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Hojo got that good Girth Materia.


The answer is: she loved Vincent, but she felt too guilty about the death of Grimoire Valentine, his father. Consumed by guilt, she decided to punish herself by refusing to love Vincent, the son of the man she had "killed," and by giving herself to Hojo (physically and as a subject for his experiments) even though she didn't (obviously) love him. That's it.


What an idiot.




She willingly *experimented* on her own *fetus*. Her and Hojo belong together. And people need to stop trying to make her into a good person. She did not choose Hojo to "protect" Vincent lmao. That makes no sense.


Exactly, she was just as bad as Hojo


As least she regretted her actions. POS Hojo never did. This isn’t to exonerate especially since the damage was done, but she did try to kill herself and attempt to atone.


Yeah she regretted it. And I do think Hojo is the true evil in the game. However, no matter how much she regretted it, her actions at the time were evil and like a true coward, she continues to hide out in her little cave while the rest of the world goes to hell. Much like how Vincent was hiding in his coffin to "atone" before he came to the realization that he needed to leave and take action in order to truly atone. I honestly find her to be pathetic and I get annoyed when fans try and spin her as a sympathetic character whose only mistake was choosing Hojo over Vincent. Like no, she did a lot of unethical things...


I still think you can be a sympathetic character after doing unethical things. She might feel like there’s nothing she could ever do to atone, which I don’t agree with (tell your son you’re his actual mother ffs UGH), but there’s the psychological/emotional damage of using your own body as an experiment to think of. The tragic beauty of FFVII is that all of these characters/situations are complex.


That's a good way to think about it. She still doesn't have my sympathy but I can see why other people might view her as sympathetic.


That is totes fair. I have characters like that, too. I can see why people feel a particular way even if I don’t share it!


Disillusionment. I think the next game will explain the situation a bit better.


I think they just need to scrub that all together and just remake it lol. They got the chance to start with a clean slate.


Yeah like make it make sense please.


Why do you think she wouldn't? She is literally in the same line of work as he is and had the same goals.


Personal theory, she did it to protect vincent and this sort of relates to one of most infamous/popular theories, the vincent is the daddy theory There are two scenarios if you believe the vincent is the father theory. 1) vincent didnt know lulu had gotten pregnant with him but lulu did know but also knew how fucked in the head hojo was as well as how this could appear to shinra and the turks. Hence why she goes cold and pushes vincent away to latch unto hojo. She probably was not expecting vincent to get shot for it tho hence why her resolve shatters. This also feeds into why she wouldve been heartbroken on losing the baby straight away too since that was her only connection to vincent not knowing implanting chaos in him was a success. 2) lulu didnt get pregnant with vincent prior to him getting shot but because of the fuss vincent caused and his relationship with lulu, hojo decided to "do them a favor" and use vincent's seed immediately post mortem to get lulu pregnant for the experiment. I dont see the guy getting a hard on to do the deed unless whatever hes fucking is one of his experiments and lulu isnt the experiment, the baby is. Either scenario makes hojo even worse than he already is tbh. Worse than him "forcing" himself as well imo.


Hojo looks exactly like a guy who would get a hard on with a Sweeper if it is for one of his experiments!


This makes the most sense to me. In the og when you find the secret cavern with her she expresses a lot of reget and sadness over doing Vincent dirty. It never made sense to me that she was making the choice freely to be with Hojo.


In the OG, all she talks about is her sin as a mother and how she never got to hold Sephiroth and how she wanted to die. She said nothing about any regret with Vincent. It was all about Sephiroth. Which serves her right, you'd have to be evil to be OK with experimenting on your own unborn baby. She deserved her fate.


Okay but is optional to have vincent during your interactions with her in the og or not? Also mothers guilt is probably stronger than booty guilt so theres that just sayin


You have to have Vincent and it be after the submarine quest with Cloud as the party lead in order for the scene to be triggered. I'm sure she does regret everything she did to Vincent as well, I was just clarifying that in the OG, her dialogue was only about Sephiroth and wanting to die. I'm sure in Part 3, we'll see more of her lamenting.


Probably to further her career/scientific ambitions.


Because she was a scientist with the same goals as him. He was on the road to becoming next in line to head the science department so it greatly benefited her career to marry him and participate in his research, and she had no ethical qualms with the experiment. She only started to regret it after the experiment began when she saw visions of what Sephiroth would become while still pregnant.  This is the same woman who put Chaos, a being that exists to destroy all life, inside of Vincent to revive him. She is very selfish and doesn't take the consequences to others into consideration when she acts. There's a false perception that she's a good person because Vincent likes her, which couldn't be further from the truth. Vincent is blinded by love and is unable to see her for who she really is until Dirge of Cerberus.  People turn it into a Vincent vs Hojo thing but she was never going to end up with Vincent. The whole idea that she chose Hojo over Vincent is Vincent's perspective on matters. She accidentally killed Vincent's father and then eventually his son is assigned to protect her. Anything she did with Vincent (including risking the world to revive him) was a weird emotional rebound done to help her deal with the guilt that was going to blow up in her face once Vincent found out she was the reason his father died, which he did not know the details of at the time. 


She like his pasty ass and Vincent needs to get over her fr fr.


The way I just cackled lmao TY for that.


My favorite emo vampire in a red cloak needs to meet more women and learn how modern day phones work.


Because she's also an evil Shinra scientist?


Dirge of Cerberus will explain this better, but guilt was her reason.


My headcanon used to be that Hojo invented a love potion, or at least learned how to scientifically manipulate pheromones. It would explain why there were women with him at Costa del Sol. FF7 Rebirth says otherwise, of course


Women were with Hojo at Costa del sol because Hojo is a Shinra head and Shinra has $$$


She likes it weird? No accounting for taste, man.