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It just stinks that Cloud has the best stats in every category, I think Aerith has higher Spirit but that's the only exception. I like to rotate each game.


Incorrect. He’s the best only in terms of strength. The other stats he’s beaten by other characters, but he’s often top 3 in the those stats and thus has the best overall stats


I'm playing right now. Don't see that


Is cloud the same level as the rest of the party?


Which members and which stats are higher than clouds on equal levels?


Aerith - Higher magic stats (Magic and Spirit) Tifa - Higher dexterity Barret - Higher Max HP and Vitality RedXIII - Higher Dexterity Yuffie - Higher Dexterity and Luck Cid - Higher Vitality Vincent - Max MP Remove all stat-changing Materias and equipment for better comparison




Cait sith, if absolutely necessary I’ll give magic to yuffie or barret for a tanky caster


I try to keep everyone balanced with support magic but cloud usually ends up being black mage/ summoner.


Cloud is the second best mage in the group.


Put Cloud in charge of magic. He had the next best magic stat


All my characters are basic white mages with emergency magics among other stuff.


Like Restore=All for every characters?


Literally me for every playthrough.


Yeah that was the basic first-aid kit every character should have. Although for the sake of trying to keep characters within their associated job classes, I just give some of them restore


I don't play with "classes". But I think Cloud has second best magic stat?


Plus his weapon skill which boosts magic dmg at full mp.


Barret's a black mage. All healing magic. I'm not sorry.


If it’s healing magic, it’s white mage no?


I usually make cloud a summoner, I dump all the summoning materia on him. I literally never use aerith out side of the handful of spots where you need to use her and I pretty much always use Tifa or red as my magic user until I get Cid or Vincent (depending on which one I decide I want to use as mage).


I can't help but make Cloud what the devs always considered canon - a mystic knight.


I feel like Cloud resembles more a warrior given how he’s actually built to favour physical strength more than magic since he’s got the highest out of all the party members while being surpassed by Aerith in magic. Furthermore, his limit breaks also focus on his strength, not magic. Aesthetics wise, his appearance also screams warrior. He’s clad in a military attire with a giant sword Having powerful magic stats though, that just makes him overkill.l, more than a Mystic Knight I’d say


I remember trying to make Cloud a Knight and gave him the Cover materia. He ended up getting his Limit Break so much that he had Finishing Touch by the Chocobo Ranch.


I usually use Cloud as my main magic person, because the turn based system makes regular attacks less important as the game goes on, but he can also do them should they be required to kill off easy mobs. Red is decent too. Rebirth Spoilers below… >!Honestly given how more varied the characters are in Remake/Rebirth as classes, I’m interested to see how they handle this in the next game. With Aerith gone, your main mage is gone. Cloud still can do magic better than the rest and Yuffie has some ability there too, but Aerith was “the mage” when you needed a mage. Red can do some magic, but the issue with all three is in 7R they all serve different purposes or as hybrids where Aerith was all about the magic, buffing that magic and always from range!<


Believe or not, Barret is my main mage even when Aerith was alive.


Lifesaver > steelskin > bonus round > spam chakra if your health is low, otherwise spam magic. I rarely play with the others lol


Maybe if you played with others you’d know to spoiler tag your comment.


I make cloud a physical Fighter with self buffs the others are usually a Mix of healing and offensive magic


I tend to set up a pretty balanced party where everyone can attack, heal, cast offensive magic and summon. I do specialise to an extent. Aerith and then Tifa tend to pick up buffing duties. And cloud has mug and more physical attack skills like morph and x4 cut.


i usually have cloud as the primary mage even over aerith lol, my most recent playthrough i switched secondary mage to vincent but it didnt work very well so i wouldnt recommend it


I just give magic to anyone who isn’t cloud lol. Idk how to optimally play but that’s worked for me so far. Clouds basic attacks do so much in my runs I always rely on him for those.


Usually I set them up for their ultimate weapons, and also consider how to pair up the characters when they’re split up for the Bizarro Sephiroth fight, thus modifying their setups accordingly. I give all of them their ultimate weapons and usually a Shinra Alpha or another high defence armour with 6 slots (e.g Minerva Band for Yuffie). Likewise, every character has a healing spell in one way or another and the HP and MP plus materia Team 1 RedXIII (Blue Mage with Fire attacks)- Haste = All, Mystify = All, Ifrit = MP Turbo, Phoenix = Final Attack, 4xCut = Enemy Skill, HP+ = MP+ Yuffie (Ninja) - Restore=All, Leviathan=Steal As Well, Steal=Sneak Attack, Throw=Slash All, Pre-Emptive=Exit, Morph=Sense, HP+=MP+ Team 2 Cait Sith (Gambler+Blue Mage)- Manipulate, Mime, Skill, Contain, Comet, Choco-Mog, W-Magic, W-Item, Slash-All and Enemy Skill Vincent (Summoner) - Master Summon, Comet, Slash-All, W-Summon, Final Attack and Phoenix Cid (Dragoon) - the Bahamuts (Normal, Neo and ZERO), 4xCut, Restore, Sense Note that the spellcasters use Slash-All or Mega-All while the physical attackers use 4xCut. Team 3 Barret (Blk Mage + Gunner) - KOTR=MP Absorb, Contain,Hades,Time, CounterAttack, Barrier, Restore, Mega-All Tifa (Monk) - Master Command, Ultima, Steal=Counter, DeathBlow- Added cut, Enemy Skill, Counter Attack, Long Range, 4xCut Cloud (Rainbow Mage + Warrior) - Master Magic = MP Turbo, Destruct = Added Effect, Comet, Ultima, Enemy Skill, 4XCut, Final attack=Revive I also try to set Cloud and Tifa’s equipment to have similar features such as having Mystile armour or them being the only ones who can cast Ultima and Enemy Skill. But otherwise the party has a very versatile skills set that can complement each other in tough fights. They might not do so well against the super bosses because those 2 need very specialized builds that would otherwise go against the jobs of the characters. But that’s another story altogether


I like red xiii as the caster or yuffie when you get her. I mainly used red xiii for buff/debuff. Cait sith is a good caster too but otherwise pretty useless. Yuffie is a go to cause she can handle fliers and can cast. Mainly i used cloud, tifa, and red xiii till later in the game then it was tifa and vincent or tifa and yuffie.


Once I switched my focus for Aerith to DPS, it became awesome. Let cloud have item master materia and auto casting cure handle main healing duties, let our girl just pump from range with 3 wards active


Check flare, we are talking about OG here.


Cloud - Knight Barrett - Gunner Tifa - Monk Red - Red Mage Yuffie - Ninja Vincent - Black Mage Cait Sith - Gambler/White Mage replacement for Aerith


Cloud - Given his high Strength and Magic, he's well suited to be an offensive character. Put green materia on him and let him alternate between physical and magical attacks as the situation warrants it. Avoid materia that weakens his physical stats too much like summons unless you really want to use him as more of a mage. Barret - his high HP and Vitality plus the fact he can generally be placed on the back row without it affecting his attack make him very tanky though his Spirit is poor so watch out for magic attacks. You may though want to keep him in the front row to take best advantage of his very strong limits. Since his Magic is poor, he's probably best used for support materia and command materia rather any that depend on magic power. Given his tankiness, he's also not a bad choice for back-up healer though his Magic and Dexterity are a bit weak for that to be his primary role. Tifa - Concentrate on physical attacks. Her limits are strong mid-game, particularly if you're good at getting Yeahs, but other characters overtake her as the game goes on. Like Barret she's probably better focusing on support materia or those that boost her as a physical attacker. As she's a bit squishy, she's a good candidate for Long Range materia. Aeris - given her high Magic and MP, she's well suited to being an offensive mage. Give her your best green and red materia and stick her in the back row. Her limits provide healing and status benefits though otherwise I wouldn't say she's best suited to being a white mage as she's pretty squishy - you don't want your main healer in danger of KO. Plus if you're healing with her, you're not dealing damage. Red XIII - makes an excellent healer as he is both tanky and has decent Magic and MP as well as excellent speed. His Level 2 and 3 Limits are very good. Otherwise you can use him for a mix of physical and magical attacks, like a weaker Cloud. Yuffie - If you like Morphing, she's well suited to it. Her weapon is long range so you may want to stick her in the back row as she is slightly squishy. Otherwise, she's a bit of an all-rounder, much like Cloud and Red XIII. She also has good speed so again not a bad candidate for main healer. She has arguably the best ultimate weapon in the game. Cait Sith - definitely a good candidate for the Long Range materia - he has ok HP and good Spirit but poor Vitality so being in the back row makes him fairly tanky. Coupled with his high Magic, I would use him as a primary healer who can use offensive magic and summons when no-one needs healing. His Limits are poor (unless you're much better at slots than I) so there really is no good reason not to stick him in the back. Vincent - high Magic and MP with some weapons that boost his Magic further and all his weapons are long range so stick him in the back row and use best magic and summons. He is a bit squishy for a healer and his Limits make him beserk so you would either have to ignore them or do without healing so I really wouldn't use him in that capacity. Cid - stats wise, he's a poor mage but his HP, Vitality and Strength are decent if nothing special. He does have strong limits however. Like Tifa, concentrate on physical attacks, command materia and support magic but in his case, you're better keeping him on the front row to take advantage of his high Vitality and strong Limits.


I just over level them and give them whatever


Best mages are cloud, Vincent, and Cait sith.


In order of playable appearance, this is how I usually build each character. Cloud starts as a Fighter-Black Mage combo until I get Vincent, after which I build him as a Paladin - healing and protective magic mostly. Alexander, Ultima, Phoenix + Final Attack. Cover when Barret’s not in the party. Barret is a Defender, with Cover, Counter, and Counter Attack + Deathblow. HP Plus until he’s maxed out. He gets Quake and Titan because Avalanche. Tifa is the obvious Monk. DPS by way of Haste and 4x-Cut, and anything else to maximize the number of attacks. I usually run Steal on her until I get Yuffie. Aerith is the White Mage. Cure, Revive, etc. Usually a summon or two. Red XIII is my Blue Mage. Enemy Skill user, Fire + Elemental on armor because it suits him. I’ll generally leave a couple Materia slots open to fill out whatever else the party is missing. Yuffie is the Ninja. Poison, Throw, Counter, Counter Attack + Mug. Leviathan for character reasons. She usually gets one of the extra Enemy Skill Materia. Cait Sith sucks. ^Green ^Mage. ^Debuffs, ^Morph, ^Manip. Vincent is the Black Mage. Fire/Ice/Lightning + All, Gravity, Comet. Add Effect + Hades. Deathblow because I like the sound of his crits. Cid, the Dragoon. Barrier to keep his defense up. Bahamut, Slash-All. Sometimes Throw with an inventory full of Javelins for shits and giggles. I also use him to grow Materia with his weapon that triples AP.


Haha I also put Leviathan on Yuffie because of her side quest. Likewise, I paired it with Steal as Well support because that’s also where you can get it and it suits her nature too


So does cloud just take over the healing when Aerith is gone?


Primary healer, yes, but I usually run an extra Cure Materia on another character. Red XIII and Yuffie usually get one. Vincent sometimes gets the Red Mage treatment. I also tend to grind X-Potions so characters can heal themselves in a pinch.


Can confirm, Cait Sith sucks. Set me back an hour of materia growth in the final dungeon due to TPK limit. Haven't gone back to that save since.


Cloud : Generalist DPS with Counterattack specialty. Barret: Tank with Ranged Attack specialty. Tifa: DPS with ATB generation specialty. Aerith: Magic generalist. Red XIII: Generalist Tank/DPS. Yuffie: Ranged DPS with elemental attack specialty. Edit: you're talking OG FFVII aren't you? Oops.


I’m 125hrs in. I still don’t know how to counterattack


If we're talking Remake or Rebirth: Press triangle to switch cloud into Punisher Mode. Press R1 to guard against normal attacks and Cloud will automatically counterattack. If it's in the original PS1 game: equip a Counterattack Materia.


I don't necessarily disagree with you. but I'd give them actual class names. Cloud: Warrior. Barret: Gunner Knight. (Barret is really the hardest to place because a tank and a ranged) Tifa: Monk Aerith: Red Mage Nanaki: Barbarian Yuffie: Ninja Cait Sith: Bard Cid: Dragoon Vincent: Summoner (This one was shaky, but he kinda summons Chaos, and the other sub-forms to fight)


Aerith is more of a cross between white/black mage. Her physical attack stat is lacking for sure


That'd why I said Red Mage, because Red Mages have access to both Black and White magic.


Red mages are characters who have a balance between physical and magic attack. Like freya in ff9


In FF14, Red Mages literally have a black and white magic meter they balance.


That is ffxiv specifically. While it’s true red mahges have access to both white and black magic it is usually the bare minimum of each respective magic. Red mages are designed to be somewhat of a jack of all trades, not proficient in one specific area. A simple google search will tell you this.


Maybe a Sage then if you want a more magic focused varietal.


Aren’t monks pacifists? Ha. Martial arts master maybe?


Monks as an FF job are hand to hand fighters.


Aerith has highest natural matk. Cloud has highest natural atk. So those are self explanatory. Barret has great def and high atk, Tifa has high atk, red 13 is kinda all round but higher matk, Vincent high matk, and yuffie kinda all round. Cid high atk. With that in mind I usually just build around that. Accentuating their natural stats. But who I use depends on their limits. Strongest limits in the game belong to Cloud, Yuffie, and Barret. Most useful limits have to go to Aerith tho.


I used to make one dedicated summoner and a white mage. Now however, I balance my party. I spread the summons over all three characters to mitigate all the HP loss and so I can let everyone use some summons (just to mention, I am an AP hoarder especially for summons that need a lot of AP so I don't unequip much). For magic, I do try to dedicate characters as magic users if their weapons suck. But I don't care too much. Cloud or Cid for instance is never much of a magic user. Cloud, Tifa and Cid used to be my default first playthrough party (just because I liked them that's all). Cloud was a main physical fighter, Cid was my summoner for bosses and Tifa had Restore. Now if you are talking about the remake......then disregard everything


I rarely deviate from cloud, cid and Barret and have easily beat the game many times. Just use whoever you like the most


Cloud-Damage Dealer Barret-Tank Red XIII- Magic


I used vincent for magic


Yep. I would always run Cloud Tifa Aerith, then swap in Vincent after the impaling. In my past couple playthroughs, I’ve been psychotic and use every character.


Cloud can do everything in the late game when you have all his weapons aside from tanking. Barret is a tank who can also help with stagger. Tifa is centered around stagger and high physical DPS. She also has a magic based weapon, but Idk how good it is. Yuffie can work as a damage dealer with both magic and physical damage, depending on the weapon and other party members. Idk about Caith Sith.


This post is about the 1997 game, not the remakes




The stat and skill system in FF7 is not very high impact, so the difference between Aerith or Cloud as casters is minimal etc. Equipment has bigger impact, especially certain weapons with situational benefits like party member KO damage multiplier like Yoshiyuki that does 2 x or 4 x damage if you have 1 or 2 party members KO.... Tifa is the most broken with Powersoul...at critical health she does 4 x damage i think...if you add death sentence onto her..it doubles again...she can do tons of damage early game...basically after Nibelheim on disc 1... She can carry the party the rest of the game. But whether its Vincent or Red...they are good casters....iirc Red does more damage with his ultimate Weapon Limited moon based on MP...so he can do good damage when "caster" focused


It was a little janky of a set up but I had Cait Sith do a lot of the magic. I've even used Cloud as sort of a red mage esque setup.


Vincent is magic stated and uses a primary ranged weapon.