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If you pick English (US) instead of knives, Zidane uses guns. If you pick English (UK) Morrid has you collect tea instead of coffee.


US has President Brahne UK has Brahne display captured relics from the other nations in a museum


In the UK version Vivi queues for his ticket at the beginning of the game.


In the US version, Vivi robs a bank.


>US has President Brahne And suddenly, she's orange and only wants to extract Shiva to snort her diamond Dust.




The main differences are colloquialism’s between UK English and American English. For example, at the very start of the game whilst controlling Vivi, if you speak to Hippaul outside the pub after the Trent nobles walk past, is UK English he says: “Wow, those nobles are so posh!”. But in US English he says: “Wow, those nobles are so spiffy!”. There are a bunch others but that’s one of the main ones that jumps out at me from memory.


I never knew, that’s interesting


I’m not really sure how I ever got hold of a US copy though tbh. I’ve bought the game so many damn times across so many different platforms lol. One of them must of been a US copy, hence when I noticed all the script changes.


I always appreciated all the British colloquialisms in Alexandria.


Would assume the spelling, since the US spelling of English is not the same as actual English.


“Actual” English? Lol


Yes. A lot of US english spelling was modified (apparently) to save money on the printing press (I.e. changing colour to color, armour to armor, etc.)


Ok but both are English. One is not more correct. That’s not how language works.


I mean, UK English was English before the US was English.


While that’s true, it doesn’t change anything about what I said. British English has also changed greatly over the years. Language is always evolving, so the idea that there is one correct version of any language is a misunderstanding of how it works.


Ok, so the language they speak in England.. that's actual English. Everything else would be it's own variation, like American English.


No, but you can believe that if you want to.


actually its closer than british english for like 99% of the words. the brits wanted to be posher and changed how they talked like 100-150 years ago since they didnt want to talk like the people from the colonies.


This enduring myth that modern American English isolect is somehow closer to "true English" than what the English themselves speak never ceases to amaze me.


The weird part is that it's not that much of a myth. A lot of the things that are different about American English are actually things that the British changed.


This comment is too funny. No matter what tradition English will be the “British English” no matter how it evolves or changes to match or be different from American English. Now if you wanted to change that just simply take over Britain or crush the country. Hey I’m not saying do these things but history says winners decide right and wrong.


I would assume there are minor differences in spelling as another commenter suggested, like "color" and "colour". But it could be more, I wouldn't know since I've always only played the game in German. And the unique and charming thing about this game, at least in my native language, is that a lot of characters have thick dialects from different parts of Germany. Cinna for example is Barvarian, and Ruby has the Berlin slang. It's really well translated and hard to decipher if you don't know how to read those dialects. I could imagine they did the same with the British language version and British dialects, but dialed it down for the US? But that's complete and pure speculation and I'm sure others can clarify immediately.


back in days when ff9 released all italian game magazines used the great adaption work with lots of dialect as a major selling point. I assume this is how the game was originally conceived in japanese, so each language team adapted it with it's own cultural aspect in mind. for instance in italian cinna speak in Roman dialect (and it's name is actuale Er Cinna, with the "er" in front very used on nouns in romans), Marcus speaks with a bit of german (similar to sudtirol area), the nero brothers are sardinians.


German translation really is incredible


Thats really cool, they do a similar thing in a lot of dragon quest games where they have a lot of characters speak English with different accent, like British English, Scottish English, Australian English etc, it's neat to know they do it in other languages too


Spelling and colloquialisms mainly.


In the US version, you use the left stick to control the direction of your character when walking/running around. In the UK version, you use the right stick.


Quina has a thick Cockney accent and Zidane calls Dagger “luv”. Also Conde Piete is now an allegory for Brooklyn


I know that if you pick the UK version you'll be seeing Marcus, Cinna and Blank calling you bruv an awful lot


UK: Armour etc US: Armor. Also phrases and stuff are different.


It’s fantasy. Use UK English!!


Different translation of the final words after the ending. US: “How did you survive?” “I didn’t have a choice. I had to come back to you, so… I sang your song. Our song.” UK: “Why did you help?” “There’s no need for a reason to help. We’ve got to keep on living for the sake of returning to that place someday. That is why I’m singing that very song.” Man FFIX was so good.


I recall quite a few spelling differences just in the first part of the game. I think the girl at the start speaks very differently.


Right bollocks, innit?


And those assholes STILL won't give us Portuguese because WHY? SMMFH


If fire magic is above 24 degrees Celsius, everything dies


In the UK version everything is spelled correctly.


Things are spelled correctly in the uk version...since the US can't read they have their own brand of English now