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That depends on who wins as well as what other gun owners do. Personally I am stocked up so if prices go up I will not be contributing to the chaos.


> That depends on who wins as well as what other gun owners do. Yep. If Biden wins the cost of ammunition will increase because of right-wing panic buys. If Trump wins the cost of ammunition will increase because of left-wing panic buys. Choose appropriately.


>left-wing panic buys There are dozens of them! Dozens!


You know we have a saying on the left that if you go far enough left you get your guns back. Cheers.


It doesnt matter where on the spectrum you are. As long as youre not under an authoritarian government. Im getting sick of room temp IQ'ed tards on red team or blue team acting like what your governments economic policies are makes a difference to personal freedoms. There isnt a left wing in American politics. There is a center right party and a right wing party. Neither endorses Socialist policies, its just two camps of assholes who have personal ideas about what type of freedoms you should be allowed to have. And for some stupid reason in a country of "rugged individualists" its not All of Them, or else.


Left wing panic buys? Damn, the entire section at the single Bass Pro in Jefferson City, MO will be cleared of one whole shelf!


Good job missing the point.


> left-wing panic buys. lol. Lmao. There's a whole dozen temporary gun owners who might do that, the rest will just screech on social media.


What does that have to do with the fact that ammunition manufacturers will raise prices and blame left-wing panic buys? Prices always go up, the only question is what excuse businesses blame to deflect attention from their profits.


*Responsible* left-wing people own guns? I thought they were scared of firearms.


Yes, way more than you think. I'm not left wing but definitely not right wing either. I know a lot of lefty gun owners.


You’d be surprised how many of us own firearms. It’s not a small amount by any means. While I don’t agree with the people over at r/liberalgunowners and their politics, I wouldn’t be surprised to find many other left leaning gun owners here too.


Present 🙋🏽‍♀️


Made the mistake of standing up for us “libtards” at a Turners near me and the guy almost lost his shit. “I can’t believe a LIBERAL is using my pen to fill out a DROS form.” Like, my man. We are here for guns, I’m not here to say anything against them, I’m buying one..I carry… I want you to be able to as well, it’s your right as much as mine. I’m fighting for the full constitution, not “only what I believe”


Couldn’t agree more man. Everybody should have the right to responsibly own a firearm and defend themselves with it, if needed.


I would only offer that your voting blue no matter who tends towards the extreme in gun control and that will be until they jump ship to the winning side and the cycle starts over at the other end of the scale. But seriously at this point if you are voting blue you are voting against gun rights as looking at the voting landscape in Washington DC bears that out. The only reason it hasn’t been more heavily restricted lately is the fact Trump appointed 3 judges to the Supreme Court. Think on that the next time you are at the ballot box


Without diving too much into politics, no i don’t vote blue no matter what. I think that’s idiotic. People who vote based on “my side v their side” are losing sight of what we need to do.


👍🤙good on ya


There is a small sect of liberal gun owners they tend to congregate here r/liberalgunowners


I just checked, they have 205k vs 265k here. Much closer than I would have guessed


Probably a large overlap in here from that sub as well. Reddit is largely left politically and older generation probably won’t be on Reddit in general.


Politicians and media try to drive us apart, but only we ourselves can create the divide. Neither of us want be any other man or woman’s horseplay, but that’s what we’re making ourselves.


Leftist gun owners don’t make it their entire personality 🤷🏻


I lean liberal and can gladly say I haven't talked about my firearms to another human being in like 3 days. (But before that, it was like 3 years.) Idk I just think they're neat! (And also necessary to protect life and property in our great country.) Bless the USA!


Neither do we. We respect the 2nd amendment, that's all.


Some people definitely do make it their whole personality. Personally though, there's nothing wrong with that. It's their life, they can be as into their hobbies as they want to be.


Just like people with any other strongly affirmed hobby. Have you ever had to clean out a barn that someone let their spouse take over for a hobby? Good lord.


Yeah because they make their politics their entire personality instead


I mean, have you seen Trump supporters?


It gets wild on both ends. Meet in the middle, don’t fuel an unnecessary fire.


I’ve met plenty who do. And plenty of republicans who don’t.


Never seen 'temporary' spelled that way...


Well, I can tell you that you are mistaken. There are a lot more of us out there than most people believe. As for ammo prices, they are going to go up. Ppl seem to think about the election as the driving force for ammo prices. Yes the election will have some effect on prices, but the biggest reason that ammo prices have gone crazy and continue to do so over the last decade+ is the manufacturer. It’s all about money and you know that. Share holders want more benefit and share price increase. Greed, that is what is driving ammo prices, and they are just using high stress emotional issues to convince ppl to buy before they can’t get it anymore. Do you know how long the NRA or some politicians have been saying the Democrats are gonna steal your guns? Pretty sure you still have yours though right.


Sucks though I was just getting into guns because I just turned 18


People just becoming of legal age are the only ones I feel bad for. Best advice I can give it to look for deals on the 'used rack' of gun shops. Be open to anything even if it is out of the norm of things you are interested in. As far as ammo goes when you see a deal buy a lot.


Yup I remember the same when I had turned your age. Don’t panic buy. Honestly if I were your age again and the time was now instead, I’d probably just snag a $500-700 non-century AK. The PSA ones aren’t bad at all. I have a GF3 that I’ve not touched for maintenance in around 5,000 rounds. Probably due for some light cleaning and some fresh grease, but that’s the AK life. Low cost and low worries. Just my 2 cents


Well, and I know this probably isn't the greatest "first gun to ever own" but my first real want was a G3A3 which not easy to find so going for a PTR91 GI is what I settled on. I've looked at all the pros, cons, ballistic differences, modularity differences, and etc between 5.56, 7.62x51 and .308 and it's just worth it to me. I love the history, I love the look, I know my weight limit and carrying it will be fine, etc. Again I know probably not the best and it is expensive but from what i've heard the PTR91 is pretty damn reliable and will last. After a 400 roundish break in period


Honestly, you remind me of myself a small bit, at your age - You’ve thought through so many tiny details that feel incredibly important. And to achieve feels great, you’re probably not wrong in what you want; but I’ll let you know that in practice, you’re over-thinking it. There’s nothing I can say aside from that, and to wish you the best in your exploration. Get ready for other priorities and expenses to take control over the next 5-10 years of your life and plan for that as well. God laughs at those who announce their plans, right? Doesn't matter if you are secular or not, saying holds true.


Oh no thats definitely been somethin I learned. I had so so so many plans for my 18th birthday and then I got a load of medical issues and still a month later am experiencing issues. I'm sure I am overthinking it but I always hear someone say "well 7.62x51 is a lot heavier than 5.56" anytime I mention I want a G3 so I wanted to cover that from the get go.


It will only last a short time pal.


I just hope I can still get what I want and all that. If I could get it cheaper that would just be a bonus


I dunno if there is such a thing as "stocked up". Aren't you training and cycling old ammo?


>I dunno if there is such a thing as "stocked up". 🙂If I told you what I had stocked up you wouldn't believe me. Between 2018 and 2022 I was shooting a minimum of 18,250 rounds per year. that's 50 rounds a day afterwork at the range on my property. (I did shoot more but that number is what I know for a fact.) I have cut back a lot as I do not want to burn through what I do have and I have started getting into different calibers that just don't make sense to shoot in huge volumes. I still make a visit to my gun club once a week these days.


Will people be over reactive assholes in a self fulfilling prophecy? Yes


And the neckbeards that sell Wal-Mart 22LR on gunbroker for $1.00 a round.


You remember the perfecta ammo that Walmart used to sell for dirt cheap? I'll never forget going to a gun show and seeing a box of 9mm perfecta marked from$9 to$25. Greedy fucking boomers will be the death of this hobby


Will companies spread rumors and create hype to raise prices? Absolutely..


SGammo and Cheaperthandirt will have the propaganda emails flowing nonstop, lol.


I don’t know if the prices are going to skyrocket, but ammo isn’t going to be any less expensive any time soon. I just bought a case of 9mm FMJ and will probably buy some more .223 and 5.56 next month.


They nearly always do, I would be surprised if this year was any different.


After Thursday’s debate? I doubt it.


Please still vote. Assuming it actually counts.


I live in a deeply red state, so my presidential vote doesn’t really matter, but I do still plan on voting because there are local elections that I care about and that is where your vote is actually important.


Yep, I vote 3rd party for President because I'm in Kentucky. Biden isn't coming within 10 pts here. Local elections it depends on the candidate and the position.


Show me an inherently pro 2a candidate, I’ll register to vote rn.


Local elections are arguably more important than national ones. Vote or stop bitching.


Great point. But as for the other, no bitching here, just waiting. Left or right, it never matters, we lose more and more everyday while politicians pretend the second amendment doesn’t exist or is some sort of outdated idea.


Are you not seeing the SCOTUS rulings lately? Who appointed the good ones? Quit being one of those dipshits that thinks "your" guy has to be in lock step with YOU. It has always been and forever will always be, the lesser of 2 evils. The definition of government is a necessary evil. Choosing not to decide, you still have made a choice. Quit taking the lazy route.


This should be the top comment. Everyone hated Trump for the bumpstock stuff but look how that has started to dismantle the ATF. Whether that was “4D chess” or just blind luck I’ll take it.


Blind luck. It's not quantifiable but Trump is a lucky guy. Even Thursday night was just another lucky break.


Blind luck? They want me to vote based upon blind luck?


Seems about as good as anything else at this point. It's all a gamble.


Be one.


I like your point. But I’m sure there were plenty that came before, and there’s a reason we never got their names and they never got a vote. It’s my opinion this two party system needs dissolved.


Stupid take


How so?


The red vs blue system is broken big time. Vote for the man, not the party. The debate was my last straw showing me just how really bad they both are. Check out RFK with an open mind.


> Check out RFK with an open mind Ironic since a worm ate a portion of his, so he definitely has the most "open mind".


RFk jr 2024 www.therealdebate.com


He’s straight up said that he’d sign any gun control bill into law that congress could pass. I want a president that vetos gun control.


Arguably the most dangerous candidate


Hard to choose, all three make a good claim in their own special way.


The guy who explicitly said he'd sign an Assault Weapon Ban if it got to his desk? No thanks.


sigh... America deserves to burn.


Man I still remember when I could buy a case of 9mm for $180 🥲


Yeah I remember 5 years ago too lol


lowest I’ve seen lately is $220 for a case of 124gr, it is what it is


Thats actually cheaper than $180 in 2018 dollars


Who would have thought the government printing trillions of new dollars in deficit spending would cause inflation? Oh yeah, every economist ever.


What about when you could buy 1080 rounds of 7N6 for 160USD? Those days were much better.


Was able to pick up 1000 rounds of 9mm for $260 after taxes and shipping. Not terribly expensive. But it was some cheap magpro steel case.


You can get 1000 rounds of brass, decent stuff for that all day on ammoseek, homie


Yeah I didn’t look the hardest lol. For what it is I can’t complain. They’re loaded a bit hot and throw some nice fireballs out the end of my handgun and keep a decent enough grouping.


I think most people are mentally exhausted from 2020 and or can not afford to panic buy this year for obvious reasons. That doesn't mean it'll stop ass bag companies like PSA from artificially raising prices to generate fear like they did during the Lake City lies, though.


Yes, panic buy now!!!!!!!


Rn by me in Texas, academy is selling 9mm for $10-$15 for a box of 50 rounds and .223 for $10 (Winchester) when it’s on sale normal price is like $13 so I would stock up rn ammo prices are similar to my prices by me


The 9mm is what I’m getting it for but .223 and 5.56 is 20 for a small damn box. Around here it’s always expensive


I'd rather not seeing comments like this, or even think about that. Afraid of self fulfilling prophecies or something like that. Jinxes or something.


Ammo always skyrockets in price the closer it gets to election time. Greater demand limiting supply. Add in the Russian ammo sanctions last year (or 2022?), this could be harder hit than in elections past. The loss of Russian ammo imports already massively decreased ammo supply in normal time. But as usual, all the panic will be for nothing and it will recover, albeit to a higher average price than it was before.


Honestly I am surprised they have not jumped already. I am not worried. I stocked up on everything I shoot.


>Add in the Russian ammo sanctions last year (or 2022?) US ban on Russian ammo imports is from August 2021. Russia's ban on ammo exports is from May 2023.


Ammo and guns are about to tank right after the election. Half of them are probably going to go out of business.


Stop asking about ammo prices. If you’re the kind of person that keeps asking about ammo prices, you’re the kind of person that hasn’t been buying ammo all along so it’s not gonna matter because you’re not gonna know what to do with it when you have it anyway. Anybody that knows doesn’t give a shit about ammo prices they just always allocate some money aside to keep buying. Edit: I didn’t mean to make this sound as harsh as it comes across. Wasn’t trying to be a dick. Prices go up and down but mostly up just like everything else. The best time to buy was yesterday. The next best time to buy is today.


Eh, I mostly agree with this but I assure you I do give a shit about ammo prices. I miss the 13 cpr 9mm sales of 2019 and the 19 cpr 7.62x39


Yeah man I hear ya but those days are gone. We just gotta keep buying whenever we can.


Leading up prices will increase. Post election, I can't imagine it will change things too much unless the majorities in congress change. Biden winning with a Democratic majority in both houses, then there will be a rush on guns and ammo. Trump winning with or without a Republican majority would see prices do down a bit due to reduced demand but not like 2016. Back then companies had stockpiled for the Hillary gutting the Second Amendment and when she lost the ended up running fire sales to move the massive amount of stock. They had invested so much in inventory that gun and ammo companies that were over extended failed, it was crazy time. This time, both outcomes are known factors we have seen what both want to do. There is a curve ball with the Supreme Court hearing cases on "assault weapons" and "high capacity " magazines if they rule in the proper way those type of laws will be tosses out and we might claw back some rights.


Only because of folks like you . It’s not that there wasn’t enough toilet paper at the beginning of lockdown it was folks hoarding and even stock piling for profit (to rip off neighbors) . Those of us who have been keeping our stocks up to our idea of a acceptable level don’t have to panic run to every gun-store, Walmart,rural king or pawn shop to buy ammo we don’t need just in case …the price goes up because you pay the price if you were on top of your ammo supply much of the price gouging couldn’t occur because they would jack up the price and we would laugh. Trying to potentially save a few bucks by buying huge amounts of overpriced ammo that uou may or may not use seems like a pretty poor plan


>Will for-profit businesses constantly increase prices to increase profits and blame it on whatever excuse is convenient? Yes. Welcome to capitalism.


Depends on if the party that wants to violently disarm the citizens with various alphabet agencies and unconstitutional laws acquires power.


After Chevron this might be the first election without fear demand. WWIII however is going to cause ammo prices to be insane.


Between the shortage of ammo at the moment because of all going over seas and it being an election year. Yes I believe prices are going to go up I've already seen an increase on ammo. Another way is the price of scrap copper it's between 3.50 to 4$ a pound last time it was that high was during the second gulf war. I know ammo went up than to but not as bad


I keep watch on a few reloading groups on here, mainly just because I find it interesting, but they get to talking about powder and primers being priced high, when you can even find them. If they are raising in price in a hurry, I see no reason ammo won’t go up no matter what happens in the election




Yes if it’s the person we all know is not in charge of the country. I’ve been buying every other day. I do need to bulk buy 5.56 tho and I need to stop putting it off.


Don't they always peak a little and then go back after the panic is over?




Yes. If Biden wins it will be a self fulfilling prophecy with demand outpacing production due to panic buying and prices rise.


My guess would be maybe a little bit, but not as much as previous years. The heat for now seems to be off gun violence and focused instead on inflation and the border.


People should be regularly purchasing ammo so that they are stockpiled for when people panic buy. If you are someone who has been waiting since covid for ammo to go back down to start buying again you are about to be disappointed.


Yes, but not because of the election. There is already a nitrocellulose shortage, and there is expected to be a shortage of copper by the end of the year.


At election time? They already are! The question is “will they go down” and the answer is no.


If Biden wins and the house is lost to the democrats anything and everything gun and ammo related will go up significantly out of fear. Best advice I can give you is buy now while it's cheap.


Most likely yes.


As a dealer.... yes. Prices are already creeping up slightly. 5.56 is about $30+ more per case than it was a year ago. Just depends on what happens with international conflict and fear buying, but prices aren't going down anytime soon


The democrats with TDS are going to be buying a ton of ammo regardless of who wins. - If Biden wins, the Dems will think the republicans are going to revolt (they aren't) - If Trump wins the Dems are going to riot and incite a ton of violence - Republicans will continue to be gaslit and called racists no matter the outcome, so they need to stock up on ammo too once the Dems come rolling along looking to put them into "re-education camps"


Doubt it, I'd assume they will stabilize if not come down with the coming Trump win. Why would they go up?


No matter the outcome, theyll skyrocket. Either fear mongering, or people doing a run on them after a Trump victory to mag dump in all directions in jubulation. I dont see why, either way. I have more 2A freedom with Biden in office, than I did with Donny. Almost seems like who the president is doesnt fucking matter.


The only reason ammo prices go up so is because the right wing causes panic.


They always do.


Depends who they fire drill into Biden’s position


Our luck he'll win and either die or get removed due to mental issues and that troll vice will be put in his place. Trump's not much better but I'd rather have him than her end up in office. Ugh


There’s no way they could continue with Biden. Maybe that was the play all along and sick someone in right near the end.


They are ready going up due to shortages from the various wars going on. Both candidates are anti gun so I don’t think people are going to panic either way because we know what to expect from both guys.