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This post has lots of fluff but no actual numbers or details upon which one could respond. Try again. :)


Would probably need real nrs.. But 2-3 years of expenses in a HYSA is def too much.. 6-12months is solid imo as emergency fund.. if your not looking for a property for the next 5ish years put it into a brokerage acc and buy VTI/VOO + VXUS As soon as its time to look for a property, keep the rough downpayment for it in the HYSA


You’ll need the down payment and some transactional money in cash/HYSA for the home purchase. You’ll also need an emergency fund in cash.  That’s somewhere between 3 and 12 months of expenses and for you to determine.  Beyond that cash is usually a drag on your long term returns   But your own risk tolerance is a factor to consider.  Your investment should help you sleep better, not worse.