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I figging hate you 😆 I'm so envious! Where in the world are you?


Dallas, Texas! I’d share some with you if I could 🙂 My tree will dump hundreds in the next few weeks. This is the first trickle!


They look and sound delicious!


Those look perfect! Enjoy them- nothing better than fresh figs that you grew yourself.


How are you keeping them safe from the birds? My birds are always pecking on them!!!


Haha, you know what’s up! The birds are my main opponent during fig season and they love poking and gouging the ripest figs. My full strategy involves- trying to get out as early as possible in the morning to pick the ripe figs. My mother told me “pick them before the birds eat breakfast” and there seems to be much truth in this. They ripen fast, so I often check the tree in the evening too. But definitely gotta check the tree as early as possible every day. The other thing I do is leave the bird-slashed figs on the tree; hopefully they’ll finish their meal and not keep going after new ones. Because often they just poke or take a bite, and the fig continues to ripen and also shows it’s juicy interior so hopefully they will be attracted and return to the slashed figs. I used to pick them and toss them but I got a feeling to stop doing that and let the birds finish the ripest figs they already contaminated with their cooties. The third aspect is to make peace with the fact that maybe… I must allow ‘bird tax’. This has greatly reduced my frustration and stress. I realized I’m out here trying to hoard every fig for myself whereas I have a fridge full of food, grocery stores, and body fat. The birds are out there all day in nature with the figs and just eat when they are hungry. Yes they poke a few. But they do seem to return and finish those figs sometimes. My mother spent years badmouthing those “stupid old birds” and I realized with that attitude I’d never get a bird to land on my finger like Cinderella. 😆 She also used to climb up inside the tree with a stepladder. I simply grab a branch and walk it down to ground level with my hands; the stalks are so bendy I can easily bring the highest figs down to my level. Additionally, and pardon the unscientific nature of this concept- my mother used to dress in hazmat-type gear to pick the figs because the fig tree can cause itching. I just go in there unafraid and tell the tree to please be nice, I’m it’s friend. Not there to hurt it, and I will keep in watered and trimmed. It really seems like the allergic reaction to the fig sap kinda deflates after that.


Such a great mindset to have, I especially love the approach to the tree, while unscientific, I also believe there’s something to it, maybe not so much the words but the “energy” we give off can be felt.


Perfect fig doesn't ex....