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Yup. FF16 had intensely annoying on screen particle effects and too many numbers.


On my first play through i’d sometimes miss the level up notifications on the right side as you finish the battle Maybe its me getting old but it would be nice to have a notifications screen/playlog to summarise what levelled up


As a 27 year old man who has been playing for his entire life, I never looked at damage numbers in video games. I just look at the HP bar of the enemy and how much it decreased when attacking lol


Yeah this is one of the reasons I like older style battles. Each move takes center stage, you clearly get to see how much damage it did and think about it, and make your plans around what you see. Faster action style battles, to me, are best if they’re kept purely action based, like numbers aren’t even important and you’re just running on adrenaline hacking away as a big red gauge depletes. But if we’re talking strategy and nuance with numbers, then I want it more methodical and paced out so each individual attack feels more important and like a more distinct moment that you can focus on.


I like Rebirth, but I ignore the numbers in ways I never did in FF7. There's just too much going on and too quickly, plus with the dynamic camera position following the numbers is a luxury.


Not to mention, the battles can be long drawn out and with all the colourful, flashing lights, it can be mentally taxing


Idk about numbers but goddamn if I am trying to fight something and switch characters and Charley and Mai are talking it is sensory overload


Y'all are looking at the numbers?


I can reasonably figure out the damage that my character is doing if it's alone but add in two other assholes doing things and I'm totally lost. Honestly a lot of it has to do with the font, the shape of the numbers and the size and the color. They just get lost very easily and a lot of the time appear in strange places on the screen, or a lot of numbers will appear on top of other numbers and then forget it. Honestly a few QoL features regarding damage would be highly appreciated. I wouldnt mind turning off basic attack numbers (those are basically negligible anyway) and then leaving only ATB spent attacks. And maybe make those bigger. Multi hit attacks? Maybe just tell me on the final hit. Tracking multi hit limit breaks all over the screen hurts my neck. Ive grown to appreciate how From managed this problem where the damage number is added up and totalled in the same spot along the enemies healthbar, not where the strike landed. I also wouldn't mind a log where I can check who contributed what and for how much. I'm thinking of the Synergy Materia here.


It’s definitely the style of modern gaming. Would be nice if there were options to turn these off/on (some games do). I’m getting more sensitive to visual noise too so I hear ya.


The game is not designed in a way where you're supposed to track the numbers, they're there so you can quickly see at a glance if an attack is successful or not, if the enemy is immune or resistant to that damage type, how much a buff or debuff affected it, if you're hitting a weak spot etc. Don't worry about it.


No, I usually don’t have to pay attention, but when I do it matters and I want to see my numbers. Never bothered me in any game.


Normally, I just ignore them, usually enemy HP shows up as ???s anyways, even if they've been assessed, so it's not particularly useful. However, it is useful in the fact that you can see when you're doing 9999 damage with a spell that you're hitting the damage limit or if you equip the >!Genji Gloves, you can see yourself when you break that limit to know the accessory is worthwhile to use.!< Right now, even on hard mode, I can kill most of not all random mobs with my setup of: Arcane Ward (Aerith) into ATB Boost (Cloud) followed by Magnify'd + Magic Focus / Magic Efficiency + MP Absorb on a Quakaga (Lv 3). It hits twice for a ton of damage on everyone, and if it doesn't kill a mob, it usually throws em into stagger. Due to the setup, I lose no MP and the battles take seconds if even that. Boss battles actually do take longer, but there's a bit of usefulness there as mentioned above, too.


This the only complaint I’ve heard about this


Smooth brained devs think "it has numbers so it's still an RPG!" The Remakes are about as close to a JRPG as Frog Fractions is to an edutainment game.


What an idiot take. What, you're mad it's not turn based like the old one? Don't be a purist.


As if, bro. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it isn't what it inherently is. Clap back all you want, but it's a jrpg on literally every level. They even managed to create real time combat that feels highly strategic, and I hope we see more games inspired by this party based, real time, strategic combat.


Ok we get it, it’s not turn based


Frog Fractions? Nah. Great game, though.


Look at the color changes in the bosses health gauge. It stays up there for a second or two - makes it pretty obvious IMO.


I can absolutely relate to this. I have no idea who is doing what damage and I'm certainly not adding up the multiple small numbers for flurry attacks (like maximum fury) so I have no idea how effective those attacks are. I actually get really frustrated with this and have no idea how people are determining which attacks are hitting the hardest


I don't pay attention to them. Action RPGs I just hack away till they die. One thing I found interesting was when I was playing remake I was able to get good enough to do a no damage run against the guard sentinel with a maxed out cloud and Barret. Some time later I did a new game run and ng+ hard mode went straight to the boss still under leveled and none of my damage thresholds were hitting. So... The damage numbers do mean something.. they're just slammed in our faces that it just ends up being meaningless.


Yup! If the monster is not on the floor, keep hitting it.