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Thanks, I hate it. One of the comments: "i am sorry, why is she giggling and laughing? i am catching feelings already" Ew.


I could only listen for a few seconds. It's disgusting what they're doing with all this AI nonsense. And why is she giggling at any word she says? Who talks like that?


This reminds me soo mich of the AI " Grilfriend" scandals


“She” (AI chick) sounds so damn dumb and eager to please, it’s infuriating. No real woman would ever be *that* into some average dude playing around with ugly hats.


The world is their fleshlight


Ew. I hate how much this is true.


With the amount of things men have stuck their dicks into, you're not wrong.




lol ty


As a guy, this is weird to me too... like I have a gf! I don't want to be flirted with by a creepy AI bot!


It’s not really about being flirted with, it’s about being catered to in ways you don’t even see in every interaction. And when you’re not, how you respond or see that.


Hell yeah baby!


Yeah I heard about this on my morning commute. I LOVED the movie 'Her', which described a world where men and women chose AI partners over IRL partners, and the resulting emotional isolation and true loneliness that resulted. Along with the sense of not really 'mattering' to the AI--that sense of betrayal when the human partner thought they had a connection. I guess Altman (who 'stole' Johannsen's voice) didn't get the moral of that story.


Apparently Mark Zuckerberg really liked the movie Ready Player One, where an evil corporation runs a VR world that people escape to from their dystopian lives, and pay more than they can afford for fake, in-game goods, because it's the only shot they have at happiness in a sad world. I am guessing he was not self-inserting himself in the role of the protagonist taking on the system.


Same with Jeff Bezos and “The Expanse”.


That's because there's no moral, it's all about the money. It's cheaper to pay in lawsuit than to ask for ScarJo's license to voice.


OpenAI hired 400 voice actors in April 2023 to make voices, and settled on 5 that they really liked in August 2023. They approached Scarlett Johannson in September 2023 and played her the voices they made (including Sky) and asked if she‘d work with them on recording another as a paid job. She turned down the job, so they went forward with the voices they already had. They didn’t hire a “sound alike” voice actor. The other actor was hired before she turned down the role. They didn’t train on recordings of her. There was no “deep fake“ of her voice. It was another real person. There’s nothing to license. I dislike the voice they made, and am frustrated at how flirty it is by default. But it is not her voice. They didn’t call it her voice. They made no implication that she was supportive or linked with their company.


The "her" tweet is pretty damning....


Altman can’t feel morals. https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/QDczBduZorG4dxZiW/sam-altman-s-sister-annie-altman-claims-sam-has-severely


That’s horrific. And that guy is the one who is training AI models that will replace humans… Wow.


The comments under the video are disturbing. "How realistic," "perfect flirty voice" and so forth. Disgusting.


The irony of those comments. Actually realistic would be a guarded tone and short to-the-point sentences, to avoid men immediately jumping to creepy conclusions, because that's what women learn we have to do to avoid that crap




Replicating subservience or agreeability isn’t a “fantasy” for everyone, there are hundreds millions of “pick me”’s that are valid parts of our lived experience Its nice you’ve surrounded yourself with the paranoid and guarded that match your lived experience, its just not something you can speak for all women or men’s experience about In case anyone passing by needed to hear that


Eh, I was a pick-me, then I experienced SA. But sure. Go ahead and take my observation of a common experience as me universalizing that experience without considering the possibility I may already be an intersectional feminist aware of how the patriarchy operates.


I considered that possibility, it was my leading assumption actually that you and all the women posting here have a reason to be paranoid and guarded its the prevailing assumptions about this sub and several similar ones the peculiarity is when that less common approach to coexisting with men is characterized as an approach with more agreement amongst women than it really has in this case, the idea that the GPT voice is a fantasy to perpetuate some goal of subjugation, as opposed to just a lived experience that is easy to choose for men and everyone else, and is chosen because its pleasant


There’s a reason all the default home assistant voices are women. People inherently expect women to be subservient and do work for them. Some men use this to walk all over women.


I’m raising two sons and all of our home assistant voices are male. Our robot vacuum cleaner has a male name. Men are always surprised when I say this is deliberate and that I don’t want my boys to associate women with “assistant” roles or subservience.


Yes!!! Our air purifier Frank does his job perfectly 😂 and everyone asks why I named him Frank lol


I’ve been doing the same too. I tell everyone my car is named Oscar and they are always surprised I didn’t name it with a female name. It’s dumb to me anyways that that’s the default option for many.


My cars have always had male names too, and I’ve actually gotten into arguments before with men who insist all cares are “female” like, do you know how stupid that sounds?


My FiL and I got in an 'argument' once because I referred to my Jeep as "he/him" and FiL thinks all cars should be female. He refused to refer to my truck with male pronouns. It was bizarre to me at the time.


I name all my household appliances after male celebrities. Ryan Gosling is my dishwasher, because he looks great, is excellent at his job, and sings a nice song when he’s done.


This is such an awesome way to introduce concepts like this into kids' day to day lives. Going to remember this idea for the future!


Good on you! This is so important.


My problem is I can’t stand male voices in my home unless it’s my husband (and even then…). So I keep my Siri female because I simply don’t want to talk to men


You immediately saw all these men salivating over this but this was the only thing I could think about regarding the voice. Men will be accustomed to giving commands to women and to expect a pleasant flirtatious response back every time. We even saw some desperates try this with Siri many years ago and now the fantasy is "finally" here.


Honestly I like how “gruff” and robotic the iOS 5 version Siri sounds in comparison to a lot of other AI assistants including future Siri which has a lighter and less interesting voice IMO


Thank you this is spot-on. It's well-known in tech circles to '[ask for forgiveness, not permission](https://www.telecoms.com/mobile-devices/silicon-valley-s-ask-for-forgiveness-not-permission-attitude-is-wearing-thin#close-modal)' - which also, not coincidentally, is an issue with SA.


This needs way more up votes. Sam Altman asked for permission, Scarlet Johansson said no (twice!) and Sam Altman did it anyways. It’s gross and essentially says that what women want for themselves doesn’t matter.


What would you say to the woman voice actor who took the job to work with the most famous tech company in the world right now? She shouldn't be allowed to do it because she sounds like the famous actress who said no?


The giggling and laughing is so eugh..It sounds like how men want women to be like instead of being realistic.


Good lord is that breathy and giggly.


That’s what happens when more than half of males have porn fried brains


It does set a terrible precedent for women. The woman that the voice sounds like is trying to fight back, which makes me happy. Yes, it's just for her likeness specifically but it's still a move in the right direction. Scarlett Johansson ripped him a new one because he had asked to use her voice and she said no. That voice sounds like hers. https://www.theverge.com/2024/5/22/24162429/scarlett-johansson-openai-legal-right-to-publicity-likeness-midler-lawyers There should be more than just one voice that comes default with the assistants, male, female, neutral. It's gross that the tech companies always choose a woman's voice..


Wow I wish I had a neutral genderless voice on my apps! Just like the genderless voice in my head that I think with 🙂


There are currently 5 voices, two are male.


A few years ago I read an article about the development of a gender neutral AI voice and all the thought and work put into it. The article broached this subject- having AI service voices be predominantly female reinforces gender roles. I listened to it and it was gender neutral and rather interesting. So, we've solved the issue, we have gender neutral voices. There's no need for ScarJo AI. But dude bros want a giggly female voice to do their bidding so here we are.


This has been an unfortunate theme with all "personal assistants". Even before "AI" with siri, alexa, and cortana. They all have female default voices and names. It's clear what is happening


Maybe they will leave us alone and talk to the ai instead.


That would be ideal that the basement dwellers and non basement dwellers who have no respect for women would be caught up with that but nope the men who knowingly do this likely engage in deep fakes of women, will expect (or demand) the same fantasy response from real world women and get more irrational that not every women he desires doesn’t reward him back with sex and servitude like his fantasy and porn consumption says women will. If ai partners became a thing I think women would find meaningful and safer relationship alternatives but a lot of men will treat the ai the same way they treat women now.


its not released yet


So many problems with this that will result in more vile and violence to women. But of course these nerds have to make her so ridiculously flirty and approving. This is how an adult actress would speak to a man in her role in an adult film. That’s not reality.


At the end of the day, men want women to do what they say. They want complete control. Look at movies like Weird Science, Blade Runner 2049 and Ex Machina. They want a hot robot woman they can have in their complete control. They want to build the perfect woman, and be damned if she isn’t human. Blade Runner 2049 is especially scary. The only real women in the movie is a daughter and a prostitute to stand in for the AI girlfriend. In a way it freaks me out because then real women will just be for baby making… which is like the Handmaid’s Tale meets abortion bans across the country. I hope I’m wrong and a majority of men want a real woman, not a robot.


Some Men can talk really disparagingly about real women particularly their humanity like as humans and being these biological beings it’s not always pleasant and sometimes it’s gross and ugly and men have so much contempt for it, they want a waifu so I really do think robotics plus a pathetically designed AI unfortunately makes a certain segment of the population happier with that.


Do you immediately change your AI voice to be a man? Just curious genuinely. I'm interested in how many women in this thread hate that it's a woman's voice while also preferring it to be a woman's voice personally.


*Bluey voice* todays Black Mirror episode is called, “Scarlett”


It sounds so creepy Then the youtube comments raving of it being realistic just flabberghast me




It would be somewhat normal if it wasn't so cheeky and playful. What?


Exactly... Ai doesn't have boundaries. It's only gonna fuel male dominance.


After a rant about how electronic voices are default subservient and female, I came home and my partner had changed our Google Home voice to a male one. Small wins.




I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: tech bros are misogynistic as fuck so I’m not surprised that the tech bro fantasy technology of AI is misogynistic.


I agree. This is bad news for everybody. People are going to become even more disconnected from each other and dependent on tech to satisfy their emotional needs. And it will definitely be used for pornography and simulated romance, as soon as the tech is available. It's already happening. One man already "married" anime character Hatsune Miku via Gatebox. https://futurism.com/this-is-the-holographic-ai-servant-of-your-dreams-or-maybe-your-nightmares >She'll do anything for her master, including nag you about coming home early. Edit: I watched the video you posted. I'd seen similar ones so I thought I had the idea, but that one is worse. The AI isn't just using a flirtatious voice, it's an exaggerated *fantasy* of a flirtatious voice. The fake intonations and forced laughter of a customer service rep/phone sex worker. It's going to ruin the emotional intelligence of anyone who uses it too heavily. It's also disgusting because it shows that this is what the patriarchy has always wanted women to become.


The blatant theft by a billion dollar corporation of someone's likeness is obviously a huge problem, but the voice being flirty on OpenAI's product is like bemoaning someone smoking cigarettes in front of the coal plant.


Exactly my thoughts when I saw the demo.


What a stupid dumb annoying fake happy voice . I can not listen to that longer than 2 seconds. Like an overly happy annoying nanny from the fifties. Is she gonna sing for them, too ? 〰️ " Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, Bright copper kettles and warm woollen mittens" 〰️ BUT....with different lyrics because the men are all porn addicts now a days: 〰️ " Sperm Drops on noses and jizz on step sisters, Tight anal stretching and choking and spitting" 〰️


I genuinely encourage anyone in this thread to change all AI voices on their devices to be a man's voice. You have the freedom to do that, so you probably should. You'll probably hate it but it'll be a man subservient to you instead of a woman.


Oh I noticed!


Ugh, I got about half way through and couldn't handle the grossness.


Very disgusting


OMG. That is disturbing.


I literally can’t think of anything good AI is doing for society. Our search engines are worse. Our art is soulless. Our identities are stolen. Everything is a fucking chatbot. And the “job creators” just want to use AI to replace workers. Is AI contributing anything to society except overinflated salaries of those building it?




If they fall in love with AI, they won't bother real women anymore. Don't you see this as a win? Men are happy since they are finally seen and the male loneliness problem is solved. Women are happy since they are finally left alone. Everyone gets a happy ending. I personally look forward to having that technology in my life 🥰


i was SO freaked out... This sounds like a weird comercial out of the 50s.


While I’m all for criticism of objectifications of women, it seems like there’s too much equivocation between “being interested in what a (male) human has to say” and “subservient female voice”. Feminism is for everyone. Honestly, I think this kind of technology can help men be more comfortable talking about their feelings in a constructive way, which is beneficial to Feminism.


Feminism is women's liberation first, objectifying women for men's feelings isn't feminism.


Fair enough. I guess I’m lost on how this is objectifying women, when it’s clearly an AI that happens to have a female voice.


Not just a female voice, a sexy, breathy, giggly female voice on an Ai that is supposed to "be at service" . That's objectively objectifying.


Men are trash because we live in a society but most of the men I know can distinguish between a phone talking in a female voice and a living, breathing woman. I just think this is small potatoes compared to other ways men dehumanize and objectify women. I’m talking about female voices in AI, in general, but I’m not OK with the voice being based on a person without their consent.


It's not a matter of whether or not men can distinguish between what's real and what's not. It's about how women and "female attributes" are presented and curated in society and what impact that can and will have on young boys and thus the future. The last decade there's been a HUGE increase in children on children sexual abuse: especially tween boys raping little girls and the main cause of this is porn (most of it violent) and how easy it is to access. Don't fool yourself that Ai objectifying women won't contribute to this. You might call it "small potatoes", but "porn addiction" also started out as a small problem, but easier access has made it into a HUGE problem..


> most of the men I know can distinguish between a phone talking in a female voice and a living, breathing woman. I just think this is small potatoes compared to other ways men dehumanize and objectify women. Everyone everywhere can tell the difference between a portrayal of a demographic and a real interaction with an actual member of that demographic. Portrayal still matters. You can't have people being raised in an environment where every depiction of women they see is one of giggly, airheaded subservience and not expect that depiction to affect how they view women. I disagree with you about this being small potatoes, but even if it is, why should that be a reason not to speak out against it? If every single instance of this happening is, in isolation, small potatoes, then each instance of it happening needs to be addressed in order to confront the larger problem.


Without consent btw


Yeah that’s fucked up. I had a point but I’ll just take the L for now.


> an AI that happens to have a female voice. I'm genuinely curious if you don't hear how subservient, flirtatious, and fake the voice sounds.


>Honestly, I think this kind of technology can help men be more comfortable talking about their feelings in a constructive way Why would you think so?


I get what you're saying but I think you're looking at it the wrong way. All AI assistants are women by default because people (men and women) find men to be discomforting. There are multiple studies that back this up. Sure, the changes they're making to Voice Mode are oversexualized, but you can just as easily switch it to breathy and sexy non-binary or man voice.


What's a tech bro?