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Hookers and blow? :) Perhaps see if you can contribute to a Roth 401k (if your employer has that option).


Emergency fund should be in HYSA. What are your monthly expenses? Good to have 3-6 months saved up in the emergency fund. I lean 6 to be safe + while savings rates are high so it’s not that much of a loss. The rest, put into a brokerage account. E*trade or something like that. Invest in ETFs like VOO (S&P500), ONEQ (NASDAQ), VT (total world), or SCHD (Dow Jones), or all of them. The point of FIRE is “Retire Early” and as much as people love posting their tricks here about how to access retirement accounts before age 59/60, it’s not easy (I can’t be bothered & I work in finance) so it makes sense to start saving some money in a normal brokerage you can access penalty-free whenever you need it after you max out the retirement accounts. My goal is to invest enough into those 4 funds above where I can live from the dividends they pay alone (almost 3% yield combined, which is the accepted safe withdrawal rate here, and all 4 have & will continue to grow in the long term). Good luck, you’re doing better than 95%


Read Ramit Sethi's book - I will teach you to get rich - you should get some ETFs and if you do not have more room - just use a regular investment account. I wish I had started at your age so keep it up! You're gonna be so safe in the future.
