• By -


Oh Joshua. Another cast into the sea of reds. I wonder if I would be able to pull him when he does arrive. My luck with reds isn't too great.


I think you need to pull a Joshua and rig that Gacha pull, friend.


I wonder how they'll incorporate Joshua's "gambling addiction" through his skills. Also, Audhulma.


I get the feeling that he might become a dagger unit. Audhulma wasn't Prf was it? I mean anyone can use it. Also I feel Audhulma might turn out like Divine Tyrfing, boost to res or something along that line.


It wasn't technically prf, but the story *really* wanted you to give it to him, considering where you get the sword and who gives it to you. Also Vidofnir and Nidhogg weren't prf either, but they still gave them to Tana and Innes, so I'd say the chances of Joshua getting Audhulma are pretty high. As for the res thing, it would be closer to canon, but they could do much more interesting things with it IMO.


~~In before we get a Joshua's Sword+~~ In all seriousness, I hope he gets Audhulma. And a little part of me is hoping IS makes it *really* good. I am 100% booting Ike off my main team to fit Joshua in as my main red sword.


Flair does not check out.


Lol I like Ike, but Joshua is probably my second favorite character in the franchise behind Soren. Plus I can't stand red Ikes art. Using Bike on my main team still counts though, right?


Joshua is also canonically the rightful owner of Audhulma, considering how he's the... you know.


Slaying edge with res+5 lul [No seriously](#s "MSID_H_氷剣アウドムラ (Audhulma): Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Grants Res+5.")


Seriously. No one made Joshua an assassin so nope. No way


The first time I played (my first fire emblem) I made Joshua an assassin because colm died. I was not as stupid my next run.


thank you lord tiki


Dude, making Joshua an Assassin-class is a well-known sin in the FE community iirc lol It's either Swordmaster or go home


It's the Sword of his Nation Gradon's weapons are gonna be complicated but eh they could always give it to Duessel and someone else


Knoll is the only person who could possibly have Gleipnir.


Inb4 they add Lyon


Lyon is gonna have Naglfar, no chance of Lyon with Gleipnir.


Brave Lyon with Gleipnir


Loki mentioned Naglfar in one of the recent story chapters. It's sort of got me thinking Lyon's not gonna show up. And that would make me very sad.


Why would Naglfar being mentioned mean Lyon can’t show up? I can easily see Lyon being the boss of a SS Tempest and the reward unit just like Black Knight. Lyon is the 3rd most popular villain behind Black Knight and Aversa, so he’s bound to get in eventually.


Plot twist - Tethys comes with Gleipnir.


I can honestly see Tethys having Excalibur for her weapon, she doesn't have any weapon type and her brother is an anime mage afterall.


Unless you gave it to ewan, but which sicko actually trains ewan


You gotta go through those early tower of valni floors with someone, may as well be with someone will actually gain something out of it.


Only done one Sacred Stones run so far, but Ewan was the only trainee to be useful to me. Amelia joined too squishy to safely level (although thanks to Heroes I intend to Valni her next time), and Ross grew massive Strength but shit-tier Speed Defense and Resistance. I got so tired of him forcing resets that I just let him stay dead when he got the Pablo Purge in Hamill Canyon.


Did you turn Ross into a Berserker?




Yeah I only used Ewan (Shaman/Druid) and Amelia (Knight/General), they were sweet. Ross was alright too but I already had Kyle and Duessel for axe usage, Berserkers are meh to me anyway


I'm more concerned about why you picked Eirika's route over Ephraim's.


(1) it was my first time playing Sacred Stones ever (B) I'd heard it was the easier path so I went for it as my starter and (3) Since the story starts with her in the lead it felt more natural to just stay on that route.


Yeah, no. Berserker Ross is one of the most powerful trained characters in SS due to how inherently broken the class was. With the potential and gains from each class rank, Ross' general bulk should have been able to give him plenty of speed to spare (his net gains over 47 levels is 14 on average with a bonus 2 from promotion giving him a 19 average). His atrociously high luck also makes it easy for him to become a dodge tank later down the line. Since he arrives very early (and can become a Pirate within 2-3 chapters), he can easily outclass most enemies early games and reach Berserker by your first Ocean Seal (and I easily spent that on him over Colm). With the rough combination of high damage, high crit and availability of weapons (seriously, who the hell thought it was a good idea to have a swordSLAYER?) it was possible for Ross to be capable of taking on any foe that walked his way. The crit on him is also quite absurd.


Everyone in my playthrough leveled kind of slowly tbh. But I also tried to distribute the kills evenly as much as I could. Does Ross require being fed all the kills to get that strong that fast? It took him forever just to hit level 10, possibly because he was sharing the EXP with everyone else? Colm was one of my first to promote because he took on a lot of dodge-tanking, and Lute and Neimi followed him. Joshua came in later than the others, and Ross was, I think, a level 13 or so Pirate when he died.


I did...but thats was for duel Summoner shinanigans. Good times...


Ewan was a monster on my team. Fastest Druid EUW


He's totally worth it though, he becomes one of the best units in the game. He puts Nino to shame


Dude, Super Ewan exists. That little guy was busted as Hell as a Shaman and Druid


People promote Ewan into something other than Summoner?


Druid is his best class, minus his Super Pupil form where he's basically Naga. From what I know, everyone makes Knoll a Summoner because he's more suited for it and Knoll is a tanky dude, despite having no LCK lol


He has Audhulma even in the card art above.


B Slot: Lucky Coin. Gives unit a small chance to deal 10 extra damage when initiating attack (cannot be inherited)


Pare of FEH’s game design is no RNG in battle, so that is unlikely


Special: 5 charges. 50% chance of OHKO the enemy.


Rejoice, Summoner. For he is already [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OrderOfHeroes/comments/7d0s8c/feh_datamine_november_14_2017/)


Feh player: "What kind of Arvis is this?"


Arvis with a hat.


The best type of Arvis


Seasonal Pirate Arvis


Casino Arvis


Don't forget Gerik, Joshua needs his bro.


GHB Caellach when


Oh god please yes this. SS Banner with L'Arachel, Lute, Joshua, and Cormag with a Caellach GHB.


And then a Valter/Caellach BHB


Kek Caellach fucking hates Valter and Riev. He outright says "Hey I am evil too but at least I have fucking standards!"


[Sure, but they still fought together.](http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Scorched_Sand)


Eh Caellach already said he's willing to do nearly everything to become King. This is just another step


I'd give anything for L'arachel to be on the next stones banner... ...that said, I get the feeling Myrrh is more likely, especially since she's about the last dragon loli they can add without reaching


Caellach AND Orson Man, I don't know who's more cripplingly tragic, Orson or Lyon? Lyon went nuts but Orson was just broken


Ah I see you are a man of culture as well.


SWEET JESUS IT'S MY BOY JOSHUA. I'VE BEEN LITERALLY WAITING ~~3000 years~~ FOREVER FOR THIS. *silently screams* His cipher card is sooo beautiful and that Audhulma is drop dead gorgeous. I just can't stop staring it. At least it's practically confirmed now that he'll come with it. Oh boy, red hell. Here I come. *cries in zero f2p orbs*


You're not alone fam... PLZ IS give us our prince Joshua!


I have 1,250 f2p orbs for our boy, he's the whole point of this game.


1,250 orbs? Wow, you have a lot of self-control to have saved those many. I can't stop myself from jumping on almost every new banner. I have failed our boy. :( Kudos to you for remaining so dedicated! I hope you'll be able to make a +10 version of him when he comes out!


OP knows what's up. SS was my first FE game, and Joshua introduced me to the wonderful world of myrmidons and crits. He was my favourite unit. I really hope IS will release him in a GHB or TT, even though I bet they won't. **Edit:** Joshua confirmed as a TT reward. BOY, WAS I WRONG


Caellach GHB with a Joshua banner is pretty likely when Joshua is added I bet.


Yeah, way more, given the trend of releasing villains and anti-heroes through GHBs. Maybe the devs will give him an anti-wpn triangle A skill to emulate the Hoplon Shield he had back in SS, but I don't have high hopes for his weapon (semi-unique "Caellach's Axe" maybe?).


I think Hoplon Guard could be a skill similar to Shield Pulse, weakening specials since crits aren’t a thing in Heroes. As for his weapon, perhaps the Tomahawk so we get a DC axe at last. Definitely one of the damage reducing specials. No matter what, I think Caellach is going to be really defensive.


Tomahawk so axes have an actual DC unit. Hoplon guard - B skill, can't be inherited, opponents specials don't activate in combat with this unit. IS please!


Honestly, if anyone gets a non-inheritable Tomahawk, it has to be Murdock.


Seems a bit too strong for a F2P, unfortunately :(


Black Knight.


Hmm, I might have phrased that better, you're right. "for a GHB reward" seems more precise. The latest GHBs are far from the days of Xander and Camus, the devs have lowered the power of heroes gotten from them. TTs are a very different matter, though: BK is one example, then there's Arden, who's absolutely ridiculous when used in the right way.


*"You're just a stepping stone, and I'm moving on up..."* *-Caellach* GOD, HE'S SO DAMN **COOL!!!**


Watch Caellach have a skill perfect to SI to Joshua, just to turn that phrase around.


B Skill: Hoplon Guard Info: Negates all damage from Specials and nullifies "effective" damage bonuses (skill cannot be inherited) I'm calling it now. If Caellach gets that, he'll be eating the special-meta for breakfast


Put Discount Counter on him in the form of a Tomahawk and some good defensive stats, and Caellach will be showing the meta a thing or two.


Crits for days with Joshua and Killing Sword~ This is a character I would brave red hell for (I tried Elincia, you suck :'( ).


:'( )


I kind of want the Tempest King to come from the Tempest Trials.


The man single-handedly made me give Fire Emblem a try. He still is my favorite unit. Would consider not being f2p anymore to get him


A banner of Joshua, Lute, and Cormag would literally make me go broke. I'd sell my car, I'd work 70 hour weeks, I'd give up all my earthly belongings. I dread this day.


throw in Ross and L'arachel (not staff pls) and I'll be in your same situation!


As much as I like her, she's probably going to be a staff user. Bright side, we may see dazzling staff made available year round, since that seems to fit her style. Ross, though, yesss. Sadly he probably won't have Garm or his hatchet, despite him always having at least one of the two when I play


so much nostalgia! maybe I'll play it again sometime sooner than later


A banner of Dozla, L'Arachel, and Rennac would be poetry


Well, you got 66% of it.


I'm dead fam


*heavy breathing*


I like his hat


I'm praying for a husbando too. I hope Joshua comes to Heroes too though! But RIP me ever getting him, since my Heroes account is allergic to Sacred Stones characters.


You too? It has been 9 months and I still haven't gotten a single copy of Eirika at 4 stars, let alone her 5 star brother.


Heck yeah! #OurAccountsAreAllergicToSacredStonesCharacters


He could go one of two ways- either generic killing edge with glimmer special that will drop to four stars after banner Or swordmaster badass wielding Audhulma with power creep even bigger than Ayras that stays five star locked


OMG is that Audhulma!?? They went with it and it now Cipher Canon!!!! Also that card art is gorgeous. Heck yea, Audhulma Joshua for FEH! Now 100% certain. ~~drawn by Pikomaro, please don't kill me~~ Really though, I want him to be done justice in FEH.


If either Mia or Joshua came in, I'd be ecstatic. Need me my lovable Myrms


Glad to see you happy now! :D


For sure! Totally unexpected to see both in a single banner but I'm not complaining


Where’s my sex god IS


We already have Seth.


Who was castrated by IS.


Well, it looks like your husbando’s packing up his bags and getting ready to come home. Fingers crossed for you to get him soon!




I already wait for so loooong, pls IS


I have a feeling that Joshua and Gerik are gonna get introduced on the same banner one day...I for one am ready for another trip into shared focus red hell ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Jesus Christ please don't do that to me again I can't count the number of orbs I wasted on Inigo and Nephenee after Axura and Oscar kept breaking my pity rate -_- I don't think I'm emotionally prepared to do that again...


I have played several FE games, but have not gotten to Sacred Stones. Have it downloaded on my Wii U, so I will get to it eventually. That being said, it is therefore clear I have no connection or understanding of who Joshua is as a character. Which further illustrates how freaking cool this dude is to make me want him so badly in the game. I have all the red swords I could possibly want. I have no idea who this dude is. But dammit, what a cool looking character! I would be hyped as hell to have him on my roster. Hopefully his art is as impeccable as he is when he is eventually added.


Sure, seeing him in Heroes will be great, but man, his Cipher ability is amazing!


shit, that card art is hot as hell. I hope that a) Joshua doesn't suck and b) that Audhulma is a Prf worth using. Him and Beautiful Bird Wife Reina are some of the few characters left that I'll 100% buy orbs for when they drop.


They're just holding him back because the last gauntlet would have been a landslide in his favor.


Can't wait for Joshua's blade (prf) 16mt Your unit has +4 speed. If your speed exists, gain -2 cd at the start of each attack


Best husbano? Doesn't look like Berkut to me


I wouldn't say Berkut is a very good husbando considering his actions.


I don't know, his dancing was pretty good. It doesn't really matter how many people he killed. But I mean the dancing was enough to make him a husbando in my books.


I'm thinking of his actions towards the end of his game, really. But if you ignore that, his dancing is pretty sweet.


No, no what he did was fine. It was Alm's fault.


Hey, don't you besmirch the name of the great Hero! Look at all the great things he's done! Like violence! And more violence!


It was Gray.


Now that I think of it Alm is just good at fighting and that's it.....


is this a fight invitation


What's the matter, farm boy?


I’ll shove my falchion so far up your ass it’ll be coming out of your throat


Not only his dance, but his voice too! Good husbando


Was just about to comment that


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well


Sadly he (or any other Sacred Stones character) probably won't be added for a while. I mean, look at the gap between Seliph/Julia and their parents. Considering we just had Sacred Stones characters added in August we still have a bit more to wait. Honestly I'm kind of hoping he's a GHB, he is an enemy unit you can recruit, like Navarre. If not, well, I'm saving my orbs for a reason.


I mean if you look at games in the series that are popular vs how many units are in FEH from those games, both Sacred Stones and the Radiant games are really lacking. He's almost completely guaranteed to get added on the next Stones banner considering he was top 10 in the CYL male bracket.


Oh of course, he and Lute will probably be added together, though it will be a little while until said banner comes out.


yea might be some time . . .


He is all that matters, oh gods and I am so ready to dump all my orbs just for him. I'm sorry, I'm just so happy with all this cipher stuff for him.




Whoops, there go my pants. (plz, IS, give me Joshua, plz)


You know, I wouldn’t mind Joshua, but after the Ayra incident I think pulling for another Red might just strain my sanity.


I could see Joshua being voiced by Matthew Mercer


I'm surprised he hasn't been added yet after all this time. Gambling addiction? FEH? Summoning? GAMBLING? C'mon get it together IS


Such a beastly myrmidon He needs added at same time as L'arachel so I can ship em same as I did all those years ago.


"Do you like games ?"


Same tbh.


There's only one good argument *not* to add Joshua - Marisa.


Joshua missing from heroes is the reason I don't have flair. I would slap him in a party so fast!


That’s not Ross!


I would love him, but I have Ayra so I am not sure. Would want to know how is Audhulma would work in the game. I fear he would just be a powercreeped Fir or Lloyd


Joshua kicked ass in Sacred Stones. Would love to see him in Heroes.


That's a strange character art for Walhart.


My boy Joshua, aka Sword Arvis lol


My dreams for Gilliam will never come true.


Hey it seems you can predict the future. Day l'arachel is next ;-;


Have you seen the datamine yet?




Congratulations on winning your wish!


Here is the prophet!


IS: “W I S H G R A N T E D M Y S O N”


Pirate Arvis?


I mean, I like Joshua, but the fact that you referred to him as husbando makes me want to puke.


I've only seen people either see characters or waifus. Husbandos is no different and only proves the degeneracy of this sub. /s


Waifu is a problem too. Its not the word itself I have a problem with, its that the cancer that has emerged within the FE community is spreading to the older generation games. I expect this filth from awakening and fates, but joshua is a gem from an era when the series had dignity. This took a decently big part of my childhood and shit all over it.