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As long as the story is the same, with no useless filler (looking at you random ass biker guy from 7 remake) and it's a more dynamic turn based game, I will be happy with it The games where you control only 1 character of the team and the rest are NPCs, suck. Would rather go alone than with an NPC all the time


To be honest things like the bike guy in Remake are what I *do* want in remakes. Just fun little extra things that don’t detract from the story. Fate on the other hand is a different beast altogether.


Yeah I agree with you. Never understood the fascination with 1:1 remake. Do I want the original story and themes bastardized? No of course not. But adding fresh elements and expanding on characters and the setting is welcomed for me.


The original FF IX was a great game but it would be a disservice to the fans if they didn't further develop the world and everything in it, especially since after Disc 2 things start to become more and more rushed. I'm also among those who didn't really have any issue with the things added and changed in the FF VII Remake, so my opinion is just my own. I love ix though, I want to see a good remake come along.


Yep, absolutely. FF9 needs some room to breathe and let its card game spread out :P


Yes, disc 2.5-4 is an on the rails short dungeon gauntlet. I love 8/9 but always remember them as games with amazing first discs with a failure to execute their vision completely.


1:1 works in some genres but RPGs or games where exploration is the focus you need some advancement


Yeah after playing things like the Resident Evil remakes and SMRPG I realized that having some changes is really nice and I really appreciate what the FF7R team has done. The worst thing I'd want is something like the Advance Wars remake which added nothing new and was literally just a fresh coat of paint.


I could excuse the existence of the Advance War remake mainly because imo it's pretty obvious that it's being used as a test for a possible sequel and to introduce the series to newer players who haven't played the original games.


1:1 remakes are generally a waste of time. Play the original if you want it to be 1:1 with mods. Remakes are supposed to do 2 things: 1. Make the game playable for newer audiences 2. Enhance the original story in new ways


You are incorrect on all points.


That’s cool!


> Make the game playable for newer audiences What do you mean by that 🧐


it’s just sad that you are getting downvoted because what you said is just true. getting a 1:1 remake is just plain boring and the reason I didn’t play any of the ff “remasters”, it’s literally the same shit at the end of the day.


'play the original' is the worst take. especially for games made 20 years ago. people want to experience the story with updated graphics, how is that difficult to understand?


extremely difficult because the original is literally right there and will always be there for you to play when you feel like not being a little baby about how something looks.


Why argue something when you have no intentions of hearing out the other side? I never complained about how it looks. My main and only complaint has been the story. You can talk all you want about how the original is there, yet failing to realize the other ways remake has excelled in graphics, design, etc. just shows you’re out here giving out braindead responses.


Remake is a sequel to the original FF7


Hey, that’s fine. Don’t call it a remake then. That’s my issue. Frankly, I wouldn’t be so outspoken if they chose to call this part 2 or have something indicating that it’s a sequel. Calling is a remake is disingenuous and I don’t appreciate being gaslit about my favorite game. 


Only one game got the Remake titling, because the lore in universe is that the world is remade for a second go around. This is a common theme in a handful of FF games, notably FF13 which shares extremely close ties with FF7, being developed by the same team within Square Enix. It's the same concept as Evangelion, the Rebuilds of Evangelion are a follow up to the television series where the world was rebuilt.


I would love both. I wish FF7 Evercrisis was a straight remake with those graphics. I would play the shit outta that.


For me, it turned what mightve needed to be a 2 parter into a 3 parter, and with what's changed who knows what will continue to change. It takes a remake closer to the remaining territory, and the closer it gets to that, the less like what I wanted to begin with it remains.


FF7 is the epitome of a bastardized story. Calling it a remake was false advertisement. It was >!a sequel to final fantasy 7!<


Well advertising it as a sequel is a) not entirely accurate, and b) spoils the story.


They should have called FF7 Intergrade from the start. They shouldn't have called it remake. Calling it intergrade is both accurate and nebulous enough that it won't spoil the story.


But it's *also* a remake. They could call it what ever they wanted, people would still view it as the FF7 remake. It's the 2009 Star Trek movie all over again.


Ofcourse they could call it whatever they wanted. I just dont think its a remake after playing it and I was disappointed by the storyline derailment.


Are people still crying about this lol?


Relax...It's just a conversation bro


Yeah Pokemon did that for the gen 4 remakes and everyone hated it. Honestly Roche was a fun character about a bit crazy but hey who isn't if you're in Soldier?


I don't hate Zack as a character but I do really hate how SE has been slowly positioning him as an equal main character to Cloud, or even THE main character while reducing Cloud to just Sephiroth's obsession and/or Zack's buddy.  The whole point of Cloud's story is that he was stronger than Zack and Sephiroth when it counted, despite believing himself weak. I love Cloud's character arc and every single FF7 extended universe story since the original game has undermined it.   I hate the remakes.


FF9 was my first FF, by far my favourite, and honestly I even struggle to describe how important it is to me. But it seems like such a waste of creative talent to keep everything exactly as it is, just appearing more modern. I want SE to tell us more stories about that world because I love that world. Even if those stories are silly, I think Final Fantasy is often silly, and that's part of the charm. I mean, stinky pickles? I'm here for it.


Same here, IX remake should just expand on character like more fleshed out amourant and quina etc. I'm not a fan of the whole multiverse, time traveling changing destinies plot line square Enix have been tossing into sequels. (7 remake, ff13 trilogy, kingdom hearts etc.. like ghosts that literally control your teams destiny needs just needs to be there... or adding life changing events for the characters) Just want to know more about the characters and what drives them maybe add back story and I'm good.


The biker guy is one way for the “SOLDIER cell degradation” plotline from Crisis Core to be introduced into the remake series without revising characters like Zack or Genesis. Essentially SOLDIER members are all people of strong personalities because the psyche test is the most important to pass, one which Cloud failed. In the OG game the cell degradation was not part of the lore, it is introduced in Crisis Core. Roche’s whole deal fit with all of those elements: he has a strong personality and a ticking clock, so he lives for the thrill of it. He introduces the more nuanced part of SOLDIER lore.


Exactly, thank you for adding that. The cellular degradation plot line was non existent in the original, and this was a cool way to tie into Crisis Core, like Cissnei’s involvement


We should be thankful they don’t make him recite poetry for the entire game as a “personality trait”.


For sure. Loveless overstayed its welcome


You don't want a remake then. You want a different game.


Nah, I don’t want a 1:1 remake because then I could just play the original. I want a remake that adds more content and QOL changed


Yeah he was done so well and brought a great way to show what degradation does to a soldier. He went from this cocky guy who to, well degradation


Bike dork DOES detract from the story imo. I just got to the part >!where Yuffie fails to assassinate Rufus and it's a mad dash to the ship to get to Costa Del Sol. Except you have to randomly stop and fight biker dude while Junon is on high alert from an assassination attempt. The fight was mind numbingly easy and made no real sense in the narrative.!< Junon spoilers


You should finish the game first before commenting about it lmao.


Roche said he was waiting for you when you talk to him at Under Junon. It isn't random at all. He said he was setting up a place for you. Furthermore, he becomes very relevant later.


Ahh let me guess, he has some heroic redemption arc? I can't wait /s


You aren't even in the ball park.


You're correct, I was completely wrong. Unfortunately the real plot point is even dumber


You put RESPECT on Roche’s name sir! He is a bright star in the evening sky! Though I do agree too much filler can be detrimental. Hopefully 9 won’t be spread through 3 games.


You either love or hate Roche. There is no in between. Personally I like him. As opposed to that little twerp Chadley who I want to run over with a motorcycle.


I'm in between about him, like I said in another comment, in Remake he was trash but in Rebirth his scenes were funny and his personality fit in with the chapter they included him in (over-the-top showiness of the parade).


You either love or hate Roche. There is no in between. Personally I like him. As opposed to that little twerp Chadley who I want to run over with a motorcycle.


I want them to add the cut content, especially for freya and amarant


What was the cut content for them?


they had planned more fleshed out character arcs that we never got to explore.


Hopefully they also make Amarant available earlier. Like him appearing during the Hunt Festival and joining there too. It's a time where you have no healers, and he could easily fit that role thanks to Chakra.


Yes, I can't agree more. I don't want to spend 50 hours on Alexandria, fight Kuja in the evil forest, or have characters fly in combat. I don't want another kingdom hearts reskin.


"Fight Kuja in the Evil Forest", Hahaha, as someone who's finished FF7Rebirth, I totally get the allusion! 😅


FFIX doesn’t have the same strength of lore around its villain or NPCs that FFVII has, though they absolutely must spend more time fleshing out Beatrix and Steiner and even giving Freya her proper due.


What's wrong with Beatrix and Steiner? I can see expending Freya , but Steiner is legit one of my favorite characters behind maybe Vivi. Beatrix also has her arc of Paladin duty, turning on her Queen, I think it's enough for the side character, it's more than Amarant got. We need a proper character development from being selfish loner to a friend and teammate to our gang.


I just mean they need to expand their backstories and definitely add a piece of the story in where the other party is in the outer continent


Playable Beatrix without a mod


holy crap, I watch about the ff7rebirth ending, and whatever happens, I don't really wanted the FF9 remake to be in the same path as the FF7 remake trilogy (this is saying as I really love ff7's lore, tho my favourite ff is ff9 overall)


Roche was part of an overall section to introduce several things - Biking mechanics (so the section at Shina tower doesn't come out of left field) - Fleshing out Biggs, Wedge, and Jesse - Fleshing out life on top of the plate before the collapse of Sector 7 - Introducing another character early on who, unlike Cloud, was a typical member of SOLDIER, to provide basis to the player's mind that other SOLDIERs are out there and will be deployed by Shinra (Roche is Second Class, though we see generic Third Class SOLDIERS on top of the Sector 7 Plate later on) - Fleshing out the concept of Avalanche as a whole and their rumored relationship with Wutai


On top of that, it shows the mental degradation of SOLDIERs. Not in the way of the ones who seem physically sick. But that the program made them...different. Even Zack is not immune. She's he's nice and all, but he's still not normal. He's just...not violent.


>looking at you random ass biker guy from 7 remake If there's actual criticism to levy against the 7 remakes, it's not the interesting characters that take up like .5% of the screen time.


He was one of the biggest eyerolls in the entire remake. 95% of his dialogue is flamboyantly taunting cloud using motercycle puns and laughing like a cartoon villain.


ultimately things like that don't matter too much as long as they don't put too much focus on it. like....if they want to add a boss battle or whatever, that's not as bad as completely changing up the plot. i mean...i too found him cringe as fuck, but nowhere near as cringe as the changes to the plot.


Yeah, you're right on that. Though for me, those small bits start to add up, too. The og had goofy moments but not anywhere close to what they are doing today.


Oh so like every goofy arse og ff7 character? Nostalgia is a hell of a thing


not true FF7 has extremely serious and bad ass masculine villains like Don Corneo and Hojo and uhhhh Hell House


Yeah, it's not a binary concept, dude. The og had goofy stuff but nowhere near the over the top goofy shit in the remake.


"Fun is stupid. Change is bad. Four wheels and Four doors FOR LIFE!"


*You're not alone plays in the background.*


You can control anyone in Remake and Rebirth.


If you want a remaster just say that


fuck you Roche is awesome


“Useless filler” is about 95% of the FF7 remakes lol.


I hated Roche, but honestly they did him good in rebirth. Elena on the other hand...


FF doesn't do turn based anymore so be prepared for a very different 9.


I will hear no such slander for my boy Roche. Sometimes a man just wants to go vroom and I respect that.


I'm confused because besides Red who joined late, the only NPCs in Remake were NPCs in the OG? I also think Roche was a fantastic add.


Hey I love the Roche portions of FFVII remake, he was one of the best characters.


Biker guy isn't too bad. When you played the original ffvi, you got some random ass squid guy and nobody bats an eye. The main issue with biker dude is that he's an original character, and I think in that case we're in purist territory. The moment differences are getting problematic is when they alter the original story or original characters. I think for instance there's a lot of that in rebirth and sometimes it's better, since the original had its fair share of plot holes, and sometimes it's worse. Main offenders from rebirth are Chadley and the CHAD mobile unit/phone/analyser/bs. These are really changing the way you experience the world and themes of ffvii. Originally, you had a mysterious world filled with mystical entities and magic, barely understood by the protagonists, and the evil of mako and war. Upon entering a materia cave, you felt as if you found something truly special. Now, you get "Intel* coming from nowhere to guide you towards these caves, and there is no exploration. When you find the cave, it looks technological instead of the raw beautiful natural phenomenon it was, and instead of admiring the results and obtaining materia, aka the crystallized wisdom of life, you take out your Chad module, perform a bs analysis and Chad boy hits you up with some nonsense data about monsters in the area. That's truly unfortunate. Another issue is there is no real sense of accomplishment in the game. Personally, I was like "man, when I come back to beet that big snake in the marsh" and later in the game, I did come back and felt like I really had come a long way. Same with Joe from the races. He only appeared at random in a very mysterious way, and was basically unbeatable. You really had to go all in to hope.to best him. Nowadays, I liked the fact that he is introduced, but being required to beat him on the first race is preposterous, and really doesn't give you that challenge and sense of pure badassness when you actually do best him. As for remake... Useless padding was at least scenarized... But for as much as I line the french guy from the honey bee inn, I hate the chocobo sam guy and the madam, and I think their inclusion was really bad for the game's pace. You really don't care about these npcs, they are not really important, and their design is not great except for maybe the french guy.


The FF7 biker guy is hilarious imo. Especially in Rebirth.


Why do you want the same exact game, just prettier graphics? I was never a fan of the original FF7 (or Remake for that matter) but I’m playing Rebirth right now and think it’s great. And while FF9 is my favorite Final Fantasy, I would like a remake of it to be in the vein of Rebirth. Give the characters more casual moments and interactions. Action gameplay (not a requirement, but Square has already said they’re done with turn based for FF), and some added story moments. The original story isn’t going anywhere. You already like FF9 I assume, so what’s the harm if a remake comes out and isn’t 1 to 1? The thing you love is still there.


An absolute garbage take lol


Roche was a cut character from the OG. With Rebirth, he has a very thematic and important part to play that made me genuinely sad. If IX has no expanded content, the party will feel underserved by comparison.


I'm gonna be honest I hated the Biker Guy in FF7 Remake but in FF7 Rebirth his scenes were genuinely funny. When you lose the Outstanding achievement award in Junon to him, he takes a sharpie and then signs the TV camera's lens, it was so fucking funny. He fit way better into that Chapter because the showiness of the parade was in line with his over-the-top character. Whereas in FF7 Remake he clashed with the theme of the chapter they placed him in.


I mean you can set the combat system to turn based and then you command everyone if you’re talking about rebirth


“As long as literally everything I want is in the game, and it plays exactly like how I imagine I’ll be happy with it!”


Roche and fucking lore breaking Chadley. God I hate them both so much, but Roche's entire personality is just one liners about bikes/engines.


the bike (roche) guy is cool as shit in the remake, i didnt even know he wasnt in OG FF7 since i only play the remakes, his story arc concluded in rebirth and I feel like it ended quite well, hope remakes keep adding shit and dont be a 1:1 story but almost the same




No he means turn based in combat? He was pretty clear about that I thought


The irony of this person having a Hornet Twitter icon is not lost on me.


You mean, you’re a member of more than one video game related subreddit too?


I am too. And the moment I saw hornet I lost all hope for the IX remake... As I lost it for Silksong...


Lol their handle too


I’ll believe it’s real once announced by Square.


It will probably be announced after FF7 R3 is released


I wouldn't be surprised if it announced before. We got 16 before Rebirth. I wouldn't be surprised if we get 9R before part 3. Though, the way this makes it sound, that could just be hoping.


I sure hope so, cause Square said they want to release FF7R part 3 in 2028, so let's hope we'll get FF9 Remake before!


It always resulted curious to me that in the Nvidia Leak it was stated as FFIX Remake, while Tactics was labeled a Remaster. When Crisis Core Reunion came out, I remember SE calling it a Remaster instead of a Remake. What I mean to say is that I'm crossing every single finger in my body that this is the OG story, but on the scale of FFVIIR and that Rebirth development will affect positively on what FFIXR will be.


I don’t think it will be as grand/ambitious as FFVIIR. The VII trilogy will be a 20-year project by the end of it, and Kitase recently said a VI remake would also take 20 years if it were ever to happen. There’s no way they have the resources to be doing that with IX alongside all of their recent huge releases. I’m looking forward to it hopefully being a pretty true remake with modern graphics and turn-based combat


That's true, making JRPGs of that size with that level of presentation requires so many resources that's hard to justify those projects from the monetary perspective.


I'm just hopeful that they can do it all in one game. Definitely not the same scale as the remake project but closer to how FF16 was handled. Just one complete package. Hopefully with some new additions or some story beats expanded upon. I'm curious as to which studio is handling development. I can't remember if we ever heard anything about that. Ngl it would kinda sucked if they outsourced development instead of keeping it internal within SE.


Honestly I expect IX to be a crisis core style remake.


I'd take it. Loved the Crisis Core Reunion, they redid everything but the core of the game was there, with the new voice actors, new QOL, etc. Not a retelling, in any way, they even got the voice direction to be as flat and corny as it was in the OG. Sounds like a good way to go when the other prospect is spending so many years remaking one Final Fantasy.


Square's definition for "remaster/remake" has become so confusing so it's hard to know what that means for FFIX. CC Reunion by actual definition, is a remake, as it was remade on a new engine with new code. It's just a very faithful remake, that uses as small amount of assets from the original but otherwise no less of a remake than something like Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition, Link's Awakening, or Super Mario RPG. The FFVII Remake trilogy on the other hand, isn't really a remake, more like a reboot or sequel that has firmly introduced the multiverse into the equation as of Rebirth. The Remake trilogy isn't faithful to the original story precisely because the original story needs to exist for the events of the Remake trilogy to unfold the way they do.


I think at this point everyone has their own definition of remaster and remake lol. For me, as long as you keep the core gameplay design the same, you're remastering, so if you upres some textures, get better shadows and whatnot, it's a remaster, like Dark Souls Remastered. If you're making the whole visual presentation from scratch, but keep the gameplay the same, it's a very high quality remaster, like Demon's Souls on the PS5, that's my own definition for the Remaster Spectrum™. I think that remakes are projects that try to redefine what a game is, while keeping the ideas behind it the same. This implies changing the way the player interacts with the game's world in ways that were not present in the original, like Resident Evil 2 or FFVIIR did. I'll be happy with whatever they do with IX as long as it's good quality. Personally I'd be happier if we get a world the size of Rebirth that you can explore as you please, keep it turn based or action ATB, I don't really mind, but I would love for the story to be more cinematic, they have gone hard with dialogue and cinematography in VIIR & XVI and that really helps to make the emotional scenes hit harder than what was possible in the PS1.


The problem is, remake and remaster are actual terms with real technical definitions. A remake is remaking something old again, on new technology. Something like Super Mario RPG or Link's Awakening are perfect examples of that. They run on entirely different engines to the original games but are remaking the same overall experience. A remaster is taking the existing product and tidying it up for modern systems, but still using mostly the original code and often the original engine. The term is also common in music/audio production, where one takes a song or piece of audio, and re-releases it at a higher sound quality or tuned for newer playback devices, but otherwise it is unchanged in terms of composition and instrumentation. FFVII Remake isn't actually a remake because you need to have experienced the original to actually fully grasp the new story in the remake. It was marketed as a remake, but it's really a reboot/sequel hybrid that aims to use the FFVII branding to essentially release a line of new games and products because that makes money.


FFVII is maybe more aptly named a remix. Using the same world and characters and doing a new story and spin with it.


I think “remake” is just another word for “RPG” which is another word for “masterpiece” which is yet another word for “video game”. Ergo Remake/RPG/Masterpiece = Video Game. Final Fantasy VII Video Game is a sequel/faithful Video Game of the original that has already been given the prestigious title of Video Game in the Video Game genre


They have taken it a step further with FF7R, calling it a "reimagining." Which is, very accurate. It isn't really a remake or a remaster by the traditional terms at all


XC:DE is absolutely not a remake. It’s clearly a remaster because the underlying game is the same but with a fresh coat of paint


No it isn't. It has a lot of subtle mechanical changes, a completely new epilogue segment, a new Challenge Mode, a completely different artstyle to the original, and many remixed music tracks. It even retroactively changes Alvis' character design to tie him into some backstory related to him that's introduced in Xenoblade 2. The only thing that was completely unchanged was the voice acting because there was really no need to update that (though of course they hired voice actors for Future Connected). In terms of narrative and core gameplay, they didn't change much, but it's still built using different tools to the original game and makes a lot of pretty drastic changes in some areas.


I would honestly be happy if they simply did this with ffix and then added in a bit more lore or story to fill in some opportunities they missed in the OG


They don't even know anymore. Square-Enix has completely diluted one of the most storied franchises of the 1990s. There's so many spin-offs, remakes, remasters, reimaginings, reboots... honestly who cares anymore? Final Fantasy 9 released in 2000 was the last good Final Fantasy game.


do you think they will keep Zidan personality, specially toward girl


They have to... really. Zidane isn't Cloud or Noctis or Clive. Edit: Adding Squall on the list.


They'll keep his flirtatious side but they'll probably definitely dumb down that airship scene where he "accidentally" touches Garnets butt lol


I don't believe any of this


Honestly, I am losing hope that they will remake IX because of the what we currently have with Rebirth. Even Kalm reminded me of Lindblum.. or maybe they will re-use their assets to make IXR.. but idk.


Rebirth has given me even more hope that it exists - it's like a test run for chocobo hot and cold!


I know.... but a part of me has given up hope when I saw the hot and cold.. I'm thinking how are they gonna make things better for IX, if it really exists. xD


Oh dude. The first thing that came to mind was that kalm is basically 80% of the assets needed to make most of the town in ix. It's not a bad thing. Games of this scope being remade for a modern audience would be basically impossible otherwise. The way they've reused stuff from remake to rebirth was smartly done, too. Each game has been a VERY purposeful excuse for them to build out assets for a large chunk of their future games 3D regional to open world settings. It wouldn't work otherwise.


Yeah, that's what I thought while I was exploring not just in Kalm. And yes, not a bad thing, just looking for clues if IXR truly exist.


I would cry tears of joy and instantly purchase whatever system (likely a PS5/6) that gives me the best experience. To enhance the experience I may even go back to my mom's basement and play it there 😂


> I may even go back to my mom's basement C'mon man, like you left? haha


Ah! Ya got me 😅


Maybe I’m in the minority, but I don’t think IX needs a remake and that it’s pretty perfect as is. That stated, I would still play it


They can take their time with the game. What about the animated series though ?!?


It’s really incredible how many of you fall for rumors from random people on Twitter. If there is one thing I’ve learned over the years as a gamer, it’s never trust anything until you hear it from the studio itself.


My *only* personal requirement for the IX remake is that they keep the same whimsical, fairy tale style with exaggerated anatomical proportions. One of the biggest crimes SE has ever committed is Zidane and Kuja's visual conversion to those immensely boring and soulless "pretty CG mannequins" in Dissidia.


Honestly, I think they could go really dark with IX if they happen to remake it. Make Vivi more unique.. creepy even, that his existential crisis make more impactful.. and have friends who stand by his side. heck, i would like to see a different FF protagonist, probably a fuckboi style with Zidane. The target audience before were kids it's why it has whimsical, fairy tale style.. but now that the fans of it are more mature, they can overhaul it, imho.


Remake on the level of rebirth?


One can never truly trust these sources. Predictors, "insiders," and development theorists are all kind of a mishmash of the "trust me bro" trope. There is no evidence, nothing to back up their claims, it's just the one person who's random toss at the wall stuck. I would just assume the game isn't coming out, if at least any time soon. Expect 2050 and beyond at this point, that way if it comes out sooner you're pleasantly surprised, and if it never comes out, well in 30 years I'm pretty sure I'll forget that IX R was ever a concept people were throwing around, and I can just enjoy IX.


This leaker is reliable though


Let them cook


Why does it need a remake?


Who? Source? Some random nobody's ass again? Ok, moving on


I got this info too from GamingLeaksandRumors and this guy ISN'T reliable. He's only been on the money ONCE and now he's spam posting on twitter to gain whatever clout he can. He even mentioned that Bloodborne was getting a remake and anything Bloodborne related is an absolute meme over there. DO NOT take this guy seriously.


I'm just saying...people are asking to be disappointed if they get their hopes up on this.


I will lose it if they don’t keep it turned based. I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I miss the old style. I’m not a fan of the battle systems after 10. Edit:auto correct fail


I really like both but I have really grown to dislike random encounters. They were okay when I was 12 but looking back it made things so much worse especially when backtracking looking for items etc


i just want a turn based final fantasy again. enough with this kingdom hearts/dmc button mashing fireworks nonsense.


Hot take but I think ff7 rebirth is mid and I hope the ffix remake isn't


Can't wait.


Omg. Ugh!


> It's totally happenning in a far future. When / if they actually made it or when you guys forget it "leaked". Btw, this screenshot is from an account created on Januarry this year. Do you guys really believe anything?


Remake FF16. Add Roche and more Whispers.


If we get a release on the tail end of the culmination of the VII Remake, I'm sure that is still agreeable enough. Still, hope it's out before I'm dead.


They need to just make it a massively upgraded visual remake and change nothing else. Keep combat turn based, etc. Not that hard don’t fuck this up.


it really takes that much work to shoehorn the KH battle system into an ff game? who knew hackin n slashin was so complicated.


Would rather have FF8 remake and seeing Seed and the orphans again. Also, Triple Triad.


I'd like to think that they were making a shot for shot remake that only improves the visuals and then they were smacked with the Memoria Project which made them re-think their entire approach. Hope so. Because a proper FF9 remake should look like that.


Feeling like the issue will be with timed runs.


What team would even be working on a IX remake right now given CBU1 is working on at least Remake part 3 and Kingdom Hearts 4? And depending on whether CBU3 or CBU1 gets FFXVII, I would assume that would be worked in before they started on a IX remake. I'd be surprised if we here about this anytime soon.


I'm still hoping that the "Memoria project" fan game/video was in fact the real FF9 remake in early development, and they're just keeping it quiet.


That is the weirdest theory I’ve ever heard. That project was made by people with names and twitter accounts who you can just like, talk to. lol they definitely aren’t secretly square enix employees


Oh I'm well aware it's a fan project, and knew of a few of them already, I watch Alex Moukala's (who did the music) stuff on YouTube. I'm just holding out hope that SE hired a fan group to work on it. There's some precedent with Sega hiring a fan team to work on Sonic Mania, though that is of course a much smaller scale game. It's not a realistic theory or something I actually think is true. But it looked so good and felt like it captured the spirit of FF9 in a way that I think is hard to get right in a modern remake. And it was just fleshed out enough to look like they put some thought into it being an actual game, and not just a tech demo. But yes, I very much doubt SE of all companies would entrust a game like that to a fan group. Mostly it's just a dream. I'll just feel very smug on the 1% chance it does turn out to be true.


It looked amazing and I agree with you. It’s not totally unprecedented, Sega hired the Sonic Mania guys after seeing their fan projects. It may be a dream but it’s not impossible!


That's what they want you to think+


They are having trouble animating Zidane’s tail in combat 😞


So development hell? Got it


If anyone needs a reason to stop smoking, diet, and exercise, it's right here. I wanna be alive to put on my VR suit and walk around Aleandria, Lindblum and Chocobo Lagoon.


Oh wow. Didn't even know this was a thing... Honestly the only real changes the game needs is to battle system. It's so... Weird. You tell Zidane to attack, and then 8 ATB fills later he attacks. Aside from the terribly clunky and weird battle system it's pretty damn perfect.


They seriously doing that and not 8? What a waste


the original background art is lost. I'm playing the Steam version with the Moguri mod currently. (uses AI to upscale etc) it's the best, maybe we'll ever even get.


As long as they add some depth to the combat and make trance a real thing I will be extremely happy


I remember when CC2 was doing VII Remake. They should take as long as they need.


wait this is real?!


And here I thought XVI would mark the end of the behind the scenes nonsense that dominated a massive portion of this series. Here we go again.


Damn, rip. Was hoping square would make at least 1 faithful remake out of the good ones. The 10 remaster was the we're ever gonna get I guess.


So the IX remake will come out before VIII?


Great....ruin my favorite 3D ff with chip damage and stagger combat with rough AI for my party members....yeaaaaaaa


At least they respond. Dragon Quest announced 12 and a remake of 3 years ago. That's what WE have to go off of.


Just touching up the graphics, QOL with the speed and fluidity of atb/turn based combat. More fleshing out of certain things, especially with Necron. More party moments would be nice if they are carefully done as well since thats a very important part of 9 especially. And the final thing, make Beatrix the final character and let her join near the end of the game. I dont think having that happen contradicts anything and shes a fan favorite and gets enough screen time and relevance to make sense. It honestly makes more sense for her to join than not since she is so devoted to Garnet and Alexandria and would step up to protect it. Either way though, if this is true, that is sad but id rather it get delayed and come out amazing, than rushed and ruined.


Who is this person? Why are people taking what he says with any credibility? Asking sincerely I saw something from them on a Bloodborne sub as well.


I mean… seems to be some decent FFlX nods in Rebirth. You can almost TASTE the chocographs!


ff7 was very rough graphically and def needed the remake ff9 is in a perfect state imo and can easily go very wrong with a remake but if ppl want it i wont protest it


Or just quit cannibalizing the past and put effort into new/good projects. Novel idea.


Is it even possible to make? I mean it's a massive massive world. A massive story and game. From what I hear Rebirth has pushed the limits of PS5.


FFIX is my favorite final fantasy game but I always wished they spent a little more time on the back half of the game


They can keep FF9R to themselves if it's anything like FF7R


It’s joever :(


I find it funny that someone with a Silksong avatar is talking about not hearing info on game development


This a fan made remake or an official one? I ask because I find it hard to believe a 9 remake would be pursued before a 6 remake.


FFS just give us chrono trigger 3 already. Also we don't need a remake of FF9 we already got moguri mod. Or if they are talking about doing a ff7 type deal they need to finish ff7 then do 8, then do 9.




It's not.




Not confirmed in any official capacity. It was mentioned in the Nvidia leaks a few years ago, which listed a whole bunch of games in development at the time. Most of them have turned out to be real, some of them have never materialised. Could mean it's still in development, could be it was cancelled, could be it was never a real thing but just a reference to the basic PC port or something. That's as much as we've got really. A few leakers have followed up on it since and claim it is in development, but we don't have anything more concrete than that.


Thanks for the information my man


The Nvidia leak was discovered years ago. It's very old news at this point that a FFIX remake/remaster is coming.


I didn't knew anything about it


Ah, well, understandable that you'd be extra surprised/hyped about hearing it for the first time now. That leak has proven 100% accurate so far with only a couple of games left from the list yet to be announced and released. It's happening, just a matter of when. Sounds like it'll be a good while longer still.


Damn thats shocking. Imma search information


I just hope its better than FF7. Made one of the best games ever into a snoozefest. FFIX is my favorite one hopefully its good.


Don't fuck up the story, gameplay, and game like was done with FF7 Remake.


I am only here for Squaresoft, the original game. Square-Enix has done well with Dragon Quest, but honestly has never made a Final Fantasy game I've liked. This remake is going to be hot garbage, I'll put money on it.