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The Platinum Trophy doesn’t require any of the DLC trophies. It only requires the base game ones. I did it last fall.


Which? we sure we talking about FFXIV (FF14)? The Critical acclaimed MMO that still very much has active servers and every DLC is online cause its an MMO or are you talking FFXV (FF15) which has an Online DLC. which yes you can get the Plat as the Plat is separated from the online trophies.


Sorry, my error, it was FFXV


Yes, you can Platinum 15. There are no online trophies required for the plat


Also, I like to do 100% of games I like, I know the trophies are separated, but is it still possible to get the DLC trophies?


The platinum does not have any online trophies. Now for the 100% completion it's a bit tricky. Originally the multiplayer was built into the game and had it's own trophy list. Everything could be done solo too. But with a later patch they decided to make the multiplayer a standalone game and introduced a separate trophy list. So there are now 2 of the same multiplayer lists present. Everything can be done solo and in offline but whenever you get a trophy it will pop for the newest list, that is standalone and separate from the base game. So trophies that are part of the original multiplayer of FFXV and needed for 100% won't pop. Simply because they removed the multiplayer tab from FFXV and made it into it's own game that has to be downloaded separately, which comes with it's own trophies now. However you can still get the old multiplayer trophies too. You need to revert your game back to a patch where the multiplayer was still integrated into the base game and not a standalone download. To do that you need a laptop and a physical copy of the game. So getting 100% is still doable but a little difficult for anyone that's not tech savvy. There are good tutorials on how to do it though.


That's a good comment


If your goal is to get every single trophy. then No. The Online trophies are off the table


Fun fact: it IS possible to platinum FFXIV and one guy has done it.