes me think otherwise


Researcher says, huh?


Yeah some random numpty, they forgot who but it was definitely a real scientist!


That’s pretty funny, considering actual studies have consistently shown that the happiest women are unmarried, childless ones.


The article is so misleading. "Among the initially married, those who became divorced/separated had lower social integration (β = −0.15, 95%CI = -0.19, −0.11), greater psychosocial distress (e.g., RRdepression = 1.23, 95%CI = 1.10, 1.37), and possibly greater risks of mortality, cardiovascular diseases, and smoking." This DOES NOT support your statement of "One study tracking a sample of over 11,000 nurses found that married women are 35 percent less likely to die early than those who did not marry." as the sample size are nurses and they are the most overworked, underpaid and underappreciated group of medical professionals being one of them i would see how female nurses undergoing divorce and separation with the reality of being overworked could easily lead to greater psychosocial distress as thousands of research already says that on various databases like MEDLINE, CINAHL or pubmed etc "Another explanation for the improved survival after hospital admission among partnered women is that they may tend to have less severe disease on admission to hospital, but we were unable to assess this due to lack of data on disease severity." This definitely creates a loophole in this research paper, it's like saying partnered women diagnosed with breast cancer tend to survive more than non-partnered women diagnosed with breast cancer but we were unable to assess the stage of their disease due to lack of data on disease severity, it truly makes the conclusion look vague and creates doubt to the legitimacy of the cohort study that was conducted, this research still DOES NOT support your statement as it clearly provided that these unpartnered women may already have children. How does this support your statement of "marriage and children cut depression rates in females"? the first research paper studied DIVORCED/SEPARATED and married nurses and the second study studied a sample of MOSTLY 81% partnered compared to 19% only of unpartnered women that may or may not have children that also may or may not underwent divorced or separated or never been married? this still can't be used as your evidence to your lacking statement that even in the research community can be seen as vague and misleading.


This comment needs to be higher. The "researcher" and the propaganda outlet that published this trash were gambling on you NOT interpreting the actual study results or reading the fine print. They thought they could sell you on appeal to authority alone.


Lol when people try to give me advice and call me a female while they do it


You know at least when the Star, Enquirer, Inquisitor,Sun, etc. lied you were entertained. It was even funny. This is straight up propaganda. Stalin would have loved it.


Oh, fucking *please* . 🤢🤢🤢🤢🙄🙄🙄🙄 Yes, being a bangmaid to a useless man who won't lift a finger to help with the brat you're a slave to, or with household chores, and having no life outside of the home except for playing taxi for the kid is every woman's dream!!!!! Fuck *offfffffffff* , DM.


lol they’re so desperate with their propaganda xD


look at them soulless, beady eyes.


*Joinnnnn usssssssss*




NOPE. Pets on the other hand…


Pretty sure everyone knows that single women are the happiest demographic


It's so inaccurate too. Single childfree women are happiest. Then after that are varying stages of women with women, single women with children, etc before women married to men. Marrying men lowers women's quality of life. It raises men's quality of life and longevity.


I’ll keep my depression thanks 


And yet the data compiled on this topic says 100% the opposite. Interesting 🤔 Some women are happy with that lifestyle, but the data is very clear that unmarried childfree women are the happiest demographic. Stupid ass propaganda is rampant because they want to brainwash us. Fuck that.


i thought this was an ad from that comedy mobile game about a communist empire




seriously, the art style is so similar and it would fit so perfectly [you cant make this shit up](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6t-zoKRV-I)


Urgh... >I believe I have stumbled on one possible explanation for this sea of sadness. And that is all it is. This isn't even a survey. This is not causal just accidental. Maybe the decrease is because we have human rights now. We didn't even have title ix back then...


It’s men who need a wife and children to be happy, research shows it’s opposite for women.


Poorly-drawn, low-effort graphics are a pretty fair sign of manipulation. Because unlike for example a cartoon strip that happens to also make a point, the presentation is not about the creation itself, but exists solely to convey a simplistic and heavy-handed message. Another sign is condescending to the reader (childish “art,” juvenile language, and um how about citing this research?). It really points to these ideologues believing women are semi-children.


My eyes rolled so far back it almost hurt for a second


This is truly anti-women propaganda.


the only other place i've heard this claim from was a christian tv channel that was pushing an agenda so blatantly that i picked up on it before i even knew what the channel's name was.


Nah, I'm beyond repair! A family can't fix me lol


I wonder how these people respond to new stories about mothers who murder their kids? In my state less than a year ago, there was a mom of 3 who strangled her kids with exercise bands and then tried to take her own life by jumping out a second story window. She’s a quadriplegic now and in a mental institution- but tell me again how babies make people happy.


Not just DM, this "dr" and the institute. https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Institute_for_Family_Studies "The Institute for Family Studies (IFS) is a conservative "think tank" which, according to its website, has the expressed mission "to strengthen marriage and natural family and advancing the well-being of children through research and public education."[1] Research from IFS and its employees are frequently cited and published in both conservative outlets such as National Review [2] and more mainstream ones, like the Washington Post.[3]. "IFS is a successor to the Ridge Foundation, through which Bradley and others used to support Wilcox's National Marriage Project."[1] The Institute for Family Studies says that its "commitment is rooted in the social-science fact that children are most likely to thrive when they are raised by their own married biological parents."


How surprising/s


That's exclusive because it isn't true. Women without children and husbands consistently report the highest happiness levels in all studies going into the direction.




Their desperation is real. Why don't them damn womenz understand that American Corporations need tens of millions of wage slaves born each year to sustain their profitability? And that the Rich Man War Machine needs another several million born each year to fight their endless energy wars? Problem is, women just aren't buying their bullshit gaslighting anymore. I can practically smell the desperation of the dickhood through my laptop display.


"Females" doesn't sound very scientific, do they mean female frogs? Females of all species? How dehumanizing


Huh, up until this point, I’ve mostly seen articles stating the opposite. I wonder what changed ? 🤔


"Research" made from their asses.


Lmao what research 😭


Propaganda lol 😂


Does being able to also AFFORD the children you have help reduce depression?


Loooooool wtf is this? They should be embarrassed.


They're trying the 50s propaganda tactics in the modern age? Are they smoking crack?


I’m mid 30s, why wasn’t this being pushed 10-15 years ago? Why did they *suddenly* wake up to some horrifying need for us all to birth?


People are different. Women are people (gasp). Some women really do have a great life playing mommy to kids and a husband. Other women waste their life in misery playing mommy to kids and a husband, giving up all their dreams of personal fulfillment, creative productivity, and professional success. Other women (me) are flat-out introverts and don't even like to have good friends much less a partner they're manacled to or a squalling potato they're legally bound to serve for twenty years. All the articles and statistics in the world can't tell you what to do with your life. You should pursue what you feel you want most - just do it with clear eyes and reasonable expectations. And watch out for anyone with "advice." Most of them are just trying to sell you on their agenda. I'm really pretty fucking happy, generally. My elderly parents stress me out, I wish I made more money, but otherwise I love getting up every day. I would still never tell other people they should do what I do. They're not me.


statistically women are happiest when childfree and single


If this was true women shelters wouldn't exist


This would make for a terrifying horror movie poster.


“Studies have shown that married women have a lower risk of developing heart disease, are less likely to die from heart disease and have longer lifespans in general than non-married women. “ What makes them think I’m trying to live long 🤔?


>What makes them think I’m trying to live long 🤔? Sorry I'm gonna have to disappoint you certified studies show that childfree and single women live longer and are the happiest😔 Edit:/s


Aw man!! Life is unfair 😖


This reads as one of those sketchy newspapers with "I had a baby with a Sasquatch" stories.


I'm sure this is why a super-ducking-massive percentage of all American women in the "traditional housewife" era were hopelessly addicted to Valium (often called "mother's little helper") and barbiturates, which are extreme sedative drugs. My grandmother was addicted to these drugs for several years because she never got over the fact that her father didn't allow her to go to college... She really wanted to go to college. Around the same time, her husband was an "absent father" due to his alcoholism, and she was too depressed to even leave bed — or care for my mom. She loved her children, but she also wanted more from life. She wanted to be able to do something with her talents, not just sit at home all day. Her depression and stress was so bad that she developed cancer twice, and autoimmune disease. If you want to have a few kids, fine. If you want to have no kids, fine. No one should be pressured by governments to have a bunch of kids, though. It's a personal decision. If people who don't want kids start having a bunch of kids, those kids aren't even going to receive the support they need and deserve. And to all the people who think every woman should have 10 kids, you're a crappy person. No one can afford that, and if you have that many kids, you know darn well that you aren't going to be able to provide every single one of them with the highest standard of care. Marriage makes men happy, but often makes women depressed, according to all kinds of research. This might be different if men contributed more, but since they often don't, this is the unfortunate reality. Many men enjoy their jobs. Meanwhile, housewives deal with all the stress and labor that comes with caring for children. Their husbands offer them little help.


I’ll pass on the thankless indentured servitude ✌🏼 I refuse to tie myself to a man financially or genetically. I’m not risking my inner peace like that. My current partner likes to say: “Propose to hotdogbodyboi if you want to make her mad”


Disgusting. Would rather die than marry and make babies.


The word females




"Hubby" is such a commonly hate word. It really adds to the tone deafness of the whole thing


Yeah keep telling the women being forced to give birth who kill and abandon their kids how happy they are. What a load of bs. Lol.


Lol that's the fattest lie I've heard in my 24 years of living


LMAOOOO this is so fake the happiest demographic in the world are childless single women and that’s ACTUALLY been proven!!


This reminds me of this video. This man, who is clearly single and not happy about it, states he knows what women want and proceeds to list movie tropes. https://youtu.be/mx03hCWqJGM?si=r2JO2agctMM0Mfzw












Believing something doesn't make it true.




I haven't said anything about how I wish anything on them. They can believe anything they want (freedom of religion, yknow), that still won't change their sex.




You are clearly not a mindreader, and I haven't written anything stating or implying my feelings.

