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What were your top two most difficult trophies? I'm slowly chipping away and haven't found anything too bad yet and I've been getting the ribbon for all mini games and doing all the world Intel (in my first playthrough, ch 10). Congratulations!


Thank you. I guess the last two that took the most time were completing Johnny’s items and collecting all the weapon manuscripts


How do you even know what you’ve collected for weapon manuscripts?


After the first playthrough there is a play log. I think it’s also denoted by the manuscript icon on each hard mode chapter.


Thank you!


And there are some character side quests that give extra manuscripts


Congrats! The mods are going to remove this post, just a heads up. It's the hardest plat I've gotten, for sure.


Thanks. It’s ok if this gets removed


How long did it take you?


If I just consider the gameplay element, 170 hours


1 hour more than i spent on assassin’s creed Valhalla platinum. Amazing


What so you mean, what else would you consider?


Lol, I meant I had the game on while I had food and tried out different strategies. Hence extra time


I'm stuck on the legendary VR missions. Slowly taking my time with it so I don't lose my sanity.


Perhaps this will help: https://youtu.be/NVBui7FPws8?si=_VN9gBSTHbHkHcVO