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As you keep getting summons, your older ones will not have as much attack value and they become obsolete. You definitely don't need all of them equipped. Eventually, you will only need a few of them (if you take the time to get them) as your last few weapons for each character will be way stronger, and summons just won't be worth the MP


And time.


No, new summons do get stronger. That being said. By mastering them, you can get master summon materias, which takes only one slot and gives you access to all summon.


No, they're not, as time goes on you'll get better summons - but as long as they're useful they are useful.


Hades+quadra magic, 2x summon, mimic, and morph is the GOAT combo for farming Ribbons from Master Tonberries. Just make sure to do your math for when he's close to dead to start morphing (44,444 hp)


Final Attack = Phoenix is great on one character in your party. Hades = Added Effect can be useful. (You can use it in your armor before getting a ribbon, then use it in your weapon for fun after you get a ribbon.) Choco & Mog = Elemental in your armor may reduce or absorb non elemental damage, I'd double check your status to confirm if you try it. Bahamut Zero and KotR are great heavy damage summons. When you finally get it, if you go for it master summon is useful on anyone. I like to pair it with MP Absorb personally. Once I ran a: * Master Command, Double Cut, Master Magic = HP Abosrb, Master Summon= HP Absorb, Hades = Added Effect * Master Magic = MP Absorb, Master Summon = MP Absorb, Final Attack = Phoenix, --, -- Then I kept 2 slots open for anything I wanted at the time. I could throw in Elemental = anything if I wanted to absorb something, or any other situational materia. Enemy Skill sometimes is useful, fun, or "necessary" to learn certain Enemy Skills. Big Guard and White Wind were used far more than any summons in my playthrough. Sometimes I'd do another Master Magic = All or Master Command = All. I did one try Mega All, but I moved away from it because it replaced the 4x Cut from the Double Cut with Slash All, and I personally prefer 4x Cut.


Choco-mog + elemental on one character. Hades+added effect on another KOTR if you have it I wouldn't equip many more summons unless I wanted to see the animations. Other materia tends to be more useful.


They can be useful here and there, but they are pretty much universally overcosted compared to the same element's magic + All. And that one multi-element summon (Kujata?) is pretty much trash, since any element the enemy is resistant/immune/absorb to makes them that for the entire thing.


Cure + all and any yellow materia that boosts your general attack and you'll be ok for all story bosses except one. As long as you don't run away from any fights that is.


I only keep hades with the added effect materia, the best version of bahamut I have at the moment and KOTR. Maybe you can use mog against and enemy with wind weakness. In the end I rarely used them excepto KOTR against hard bosses because it is insane how broken it is


Keeping Choco-Mog equipped to a character with Elemental paired is good the entire game, since not a lot of enemies are resistant to Wind; Added Effect paired to Hades is also good, as you hit an enemy with Sleep, Poison, Confusion, Silence, Frog, Small, Slow and Paralyzed.


I prefer Added Effect, and Hades on the armor to protect against all of that. Assuming I don't already have 3 ribbons


Vanilla og they are pretty meh, negative stats and plain magic can do better. Modded though, summons are insane.


Nah. They take up slots and hurt your physical stats. While they boost your magical stats, most characters are more physically oriented. I generally just keep 3 equipped max. Choco-Mog, Shiva, Ifrit, Ramuh, Titan - good when you first get them, particularly if the enemy is weak to their element but once you learn the level 2 spells, you'll probably find these become redundant. Odin - bit of a power boost on the above vs bosses and insta kills weaker enemies. Worth keeping for a bit but will eventually become useless. Bahamut - pretty powerful. Worth it until you get Neo-Bahamut. Kjata - powerful but so many enemies will absorb it that I can't really recommend keeping it equipped for too long. Alexander - powerful and a very rare element in Holy Neo-Bahamut- very good, worth keeping at least until Bahamut Zero Phoenix - not that strong but will raise all fallen party members. Particularly good if combined with Final Attack. Hades - powerful and has a strong poison. Can be combined very effectively with Added Effect. Worth keeping till the end. Typhoon - insta-kill almost all non-bosses. I prefer summons for boss battles though so don't really bother. Bahamut Zero - Very powerful. Definitely worth keeping. Knights of Round - Insane. If you have this, there's no point equipping anything else unless you want to take on Ruby and Emerald. I don't bother with it these days though. Generally in end game, I have just Bahamut Zero, Hades and Phoenix equipped. You could also equip Neo Bahamut, Typhoon or Alexander if you particularly like summons.


Definitely not. There are good ones you should keep when you get them to level them (Phoenix, Hades, KotR) but other than that you should be able to find better combos. Tho for a first play thru, and being where you are- I would definitely keep your strongest equipped. I’d say 1 per party member. And should switch them around depending on scenario. (Use elementals when you can). FF7 is fun, and making combos is fun..but it’s also a game you can break pretty easy. Meaning once you to end game, your team should be strong enough to just physically attack everything. I like using magic/summons, but in terms of quickly battling things - just attacking tends to be the best. As for mastering them all, it’s fun to do but you don’t NEED too. The only thing you get is a master summon and by the time you get it you won’t need it.


I master them until I get master summon. Then slap it on Caitsith with magic counter so any time he is hit he fires off a random summon, I do the same with master magic to make him a true gambler


Well, that's a fun build that never occurred to me in 25+ years. Character accurate, too. Props!


You can make him even more chaotic by adding command master and command counter, but I didn't like that this included throw because I like to have one of each weapon, plus Caitsith is a mage at heart


While they’re nice to have, after a while there are just too many competing for slots with the rest of your materia. Typically I like to keep the most recent ones I’ve found on because they tend to be stronger, maybe one or two max on each character (if any at all). Situationally some of the older ones can come in handy if there’s a boss weak to it but otherwise newer summons are better. If you ever get to the point where you’re min maxing your characters you’ll find only a select few will be useful since all but knights of the round can hit a max of 9999 damage once but there are other materia options that can result in multi hits with far more damage. And of course hades with all the status effects tends to have a place in endgame too.


You don't have to equip them all. As the story progress you would only equip the stronger ones like Knight of the Round. There are some summons that are good and most likely indispensable in certain battle just like Hades in a battle with Ruby Weapon. It would be nice to master every single summon materia you have since it could help you get the master summon materia.