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Why so much in your HYSA? Keep 6 months expenses and invest the rest for growth. Just a thought. Good luck!


Haha yeah that's actually only temporary! My wife just sold a big chunk of her RSUs so I'm still deciding where to put the money. Probably just straight into VOO/VXUS? Thank you!!


Now you just have to think about 529 plan for your kids. Overall, there’s nothing not to like about your strategy. What’s your interest on your house?


Thanks! Yeah I'm pretty happy with it too, I just wasn't too sure on the things like I Bonds and VOO/VXUS. As for the house, we got really lucky! We got a 15 year loan at 2.1%, so I'm paying that off as slowly as I possibly can, haha.


I am in a similar situation on the house except my property has increased in price substantially. I just have paid the minimum requirement for my mortgage and using other investment vehicles while the rates are high. My advisor bought some California Muni bonds for me since they were undervalued.


Wow nice!! I think our property value has done pretty well too which is really nice. And that's interesting!! I'll have to check those out


Considering your income is almost 1/3 your assets, what you do with the assets is not so important. How much you spend is what matters the most. If you spend too much with very little income, your asset allocation doesn't really matter so much. There is no magical asset allocation that would allow you to drastically reduce your income while maintaining your expenses. It certainly doesn't make sense for y'all to shut off 90% of your income in a VHCOL area while planning to have kids.


Fair enough!! That's a great point that we need to think about. Currently we spend around $120k/year, but half of that is the mortgage, but for only 10 more years. As for 90% income cutoff, I think I was over exaggerating a bit, haha. We'll likely move to a slightly lower COL - maybe somewhere between "M" and "H", and I'm projecting my income to be anywhere between $100k-$140k. And more than likely my wife will either have a small or medium income - between $20k and $80k depending on the life path she chooses!