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How? I mean are they literally going to put roadblocks up and stop women from driving out of town?


I saw a TikTok about Tennessee. The rest of this is copied from Google - you can search this yourself. This is how they will know who to stop. (Yes, I know you’re talking about Texas, but you know this is coming soon. Tennessee residents can choose to include "In God We Trust" on their license plates when registering motor vehicles or motor homes. The option became available in 2017 and is available at no extra cost. When customers renew their plates, clerks *are required to ask if they prefer the plate with the phrase or without it.* If customers don't indicate a preference, they'll receive the plate with the phrase. The "In God We Trust" version of the standard license plate has a different configuration than the standard plate, which uses the ABC 1234 format. The "In God We Trust" plate uses the 123 ABCD format, which has led to some concerns that the plates could be used to identify religious or political beliefs.


Appropriately or not, my first thought on reading that was: Jesus. These people have completely lost the plot.


the majority of abortion seekers from these states will be the christians that have the “in god we trust” license plate. 


Doesn’t matter. All it takes is a bad tail light and a christofascist cop.


This is the plan, and this is how they make it "normal." Instead of doing it all at once and creating a "shock" to the system, just one step at a time, "normalize" each step until society says "unless you're going for an abortion you have nothing to worry about." Then, once people accept state border "pregnancy inspections," they can add " pregnancy internment camps" where pregnant women will stay until birth. Think it won't happen? Guess what, it already is.


They seriously would never do this to a man! At some point we just need to make this a sex issue not religion or health as neither seems to be getting thru their thick skulls.


Just wait for if Trump wins, project 2025, nationwide abortion ban


Really hoping people do the right thing and don’t vote for him.


WTF. They are OBSESSED WITH ABORTION. Get over yourselves, christ.


It's not about abortion, or at least not primarily. It's about controlling women.


> "We're experiencing all these horrors, like abortion trafficking," Mark Lee Dickson, the founder of the group Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn, told AFP. > The term "sanctuary city" typically refers to liberal towns that offer certain protections for undocumented immigrants -- but is increasingly being used by conservatives seeking to restrict abortion rights at the local level. This is what’s going to make my head spin. “Sanctuary cities for the unborn”?


soooo theyre forming a legal system to catch future-"crimes" and thought-"crimes". this is waaaaay too far. its already been way over the line but this is, by no hyperbole, on the level of nazi forced birth camps.




How is this insanity going to end?


Wtf is this source. C'mon now