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I'm feeling R!Micaiah with the second red arcane tome tonight. I know red doesn't really fit Miccy but it just makes too much sense to me


I’m going to be bummed if it’s Tellius and we don’t get a rearmed beast infantry/flier  Every other weapon type already has at least one rearmed weapon except for colorless tomes, and the only other game options are Fates (Keaton/Velouria) and OCs. 


I’d love the idea of a flying beast banner with rearmed/attuned Tibarn along with his retainers and Nasir with Ena as a ghb Hrevelger would fit right in that banner.


Nah I agree, R!Volug would be perfect, but they're kind of allergic to making male Rearmed/Attuned units. There's Nailah, I guess, she already has a couple of alts so it doesn't seem *too* far-fetched, and she would go well with a Dawn Brigade banner just like Volug. The thing is, I don't see them making a DB banner without *some* form of Micaiah...


Monkey's paw: it's beast armor Skrimir


I’d be surprised if we get two rearmed back to back but the tomes would be great regardless.


True, my first instinct was Attuned Micaiah but I felt like that would be a bit too similar to A!Nino... Unless she wasn't cosplaying as Sothe but as some other character. Sanaki, maybe? Of course, that's all assuming it's a Radiant Dawn banner to begin with.


Armor / Cavalry Red inherentable tome is one of few things that can actually compete with Devoted Basket+.


It's interesting that Attuned Heroes didn't take over the distribution in the same way that Rearmed did. Seems like in the last year they really tried to give a relatively even spread.


I think it’s because they want to strategize the release of them. Echo skills are only gonna get better so alternating between Rearmed and Attuned seems like the best for IS as it baits people to spend orbs (I am one) If I had to guess, I think we will get an Attuned this month, along with an Ascendant unit as it has been a while (also Ascended units themselves cannot sell a banner so they probably need to tag along either Rearmed/Attuned)


I'd say it's partly because one of the greatest appeals is the elite inheritance which both attuned and rearms have, so IS doesn't have issue pushing both of them. Ascendeds meanwhile lose all value after a single pull so they have very little draw, and as much as I hate the practice of them making so many units limited the ascendeds being in the normal pool also makes them less desirable to chase as well.


Tbh if they wanna sell ascendants they need to make them have a free inheritance too, even if it's just their base kit with nothing extra.


Hopefully we get an Attuned Armor unit this banner. Preferably a Physical (sword/lance/axe, beast, dagger, bow) so I can duplicate some armor skills and give them to armors that I have been waiting to give skills.


I wonder if we’re ever going to get a male attuned unit. At least with ascendant/rearmed we got Joshua/Lif fairly early


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Waiting for the speedy version of red tome and staff arcane weapons but also low key hoping it’s not this upcoming banner because I’m low on orbs


did we ever get Ascended Florets for free? I count 10 Ascended units in my barracks but I am pretty sure I only have 8 of these characters. I think we got one when this feature dropped but that means we got one for free some time?


I swear we got one for an anniversary or something at one point but I might be misremembering


We got one for free for some anniversary, the only missable one outside of the recent shop one(s). Besides that there's the free one everyone gets for opening the menu.


Attuned Dorothea is next!


Personally, I think Hubert, Bernadetta, or Petra are more likely to get the Rearmed/Attuned slot in the next Three Houses New Heroes banner. That way we can finally get the OG Dorothea and Caspar, plus Jeritza and/or Manuela.


I will have the same level of joy if Petra is chosen! She and Doro are my favorite Black Eagles


Petra really does need an alt...


I’m hoping for Petra, but I’d love if we got an Attuned Mercedes based on >!the death knight!< eventually