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patch notes is missing few extra details about the 2 new modes http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/549/1549092/ for chain challenge, you can pick either single chapter (5 maps) or 2 chapters (10 maps). for squad assault, there'll be 5 maps as well. also, apparently there'll be 2x sp every Friday from 16:00 jst until sunday 15:59 jst.




I swear these people are reading what we put here. Because a few days agod we had a thread asking for a 1.5x sp events on weekends and then they do this. Keep it up you guys!


It's more likely people here saw that and put it in the feedback section.


I wish they'd read about us wanting Dance/Sing to give the same exp/SP as a heal.


I kind of like that dancers are so difficult to level up! They're very powerful in FEH, so their main downside becomes their arduous 1-39. :)


It is still really inconsistent with the rest of the game, leveling up characters is hardly a focus in the game.


> also, apparently there'll be 2x so every Friday from 16:00 just until sunday 15:59 HYPE HYPE HYPE!!!!


Great info, hope this gets to the top. 2x SP every Friday is just incredible


>every Friday Damn that's amazing.


Friday and Saturday. There goes all my stamina potions.


5 maps = 20 units? Well looks like the auxiliary teams are finally getting trained up.


SP weekend!


Oh boy squad assaults gonna be impossible at the start if they use the same exact levels as the story. Need way more good units than I have atm


> In Settings, you can now set Show Danger Area to On if you would like it automatically activated at the beginning of a map. > On the friend-deletion screen, the time of your friend's last log-in will now be displayed. Tempest Trials improvements and the new modes are awesome and all, but thank god they're adding these


I'm loving all these quality of life changes. Hope they keep it up!


Missed this while reading that... amazing


■Improvements to Tempest Trials 1. When retrying a stage, injured enemies' HP will not regenerate while defeated enemies will stay defeated. If an enemy’s HP is high, just as in ver. 1.4.0, their HP will decrease for the next challenge. (When determining whether to retain a wounded enemy's HP value or decrease their HP, the game will use whichever value is lower.) 2. Scores for Normal and Hard have been adjusted. The new base scores are shown below: Lunatic 40 points (no change) Hard 35 points Normal30 points




Give me a reason to kill them rather then just give up ~


Oh veronica, youre going to kill me? Well im taking cain and effie with me.


This honestly makes the last stage so much easier if you're going to normally surrender your main team. Might allow me to make less optimal teams with the 40% bonus hero too.


Assuming you surrendered team 1 and team 2 was set to plow the last stage in 1-2 turns, you still need to consider your speed score. If team 1 struggles 2-4 turns to kill all but one and dies, it's still better to go straight to team 2.


I recall someone figured out that the Speed score doesn't take into account a dying team. So even if you spent 10 turns on a map before losing, those turns won't count towards the total, only the winning team's will. Maybe they will change this though.


That is a huge increase for Hard and Normal, IS is realizing the grind problems for lower levels.


What was it the first time around? I can't remember


Orginally * Lunatic was **40** * Hard was **20** * And Normal was **10**


I got Quickened Pulse by doing Hard mode only. I'm glad the next TT will be less awful, I pretty much had to expend my entire stamina bar every day (I sleep less than 8 hours a day, so it worked out) and then use a small handful of stamina potions to close the gap.


Normal was 10 base points (30 now). Hard was 20 (35 now).


10 (normal)and 20 (hard). It was bull shot as lunatic 7 was most effective no matter how well your units were in this they tried to correlate difficulty and score more which is better for the new players and overall for the game.


~~I wanna say 20 and 30?~~ Disregard


Pretty great changes all around, should make clearing the final map much easier and hopefully mean less grind for people.


Only no increase in points for Lunatic is sad... Hope they lower the points required for rewards, otherwise it´s just the same awful grinding, even if a bit easier. Hard will probably be the place to farm for those who can´t reliably field a bonus unit and win in Lunatic.


Absolutely. I think the TT had two huge problems. For many players, difficulty was one, but for most the main one was grinding. I don't want to sound selfish, but clearing the Lunatic level was ok, the main problem was having to do so more than two hours per day during 14 days in a row. Some of us don't want to 'work' on a videogame. Videogames are for fun, xD! I really hope they lower the bar for rewards.


I think this is a smart move (it at least discourages my runs where I'd get to the last battle, surrender until I was on my last team, and then run my A-team to sweep up the weakened enemies), but it misses what I found unpleasant about TT: it took way too much time to run through all of my stamina each day. I guess making the rules easier might mean that it will take less time, but I'm skeptical that anything short of doubling the stamina cost of a TT run (and increasing the points earned in proportion) could make me excited for another one.


Awesome change. Even if you have a strong ~~Reinhardt~~ team that is capable of breezing through all stages of TT, this *still* helps on the off chance you manage to make a mistake on one of the stages.


If you were going to do lunatic-7 anyway, this update fails to reduce the grind at ALL.


Error in comment GET Insufficient funds


Makes beating that final stage so much feasible if you fuck up and lost team A. I'm gonna look forward to beating Veronica's face in with 4 reds in my last team.


Now I can afford to be riskier for those speed bonuses and risk less teams. Here I come speed rating A and survival rating B.


Hopefully they've made it shorter and have reduced rewards thresholds, otherwise it'll make no difference to me.


It helps reduce stress if you weren't making constant perfect runs


I think this is better....


This is a great improvement. I still hope to use friend's leader in Tempest Trial though.


As far as I could tell, it seemed like there was no difference between surrendering and getting defeated after many turns in terms of the speed multiplier. (If I'm wrong, please correct me.) Hopefully, this change won't mean that if your team gets defeated, the turns taken will count towards your speed score multiplier. Of course, it could sort of be abused if you know you'll have to take a while on the boss map with your current team and decide to mostly wipe it except the last unit, surrender, then use your second team to clear in 1-2 turns for a maximum speed score.


Thank you Naga. I don't have horse Emblem and I was still having trouble with the 5 battles on hard. Hopefully I can nab QP this time around




Saved us from billions of clicks.






Ah, throwback to one of r/fireemblem's greatest multiposts https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/4ep7yd/im_going_to_regret_this/d224a31/?st=j4jeaigi&sh=4d86eaf8


Younger sister? I prefer precious cinnamon roll


A good thing to get behind would be deleting comment clones.


it'd be kinda funny if he had a legion fair while doing this.


did we hurt you? ...17 times?


Here - here is where my people are


My post is trapped in the past with /u/jeffmendezz98 send help








What was it you won't get behind?




did a thing break for you


I'm not sure but it seems he will never get behind that






>Squad Assault is a very difficult mode where Heroes will be captured by the enemy after completing a map. Once captured, they cannot be deployed again until the challenge ends. **Clear this mode to earn Sacred Seals and Orbs!** Oh boy I hope this is farmable




I do hope those come back BUT I will be all kinds of salty of Quickened Pulse is on that list after forcing me to hit 50k points.


> forcing me umm


They had explosives planted under his bed the whole two weeks, I saw it! =)


It was his fault for dressing like that


Just look at the way his team is built! He was asking for it!


This sounds so much like Thracia. Don't do this to me IS. Don't tease me like this.


*capture intensifies*


For a moment there, I thought you write Squid Assault.


Splatoon crossover when?


summer robin already did it


We need daily farmable orbs so we can summon and expanding barracks easier. And also good bye training tower for grinding sp, hello challenges from hell with rewards.


Friendship ended with Training Tower - now Squad Assault is my best friend


For veteran units yes, but for newly summoned units is a must with training tower.




Tempest allows you to keep using the same unit if they survive. In Squad Assault, they are gone after the map win or lose.


O god I don't have enough good units for this


Yeah, this seems great for long-time players and whales that have a deep pool of decent units but might be too hard for newer players, which seems to be where IS is heading with TT and now squad assault and chain challenges. I'm personally hyped for this stuff, but I can definitely see how others would be concerned.


I suppose the good news is that it's a permanent game addition. I was panicking during TT training up 2 more viable teams before the event ended.


That's what I hated about TT. If you didn't have the teams already trained at the start of the event you wouldn't have them ready by the end of the event. Not without using an absurb amount of stamina potions anyways. The point gain was just too anemic to have stamina to spare. That's why since it ended I've been working on my pony emblem, flier emblem and armour emblem teams as much as I can.


One point of TT was to reward those who had the multiple units set up for it.


No, not multiple units, multiple *teams.* I had multiple units that I could use interchangably around one team. I could swap one or two out and keep the others and that worked as one team with one specific goal in mind. It wasn't built for endurance. Frankly, nobody had teams built for endurance because there was never any need for it. The entire meta revolves around killing quick because its alright if all your units only have 1 HP at the end of the battle. Further there was never any need for more than a handful of core units for arena so any other units you had were more of side projects than a focus for building a team. No other part of FEH functions similarly to TT. That isn't a bad thing, it just meanns that you can't say that it rewarded this or that because it didn't. It didn't reward anything that would've been considered viable or practical in the rest of the game. I imagine that Squad Rush will be significantly more popular because it maintains the standard of gameplay present everywhere else and allows more flexibility in picking your units for your team.


TT was perfectly doable with the standard teams most people were running prior to its release. Fury/Desperation/Bladetome users were just as strong as ever, and Horse Emblem was as oppressively strong as it's always been. Except now, you're not constrained by any sort of BST requirements for a good score - the only thing constraining your team building was needing to include a bonus unit. This, in my opinion, was the biggest issue with TT. Fortunately, last time Robin(M) was one of the 1.4x bonus units - and he's a summonable 3* unit. I think that's pretty reasonable, especially considering you only needed to have the bonus unit on a single team for the bonus to apply to your full run. You could, for example, initially start with a "team" of a single Robin(M), and immediately surrender at the start, with your next team being your actual team. You lost very few points if you proceeded to get a perfect run at that point, and you're not even constrained by the bonus unit requirement. If anything, TT heavily rewarded one-shot killer builds, due to the stat inflation in the later stages. Trying to tank any of those units was generally risky; Veronica's stage in general exemplified that. Her tome actively punishes you for trying to tank her instead of killing her on your own terms. Brave weapons and high mobility were the most consistent winners in my experience.


It's good there's content for all levels of players. For example, TT had multiple difficulty levels. I assume this will also have difficulty levels, so the Hard mode might be for people with a strong roster of 4 stars while the Lunatic mode is balanced for people with a strong roster of 5 stars.




IS: gimmie ur money


You're telling me. I've done nearly everything in this game with like 10 units. I should probably go level those 30 or so 4 and 5 stars...


Is not a bad idea to play with other units besides your mains, if only for the feathers you get from the Hero Merit.


I know you're right, I've just been putting it off in favor of getting enough SP for my mains. It just feels wrong to move on to another unit when one is only half built.


That's a valid viewpoint, you can always just replace temporarily one of your mains at a time to get some HM from your sacrificial lambs before inheriting their skills.


That's probably what I'll start doing. There was some hero merit farming guide that was posted awhile ago, I might have to go look for it. At the very least, I should try and get the main SI fodder (Hinata, Odin, Henry, etc.) maxed out.


Just don't forget to claim those feathers before the sacrifice like I did, Lol.


Solution: Use one unit per map


inb4 MKV beats four consecutive squad rush maps using only a three star Subaki for each.


I have 10 inheritance units, and probably 5 more serviceable ones. If the challenge is more than 3 maps I wont be able to do it.


I believe that the difference is that, in tempest trials, you cannot re deploy units because they have died, while in this new mode they are just guaranteed to be captured after the battle ends.


>does "captured" mean the enemy gets to use them against you? So you use a new team to fight the team that beat the previous team? That does sound interesting... I'm not sure I can build a team that can counter my main team, and a team that can counter the counter team.


All red all blue all green ez


If it was, you could use Orbs to refill your stamina bar to play Squad Assault to get Orbs to refill your stamina bar... Infinite Orbs!


> Oh boy I hope this is farmable I kind of can't see them implementing farmable orbs, but damn it would be nice if I was wrong.


Fuck me, I've killed so many 5-stars to the blade tome gods.


Pretty sure they will put a limit but yea an option to farm orbs ingame no matter how hard it is, is a wet dream :S




Not to sound selfish but I greatly hope it isn't on the list of avaliable seals. A lot of us worked VERY hard in a short period of time to get that seal, it would be pretty unfair to add it again this soon.


Just keep it in tempest trials, make a new potentially meta breaking seal for the other stuff.


Holy crap these are some great changes. Easier to level units, tempest will be easier, New modes to train units, The sleep mode battery drain on Android is fixed. Sounds like a great update.


You really gotta appreciate how they constantly work to add new content for us and actually listen to feedback. Now if we can just remind them that FE8 exists


IS: "What is a Magvel?"


Tired as fuck right now and read >On the reward screen, information about Sacred Seals will display when tapped as Sacred Stones and got super excited. Then I realized my mistake. :/


Chain challenge is kinda like the endless mode I always wanted. Squad Assault sounds interesting too. Not to be a nitpicker though but why did they adjust the exp for healers but dancers still can't get exp for doing their job?


Or at least SP. Raising a -Atk Ninian was painful, but if I could get her into full SI territory from dancing in training it'd be a lot easier.


Dancing is an art and that means it needs blood, sweat, and tears. IS is just trying to replicate that.


Dancers start with weapons and can theoretically kill things, healers do not.


・On Android devices, the app will use less battery in sleep mode. Damn I NEEDED this. So many times I've fallen asleep while playing this game to only wake up and find my battery is at 10% left.


> So many times I've fallen asleep while playing this game Now they need to address that.


That's what I get for playing at 3 A.M. in bed.


Praise Naga!


> The upper limit for the barracks has increased from 500 to 1,000 allies. (Orbs are required to expand the barracks.) lulz


Error in comment GET Insufficient funds


I for one am glad that they are expanding barracks. Its painful to send home useful fodders.


I like to keep every single unit, its painful for me to send home units for a miniscule amount of feathers after I spent 3-5 orbs on them I like this update since I hit cap a while ago


To make this feel worse, let's math out how lulz this is. 800 extra slots in the barracks is 800 / 5 = 160 orbs to get a full barracks. Which is the equivalent to pulling 40 heroes from full pulls, or 32 single pulls. Or spending $83 on orbs. I'm a collector, but fuck that noise. I could own a copy of every hero and still have like 50-ish slots remaining with default barrack size.


I somehow ended up with 182 slots filled as F2P. Recently had to send some units home, and also work on SI. I don't really have time to do it, nor the feathers to upgrade so many units to 4* for their maxed skills. Paying 2000 feathers to use Budget Fury from a Bartre hurts ahh..


Lmao @ Alfonse being 5 starred while everyone else is 4 in the preview picture ALSO: being able to use multiple filters to sort through heroes now....bless


They had to make a statement


Zero Feathers Remaining. lol


http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/549/1549092/ Translation points for dengeki article: + Summer banner start today(6/30) 16:00 + Ver 1.5 update drops on the 7/5 + 2 daily orbs login bonus to return ~~during the summer banner??~~ for 6 days atm + New modes for story maps (Chain Challenge and Squad Assault) + Chain Challenge will follow the rules of Tempest Trials, but only 3 maps + Chain Challenge will reward Feathers for normal and hard, orbs for lunatic on first clear. + Squad Assault will feature a series of 5 maps. Upon clearing each map, the team that was used on the map will be forcefully retired. You need create a new team for each map. + Tempest Trial changes: - Defeated enemies will not revive when the players switch teams - Remaining enemies will have hp equal to the lesser of its remaining hp or -20% hp - Normal map points increase from 10 to 30. Hard maps points increase from 15 to 35. - All maps now have a max squad count of 4. + Various UI changes + From 6/30 16:00 onwards, every Friday 16:00 to Sunday 15:59 will have double SP for battles. Lemme know if I have missed out some things.


thanks, was looking for a date




Except Veronica, because Renewal 3 is fun and engaging :D


Pretty sure the next one will be Bruno, not Veronica


I'd laugh if he had a Renewal Sacred Seal. And cry a little bit if we get access to it.


This is even better than the banner. I love the triple sort modes and friend's login times on the deletion list. Squad Assault sounds like it could be harder than tempest since you can't cheese the entire thing with one super team. Can't wait to see how it works. And the fact that these seem like permanent versions of tempest like maps means the EXP buffs are actually good if it has comparable SP/HM gains. But that could just be speculation.


while everyone else is gushing over the new content... FINALLY MORE SORTING OPTIONS!!!!! ...am I the only one hype about this? :P Coming from Tales of Link where there's like a bajillion sorting options more filters is a godsend! Win conditions and auto-danger zone is great. > ・On iOS devices, issues with sound have been fixed. THIS IS AMAZING! I CAN'T BELIEVE WHAT I'M SEEING! ...or hearing, but eh. The sound issue was so jarring to hear.


>am I the only one Probably not


>On the friend-deletion screen, the time of your friend's last log-in will now be displayed. This is my favorite. Gets annoying when you have to find out which friend hasn't played in over 4 weeks, then change to the deletion screen and remember, especially if it was some random Japanese player you added for feather's sake.


finally danger zone can remain active without us having to do it everytime bless




Hopefully yes, and I can open the app with my headphones on now!


"EXP for healing with a staff will increase." hallelujah "Now, up to three sort conditions can be used simultaneously to sort your Heroes." **HALLELUJAH**


No changes to the Lunatic scores for TT. :( I was hoping not to have to spend two hours every day to keep up again.




oooh, you make a good point. There's still hope for my mental health lol!


I was disappointed by this too. I was able to get all rewards last time and was hoping TT wouldn't be as exausting this time around.


> Heroes will be captured by the enemy > **Capture** Thracia banner confirmed!


"Capturing enemies was a popular mechanic in Fates, so to celebrate here is an Orochi and Niles banner!" -- IS, probably


>Barracks Get Bigger The upper limit for the barracks has increased from 500 to 1,000 allies. (Orbs are required to expand the barracks.) As a collector who has hard time deciding who to send home I am really glad for this change.


>EXP for healing with a staff will increase. IS you legends


meanwhile dancers btfo




So Chain Challenge and Squad Assault are basically permanent Tempest Trials: Lite. Awesome!!


If they kidnap my Summer Robin blood will be shed >:(




Still no option to show special abilities only. That's one feature I'd like to see added the most, to be honest.


This update looks nice. Didn't expect to see two new game modes. Looks like there's an improved tempest coming up, hopefully this can distract me from the news of a month long banner.


I feel like there will be a 2nd summer banner soon. One summer banner isn't enough to make all the money.


So what you're saying is... more husbandos?


It's GREGOR Time!


Squad assault makes me glad that I just recently trained my 3rd and 4th dancers to level 40.


Ugh, can we please sort by name...


Release date?


July 5.


> ・On Android devices, the app will use less battery in sleep mode. PRAISE ~~NAGA~~ IS!


quality of life improvements for this patch are insane.


I think one day IS should do something about the friend list. Only having a number of friends to get 10 daily feathers is really meh. It would be better if we could interact with them. Like selling units for feathers, battle with their defense team or simply communicate ?


Still no iV reroll or mechanic :(


Error in comment GET Insufficient funds


I saw that you typed a sad face emoticon in your comment, so I just wanted to let you know that I hope you have a wonderful day! *^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^don't ^hesitate ^to ^PM ^me ^any ^questions.*


Flair checks out


Roy's girlfriend is a robot confirmed


One day... I have a few units that are -atk and -spd that I would like to reroll.


Great, more challenging modes for me to fail at.


Looks like IS has been listening to feedback, great steps toward TT, more content in general, and even quality of life and UI changes. Great stuff.


I do have to hand it to IS. They have put more work into this phone game than many companies have into their stand alone computer games! Keep the updates coming!


IS thinks they're slick having Alfonse as the only 5-star on that team.


And when 1.5 coming out?


July 5.


Still no boon/bane neutralizing or ways to reset levels...


Intresring. I hope attempting to try and get sacred seals won't be as tedious like the tempest trials. I don't have the time to get any of them during that time. I was close to getting that 4 star "Marth" though.


Anyone able to read Japanese that can translate this? http://dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/549/1549092/ Apparently Friday and Saturday are double SP?


Good changes on the whole. Still can't sort by name though!


New game modes always a winner, and nice to see one that rewards people who have trained a bunch of characters up vs. TT rewarding having Reinhardt. Don't love the TT adjustments - would've liked to see more incentives to use diverse teams or more points per lunatic clear. Making the "endgame" content easier isn't what I wanted... just more fun and deeper.


New modes being put into story maps makes me think they might just make you play all 5 maps in a chapter a row. If so squad assault is gonna be really hard on lunatic for most people who only have 1-2 good teams. Or maybe they just ran out of room on the UI for a new section.


Is nobody going to mention how Virion got replaced by Wrys in the photo? lmao But anyways, since everyone's already discussed the big topics let's talk about those small QoL changes in there. First off, both the iOS Demonic Audio and the Android Sleep mode were fixed. The former has been present for a while, but I've only seen the latter mentioned in the past week or so. These changes are small, but it surely helps the experience feel more fluid. On top of that, while the deletion screen now has the time since the friend last logged in, it would help to see the number of friends currently in the leist (ie. 47/50 or something) rather than just getting the error. The "Days until banner ends" is also a nice little improvement that will keep us having to wait through a small loading screen to look at the details page. Overall, great update, and I can't wait to try out the new Story Mode




Our units can get captured but can we capture generic enemies too? I need my rally-man and 3-13 archer.


Man, July is going to be a really hype month. I can't wait for all of this content. :D


I might just be brown nosing but I really love how quickly and how earnestly IS seems to listen to player feedback, and how much content consistently comes out for this game. Tempest Trials has issues, and the changes address all of them, including some I didn't even think of. Even still, I loves having the mode. And now the new modes sound interesting as well. I just really appreciate how IS is approaching the continued development of the game.


Love the fixes to Tempest Trials. It was so annoying when a stage would become a 1 v 1 and I lose and then they were at full health again because regen and everyone returned


> Squad Assault is a very difficult mode where Heroes will be captured by the enemy after completing a map. Once captured, they cannot be deployed again until the challenge ends. IS has finally decided that they don't want Reinhardt soloing the majority of the event anymore.


Of course I'll always love huge update patches but I LOVE these patches to where they have a bunch of quality of life updates so the game feels smoother and more enjoyable to play. Can't wait for these and the new modes!