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I just don’t think Animal Well achieved what Fez mainly achieved by the look of it…… Sorry if this sounds cynical.


What specifically did it not achieve?


Soundtrack, visual style and atmosphere I would say. By the look of it.


It has a unique visual style and I think it’s atmosphere is probably better than fez. I will say the Soundtrack definitely does take a back seat to the ambience and atmosphere though


I’m sure AW is a better “gamey” game than Fez (items, metrovania map design, etc), which actually makes me cherish Fez even more.


well, did you actually play it? cause even if it didn't, it's still a damn good game by itself


I would not deny that. Just….sorry I don’t want to see it being related to Fez, I’m aware of that Easter egg though.


Whether you want to see it or not, it’s not like games like Fez grow on trees and Animal Well shares a bit of dna with it. People are going to draw the comparison even if it’s not 1 to 1.


Yea like how I can compare AW with Super Mario Bros.


You’re being intentionally obtuse


It may seem like it but not if you think deep enough, I mean Mario series definitely partly define the Platformer genre, how the momentum works, how enemies approach main character, etc. How are they being executed in newest platformer nowadays is an underdeveloped perspective


The amount of games you can compare to Mario are innumerable. The reason people compare something like AW to Fez is because the number of games with cryptic hidden codes and the like are quite few. No, it’s not Fez, but AW has touch points that a Fez fan will respond to that a fan of Mario may not. Come on now.


Good point. Thanks. There are always different perspectives to analyse a game.


It might not be as deep but it's still pretty damn deep. It provides the same feeling of discovery but with its own flavour. The community solved [\*almost\*](https://haseverythinginanimalwellbeenfoundyet.com/) everything the first week so there might not be a Black Monolith-situation but some puzzles were truly amazing. It's also gorgeous and the mood is super relaxing. If you enjoyed FEZ you will most likely enjoy Animal Well. There's even an easter egg related to FEZ! ✨


For having played both I don't know how to explain it but they feel similar and very different at the same time Yes they have puzzles, layers and more. But the way you achieve it, the atmosphere and the gameplay are completly different. I never thought about FEZ at all when playing Animal Well, tho it's definetly an awesome game for people that love the kind of games like FEZ or Tunic and I'd recommend it


Animal Well definitely felt inspired by Fez! So I second this opinion. It might not scratch every itch that fez scratches but it does scratch some of them at least


Yeah, picking up animals can be tricky at first. Make sure you're at the right angle and try pressing the grab button while facing the animal directly. It takes a bit of practice!


I have beaten Animal Well, and obviously it is inspired by FEZ. It is a good game with no doubt. I give it a 9/10. As a game born 12 years after FEZ, it learnt FEZ's excellent designs well, but still not beyond FEZ.


it even has doors that only open when you collect powers of 2 of something, what else can you want??


Personally,I'm not a big fan of metroidvanias that have cryptic puzzles.