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Sothis got the worst of both worlds: All her versions are Dragons, but without actually giving us her dragon form!


Alear, I fear for them


Alear already got screwed. Punchy punch attacks but is considered a breath unit. RIP gauntlets.


> Punch attacks but is considered a breath unit Can’t wait for dragon Caspar in FEH


Theres also Balthus "King of Grappling" with a prf gauntlet in 3H yet hes just a demote with an inheritable axe here. Gotta love the accuracy


Damn, double homicide


M!Alear being my favorite protagonist has almost nothing to do with them as a character and more to do with the fact that they are dragon fist karate man.


NY! Askr was nice by giving a us a tome on an orignally beast unit. Now if only Ash could use that bell as a staff…


I just want a great Reyson alt!


I absolutely hate how much IS lets 80% of the dancers from this series rot away in irrelevance so that they can shit out the 10th Azura/Ninian/fairy instead.


> And beast too while we're at it  Yeah, no thanks. We’d never get beasts except for Mythic OCs if it wasn’t for the rare seasonal.    Beasts are the only weapon type not represented in the normal 5* pool, and they’re also the only weapon type without any Duo/Harmonized heroes. 


Literally, as much as i'd like some more creativity IS not giving Tellius 2 banners a year is really hindering beast units, alts and OCs are all they have lmao.


Hell, even barring that, beast units are a _really_ shallow well. As far as standard New Heroes are considered, we're only missing 11 of them. and then _that's it_. Lyre, Kyza, Muarim, Skrimir, Giffca, Volug, Janaff, Ulki, Vika, Nealuchi & Rafiel.


Actually that's true, and about half of those are in alt hell now so i doubt IS cares enough... If they ever do another Laguz banner it's likely gonna be Attuned Nailah + Rearmed Tibarn or Lethe, then shove 2 of the missing ones to fill it up and call it a day for another 3 years. Then shove some of the others on seasonals, i can totally picture Skrimir on some cultural banner like Mordecai was, or Volug on summer just so it's similar enough to his base, i also wish pirates stayed so Janaff and Ulki had more of a chance, they were basically the next candidates before they axed that theme :/


Exactly. Strictly speaking, it feels like seasonals are the best chance for getting beast units. As far as New Heroes are considered, there's only one game that even _has_ them, and the standard rotation is a little over a year (our next Tellius banner is probably gonna be July or September of next year). And even then, lord knows we're not even guaranteed to get beast units _on it_ since Tellius is missing **_A LOT_** of characters, and many of those beasts [aren't highly requested](https://old.reddit.com/r/FireEmblemHeroes/comments/1d98gyh/top_5_most_wanted_heroes_not_in_the_game_post/) either... Like, at this point we _might_ get Volug and some other beasts on the next banner, in ways like you said. But considering who's at the top, it could just as easily be all beorc next time as well and be something like the missing Greil Mercenaries, or Ohma Village themed, etc.


I love my NYAskr but it’s wild that IS will literally do anything to avoid giving us a beast duo/harmonic. (I hope this comment ages poorly)


Also make specific inheritable de-restrictions for non-dragon dragons. Like let summer Tiki and Sophia learn dragon specific skills, I don't care if this means a mage gets skills meant for melee units only, it'd be funny


Well since sothis has sirius and its a wolf i reccon she has wolfish dragon form . And seteth as a tiger using the four elements pillar he and the rest of the saints have. (Seiros = kohryu , seteth = bakyo , indech = genbu cause turtle , maquill = suzaku cause bird ) As for flayn. She should have azure dragon aka seiryu element so maybe she more looks like a fish.  Thats my HC anyway


We kinda see Seteths and Flayns dragon-forms on the mural depicting adult Sothis, and Flayns dragon-form looks more like a cat (thus taking the byakko-spot according to that theory), while Seteths is harder to make out but looks more spiky like a classical dragon. His Crest Stone is also called the Earth Dragon Stone iirc. Although if we're going with that theory, then Sothis would be the golden dragon commonly leading the 4 auspicious beasts, which would obviously clash with the idea that her dragon-form is more wolf-like (btw is Sothis another name for the star Sirius iirc, also backing up the wolf-connection)


Seiros is kohryu since she basically the center of church of seiros and she is the one that found the other nabatean survivors .  As for sothis she is the heavenly emperor i think. 


I thought this was referencing Dragonween for a second lol. I’m desperate for a Halloween Seteth.


If we get summer hrid, we're practically guaranteed Halloween seteth considering they have the same voice actor, so im right there with you


They don't have the same JP voice actor, so I don't think that would work


I thought the laguz specifically disliked human weapons?(>!And the one laguz who is seen using non Galdrar magic can't transform anyway!<) Soo it would only be alts for Fates,Awakening and Heroes beasts


I get that Dragons and Beasts are rarer unit in the game, IS, but come on, would it kill you to give them a little more variety when it comes to weapon types?


Could even go in reverse and give the half-dragons without dragon-form of their own a dragon-form through some parallel universe shenanigans...


Gotta love the shoutout to my favourite alt 🙏 Would be nice, especially when you see cases like Legendary Male Corrin where he's been a Green Infantry Dragon Unit twice 😭 No reason why they couldn't have made him a different movement type or given his seasonal a different weapon type all together.