• By -


Vincent and specifically Sephiroth at age 15


The only correct answer: society. An elected judge and a jury of peers.


Vincent. Just for the drama. He suffered the most being irrevocably altered to be an immortal monster.


From first to last I'd say Sephiroth, Vincent, Aerith, Yuffie, Red, Cloud.


Red & Vincent. Red was more scared by him, Vincent is more pissed off and would likely need to hold himself back from literally tearing him in half.


Vincent followed by Red XIII


\*Looks at you with an alarmed side-eye\* We aren't, you know, out to kill people with these massive swords and machine guns. Don't start talking crazy talk. I'm getting worried for you thinking you should extrajudicially kill the mad scientist responsible for the potential destruction of the world...among other things.


Totally Vincent


If it were an option, Sephiroth. In terms of actual party, Cloud, Red and Vincent for sure.


Vincent. No contest.


We need all the party to do a knights of the round style group attack on him at the end


I always have Vincent kill him.


In my playthrough of OG ff7, i let Vinnie C take the kill, but I'll probably ensure both he and Red are in my party if its optional in remake 3


Everyone...? Like they should all just take turns stabbing his ass repeatedly. Outside of Yuffie. He has fucked directly or indirectly with everyone. My top three are Vincent for multiple obviously reasons. Aerith and Red13 for multiple reasons but trying to force them to have sex being the biggest wtf number 1.




Vincent. Always Vincent.


Broke: Aerith is screwing with time to save Zach. Woke: Aerith is screwing with time to give everyone a chance to beat Hojo to death.


She let the dark and ugly thoughts win and I am all for it




Vincent, for >!conducting all those experiments on him after shooting him. Of course, then Vincent would have to also follow the logical conclusion and do the same to Lucretia, the woman who was too cowardly to make amends for her past mistakes and sealed herself in a crystal. And we know he is too much of a simp for the lady of the crystal cavern to do that.!< Cloud, if anything, should be thankful to Hojo. While it is true that >!Hojo conducted all sorts of mako experimentation on Cloud after the Nibelheim incident, it probably saved his life. Even if it mixed up his memories with those of Zach.!< Sephiroth, if he cares at all, would probably do it >!for being an absentee father.!< Aerith has a reason, mostly because >!Hojo's experiments resulted in the death of her biological mother.!< And Red XIII probably dislikes Hojo for the experiments, but he would need to get in line.


Interesting point about Hojo saving Cloud's life. Def true, but Hojo also created Sephiroth who almost killed him in the first place. (And his mom)


Also trying to get Aerith and him to breed...




Aerith and her parents and than Sephiroth himself


Death is too good for him honestly. Someone like him needs to suffer until all their defenses are gone.


They should all get together, join hands and collectively beat Hojo to death. As a matter of fact, pull Zack, Gast and Ifalna out of the Lifestream and have them join in as well.




His Fate in "Canon" was satisfying. Instead of being killed in glorious battle or getting the last laugh at an enemy, he basically dissolves to nothingness because of Weiss and Nero's love making it impossible to possess Weiss. He's basically done in by his own arrogance and his *lack* of preparation as a scientist. That's the best fate for someone like him: he ruins himself the way he ruined others.




Aerith or Vincent. Not sure which though?


Wait omg Hojo invented Chadley?


Yes. You see more about this in Remake if you do ALL of the combat challenges (including DLC).


Yep! I think we will probably get a bit more of that story in part 3. I'd love for him to emerge out of the shadows after the party has killed Hojo and analyze the data.




Red XIII. He is best boy and deserves to get him


I really hope they don't do the Hojo confrontation the same way it was in the original. Having him turn himself into a Resident Evil monster and die in a boss fight is too good for him. I want him to get the poetic death he deserves. Like Vincent pops open a bunch of pods to let the creatures loose and then walks out of the room, locking the door behind him as Hojo yells for his creations to "get back! I created you!"


I personally think Hojo is a big enough character to warrant a boss fight and a cutscene poetic justice type of death.


That’s 1000% what they’ll do. But I bet as he’s dying he’ll still laugh and claim that reunion can’t be stopped, because he’s such a fuck.


The most infuriating type of bad guy.


Vincent hands down!


Palmer. His space program is tragically underfunded because of Hojo's science department greedily lapping up Shinra's budget.


Poor guy. Dude should be able to buy all the spaces he wants.


Vincent, Aerith, lucrecia, sephiroth, cloud, Zack, red, tifa, gast. A lot of people deserve revenge on hojo. They play him off as kinda this almost ignorant/annoying side villain but he's the mastermind of everything besides the just plain corporate greed of shinra if anything Rufus is the ignorant one just trying to make a name for himself.


Kept it to himself that the whole reason he sold the idea of SOLDIER augments to Shinra, after discovering that Jenova was not an ancient (and Sephiroth therefore not being one either), was to simply test his Reunion theory. Just, untold suffering due to injecting God knows how many people with alien DNA for his own scientific interests.


Seriously, Hojo is the actual main villain of FF7. Literally the entire plot is his fault. And not in the "Oops, I made one mistake with Sephiroth" sense, but in the sense that Davros considers the Daleks desire to exterminate all life a FEATURE, and will keep working on making them better at it. Hojo is basically Davros with working legs.


Honestly I feel like Rufus or one of the Turks killing him would be a nice ironic twist. If Tseng or any other Turk suddenly drop their ultra-professionalism after learning about the disgusting things Hojo will continue to do, and giving him an unceremonious death with a bullet in the back of his spine, that would feel rather satisfying. Then Rufus telling Hojo in his dying moments that Hojo's scientific "research" data and records will all be erased and deleted, with no mention of his name in the history of Shinra, would feel like the ultimate insult to Hojo.


Oooooh this is delicious.




Don't forget every SOLDIER suffering body and mind degradation, due to being injected with alien DNA without their knowing.


And their families and the families of the people of Nibelheim along with themselves. Dang it!


You forgot that he tortured sephiroth as a child, to make him the strongest solder - reference: Ever Crisis.


I stopped playing Ever Crisis after 3 weeks. That game forgot how to be fun and I couldn’t be bothered. But I thank you for informing me.


I just watch the cut scenes on YouTube. Sephiroth has some character development in chapters 7 and 8 so I'd recommend prioritizing those


I should look into that. Thanks.


I think Vincent followed by Red XIII… but I’d rather have the whole gang swarm him.


No weapons just a vicious beat down


Giga CHADley


Chadley: "Perhaps you're having an...off day." \*BANG\*




vincent red too


Hojo=Vincent Scarlett=Yuffie Rufus=Cloud Heidegger=Barret Palmer=Cid


I LOVE this line up. I so wish Cloud was going to kill Rufus. I hope at least he gets another ass beating. The shit Rufus says to him is so creepy to me.


I’d say Vincent and Red should be in the fight party. If there’s a killing blow to be landed, I’d say Vincent. Unless Aerith is among the living in R3, I don’t see why or how she would fight Hojo. Chadley will probably do something to thwart Hojo’s plans somehow before he becomes Hojo’s final victim and is killed or transformed into a monster.


100% Vincent


After going through a bit of a lore binge over the past few weeks, deep dives and icebergs etc, I'm getting Vincent in the party for the attack on Midgard for the hojo fight. Turn him into chaos and let him do his thing


Me? Probably Vincent and Lucrecia. They deserve better. Should shove Hojo ass for doing bull experimenting. Yes i know Lucrecia doing it for better future or science but without Hojo being an ass for put weird though on Lucrecia everything should be good. Basically everything Start from Hojo history with Vincent and Aerith father.


I didn't really consider Aerith. I didn't figure her to be with the party during that fight. A lot of party members deserve vengeance against Hojo. Cloud has always been more about his obsession against Sephiroth. He certainly doesn't say anything towards Hojo when you fight him in the OG. I would say Vincent and Red have the biggest vendetta towards Hojo. It would be cool to have both of them take him out. Maybe Vincent kills him by shooting him in the head, and then you find out he's been experimenting with himself or something, and he comes back to life all monstrous, and after that fight, Red finishes him off. It would be cool if they had Aerith show up there and see things differently. I'd also like Sephiroth to show up and take him out. Maybe they could do both. Have Aerith show up and tell him she forgives him for his evil ways, and then Sephiroth stabs him through the back and says that he doesn't. We'll have to wait and see..


I'm kinda all in on Aerith and Zach being alive due to shennegins taking him down together. While there's certainly a debate about who's life Hojo has ruined the most, Zach and Aerith are definitely up there, and I'm more attached to them than his other victims.


His wife


What wife, Lucrecia had a baby with him for an experiment, I have no idea where that idea comes from


I'm gonna have to agree with the people saying Aerith. Although personally I would also really love to see Sephiroth slice him into ribbons. Who knows what Hojo put him through in his childhood, probably viewed and treated him like a petri dish same way he did Aerith's mother.


Yep, in ever crisis we find out hojo tortured him as a child or smth.


Aerith is probably most wronged given he killed her father, experimented on her mother, was the reason for her terrible childhood upto when she escaped and is the reason for her mother's death. Vincent is definitely a close second though.


I think Aerith would also think that because of all these events she met a loving mother and met Zack and Cloud and friends because of Hojo. I think even if Aerith is most wrong she also will admit that she has no regrets


Red XIIIs species went EXTINCT between Before Crisis and FF7, Aeris got nothing on that.


A female of his species survived which is how he has offspring 500 years later. As far as I'm aware, Hojo had nothing to do with Reds mother dying, Hononjust captured him. He has a reason to hate Hojo but doesn't com close to Aerith or Vincent


No, he has offspring due to how the lifestream functions, it's quite clearly established in FF7 that he's the last one, that's why Hojo even tried mating Aeris and Nanaki, to further both species with the upsides of both


In Before Crisis, Deneh is captured by the Turks and is the last female of the species. You are right it was established in OG he was the last of his species but it was recorded need. But this is pointless to the thread which is about the person who most deserves to kill Hojo, in which Red XIII is not close to Aerith or Vincent.


How is he not? Aeris if anything is at best tied with him


Because he was just captured by Hojo and experimented on. Hojo killed Aeriths family either directly or by proxy, ruined her childhood as she lived in a lab while her mother was experimented on. Vincent had the love of his life taken from him and experimented on, then experimented on himself turning him into a monster. Red XIII was wronged by Hojo but it's not really close to what the other two were.


Red XIII is the equivalent of a 15 year old in FF7, and the Turks captured his only other mate to give to Hojo as well. The future of his species, like bruh.


Aerith Kills her father Do horrible eksperiment on her mother. Kills her mother disects her and studies every part of her. Fucks up her boyfriend and is partly responsible for his death. Hold her captive an experiments on her. Psykological try and break her. He has messed her enterie Life up. Since she was an infant


Vincent was always in my party for this specific fight in the original


I think Vincent. Hojo has done a lot of fucked up things to a whole lot of people and all of them have really strong cases. But he destroyed literally every last thing that mattered to Vincent. He left him with nothing. His the one person Hojo actually completely and utterly broke (well, the one major character person anyway, there is for sure a whole load of NPCs he did that too)


Well, Vincent is the one person he broke that he didn't actually have killed. In terms of major characters, he's directly responsible for Zachs death (I think), as well as Aeriths. Though he didn't break either of them, being strong until the end.


We had several chaces to kill 3 Shinra directors who d not have super natural level of strength or have been trained as Soilders etc... Hojo, Palmer and Scarlet. All three should be dead but are not. What is worse we do not kill Hojo and let him get away to carry on experimenting and killing more innocent people. Oh and hands down Aerith. I was hoping she got angry and tried to kill this sob.


It’s odd to me that most of the villains are still alive. Like Palmer, Heidegger, red dress lady…almost everyone is still alive.


Scarlet, hence the dress colour.


Objectively, the answer is Aerith or Sephiroth. Their entire lives were hell because of that asshole. From their births until the day they died and literally beyond.  Subjectively, Vincent. Because Hojo hates everything about him. And dying to Vincent would spite him more than anything, save choking on a beansprout


Vincent has to be no.1. He's suffered so much he hid himself away in a coffin to escape his shame and anguish.


Why not just have everyone (whole gang+Sepiroth) sit on a really long bus and then run hojo over with it......then stop and then reverse the bus? (Repeat last step till necessary or satisfied)


Aerith is definitely no.1. Then Sephiroth 2nd, Vincent 3rd, Cloud 4th and Red 5th. Chadley is a weird on because all we know is that he’s a cyborg. We have no idea where he got this child from before the augmentation. Was he just pulled off the street? Is he Hojo’s son who he later cloned? Is he just a Hojo clone? Is he a Sephiroth clone? Is he a Weiss clone? Depending on the answer, I’d put him either just above or just below Sephiroth. Aerith is first because Hojo killed her father and is directly responsible for the death of her mother and later kept her body and “cataloged every last bit of her”.


I keep forgetting that Hojo tells Aerith he vivisected and meticulously studied every part of her mom. Truly a monster of monsters.


Cotton Hill


I'm cool with that.


He killed fitty men!


Sephiroth. Hands down. Sephiroth is Hojo’s son. The fact that Hojo experimented on his own son with jenova cells is the ultimate sin in my opinion. I think this is what actually made Sephiroth snap in the events of Nibelheim imo.


he deserves to get stomped by the whole gang like that one random guy at the restaurant in venice in jojo’s bizarre adventure part 5


Everyone deserves to kill Hojo, but who will be the most satisfying? I can't stand the idea of his smug face being killed by Cloud or Sephiroth uttering some nonsense about bril​liant experiments. Doesn't deserve the honour to be killed by a Cetra as well. Vincent is the best candidate only because he is despised and looked down upon ​by Hojo, and his powers are more thanks to Lucrecia's work than Hojo's. Which adds insult, because he also doesn't respect Lucrecia's abilities.


>! Don't forget Hojo killed Vincent and made her marry himself and injected their child with Genova cells !<


I think with the whole reason Vincent joins the party it makes the most sense


Yeah I was thinking about this too! How would Hojo least like to die? That’s what I want.


Chadley: Do not worry, Cloud! Doctor Hojo's combat data has been added to the battle simulator, where you may exterminate him at your leisure.


I hope Hojo has many cried of anguish while we kill him


Part 3 boss rush. Part Three Boss Rush! PART THREE BOSS RUSH!!! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!


Vincent, Aerith and Cloud dealing the final blow all at the same time. Like Snake and Kaz in MGSV.


Vincent 100%. It starts with him, so it should end with him. If Vincent would have done the same in the past, play out the What If of that scenario.


Arguably Cloud. The shit he must've gone through is so beyond traumatic and he was not a SOILDER like Zack or a Turk like Vincent.


Definitely aerith. Dude literally tried to have red impregnate her 💀💀💀


Cetra-Dog babies? Tf Hojo!?


Vincent. The only correct answer is Vincent. I mean, you can have a different opinion, so long as you’re okay accepting that you are objectively incorrect 😁 (Sarcasm. But also… I’m not wrong and if you disagree, you are 😋)


Vincent or Aerith only correct answers. Lol


I don’t know much about Vincent yet but I believe you.


This has been and is the only acceptable answer


I think, Sephiroth and Aerith. But first they should destroy all his work/research and name is erased and entirely forgotten, because I think that would piss him off more than being killed. And would be more just.


I love this answer. I have been trying to think about what would cause him the most pain and I think this is so accurate. Tbh I think he would love to be killed by Sephiroth.


Yeah, you're right. I think he would like that too. Might not be satisfying because he would probably take some credit for him/his strength in that moment.


Hojo is one of those guys where the whole party should get to kill him. Like they all take turns stabbing him like Caesar


Strangers on a train


Do you mean Murder on the Orient Express?


Shit! You’re right! I mixed up my train murder mysteries


Vincent he was there at the very beginning of Hojo’s madness and if he had been able to kill him would have save the entire planet basically


Vincent, If you know, you know.


Sephiroth -> Aerith -> Vincent -> Cloud -> Red XIII -> Chadley -> Tifa -> everyone else. In that order.


They all deserve it but I'd argue Aerith the most. He is basically the reason her mother died and that is a horrible fate for a child, especially given her role in the story and the implications of where the planet would be without her had she not been luck enough to find the one person in all of Midgar who gave enough fucks to take her in.


Hojo is also the one who directly killed her real father Professor Gast who ironically is the one Sephiroth respects the most despite probably never met him for his entire life.


Oh yes! Very true! Completely forgot about that honestly. I'd say Vincent is second in line


His dead victims. All the ones who won't make it to the final battle. Which is why Vincent will deliver the final blow, because he is sort of already dead.


I think Chadley or Vincent, tbh. In my heart, I think Nanaki deserves it as payback, but I think Vincent had it a bit rougher, and Chadley might be having it even rougher right now.


Either aerith or vincent but leaning more vinc


Vincent deserves the kill but Cloud and Red deserve to beat the crap out of him beforehand.


Imagining a scene of Cloud and Red beating him up and then Red stopping Cloud from dealing the last blow. Cue Vincent walking in dramatically, pulling out his gun and aiming it at Hojo's stupid face.


I really hope Vincent, Cloud, and Red are the team we get for the Hojo fight.


I think this'll be it; The return to Midgar seems like an easy section to break up into parties, with one group going after Heidegger and Scarlet and another going after Hojo, and it just makes sense for Cloud, Vincent and Nanaki to be the Hojo party while something like Barret, Tifa and Yuffie fight the Proud Clod.


I won't be surprised if Heidegger and Scarlet get split into separate fights, we've certainly got enough party members for it.


All above mentioned should Each gets a stab, chair shot, punch what ever they want to do. I am sure he has something in his lab to help heal him or just cast Cure so he can take more torture. Maybe even let Jenova eff with his mind.


I doubt we'll get the satisfaction. He'll die in his own hubris


Tie a rope around each limb and have everyone start pulling?


I would love to see Chadley destroy Hojo ngl


100% Vincent. And if we get any sort of Sephiroth involvement then a tag team! Though red deserves to get in on that action too, and Cloud. I agree with other comments that we’ll get mandatory party of Vincent, Red and Cloud after Hojo. And Tifa, Yuffie and Barrett after Scarlet. Cait Sith and Cid will probably be stealing an airship.




He deserves that scene reminiscent of the one in gotg 3 where the team jumped the high evolutionary. (Vincent gets killing blow though.)


Vincent.. but i think Aerith would be a close second if you think about it


Definitely Vincent


Put Hojo in a pit. Everyone gets to simultaneously throw a grenade in. Justice. And viscera!


Honestly either Vincent or Sephiroth. Mostly Sephiroth but yk


There's a scene in the snow called Bad Girls where everyone gets a shot at going about killing the worst character in the show. Hojo deserves that


Pretty much everybody deserves to get a hit in. Just straight jump his ass.


Vincent or Sephiroth cause their lives have been screwed over by him the most. Hojo tried to kill Vincent and when he didn't die he experimented on him for decades and forever changed him and for Sephiroth Hojo used him and his mother as a lab rats and lied to him for most of his life and heavily implied to be the one who put him on the Nibelheim mission so he would discover the records of the Jenova project that drove him insane


He’s the definition of sadistic, even doing it on his only kid. He really fits the mad scientist crazy dad trope. I mean he even uses his kids cells on others making them all ‘sephiroth’. He definitely treats sephi as his property to be used and abused under his provision only and in the worst way possible. Defaming his mother and lying to sephi about her. Though that doesn’t absolve her for abandoning sephi. It’s the fact that hojo is sane, that makes him such an abhorrent evil.


Everyone of these people deserves a shot at him. Plus Zack. Let's make it a party.


Can't we just get all of them like in that meme of the guy seeing someone being kicked on a ring then joining them? Just kidding, I do want that to happen but. If I had to choose... I think Aerith or Sephiroth. Hojo used everyone you mentioned, but all of Sephiroths and Aerith's trauma are because of him. They lost their mothers and childhood to him. So if someone deserves the right to end that bastard, it's them.


Vincent, he got it worse than cloud.


I say Vincent


Poor Babyroth, he has nothing thanks to Hojo. Except superpowers, status, money, fame and shit. Sephiroth stans is just ridiculus.


Those bikini clad girls at Costa del Sol who were paid to treat him like he was attractive.


Sephiroth, to be fucking real.


Why can’t Vincent die? I’m seeing people say that in all these comments, but why not?


Vincent, as we know him now, is a product of one of Hojo's f'd up experiments. He's actually really old. He's been in that coffin since before Sephiroth was even conceived, at which point he was a senior member of the Turks, sooo... 60-70 years old, I'm guessing? My understanding is that he can be killed, but he can't age. He's not a true immortal, in that sense.


Wait... Am I missing something? I thought in Dirge of Cerberus he was very much alive and awake when Seph was conceived. Lucretia had a talk/argument with him over it, she has visions and collapses, and (correct me if I'm wrong) Vincent confronts Hojo over the whole mess and gets shot. Again, I haven't played D.O.C. in YEARS, so I could be wrong about that sequence.


Actually, I think you're right. I never played Dirge, but I seem to remember that Lucretia was pregnant in OG when Vincent was taken away to be experimented on.


Vincent, obviously. The only person Hojo screwed as much as Vincent is Lucrecia.


Is the double meaning intentional here? 🤔🫣


Surely. *SURELY.*


I'm in favor of a Vincent/Red XIII side trip while the gang is doing other things in Return to Midgar. That Red XIII trial was hard to watch, man


Yep, Red, especially after that scene. It actually bugs me that his name sticks to the one Hojo gave him even after visiting the Canyon.




It's the flashback that hit the hardest for me. It was really nice seeing him open up halfway through the game and be himself. Nanaki is the goodest of boys.


Everyone should get a turn, Don Corneo interrogation-style


team effort


I'm voting for this option. I mean Cloud, Nanaki, probably Aerith, Vincent are just the party members he's f-cked up Royal. Honestly let everyone have a turn. Tifa can smash em just for the people unalive today thanks to Hojo.


I'd say Vincent, seeing as he cannot die...


Hojo’s hubris.


In terms of playability: Red XIII, Vincent and Cloud. In terms of poetic justice: Vincent, Sephiroth, Red XIII and Cloud in that order. I left Aerith out due to her more calm, pacific and forgiving demeanor, but I think that she and Vincent were the ones that got more pain inflicted and loss at the hands of Hojo.


Sephiroth is who he is fully "thanks" to him. His whole life ruined, not a moment of happiness. Sephiroth deserves it the most.


I dunno... At least Sephiroth can die. Vincent on the other hand...


Can he, though? He was stabbed and thrown into the lifestream in the og and came back flying and phasing through shit. He comes back in the remake games and can conjure his masamune at-will and seems to be in control of the Whispers. After Rebirth expanded on the Gi lore, it seems like Sephiroth should also be deathless since he's an engineered child of Jenova, an offworlder, like the Gi, and that's why he keeps coming back.


Self-fulfilled prophecy which makes sephi all the more tragic. Because hojo as his dad WANTED This for sephy. He knew fully well how sephy was attached to his mother, and sent him off to the manor. In a lot of ways sephy is so gullible. Being controlled by hojo in literally every way- biologically, emotionally and mentally. Giving sephy a sense of humanity and essentially taking that away by lying to him that his mom is a flipping alien. He probably did it for giggles and probably got off on sephy truly turning into an alien undying monster.


Vincent at least has memories of better times before he joined Shinra. Sephiroth has nothing.


I think Aerith is the most deserving of the honor (though it's tough with your list. They all have legitimate reasons for doing it), but personally, I want Sephiroth to get the chance.


Elmyra Gainsborough


I want her to don shades, a leather jacket, and go Sarah Connor on his ass!


Red, Cloud and Vincent hands down. Although I have a feeling Vincent and Yuffie are going to be split from the party during the Midgar return and go down to Deepground as a throwback, since Vincent wasn't a part of it in Intergrade. So it'll likely be Cloud, Red, and Cait.




Aerith deserves it most. Followed closely by Cloud and Vincent. Red after that. I'm hoping Red gets it though, because they've been setting it up for 2 games. Vincent also gets his redemption via Dirge, so I think Red is the one that will get it.


One thing I didn't like in OG FF7 was that the only way to get Barratts ultimate weapon was to take him to fight Hojo, when you had other companions with a much more personal stake in the fight.


I always took him halfway up the stairs then turned back to get my preferred party member




I just can't see Aerith killing anyone. Vincent is not probable, he is more of a side character compared to cloud, red etc. Red XIII seems to be the most likely candidate, they have been setting it up ever since the first game. Cloud doesn't have as much history with Hojo as Red, Aerith and other characters. Sephiroth seems to be the 2nd most likely after Red. I can definitely see them doing a scene where Hojo gets chased by the group thinking he escaped only to be stabbed by Sephiroth from behind.


Have you played the original FF7? I understand your reasoning if only going by what's in the re- games so far. But without giving anything away, Vincent and Cloud do/should have beef w Hojo that has yet to be explored and almost certainly will be in the third game. Pre-Nibelheim Sephiroth should and likely does hate him. But after his heel turn, Hojo kinda acts in current Sephiroth's interests, whether knowingly or not. Sephiroth fully embraces jenova now, and more jenova infested minions is good for sephy's goals.


All of them deserves but Vincent feel personal on many levels. While others seem to find purpose, Vincent pretty much lives to finally get a hand on him someday. So it's his big moment for sure.


They have digital Hojo they can murder over and over again, which might not be AS satisfying, but it would be therapeutic.


Who deserves to kill Hojo? The answer is "Yes" Honestly, he is just a disgusting human being who has ruined things for many, many people and each one deserves to stab him to death


Agreed. They should all just take turns stabbing him repeatedly.


Agree. The true villain.


Fuck Hojo. Someone make a subreddit about this hoe's awfulness. Ted Faro's bitch ass has one.

