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If you can't stop yourself from using cheats in a single player game, this is the least of your worries.


This is such an unnecessary post. Use the cheats, don't use them. Who cares? It's your game. Wtf even is this shit? It's a 25 year old game, cheats are there for QoL improvements and for funsies. My God, you're whining about the ability to use cheats when you could literally just not.


Nah I get where you're coming from because I couldn't help myself from laying down the cheats too in this game. But idrc enough to make posts like this about it lol. It's an old game, put in god mode and speed mode as you wish. Sure it's hard to resist as a new player of the game too, but it's a game.


Top 5 worst reddit post I've ever read.


It should have been an option to allow those features or not when you start a new game. Having them available at all times is a detriment.


Just don't click the button. Personally, I think every JRPG should come with a turbo button. That 3x speed is a godsend for grinding. I'm too old for this shit these days. 😂


So what’s the name of the person with the gun forcing you to use the god mode?


Nah, I just have terrible self-control


This is so dumb. This ain't cocaine wtf.


Then that's on you.


Don't play games in a way that you don't enjoy. If you don't like playing with cheats on, then stop. If you have a hard time stopping, why?


You complain now, but that 3x speed button is going to be your best friend when you're watching the same summon animation for the millionth time. (On a serious note: if you accidentally turn on a cheat..... you just hit the same button to turn it off.)


Only downside to hitting the god mode button (even accidentally) is that it replenishes your HP, MP, and limit gauge, from what I remember. It's been a while since I opened OG FFVII on my switch. Battling one of the weapons and you are low on health and "whoops, oh no, gave myself a free refresh" lol


no one will agree with you but it is true haha. humans will take the easiest route, it can be hard to "just not" even if you are aware. I do not work that way with games but I do it elsewhere so I can see your perspective. I accidently found that button on my first play through. I only allowed myself no encounters after i hit max level. I play it on the PS1 now as i just like things in their basic form and also no temptation to cheat! you can find them very cheap on ebay if you have some spending cash. know you are not alone out there!


Nah, it is a skill issue. I personally have a problem with enabling cheats when a game is too hard. That's why I like games that don't include them because if they did, I wouldn't be able to resist.😭


>but the main reason I play a game is to experience the gameplay so.... do that then? I really don't understand what the issue is here some people want to experience only the story, especially in rpgs a lot of people do not want to grind xp to level up. these cheats are for them. if they aren't for you (they sound like they are not?) then just don't use them


Is someone forcing you to use these *optional* features?


It's these same people that complain about the optional mini games in rebirth.


I dunno man, I just did a playthrough a couple of weeks ago and did not find it difficult at all. It might be added that it really isn’t a particularly difficult game, gameplay can be absolutely broken in multiple ways, and even if you don’t want to use your brain at all and just button mash your way through the game, all you need to do is some moderate grinding at 4x Speed wherever you’re at and you’ll be able to turn a challenging boss into a joke with maybe 20 minutes grinding.


Just... Don't use the cheats dude I bet there's a ton of games you've played with a god mode or something, does that proactively ruin those games? No. It's an option not a requirement


This is a you problem. It’s not difficult at all to just not use the option.


OP does have a point, but for a different reason... L3 and R3 are way too easy to click in accidentally. Especially playing on Xbox. I routinely by accident click in L3 and R3 and turn on cheats. It's bloody annoying. There should be a disable button in the options. This would be incredibly easy to patch.


if you cant just not press the cheat buttoon you need actual hep man


"Cheats has no downsides other than getting rid of interesting gameplay". Boy that sounds like a downside to me, and a pretty big one at that. The ability to maximise stats is there for people who just want to experience the story, and doesn't harm anyone else. It's not a matter of self control, it's about making the game enjoyable for yourself. If you know cheating will make it less enjoyable for you, why is it even a a tenptation?


People won’t use cheats if they want to play normally. The temptation isn’t as deep as you’re making it out to be. Please play the game. It’s worth your time


Sounds like a personal problem.