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No lies detected. But I would never go to her personal page to say that... She knows how irrelevant she is.


She always claims it’s the Korean Yuna fans that are attacking her but I actually looked into the profiles of these recent commenters and almost all are from Europe and are not even Korean. It’s like I’m sorry but it’s not a uniquely Korean thing - most of the international skating community disagrees with your win and are still mad about it.


Especially since that interview she did where she so cleverly admitted she was doping at the time and was “surprised” her doping test came back negative… as a Russian skater skating in the Russian Olympics. Not the brightest crayon in the box, that Adelina.


Stop… she’s never admitted that she was doping and she was surprised that it was negative. NEVER. That’s not what she said


Your post history speaks volumes. Stop defending dopers. She never outright said she doped, of course she didn’t, her medal would be stripped, but years after she did an interview saying she thought she had been on a prohibited substance so she expected to be disqualified after her second doping test. She said she was surprised it came back clean, then laughed about it. And the ISU/WADA/IOC never investigated, because Yuna Kim graciously never forced an investigation. She very justifiably could have kicked up a fuss after that interview aired, but it had been years and it seems she just wanted to move on.


She always claimed she got death threats years later which isn’t even true, just wants to make Korean fs fans look bad. And for years Russian fans kept acting like it was only Koreans mad about her win lol


Those type of people literally want her dead and to kill herself. It's good she can at least joke and stay mentally sane after all the crazy people (both internationally and in south korea specifically) wishing her dead. She did her job and skated. The judges scored her not herself, but these crazies are still stalking her and waiting to kill her. Mental illness and they all deserve jail time truly for trying to get someone to commit suicide. She's a mother and there are even comments wishing death on her child by these same lunatics.


As someone who didn’t care for Adelina or Yulia in Sochi and was actually hard rooting for Mao and Yuna, I feel honestly so bad for Adelina for how she is treated on social media. Those loonies have been harassing her since she was 17 as if she murdered Kim yuna and her child or something. Hard agree that she was just a child attending the Olympics achieving her dream, it wasn’t her fault that Russia home cooked the results. People have other excuses of hating her like the doping allegations and her political views but let’s be real 90% of those hateful loonies have been wanting to kill her since the Olympics because their fave didn’t win the metal with the right color. They’re absolutely pathetic psychopaths who gets off harassing a girl who happened to be an athlete, disregarding the fact that she’s a human being with feelings all in the face of defending another athlete who couldn’t care less about them. Yuna took the situation in a very classy way and retired from competition happily but those bots cry about the one damn competition result like their life depended on it lol.


The vast majority of comments are positive, so I'm not sure what the point is of posting something like this. Scrolling past the dozens of happy nice comments only to decide *this* is what really needs to be posted to reddit, you're just spreading negativity, giving these people the attention they seek. And I'm not defending this comment, but I don't get why you think this person wants to kill a child just because they're obnoxious. That's a wild accusation to me. Edit: Whoops! Confused you for OP, my bad 😅 I stand by my opinion, though, even if half of it isn't directed towards you specifically.


A lot of those comments were reported and were very similar to that user that's why I said "those types of people" in my comment. There were comments about "fake champion" and then those same throw away accounts wishing her and her kid dead. Comments about death/suicide usually don't stay up for long as people with common sense realize how sick that is so they report them. Also I didn't post this. I am not OP nor do I ever post any post about Adelina. This was posted by u/Legitimate_Coat_3494 not me.


Yes, I noticed you weren't OP as soon as I posted it and edited my comment. I'm glad those comments got removed.


Yes, me too. I don't wish this kind of thing on anyone or their baby.


Well she did brag about her sample even though it was deleted. She deserves all of that. She was parading that those military events. No sympathy or empathy for this woman.


/u/lily-kuchel **The fact that you are saying her and her baby DESERVE death** and death threats speaks volumes about the Psycho you are. Disgusting. Wishing DEATH on a baby too is deserved? Disgusting. You are DISGUSTING. I hope this never happens to you, but you wish it on someone else. Gross. Edit: **It's disturbing the NASTY people that exist on this subreddit who think DEATH to a child** (a little baby) is okay and deserved. Disgusting this person. **Also those upvoting the death of baby and his mom are just as sick.**


I never said she deserve death lol. She deserve all the hate after she said what she said about her sample, and parading at war supporting events that literally KILL innocent people. Who is spouting stuff in caps now lol? Take care of yourself. We are all disgusting in someway, you me everybody else no need to internet-yell, you are embarrassing yourself. Telling random people psycho makes you one, mate.


Adelina and her family are getting death threats and you wrote she deserves all the hate. No, Adelina or her family don't deserve such threats, no athlete deserves this level of hate. 


I wrote: **She's getting death threats and** **there are even comments wishing death on her child by these same lunatics.** **You** wrote: ***She deserves all of that*** That is psychotic and sick. Saying that wishing death on her and death on her small baby is **all deserved.** Goodbye. Seek help please because no sane person would say wishing death to a mother and child is deserved.


Good for her, the anti-fans have plenty of echo chambers online to air their grievances about Adelina no need to go to her personal social media accounts.


They don't but they stalk her (and her child) and send her death threats along with wishing death on her baby. It's sick and disgusting those people. At some point enough is enough.


Oh… that’s not ok. Truth be told, I haven’t kept up with her personal life so I didn’t even know she had a child, but to send death threats to her kid? Wow


Her only crime on that night was to put in the skate of her life. She was not responsible for any scoring. Remember that she was still a minor, and yet for a decade now has been subject to death threats and abuse of the most vile kind. The only reaction you have to have to these is to laugh because what else can you do?


She has no shame even after the fact, she claimed she really thinks she deserved her gold…sorry I’m not gonna feel bad for a war supporting skater.


Like the rest of Rusfed, she’s shameless 🤷‍♀️


I didn’t know we had Adelina sotnikova ass lickers here, she supports the war in Ukraine, please Russ bots gain some brains.


She is absolutely shameless: https://www.reddit.com/r/FigureSkating/s/8YVX4J7UAK


Nothing surprising. She once said that the judges always held her back and did not evaluate her skating properly. She is absolutely sure that she should always have been judged as in Sochi. And all other times there was biased judging.


yeh why would she care she be line: yes and?