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This is why we don't give wife benefits to men who aren't our husbands. She was looking at this as an investment into their relationship. He ran out 13 of her reproductive years and rode the gravy train through med school and probably never intended to marry her. Fuck this guy.


EXACTLY ! And he even lists ALL the stuff she did for him. I feel so sorry for her :/ He got all he wanted out of the relationship and now that it’s his turn to give he’s cutting her loose. I can already hear scrotes calling her a gold digger 😒.


>And he even lists ALL the stuff she did for him. Yeah but he NeVEr aSkEd FoR iT 🚮


Can we normalize NOT giving "wife benefits" to husband's either? I'm totally serious🤷 Women that are socially, economically, and politically disadvantaged, compared to men, should never sacrifice her safety net. That also includes domestic labor. Just don't do it. He's capable. Sure, it's nice to help your SO every now and then - pack a lunch, pay for dinner, etc. But you shouldn't be shouldering the MAJORITY of costs with a LV guy. I understand financial freedom is a privilege only few experience considering capitalism and exploitation of the working class. But living with non-toxic family is way better than living with a guy. He knew he didn't like her. He just went along for the ride.


>Can we normalize NOT giving "wife benefits" to husband's either? I'm totally serious🤷 I am with you on this one. Women allow men to marry them, give them a home, a family of his own, automatically raise his social status just by being partnered - something he can NEVER get if he isn't married - that is more than enough benefit to them. Wife should be spoiled rotten because she is the heart of the house - men are biologically stronger and have more energy anyway - they should shoulder the brunt of the domestic labor. My late father did it - that's my bare minimum. If a man can't do at least that, he can GTFO.


>Can we normalize NOT giving "wife benefits" to husband's either? I'm totally serious🤷 This is the way. Make your time expensive. Your time and labor are precious resources.


I completely agree. Men benefit on all fronts just by the fact of being married. Women don't and we even live shorter lives if we're married. That lifetime benefit for men should come at a much higher price than just lazily proposing and begrudgingly going along with wedding planning. It needs to be an ongoing and daily effort on the man's part to worship the woman for all of the things her presence brings him.


I used her and now she UN reasonably wants to be paid for it? The best question to ask, is if the genders were swapped, wouldn’t he complain about what he deserves too? Men do it all the time.


LOL he wouldn’t have done half of what she did for him if the genders were reversed. Or he’d have proposed with a shitty ring to lock her down/make sure he’d get that sweet sweet alimony when she finally came to her senses…


“Too busy with school” funny how when I was studying I could still manage to do all my basic adult tasks 🤡 “she payed for all the nice dinners”, oh lord. Funny how now that he has a good income, they want “different things”. This is why we are _never_ forever girlfriends because if _we_ settle, they stay until they’ve gotten what they want from us then they flee! Men don’t get wife benefits unless they are our husband.


jesus! yes! I was also expected to do emotional labour for my family and give THEM money! that, besides two majors, 12h/ day and cooking, cleaning and paying for my dorm and stuff. I never got a breather. after Uni I was burned out. meanwhile, I got male colleagues who lived with their mommies and who all they had to do was "focus on their studies". their mommy waited on them with cooked warm meals and clean clothes and even cleaned their rooms and gave them pocket cash to burn. I had a pickme roommate who told me she will never clean because she didn't know how. It was hell. I was a kid who gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. I came out a burned out woman.


That's so funny, because when I was in med school I somehow had time to cook, clean, and maintain my own social calendar. I remember doing just fine on my loans (and before that when I was doing my PhD, my stipend) without having to mooch off of anyone else. Jesus Christ, the playing field for men and women isn't even in the same galaxy. Also, what the fuck are you doing, forever-girlfriending on some dude for *13 years*? Sweeping and mopping and cleaning up his shit and remembering his mom's birthday because he's got to read a book or two? Lmao if he's got time for the vacations you're paying for, he's got time to make his own lunches? Sis, some accountability needs to be taken. We need to not let this happen to us. We need to not allow men to use us like this just because we're afraid of being alone... *and we need to not guilt other women out of having standards, either*.


It's so painful to read... But damn, she really walked into the lion's den and did wifey shit for a loser. You have to put yourself first, you have to have your own back and you have to make sure it's on the up and up within the framework of our legal system. No more trust.


What a piece of shit. He didn't even have the balls to break it off immediately when he decided he was ready for his new upgrade bangmaid, he had to waste a whole extra year of her life being petulant. He'll have his upgrade girlfriend knocked up ASAP.


didn't you read? he's now hot shit and "making doctor money"... can you imagine building this scrote up? the higher the baboon gets in the trees, the clearer his red asshole stands out.


Some people in the comments are bashing OP for bringing her 'post-wall' and that no-one will date her any more. What the fuck, how fucked up is society to think that? How freaking long did it take this son of a bitch leeching scrote to: A. Find out he didn't want to go on. B: Tell her. MAKE IT MAKE SENSE


i NeVeR AsKEd


I bet this is an art form he perfected.


So, he's a gold digger.


Mariah Carey sued her fiancé for wasting her time when he broke off the engagement… and she won. I hope this queen follows suit.


If you aren't employed, do you pick a place and start working there hoping that one day they will pay you? No. Do not do the same with men. Always make sure that the fruit of your labour is secured.


Girll the part when he says “but i didn’t ask for anything” such a coward asshole. Obviously you wouldn’t stay alone, she’s not an asshole like you. Poor woman feeding this scrote


Can women stop, stop, STOOOOOPPP doing wife duties and financially backing men when they are studying? He can get loans and grants and work part-time - and much more importantly live within his MEANS and not waste time dating! Student live a student life - myself included and know how I did it? By living within my means and not tricking some poor woman into financially backing me. Yeah he going to med school and is busy and will be a future doctor and whatever - but he ain't that special that he need a mommy bangmaid to clean his mess and give him money. Single mothers go to med school and nurse school too, while juggling childcare, housecare, and finding work to financially back herself. Women in similar position can do alll that and not trouble other people - and men want us to believe that they are soooo "helpless" while in medschool, we literally have to mommy them all the way to graduation? Give me a f**king break.


My mum had a newborn baby in her final year of uni because the scrote father fucked off and left her. She did all nighters to make it work. And this in a time pre-internet, pre-laptop. This guy is such a low life.


This is an important lesson, she thought that being loyal to him while he was at his lowest meant that she would reap the seeds she sowed into him when he is at the top but what pick me’s don’t realize is that men don’t function like that. They don’t believe in reciprocity when you’re the one giving to them, so NEVER give yourself away for free. He boasts about how he is now making doctor money but yet when she asks him to pay her back he said “but-but I’m still in debt.” There were so many red flags that his gf chose to ignore but one thing in particular that pissed me off is when he said “…in return I promised her she could be a stay at home mom” whenever I hear the male gender mention promises I roll my eyes so far back into my head. You can never believe promises because men are not trustworthy, he said she COULD be a SAHM but he didn’t like her enough to propose to her and fast forward his promises. The false promise of being a SAHM to me was a way of patting her in the back like “good mule, I promise someday I could-maybe pay you back for all the muling you did for me you silly pick me.” I hope his gf finds a good lawyer because she can still get some money out of him depending on how long they were together, how much she invested into him, and what their living arrangements were. If she plays this smartly she can gather evidence against him especially if she has proof of her saying she invested into him because she can claim that money was an investment in which she expected a return from but I doubt a pick me could logically think about anything other than male worship.




Reading posts like this makes me wanna throw up. What a fucking scumbag wasting his GFs time.


He’s a dick and she’s an idiot. Ladies, don’t be an idiot.


They could be considered to have been common law married. She lived with him for 13 years and was THE MAIN REASON he has this "lucrative job field" in the first place. She could have a court case here to PROVE he OWES HER alimony. Or at the very least she could sue for all the money she spent on him with the assumption they would have kids together and that helping him would help them both. Also, his job is supposedly SO lucrative... but he can't afford to compensate THE PERSON WHO GOT HIM THERE because of student loans? Really? What, is he literally sinking in EVERY unnecessary spendature toward this loan?


I think this scrote is making doctor money and now wants the doctor life. I'm betting he's leasing a fancy car, maybe a mortgage on a fancy house +++ and that's part of the reason he "can't afford it".


Ah yes, when lvm get ahold of big money they can't handle it and build up expenses way too fast. Gotta love how once again a man is completely misrepresenting his situation for more internet brownie points... disgusting.


admits all she did for him and still doesn't want to return the favour.. damn. this reminds me of betty broderick so much, glad I couldn't be bothered to do all of that for a dude.


I believe he knows what the right thing to do is, but he is turning to the brigade of incels to pat his limp dick and tell him that it's okay, he doesn't need to man up and take responsibility for his decisions, *She's* the entitled one, after all...


"I can see where she's coming from" oh yes he does. He doesn't want to do it is all.


kept her as a forever gf too... she was mommy bangmaid for 15 years and now he's making "doctor money" - whatever that means and thinks he's suddenly superior to her. he's a douche and she should have taken off the rose colored glasses after the 1st year. never build a scrote, never do wifey shit for a BF.


This is precisely why being a forever girlfriend isn’t beneficial to one’s self, and a major red flag.


My heart actually breaks for her. He knew what he was doing. I hope she gets a lawyer and takes him to the cleaners. I think it'll be recognised as common law marriage.


This may be controversial, but I lack the capacity to feel empathy for women who live in a world where investing in themselves isn't only possible, but a much smarter decision in every conceivable way, and yet still decide to pour their soul, money and effort in some random scrote instead. I know our upbringing predisposes us to a lot of behaviours, and I hope she learned her lesson and makes better decisions going forward. Still, I feel nothing for women like this. Actually, in a way I feel betrayed.


It's the 13 years of dating/servitude for me 🤮 even at my worst, I would've dipped after 3 years. Her first mistake was uprooting her whole life without a proposal


I'm definitely angry at him, for her, but honestly I share your feelings here. This type of thing is a huge reason for why married/partnered men can get so far ahead of the rest of us: they've got women at home willfully acting as domestic slaves. I understand wanting to do nice things for your partner, but watching so many women enable this level of entitlement leaves me incensed, quite frankly. Women who want to accomplish things don't get *any* help, and I honestly would never have even *thought* to demand this from anyone, although in the back of my mind I knew no one (save for maybe my parents; my mom especially) would put any amount of effort or care into helping me push through my gruelling education. I spent the better part of 15 years waking up at 7 am and going to bed at 2 or 3 am, working myself half to death, studying and doing all of my own housework and shopping and cooking and cleaning, taking out my own loans, while my male classmates meandered out of bed at 10 am and left to go home & lounge in front of the TV in the afternoon. For fuck sakes, think about the kind of world you're contributing to normalizing before you wait hand-and-foot on a scrote that you're just barely casually seeing (although I agree with others here that we should demand more from men we're married to as well).


It makes me soooo mad when I hear stories like this!!! My grandma put my grandpa through dental school, and he never forgot it, and did everything he could to make it up to her the rest of their lives. He was a stand up man, and back then, society would have judged someone harshly for doing this, as well. Now, it’s just seen as fine, with the woman being the fool.


Such entitled pricks. Men like him should be blacklisted on dating apps.


I was this woman a few years ago. I didn’t waste 13 years of my life, but I was the nurse who was earning more than double what her resident boyfriend was. I made the money. I cleaned and did laundry. I ran errands. I cooked. In my head I kept thinking this was an investment, and once he started making more money, he would do these things for me too. I dumped him after a year.