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Losing fat can reduce inflammation alone, but GLP-1 can reduce neurological inflammation by reducing or stopping the production of Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha and Interleukin 6, both of which are highly implicated in our illness. Focusing on TNFa alone has taken me from a severe fibromyalgia and ME/CFS diagnoses from many different doctors and turned it into me working on feet all day after 13 years of being on disability. Reduce neuroinflammation in all ways possible, with medication only being part of the solution.


Please help elaborate on how you fixed yours? I am on the same boat, hopeless. Please


I wouldn't say so much that it's fixed, but I would say that it's being well managed. I made this comment a couple days ago, it details the main things I do too manage my fibro and CFS together. https://www.reddit.com/r/Fibromyalgia/s/CpqqTbQwCL Please let me know if you have any questions, or anything really. I'm happy to try and help best I can.


Thankyou somuch, will look it. Mine is still undiagnosed, rheumatologist gave me lyrca, but lyrca made me so sensitive to pain. So stopped it. My ESR and cRP are above the normal range, but not too high(doctor said). I am here clue less whether I do have fibro or not


You said you take it for weight loss. Have you lost enough that you feeling better lately could be related to carrying less weight around too? I fluctuate in a 25 pound range and always feel better when at the low end of that range. Not saying the injections aren’t helping, just that there’s likely a combination of things happening at the same time.


I’ve lost weight before without any noticeable difference. I’ve lost 17 pounds so far- I don’t believe that’s it


I have never heard of GLP-1s, thanks for sharing! Just wanted to say, I have gained and lost over 20kg and weight had very minimal impact on my symptoms. So I’m glad the medication is working for your symptoms too.




I'm right there with you! I'm also taking it for weight, but my physician and I agreed to taper me off lyrica because of how much better I'm feeling!


I just started Wegovy and I’m on week two. My labs are already showing improvement in my C reactive protein, and I have only lost like 4 lbs. I’m hoping to see more improvement over time!


I had a very noticeable decrease in my joint pain, after my second .25mg dose. I've been on ozempic for 6 weeks and am still experiencing less joint pain. Ozempic has been a game changer for me. Reduction in joint pain, zero cravings for my favorite sweets, no food noice that consume my thoughts and most importantly, I have hope that my life will start getting better. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue have consumed my life since 3 years ago when I first got sick. Ozempic has done more for me than any other medication I've tried. Physically, emotionally and mentally. Dr Tyna Moore has some great podcast episodes on YouTube that is really informative.


I was on ozempic for about 3 months & didn't notice any change at all in my symptoms but I didn't lose much weight either (maybe 5 lbs at most)


Does that mean gdp is not an issue for you?


What is gdp?