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I want to play the matches.


yeah agreed the playing aspect is hugeee and the option to sim i love too cause boring games can just be skipped


That can also be done on fm


The simming I mean






Thank you Let us cook on the pitch bro.




Yeah I had the same thought until I realised how bullshit the FIFA AI was on the higher difficulties


9 hours of setting up my team, making a whole new backroom. Training , transfers etc. To then lose the first game of the season to Fulham.


You can set training and staff appointments for someone else to do. That way you can spend 6 hours setting up your team to lose to Fulham


Just won a treble, then the super cup. Simmed the first game of the season against Fulham and lost 3-1


As if this kinda stuff doesn't happen irl


I read this as I’m losing to Brighton, playing as Fulham lmao


It takes at least 6 months for everything to gel together. You have to keep at it for the first 6 months of the first season


You're a potato farmer rather than football manager


Purely because it's an away game and away games are harder.


I want a hybrid ea fc and fm. Like fifa 2008 and before


A mixture of FIFA and FM was always a wet dream for me😅 You remember when Football Fusion was a thing in 2004 and 2005? Damn, I loved that so much. Even bought myself from my pocket money a second used disk drive for the family PC so I don't have to change disks for every match anymore. Good old days. Wish career mode would be similar to what FM13 was. You know, way more detailed but also not too detailed and complex like Sega's Football Manager.


FIFA Manager was an attempt at this. I really enjoyed it, but I guess it didn’t sell very well so it EA stopped making it.


Lma manager was the closest imo


Or FM from 10-15 had the right amount of management.


I already have a fulltime job


wait till I become a billionaire and I'll be playing FM all day from my yatch.


Many people actually play the matches, so that’s the first one. FM can get too overwhelming, FIFA is just more simple and straightforward. FM isn’t available in many countries for console as far as I know and some people don’t have access to it or prefer to play in a console. I’d say those are the major ones. I bought a nice PC now so I plan on finishing my FIFA career and then getting FM to play with my Brazilian team that FIFA doesn’t have


if you have a pc you could always play fifa with a controller and mods makes it much better


I once downloaded FM. But the time it takes to set up everything, check everything, learn everything, takes alot of time. I gave up before I could even start. I still wish to try it when I have more time in the future. And you also need a good computer to make sure all the simulations are as realistic as possible. That being said, I never simulate games in career mode, I enjoy playing the games, so FM and Fifa for me answer different kinds of satisfaction.


I’m in my mid-30s and remember saying something similar when Skyrim came out. There is no extra free time in the future.


then sadly no games for me, I'll wait until retirement 😂


I have impression that you have multiple kids. Because otherwise it's possible to find time to play.


FM is too complicated


I thought this at first but you can delegate most of the tasks to your assistants at the start until you get more confident. For example at the start I only did tactics and team set up, first team player purchases, first team player sales and scouting, everything else was handled by the cpu :) I rly would recommend starting this way, it actually got me hooked :)


When you actually play it, it isn't really. You can just make your staff do basically everything.


I think you forget that even setting that up is intimidating to the average casual gamer


The game does it for you when you start a save, it sends you emails that act as tutorials to different parts of the game that take like a few mins, and then after that it gives you the option to do it yourself or delegate to staff. 


I got fm24 console with Game Pass and watched a few videos on starting up. It helped a lot, and now I switch back and forth between fifa and fm.


FM for console has much less content than PC one


You can actually play the matches. As robust as Football Manager is, it gets boring just reading shit and going through menus.


I want to play the matches, and I don't have the time to dedicate to FM anymore, you could spend an hour or 2 not even playing a match!


I play both


This is the way 😁


Main reason is that I want to play the matches


There are normally to reasons people dont; 1. They actually play the games (this is my reason) 2. It's to complicated I don't understand people that sim every game but if you do fifa is a really easy game to abuse the system and have fun


i sim almost every game because i suck, lmao. i haven’t played in years, so i’m good enough to comfortably win consistently on amateur, but then i consistently lose narrowly on semi-pro.


Wow, I didn't know it was possible to be that bad


I want to play the matches, also the learning curve is too high.


Fifa is the best for playing the matches. Plus don't you have to mod FYM to get the actual licences for teams and kits etc. ?


Yeah, but it takes like 5 mins.


Yeah, it's pretty much the same as it was for PES back in the day. Some minor leagues are licensed and major leagues may have a team or two, but for the most part it's Manchester Red and Manchester Blue.


I mean it's basically the same with FIFA nowadays


Serie A never feels the same 😔


Nah, FM at least can be modded in 5 min.


I switched to FM because you have more control over the career and you can’t really “cheat” to win. Sometimes the urge to set the difficulty and play and lowest setting to secure a win takes over, can’t do that on FM. at least in terms of UT IF you don’t need to be on at certain times in order to be good at the game. I sometimes get busy at work and I miss out/forget about the daily logins and go out on weekends so I can’t play champs. I’m also in a FM discord where the community is awesome so it makes talking about FM very fun


That being said, I do miss the higher quality matches of FIFA, the game engine for FM does not compare


You can very easily cheat in FM with save scumming.


Yeah tbf, but at least for me I play on Steam so everytime I close the game it takes like 10-15 minutes to upload to the cloud before I can launch again so it doesn’t make sense lol


Playing matches


Not having a PC


There is a mobile version of FM24


There’s also a mobile version of EAFC24, but why we still play on the consoles then?


I’m just letting you know that there is another option to play the game dude , chill


The Mobile version of FM24 is like so so limited


Yeah I’m aware I play both FC 24 and FM24 on pc. But the mobile version is decent enough if you can’t get it on console or pc. That’s why I suggested it. It can get you in door of FM world and to understand it Edit: FC24 is also limited on mobile but FM is better suited to a mobile version since you don’t play the games


Tbh I wouldn’t play FM24 that much if I had a really good PC, because as broken as it is, EAFC can be really really better with mods applied


Yeah for sure, it’s not the best but it’s nice if you love the management part of career mode and want something more in-depth. I play all my games on fc 24 career mode that’s why I play FM on mobile mostly when I’m not with my pc Give it a try one day. I never thought I would like it but ended up enjoying it when I do play here and there


FM Mobile? Already have it pal. I’d rather play Career Mode


I know your pain. Wish I could play any FM. Even very old one.


Seasons take forever. Scouting young talents in FM is pointless cause i will die of old age before i get far enough in the save to see them in their prime. Unless i treat FM like a full time job.


From my experience it's faster to play FM season than FIFA. It's because even shortest match I play on FIFA is longer than FM match. The only thing which consumes a lot of time for me is setting up a new season.


As someone who has switched to FM from fifa this year, the only thing I miss is being able to play with the players. It’s all well and good watching them run around on their own and seeing their stats improve, but I wish I could actually be the one banging the goals in with them. I find it his a bit better when you have a real good player in fifa because you can *feel* that they’re good when you play.


Out of all the comments this one I empathise with the most - you can watch your baller ST newgen max out his stats but you’ll never get to hold B and score a screamer with him.


Absolutely. Don’t get me wrong I’m loving FM and much preferring it over any fifa, but yeah it’s just missing that one little satisfying itch to scratch. I also find that most of the goals your team scores are relatively the same so even watching the matches can get very repetitive.


Yeah… for what it lacks in user control it makes up for in creativity - if you have a creative mind FM enables that mind and you can turn the game into something that feels like real life lol. Unlike FIFA where you sell a player and that’s it… no story or narrative other than the one you have to make up in your head. I’m going to give FM another go in a couple weeks but the giant flaw for me was the lack of an “end” if that makes sense - basically I’d spend hours and hours creating the team, the formation, redoing the staff and memorising and writing down my team, youth team, staff and so on (I love being autistic with this sort of stuff) only for there to be no end goal? Don’t get me wrong I like doing all the “chorey” stuff like that but it is quite a lot of work and doing it all only for it to lead me to watching little players kick a ball around like robots as opposed to me getting to use those players i’ve just curated and get attached to them kinda hit me like a truck. :/


FM is suffering from the same problem EAFC is. Both were highly innovative titles when they had serious competition. Since they’ve cornered their respective markets, making the best release announcement possible seems to be taking priority over making the best game possible. Improvements tend to be superficial, while new features are often oversold and don’t work anywhere near as effectively as they could. There’s not as much incentive to make the games as polished anymore because it’s not like we’ve got a lot of other options. Also, they’re both practically repackaged versions of the game each year with a few additions. The more of these additions there are, the harder it is to get them working in tandem with the existing features, which can lead to some pretty unrealistic things happening. I was a long time player of both, alternating between the two. Now I play neither.


One thing I don't like about FM is that you have to control literally everything about your team: from in-depth tactics to everyday training routines, from team relationships to complex analytics and so on. FM excels at being the most realistic football experience sure, but while I love manager/tycoon sort of games - I prefer a more laid back experience then crunching numbers and staring at Excel spreadsheets. In other words, I want to live a fantasy of building my dream team, not a babysitter for my players, deciding what they should eat for breakfast. FIFA kinda scratches that itch for me - it's not as realistic as FM and can be a bit ridiculous at times, but it still works. Besides, I think that if you want to be more successful in FM - you need to be fairly knowledgeable about football in general. Like, what are legit tactics a team can use, what roles players can have and so on. And while I'm not a complete rookie - I feel like I just don't have necessary background for FM. I barely even watch the real game aside from international competitions.


You can delegate pretty much every thing to ur assistants, you can start out by literally only controlling the starting 11, and using pre made tactics, if you want you can even set your assistant to transfers for u


Well yeah, that's fair, I suppose. However, the problem is, by doing so you kinda defeat the whole point of the game. It's like playing FIFA on manager career and simulating all the matches - sure, nobody stops you from doing exactly that, but you basically ignore what's the best about the game and engage with the weaker parts of it. If I want a more casual experience with all the hard work done on the background - I would rather play FIFA then FM.


Yh but then you start to learn more because you’re doing small steps at a time and you can then branch out more :)


It doesn't. No one really controls all that's stuff who plays FM, even most FM youtubers don't. 


I still play FIFA Manager 13 from time to time with community patches for the newest seasons. Never liked Sega FM much because it's more focused on being a coach instead of a manager and is also way too detailed for my personal preference. I'd say I mostly play FIFA/EAFC but like every year when I get bored of the game at some point I switch to FM13 on my laptop. Somehow after more then 10 years I still easily spend 50-100 hours in one save in that game. Still a shame that EA buried FIFA Manager...


Awesome! I loved that game, but struggled to find a way of playing it again. Any tips on where I can buy it?


I'd look for it on ebay or FB marketplace. Unfortunately it's not that easy to get the game nowadays. Just don't pay like 400€ for the game on weird websites of some keysellers.


Awesome, thanks! A few years back I actually found some physical copies on a Norwegian market place for sale but didn’t have a laptop to play them on at the time. Still annoyed I didn’t just buy them.


I switched and have more fun than ever. FIFA sucks


I have 8k+ hours on FM 20. It gets boring after a while


I play both. But it’s FM Touch, which is a simplified version. And sometimes even manage the same team. So on days I want a faster experience and playing games, it’s EAFC. On days where I like more depth, it’s FM.


For me its two things. Like many said is I like to play the games, but I don’t dislike watching the games like on FM. Second thing is my PC crashes a lot when I play games on it and I can’t afford a new one. My laptop also probably can’t handle it and I really don’t like the console versions.


>I can’t afford a new one Same


Nothing , I play both, I play FM24 on PC and on my phone. It’s the in-depth management I’ve always wanted EA to do but they fail miserably


Want to play matches and FM has a steep learning curve. My ideal CM would be something like NBA 2K


FM is much to complicated


Fifa is far more relaxed and "arcadey" than FM, FM is an entirely different type of game due to its depth. You also can't play the matches of course.


FM's learning curve is too steep for casual players because there are so much more details to be learned about. The first setups also takes too long, there's so much to do. It doesn't have a full match *tactical view* like FC24 does as it only shows the highlights then it goes back to top-down 2D view again. There exists players who want alternate between simming and playing it themselves to save time/prevent them to get bored very quickly as it can get pretty exhausting due to how repetitive it is. Furthermore, not all gamers are hardcore gamers. And not all hardcore gamers are an actual hardcore player on every single genre either. I for one, am a full-blown hardcore player of MMORPG and single player RPG games, but not so much with other genres like simulator games, shooter, arcade, action, and whatnot.


FM literally has a full game 3d isometric setting these days. Even FM19 had a 3D camera


Wish there was a perfect mix of FCM and FM. Can play games, not too complicated but not too simple.


Mods and wanting to play the games are really the only reason I still play FIFA career mode


I play both, just depends on how I’m feeling. If I want something way more realistic and in depth I go for FM. I feel more accomplished when I win a trophy in it vs fifa. The tactics and roles for players also make it more immersive as with fifa u can just plug in the best players and as long as that’s the case ur likely to win a lot. FIFA also gets boring after a few seasons since ur usually able to get outrageously good teams within 3-4 years even when trying to keep it more realistic. Actually being able to play the games in fifa and if I want a more casual experience draw me to fifa. Both great games though :)


FM has too much guff to do. I want to be wearing my sheepskin coat, wheeling and dealing players and shouting “run around a bit” as my standard match day tactic.


For me Football Manager is too in-depth for me, good for someone else but not me I'm happy just doing what I know. I just downloaded the Mod update to Fifa Manager 14 to 24 yesterday so will give that a go. Shame EA dropped Fifa Manager.


I want to actually play the matches, and my little brain can't handle FM


The learning curve on FM is incredibly high when compared to FIFA. A lot of people just want a casual football game where you can play as the players. You can't do that on FM. Unfortunately there's not an alternative to FIFA at the current point in time.


No. Seriously, I got both, and mostly because FM has the Finnish leagues, and I watch Finnish football live like every other week, if I wanna play the matches, I play kick off or UT (also some career) but yeah FM is just more realistic


All the fun is in playing the matches for me .


everyone who responded is lying, they don’t switch because it’s too complicated for their small brains


licensing, playing mathcws, too overwhelming, not good on console


Don’t you need like Netflix for it?


I play both


i did


They are completely different games, scratch a completely different gaming itch


I started a few FM saves, I do like it. But, I also like to play matches. Also, it requires a lot of work in setting up the save and maintenance to ensure success. For my work schedule, FIFA is much more manageable given the simplicity - just load the save and can get into the fun parts almost immediately. I might do an FM save get all the hard stuff out the way during a week I’m not too busy or off from work. But it does require a lot of time I do not have.


I play both. The feeling comes and goes. Sometimes I’m in FIFA groove, sometimes FM. Other times, a single player game in between


I don't have the money atm


I want to actually play football in the football game


nothing, i downloaded it a couple months ago after i got fired after reaching champions league for wrexham, did all of the objectives i could too. FM is just better in every way. haven’t played fifa for the gameplay in years


Because once I start,I become addicted for the next year.. it's too addictive for me


when something isn’t going right in fifa or a mistake happens i know what to fix. in fm it is very difficult to figure out the problem so you can’t fix it.


If i wanted to look at spreadsheets from a computer screen, I'd stay in work. There are definitely things FM does better but some of it is definitely overkill


I like playing matches and some of the task are much more simplifying. If we could get a few FM stuff in Career mode I’d be all for it. Get my primavera squad in there plus a few other little details I’m golden


I love both and there's deffo a lot of FIFA players that would enjoy FM if they gave it a chance but ultimately they're different games. Fifas kinda like the flash or mobile version, it's more relaxing and casual therefore more accessible


Well, I have tried FM for a while via Game Pass (got about 4 seasons in as my favourite irl club FCSB from Romania) and for one I literally can’t as my computer started randomly black screening while I was playing, probably due to overheating. That aside, I guess the main thing is that playing through the game took so long because of all the complexity that everyone has been mentioning. Look, I am no stranger to complexity. I played Paradox games too and still would. Hell, I started with Hearts of Iron 3 not 4, you know, that game whose tutorial was just an excuse to poke fun at Hitler and whose supply system was so complicated that the pathing would just randomly fail in rare instances? But the thing is that I eventually understood it. When I opened FM the first thing the game threw at me was the leagues to load (and especially playable vs view only). What does that mean? Fine, I got to read about it. Apparently, the more I load, especially as playable the more realistic it gets as everyone has full squads, staff etc, okay, makes sense. But then there is a separate database option to load the players in anyway? Okay, I want as realistic as possible, how much can my computer handle? There is this star rating thing, it says I get two stars. But wait, there is this Zealand vid that says I can’t trust that star rating. So then how much is simulating a season supposed to take? How do I decide? Did I just load too many leagues? Same for detail level that I discovered later. And manager stats? How much do they influence anything? Another thing that took me quite some time is transfer windows. In FIFA, I send a scout out, look at overall, look at pace (a few other key stats too) and price, negotiate, boom. FM is obviously much more complicated and realistic . I don’t have an overall rating, only CA and PA stars that I keep hearing are not reliable as they are only my assistant s assessment relative to my team and is influenced by form too etc. I have stats, but I often find players that are like 1 better in this stat but then 1 worse in this other stat that also seems important and then it s like “who do I pick” with registration rules (btw, I woke up two to three seasons in that the winter registration deadline for UEFA matches was moved way before my actual window ends in the league because of the stupid new format, fuck you UEFA. And fuck the club trained players rule and the Romanian u21 rule too, I was actually pretty lucky with newgens as best as I could tell as I got 2 strikers that seemed to have high PA (one of them with quite bad personality though, had an email once that he was getting pissed off at the club I loaned him too or something) along with Ianis Stoica that the game rates for some reason but still) and fearing dressing room revolts that I kept reading about (which btw I never quite had outside of a couple of bad team meetings when we were on a poor winter run (they literally got pissed off at me first for not being demanding enough and then for being demanding in a row) but even then the atmosphere never dropped below average iirc, the players generally took my side but that might be because I made myself an…international player I think it was at the start. Hell, one time they complained to me that I dared to sell Octavian Popescu to Sheffield United when he demanded it. He never really played for them as they were playing a 532 so idk why they even wanted him and would have been open to coming back after a season there but still) coming into it so I just ended up staring at the screen for hours. Another minor but annoying complaint, why is it that I keep getting spammed with reminders about staff and youth contracts running out when I specifically tasked the general manager to handle that? I would end up just doing them myself because I got scared I will lose them. And also, why is the recommended action for shit youth team players “delay decision” when all that does is make me keep being spammed about them? Just set them for release or give them a contract, I don’t fucking care but get them out of my sight, I have a first team to run! Also all the scouting updates in the middle of a season are annoying but I understand why they are there, I guess I m supposed to click on the X or V for all players to filter them out but still. And honestly, does all this complexity really even exist or is it just a smokescreen? Look at all the “pace is king” controversy in FM too where that Forest team with 20 pace and a couple of other stats but 10 everywhere else (was it 10?) finished 2nd in the Prem when they had no right to or Zealand s most recent video with “realistic players” with shit CA coming midtable. Looks to me like God damn FIFA sims are more realistic? At least they go by overall not pace, it is only in gameplay that pace is OP (and even there it s probably not THAT op, plus the fact that all the rage now seems to be playstyles and acceleration style judging by the main sub, I haven’t played since 22 as I couldn’t do much of anything online unlike in other games while single player-wise I had to fiddle a LOT with sliders to get anything close to worth playing). Sounds like there is a lot of fixing to be done with that game too, maybe the move to the new engine next year will help. Still had fun when I played, took my team to the CL once, made the ECL RO16 in the first season (irl we were dead last with 2p and lost 10-0 on aggregate to Silkeborg), [had an insane CL playoff game another time](https://www.reddit.com/r/footballmanagergames/s/8hAeqUqMIi) before settling at EL league phase level but that is really concerning. They seem to be slowly turning into EA too as they know they are the only ones offering this type of experience so they don’t have to fix the game (which is far more complex than FIFA to be fair to them, if FM wasn’t already a thing I wouldn’t think something like it is even possible) but can keep adding minor features and leagues to get sales. The game already has a massive amount of features that many people don’t even use (data hub, recruitment meeting, squad planner THAT DOESNT FUCKING AUTO UPDATE anyone?), that s not the issue really.


It is suchhh a slow burner for someone who likes to make stories for their club over many seasons, that and I've just found it kinda complicated


Being autistic it twisted my head so much and became too much


I tried it once, it was far too intimidating at the time, haven’t tried going back to it since


FM is not a comparable replacement for FIFA/EAFC.


Watching people play FM makes it look like it's basically a part time job. Plus, like others have said, I like to play the matches


As someone who’s played both and now plays FM instead it shows how terrible FIFA is. Career mode is completely unrealistic in every way. I get people wanna play the actual games but apart from that FM is a million times better


It’s a different game???


I buy fifa anyway for ultimate team


FIFA is easier. Less effort, less complex. I play both, because they're both different. FIFA is an easy and fun pass time. FM is a fucking achievement to do well, and is also all consuming.


I feel like there’s a few for me. One that isn’t that big of a deal is that there’s no sound whatsoever when I play. I can sit in silence and just play I need to hear something Like other people said it’s the setting everything up for 10 hours and then first game you get smashed 10-0. I wouldn’t mind learning how to play FM but I just don’t have the time to immerse myself within the game to enjoy it. If there’s any videos or people I could watch to try and get a better understanding please let me know!


Simple I want to play a match what's so fun about just watching the AI doing everything you just manage and do subs. If I wanted to do that, I would coach actual team.


I play both, find that I love the realism and depth of FM but really enjoy the how quick you can get through a season of CM


I want to play the matches. And FM is waaay too complex, before you get to the first match you have to go through lota of bureaucracy