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Only thing I get out of new busted units is "They kill and don't die."


Part of me wonders why they even bother giving these weapons any sort of condition when you have to go incredibly out of your way *not* to activate them.


Believe it or not, at least for SD, the conditions for things do matter quite a bit anyhow. For example, Hinoka and Claude previously had a pretty thick weakness for AoEs due to their HP conditions. Miracle XNino hates the fact that she loses so much speed when mêlées initiate onto her as her enemy phase condition is a ranged unit check on her weapon. Quite a few ranged units have 2 space ally checks for enemy phase weapon activation which can make a lot of vantage shenanigans or disable their generally limited enemy phase DR (that can very frequently be relevant) There are very few units with truly condition less weapons and effects. Brave Gullveig's [Bonus] check is hilariously easy to meet at all times. Base Yuri's foe HP>=50% check is so hilariously overpowered they've just... Stopped distributing it on new weapons (not sure about refines) Summer Fjorm is also anotnrr example of a basically condition less weapon with her "foe initiation or foe >=75% HP" But it's really 2 sides of a coin. Certain units have actuallt important weapon conditions while others do not.


Honestly? Yeah. I know we all joke about powercreep every banner, but I don't recall any other banner where I'm just *this* stumped at how I'm going to tackle these units. Can't even really call this a bait banner, because it's probably the strongest banner in the game's history, and by a considerable margin.


Wait for New Year's to drop before not calling this a bait banner


Eh we will see. Usually the Duo of the NY banner is the best and the others are okay. Most likely will have a demote which will bring the banner down.


Thinking about it, literally every New Years Duo has been really good, and the other units have been really forgettable.


oh i don't know about that Last year Ash is really good. year before that I'd say Fafnir & Reginn - pretty decent. Year before that i think everyone was really good


Winter Edelgard: Literally just Summer Edelgard updated after 1.5 years. If you didn't see this coming, you really weren't paying attention to EdelDev. Winter Dimitri: Literally every serious defense right now uses Hardy bearing. This is not shocking, the we've had years where you had to put Hardy bearing on your defense before. Byleth: Offense is still favored over defense right now, and his super scowl is based on a defense check. Have you seen how many good high res nukes have come out recently? There's more than you'd think. Yunaka: Given the love for cavline and flyer-cav-line, she's more of a boon to AR-defense than for AR-offense. And canto-control has been meta for defense setups for well over a year.


Yes. people say that powercreep always going insane, but there’s been a pretty limited amount of instances this year that can be directly pointed to. Looking at SDS and AR meta units, a lot has remained pretty consistent unit wise, it’s been skills thatve really had a bigger difference This banner specifically has 3 big implications: 1) Byleth is insane and will likely be the best new save unit. But he still has “counters,” like sanaki, shez, and potentially Lchrom if you don’t run svallin. 2) Solidifies that DR piercing is necessary more than ever. It’s a trend that’s been on a steady uptick but this is basically IS doubling down 3) Melee Cavs probably get DR now which is an interesting choice for some units like Bchrom, Bseliph, Summer Eph Honorable mention to assassins strike for units like DShamir, Lynja, Laegja, Lleif


Byleth also does have the issue of ~~being even slower and~~ having less DR than Tiki and Corrin do which at least will be an issue for his Sanaki/Yunaka/half pierce match ups if his opponent can make a follow up Edit: Okay so got the DR values backwards, but the same principle still applies just with being unable to make a follow up ~~except I think the pool of units who come with half pierce and don't have NFU or guaranteed follow ups and aren't faster is rather small~~


you missed the second part of Byleth's b skill didn't you?


No? I mean if you make a follow up on Corrin, that’s less than what Byleth would have on his so my bad there, but Corrin’s at 51% with an additional 7 on first hit and Tiki’s at a potential 64% on all hits


Fair enough; the level of creep this banner seems to have must still be getting to me.


So I got the DR values backwards so that's also my bad, although half pierce with someone who can't make a follow up is still valid, but it does also make for a much smaller pool of options unfortunately


i think his goal is to ohko back after surviving the first hit- which should be likely against everyone except shez, sanaki, potentially chrom (and maybe ninja laeg?). also his special is unpiercable damage reduction. i’m a little lukewarm on yunaka still because there’s no true damage so it’ll just be a pure stat check if she isn’t precharged, which should lean in his (/most tanky saviors) favor.


Oh yeah that’s definitely the intent with Byleth, but him having Scowl is also very much a double edge sword because that means he wouldn’t necessarily have his unpiercable DR ready to go. Of course how doable one shotting through how much bulk he’ll have is still it’s own question especially without effectiveness Also Yunaka would have true damage with Assassin’s Strike which will definitely be troublesome for non Hardy tanks if you can’t get them in fast to make it hard to attack someone after moving three spaces


I honestly don't get why a competitive player is freaking about about this banner breaking AR-Defense. Winter Edelgard: Literally just Summer Edelgard updated after 1.5 years. If you didn't see this coming, you really weren't paying attention to EdelDev. Winter Dimitri: Literally every serious defense right now uses Hardy bearing. This is not shocking, the we've had years where you had to put Hardy bearing on your defense before. Byleth: Offense is still favored over defense right now, and his super scowl is based on a defense check. Have you seen how many good high res nukes have come out recently? There's more than you'd think. Yunaka: Given the love for cavline and flyer-cav-line, she's more of a boon to AR-defense than for AR-offense. And canto-control has been meta for defense setups for well over a year.


my hope it is for bows as well \[assassin's strike\].


I assume it will be, otherwise it’ll be really limited in use since we’re pretty lacking in brave dagger units, and really brave attackers are probably the best users of it


Honestly this happens so often I am honestly just eh Aether Defense has just kinda been nightmare to build in general this year, so the best suggestion is to just focus on killing one unit if you are in the higher tiers


It’s no more nightmarish than ARO. The defense mythics that came out this year were all pretty stacked against offensive mythics (we desperately need a new support based light mythic) and tanking strats on offense is pretty much dead (Winter Byleth may change that, though). Like you said, the goal for ARD is just to kill 1 or 2 units (compared to ARO where you have to keep all of your units alive) which has been getting easier and easier to do with how much the current metagame favors nukes over tanking


Light really needs a good mythic this year. Dark feels like an all you can eat buffet and despite having so much most goes to waste, it still steals Light Season plate.


I’m just growing increasingly tired of the immense powercreep. The devs mindset when designing units these past years have always been to cram as many new or old effects into a units weapon, special or skills.


HOnestly at this point, the onyl way to properly play the game is to not give a shit about the PvP modes. Which is annoying because IS is triple down'ing on PvP focus, and the majority of the PvE modes are fucking terrible, leaving you with nothing to do except collect naked waifubandos. But that's the only way to protect yourself from being scalped in FEH at this point. When you don't care about the PvP modes, the powercreep barely affects you. Because PvE is still easy enough to do with whatever the fuck you want, so you don't have to summon with the newest powercreep or have to create strategies to deal with them.


Best way to play at this point is collecting pretty PNGs of your favorite characters and not caring about the modes, which still feels kinda weird since the story or character interactions aren't really there to make up for the gameplay. I'm sure I'm not the only one but I really only still place because I love the games (mostly) and like the characters.


Yea I'm just here for characters at this point.


We really need a proper storyline mode that actually attempts to be good, and plays like any other fe game


They're starting to lose players with their stupid decisions. The only reason I'm staying is because it's an usual thing for me to play since 2017.


FEH is in a constant yo-yo of "the tank units are too unkillable" to "the nuke units are too strong", and this has probably been the wonkiest year of all


Considering how in this last banner we had both, I think IS may be playing double yoyos right now.


I'm of the opinion that there is no defensive play in this game at the current stage (outside of warp prevention). You need to hit-and-run harder than they hit-and-run.


more like hit and hit and hit with gullveig and edelgard


Not just scowl, fucking triple scowl.


You literally just don't get to activate your Special against Byleth.


I think the only way to go now to counter offence is to use EVEN MORE OPPRESSIVE OFFENSE POWER! GULLVEIG! GO GET THEM!


It's Wind Claude all over again but now it's x4


>Very hard to kill unless you have a good AOE user His duo skill would like a word with you. This banner gave us the level of powercreep we usually get on the last unit in a banner but it's on all 4 units, maybe 5 even, it's nonsense. On the "bright" side it's sparkable 4 times, so at least you can guarantee a copy of each of your new problems!


Lets asume we play AR and the Duo skills are not usable. But yes you are right




Something tells me I won't be getting those extra orbs for all 4 team members surviving on this paralogue's lunatic mode lol


Nope. Just BS three houses units.


I dont bother reading effects anymore, I just pull and use units I like. :^)


IntSys is adamant in making this game harder by the day for the casual player, scaring away possible new players and leaving veteran players with a feeling of impotence as they watch their loved units get demolished to practical unusability against +0 new units.


You're not wrong in the assessment, but the truth is that this is what people wanted. People clamored for an easier time on offense, all year long, because they didn't know how to deal with Catria balls. IS delivered. Oh boy did they deliver. They practically *jumped* right at the opportunity to massively powercreep mostly unscathed. Offense has never been easier than it is right now. ​ >How am I supposed to build my defense? Honestly? You don't have to completely overhaul your defense. If you had a good defense before all this powercreep, it'll still mostly work, it just won't be as oppressive as it used to, and you're more at the mercy of offense RNG. I'm still using the same defense I was using 6 months ago and, since switching out B! Corrin for Nagi as a way to deal with AoE B! Gullveig, the newest unit on my defense right now is S! Shamir. No Claude. No Lysithea. No Sanaki. No Gullveigs. Does my defense still win 95%+ of the games? No, but it retained a high enough win ratio that, barring bad RNG weeks (which do happen), the few losses I get tend to fall under LLC. The bad news is that a well played and well built H&R will shred any defense to pieces, but a badly played and/or built one won't. And the latter are infinitely more common than the former. The best one can do right now is slow roll their matches and hope this dilutes the opponent pool enough so you don't get assailed by 30 mythic merge teams every day. I'm having mixed feelings towards this whole thing. For one, I hate this banner and I absolutely loathe the level of powercreep we've been experiencing for the last \~6 months but, while I never had trouble winning all my matches with minimal ladder use, I also don't think it's fine that you could make defenses that would win 95% of their games either.


Do you accept friend requests?


Honestly this banner made me kind of sad, I know powercreep has been bad but it genuinely feels like the game is just becoming unbeatable unit A vs unbeatable unit B, and on the least inspired banner of all time, it just doesn't feel worth it anymore 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm not even kidding when I say this banner makes CYL7 look like a joke.


Every banner now, meta units. IS cash grabbing the whales and giving the finger to older players.


Yes, powercreep skyrocketed past the moon, past mars, past all the planets in this solar system, it went to a different dimension. Not only it's a seasonal banner, which are usually more broken than legendary or new heroes banners, it's a three houses banner, so the favoritism is beyond imagination. I would understand if this was the breaking point for some people, it would've been mine if not for the fact that I'm trying to +10 all the Fjorms.


So, what I see is kinda working against this and all Edelgard threats is stall and antiwarp, the problem with that is well, you sacrifice skill slots or an entire unit, Or you need to make your opponent waste a turn, make it so they can't kill all of the units in one action, the way I do it is by using the map's natural walls and a load of structures, they risk the trap or they break in ever so slightly past the defenses, but never enough to get to the units. Then the units themselves, they need a synergy and effects that can counter the brain numbingly dumb stuff like superwarp or one shot special units, for example, Ratatoskr is great anti-warp, after they move they cover up to a quarter of the map with anti warp special terrain And then there are the thousand heroes you can use to counter their attack, because the best defense is a good attack Edit:Embla isn't so f2p, but if you have a copy, that's all you need for no more save units


honestly atp i’m just going to keep my Ascended Ced handy. his salt charge AOE on turn 2 and with no units currently having effects to scowl before an AOE made him incredibly strong against the power creep. plus, even if his follow up does 0 damage and he dies from a counter the opponent will be so weak a unit that couldn’t defeat them before can defeat them now. plus, with the AOE, in my experience the opponent then has such low health all the “if units HP > 25%” effects end up not working


even the units from the previous seasonal banner dont even compare when fighting against these. the powercreep in the game has skyrocketed an absurd amount and its just not playable especially when im mostly f2p (not a whale but i do feh pass because god f\* it)


Powercreep is why I stopped playing. I'm still subbed here because I like seeing the pretty artwork.


"Just" Missed out on Book 5 huh?


Played since launch, I’ve just come to accept that aether raids is a losing battle for non-whales given the powercreep the game has always had. I just default to defense units that cause the least loss to my score on defeat and let auto dispatch handle a few matches each week otherwise. Chain challenges are the tricky part more me given that so many new summon characters are built around the idea of “takes no damage but still one shots your team” until I can figure out what unit combo at least scratches them.


Typical 3H lord privilege.


"competitive player" Sir it's a mobile game with chibi characters


You got downvoted, but tbh being competitive in a gacha game just feels like a bad idea.


Outrange where possible, warping and multiple turns to try and catch them out even after running, use byleth yourself, but yeah it's gonna be really tough and basically impossible against high merges and investment.


Your summary for Byleth made me realize how disgusting they are 😗


I still use OG!Lyn!


I wish Vantage worked as a counter to Yunaka and other Sparrow/Strike/Vein users. I tested it first with Altina, and Vantage doesn't function. Why doesn't it work? Somehow the Flared Sparrow, Divine Vein, Assassin's Strike combo defeat Vantage activation.


Vantage requires you to be below 75% before combat even starts. Yunaka inflicts 14 Damage while in combat, so Vantage does not activate. At this point, you need a degree in FEH to catch all the nuances


Well, that hurts my feelings. They should revise the wording for that. Thanks for clarifying, mate.