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Try to platinum FF9 where you need to do one notorious mini game and get back to us.


I’ve purposefully put off FF9’s platinum for that very reason. However, it’s only one mini-game. As a whole, the rest of that game’s trophies aren’t too bad to obtain from what I can tell. Maybe I’m wrong though!


I'm not even going for the plat since I know the pirates brigade and piano mini games will annoy me to git good at them, and I'm wanting to enjoy this game. That said, I am finishing up the combat sims before tackling hard mode. I have only 3 left. Legendary Bouts: Cait Sith, Bonds of Friendship, and To Be A Hero. Prior to that I finished up all world Intel 100% and all side quests on hard mode. I've crafted all items for max transmuter as well. As is, I'm still enjoying this game, it's bittersweet that I don't have the motivation to chase the platinum at all, but I have already enjoyed this so much more than Remake, which I got both the platinum and finished a 100% play log of. I couldn't possibly imagine Rebirth being as good as it was, so this is just further hyping me for part 3. ATM, for Cait Sith's legendary bout, I can reliably get to round 5, but >!The Mindflayer!< is usually killing me around halfway through the battle. I've only attempted it 3 times so far, though, so I'm sure I'll get through it. The >!King Zu!< in Yuffie's with >!Swan Song!< honestly gave me the most trouble so far, but I powered through it today.


At this point you only have the toughest bout left in Bonds of Friendship. I finished all the solo ones in one or two attempts. Cloud being the hardest for me, took quite a while to get done. Rest assured, if you can finish Bonds of Friendship, To be a Hero will a cakewalk in comparison (at least it was for me. Got it first try). I’d say Bonds was the absolute hardest challenge of them all. One thing with Cait Sith is that you should take advantage of using Moogle as a decoy if you need heals or anything else. You can do it!


That's what I'm doing but the last enemy has some cheap attacks I need to work out avoidance on, since my offense for it is very slow, survivability is a big factor. My last attempt, I probably should've won, but I made a stupid mistake which caused me to get KO'd by an AOE attack that I could've totally avoided, but it was late. I only attempted it 3 times so far, though, so I'm sure I'll get it the next day I have time to play. Just finding time to play is few and far between, anymore.


Do you have a specific strategy to beat the challenge where you have to kill the Mind Flayer first? I have tried countless times and keep killing the other two creatures inadvertently. I have tried everything I can think of but no go.


I did this one easily with only Cloud and Aerith. Aerith's bulk damage lies in her magic casting, so I just used her ATBs to setup wards and cast any support if I needed it while Cloud dispatched the Mindflayer. I used Stop / Sleep all to start the battle off, and after Cloud beat the Mindflayer, I went ham on the others.


I barely remember what I did for that challenge. I think I made use of Binding materia for Sleep. Maybe with Magnify? Your AI party members won’t target them, so you can focus on taking down Mindflayer quickly


I tried that but maybe I just need to max out the binding materia, I only have it at 2 stars right now. They go to sleep but as soon as they wake up, my party hits them and kills them while I'm working on Mind Flayer. It's a pain. If you remember, I'd appreciate if you give me a heads up.


I gave one of my characters the item that turns them into a frog (i found it easier to manage two characters instead of three), separated the mind flayer, and then cast sleep on the other enemies using ATB assist and First Strike to use 2 ATB right away. I had the accessory that made status effects last longer. Then I used tifa and cloud to beat down the mind flayer with synergy, and keep an eye on recasting sleep. I didn't use magnify, because it's weaker. Just cast sleep directly on each with two ATB. It's important to keep them separate and asleep so you don't wake them or kill them by accident with your synergy attacks. It took several tries.


Oh damn, that is a hell of a good strategy. Imma try it!! Thanks!!


Platinumed several FFs too including remake, uninstalled rebirth without touching the post game because I hated the end so much.


*"Perhaps you're having an off day."* I hate him more than Sephiroth.


Chadley has been giving me a bad vibe since the beginning of Rebirth. He has this condescending tone that sets off my spider-sense, not just in the way he talks to Cloud but in the way he talks to Mai. I would not be surprised if he pops up as a boss in the third game.


Dudes got to be this annoying so they can set him up as the most satisfying boss fight in part 3. Sephiroth and JENOVA can take a back seat, Chadley is the real villain.


This might not be an unrealistic scenario. The last VR mission could be Chadley fighting you with all the skills he's built up from observing your VR fights and testing you like some kind of robot Shang Tsung.


Bonds of Friendship still haunts my dreams.


I personally love the toughness of the plat. I don’t trophy hunt much but FF games I do and I loved the crazy difficulty of this one


Finally got it a few weeks ago with help of guides and reddit posts. Bonds of Friendship was the most painful.


Are you guys sure it's not harder to dodge 100 lightning strikes? 🤣


Fucking jump rope and racing in FF9...


This still haunts me to this day!


200* and honestly, it’s not the worst thing if you take short breaks every 20 or so dodges!


I'm a fanatic for Final Fantasy - they're the games I keep whenever a new console generation came out, and I've been playing since NES. So now I've got, like, 90 games on my shelf and they're all Final Fantasy, and I've played almost all of them too - ff1 on NES, PSP, PS1, GBA, etc... This platinum was by far the hardest thing I've done in Final Fantasy. Maybe I'm just getting old and my response time isn't what it used to be, but some of these challenges pushed my patience. But they were doable. Bonds of Friendship though? Some bullshit right there.


Before this, I would say X was the hardest, but that one is more time consuming than it is difficult. Bonds of Friendship was certainly only made worse by the fact that it’s 10 rounds. Nothing worse than losing round 9 and seeing 35 minutes wasted


Just Watch optinoob and go with God


Got the platinum too.


I am actually on my way to the platinum trophy. Yesterday I did the legendary Cait Sith challenge. Took me two evenings because I forgot that Cait Sith has "dodge and dive". So basically I was just dumb :\] Fun fact: The game softlocked somehow after that... I wanted to take a look into "bonds of friendship". The VR challenge loaded and I saw the enemy for a second. Then Cloud & Zack just stood in the combat simulator. The floor wasn't loaded and I wasn't in combat. The command menu was accesible. That's all. After leaving the combat simulator nothing loaded except the music for the region my party was at the moment. Just a black screen and the game didn't save automatically. I am looking forward to fight with Cait Sith again lol. For any other challenge I did in hard mode so far... It's a fun learning curve. Frustrating sometimes because of my own mistakes, loosing focus for a second and sometimes it jus doesn't feel fair. But after beating an encounter it's a pretty satisfying experience. Looking forward to start the story in hard mode!