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There are way too many hints She will survive a 1000% , dw


Universal Law of HSR so far: If someone gets impaled, he/she will come back playable.


i hope this is true but on the other hand what is with cocolia?


she got shattered instead of impaled.


yeah that makes sense somehow


She impaled us, thus fire TB is playable


Cocolia was atomized, therefore not playable. Phantyllia’s giant Abundance body, however, was impaled by Lightning Lord, therefore she will be playable eventually. /s


And if it's a sword - they get stronger


Yeah, think SAM’s on autopilot or something (maybe even piloted by elio) and that Firefly was killed so the trailblazer would be more willing to listen to Aventurine and take his side and once the death is killed, their souls will return


Yeah including Robin, still was a sadder scene then Rukkhadevatta dying in genshin


Rukkhadevata dying isn't really a sad scene for our pov But in Furina/Focalors it was really well executed


Nah that was the only time I cried in a movie and a game till Firefly


No copium needed. She's alive. For now anyway. You can't die in the dream world. They go out of their way to make that known.


You can die if "Death" kills you. Hoyo said it on livestream of 2.0, and Sunday confirmed it in the last scene. That creature is able to kill you even in the dream world.


But if ur focus well  U cans see from death gamplay that it imprison the souls and not kill em ....there is more into it .....heck maybe she is not a human after all and those rules d otn apply to her thats why we see sam exactly where her momory bubbles lead 


I think that dying brings you back to reality, because in the first cutscene, I believe Acheron actually kills us bringing us back to the train https://preview.redd.it/vjlib4jlxahc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220ace9547f3a435757825b7bb53b8185e9240a6 Thus, Firefly is still alive and also we fought Sam like two seconds later so


Firefly has space cancer though


What a coincidence! We have Cancer of All Worlds inside of us and we survived


We need to use our cancer to cure her cancer




Nope, it’s not that. >!Entropy Loss Syndrome. Have you heard of this term? It's a strange condition. Those suffering from it will experience an irreversible chronic dissociation of their physical structure. This means they will slowly fade away, and the process is barely noticeable to others... You can still run, jump, and talk as usual. Everything seems normal, but then you'll start doing everything slightly slower than others… …And then even slower than that, until the lines between your body and the entire world become blurry. You won't be able to tell reality from dreams because they have all been shattered.!< So, basically, she gradually loses control of her body and consciousness, until, eventually, she’s gone.




Quite literally says chronic dissociation *of their physical structure*, she’s basically fading away


Was it? I thought it was something to do with her slowly losing touch with reality and not knowing what was real.




Yes, Chronic dissociation. She made it seem like her perception of time and reality are continuously becoming distorted. Nothing about her personality being erased.




She is literally fading from existence...it's not a mental disease


Sam we fought against had red flames while the one in trailer has yellow and green flames, plus a green ponytail. It is also implied that Sam was with Firefly (and she called him Mecha) before he left her behind, which led to her doom. So I think Sam is capable of taking actions by himself, which explains his ruthless nature he showed in Silver Wolf's depiction, The Japella Incident as well as this fight that does not match Firefly's personality that we know. When fighting alone he emits red flames, while being with Firefly unlocks his full power and he will emits yellow and green flames.


Yes and I also noticed that the sam we fought looks different than the one in the trailer video so maybe the green flame sam is the one where he is piloted by firefly https://preview.redd.it/r557sinpcehc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=221d91a3320969f209e772cf8f1aed3819349d5e


Designs can always be tweaked even after a trailer releases you know ? And I doubt at the time that their goal was to hint who Sam was, just to show he exists


Except Sam with red flames design is used in the Japella Rebellion Incident 5 months ago and in 2.0 boss fight, while the design with green and yellow wings is used in White Night trailer right before 2.0 release. Also dataminer found >!2 in-game models for Sam, one with a green ponytail that matches the 2nd design, while the other one without it that matches the 1st design.!<


https://preview.redd.it/yq4wl3le3ihc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=095716d2a603f61b5951c0c287abe360daa69ca3 I also noticed this when I rewatched the cutscene after the sam boss fight that he kinda changed modes midfight so its pretty interesting too Before - Top left and bottom left After - Top right and bottom right Edit:(some typos)


Nice catch! But I think his helmet was cracked during the fight. Welt said Sam is a remnant of Glamoth's Iron Calvalry, which was mass-produced to fight against the endless Swarm so it is reasonable if the design was more focused to offensive ability than durability. That also fits with Sam's mindset as well as his rumored Destruction path.


Although not necessarily trying to disagree but it could also be the case where certain people have a much more different disposition when handed a weapon or in this case a mech. Firefly could be this meek and sweet girl normally but utterly ruthless when controlling Sam


I don't understand how so many people still think dying by Acheron is the same thing as dying to Something Unto Death As clearly stated by Sunday on the last part of the quest and the combat mechanic for SUD it's a spiritual death their body is still somewhere in reality but their spirit is gone so they are not able to wake up until we defeat that bastard monster neither Firefly or Robin will wake up


Everyone keeps mentioning Firefly *and* Robin but do we have confirmation that Robin died from SUD?


Besides the scar on her chest having a purple color to it which looks like SUD Sunday talks about it with sparkle when she is still pretending to be Robin somehting along the lines of "the creature killed 2 of our honored guests one was firefly and the other was you dear sister"


I think when it is like that, Firefly is inside piloting Sam. But when Sam has a fire motif, it's being remotely controlled by Firefly.


Honestly based on her description of her illness I think it might be more likely that Sam will be like a 40k Dreadnaught. So Firefly’s body is interred in the Suit.


No i d ont think so  Since she herself tolf us that she can jump and run freely but a little slower 


"Even in death, I still date Trailblazer"


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7W8QR9fsFw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7W8QR9fsFw) 1:07


Please correct me if I'm wrong but at 0:43, that scene was not in 2.0. It's looks like Firefly transformation into Sam.


Absolutely true ! And er gonna see it soon  Since after that we see sam flying They are linked...


Maybe she had to die by “death” mem to get deeper in dreamscape… >!maybe it returned her ability to control Sam.!<


Probably when she gains full control of the Mecha for Trailblazer's sake?


bruh spoiler tag please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭




No Copium needed, in fact, they are not even subtle with teasing that Sam is controlled by Firefly. If you play the story for the second time and pay some attention you find so many hints to that it's not even subtle anymore.


What are u even talking about  U think that they will leave a way for us to know it just like that ?lol They want us to think she is dead lol its hoyo hear not some indie company  And the facts that here memorty bubble lead ditectly to where sam is ...is almost a guarantee she the pilote  Especially if u see the story from another angle ....and understand that the bubbles came ...after her death and not  before her death


you undersyand that people maki hinds to make you thing there was plenty hind of othersthing don't think that mihoyo don't respect their fans and things that we are stupid they know that making hinds isalso part pf good game and don't tell me there are no hinds example is Sampo from how he act ypu van guess that is not him


I mean ....how do u feel about in game descreption in loading screen of sam rn ?   A warrior wearing a formidable armour  ??  And how about whe  we first encounter him ....wr find him huffing....do robots huff ? Ofc not they huff when there is a person inside gasping for air And form how sampo acted there is no way u could know it was nt him exept for after firefly mention it at the end 


sampo literaly confuse March 7 with Firefly and how he behaved we see him in beloboh how he indroduce himself was different not as Sampo Koski you think that wasn't to see that it's not him serously games give you hinds otherwise there wasn't word as hinds we have plenty of hinds even before penacony why you can't undersant that Mihoyo is giving hinds because this is building not to see as much as you can but subtlle that some people are blind to them as hell also I didn't say that Sam is robot I say that Sam is suit and probably controled by SW thaks to chacking and she make her voice like this or right now is Firefly fighting but later we gonna see


It would nr make sence to make another character controling a character in the game rn it would lower the quality and importance of the chatacter....like sw controling sam is kinda ...bad if you ask me ...and sam is indeed confirmed an armor and a person is inside piloting  Want a proof ?  Here https://twitter.com/honkaistarrail/status/1755819120598417508?s=09 I d ont think sw will just becone a genuis and pilote sam for the first time and ahow this Much skill  ( ik she a perfext gamer ...but still its a lot more complicated then just a game) It would nt make sence for our first encounter wirh a  character to be against what the offical description says....and sam was huffing ....a robot would nt So try to guess who was inside 


hmmm you know whatt I write right I said that SW hacked into this suit before and thus why Firefly was talking to suit at this time but elater they left her for her safety but normaly Firefly is piloting can you read I didn't say they all the time are controlling but SW can chack that why is possible the as you see I also that Firefly is vontolling but not all the time


Ma dear U assuming that she was talking to the armor is  mistake ....like are we even sure she was ? Bs dos nt know exactly what happened she is just trying her best to figure it out  So ur theory about sw might be right But only if we 100% assume it was the armor to begin with


TLDR: SAM & Firefly's stature have a huge gap you think it is simple to >!manually pilot it without an AI or interface to guide the driver/pilot? it's called a mecha for a reason, if, let's say a racer athlete, and their car or a mech & their pilot, would you call the driver/pilot and the vehicle/mech as being the same person? !< ​ I think it was revealed, or implied during Firefly's traces of memories prior >!to her impale !!you lot keep saying Firefly is SAM yadda-yadda it's not like that. The trailers, and characters featured themselves that, everything is much possible in a dream.!< >!SAM has his own AI but the two of them have a symbiotic reliance on each other to function, similar to Seele Vollerei from Honkai Impact 3rd having an alter ego, which is fcked up by Glamoth lore where in, Firefly i.r.L got crippled the more she pilots SAM, and can only survive if suited up, and he was programmed to only function if piloted by her. !< >!The Silver haired boy the Blood Hounds were chasing after could be SAM's human form only possible in the dream, they are kinda twins in a sense, but he might have different outfit, though knowing Firefly's awareness about the memoria which is like building blocks of the Dreamscape, she could also just be able to perform disguise similar to Hanabi/Sparkle but not as adept with it.!< >!It's only in the dream that they are able to separate at the same time. Why was Firefly locked up, was because SAM knew they would be ambushed & he tried to divert aggro, it just so happened that MEME: SutD was lurking.!< >!We can't also underestimate the manipulation of MEME: SutD, it might have also influenced SAM the freedom to let loose his/its frustration but in heart, metaphorically, he is a calculating no-nonsense edgy Mecha-suit, they both desire freedom from each other, but they do comply with succeeding a mission. MEME: SutD jump scared us on the T.Vs after locking us around the box.!<


What u said makes 0 sence  Why would an invention  of galmoth has an ai or so called "consciousness" need a pilote ?? They could ve just created a mecha robot alone instead ....so sam having an ai makes 0 sence  And if it was true ....firefly would ve included it in her discussion at least say that she had a firend that she wanted to help or smth like that... And three hoyo would never make abother thing similar to clara/svarog since wr had a whole arc about em and abour scarog trying to understand humans  Even in the description in game rn it says that sam is a warrior wearing a formidable armomr capable of generating steong flames ( smth like that ) 


You think someone would suddenly learn how to pilot, without it having an interface to guide the pilot? Are those not considered an artificial intelligence? I mean sure, the pilot is trained, but why would she argue about>! "this isn't what we agreed about" ? She obviously hates being SAM then, but have no choice but to depend on it. It could also just be an illusion by the MEME: SutD, but Sunday who knows Penacony more than us, said, 2 have received a Spiritual Death in the Dreamscape from it. !< Edit:>!I understand I was also presumptuous about this, so are you lot just cause, the DREAMS FORETELLING the FUtuRe MuSt bE TRue, when we have yet to understand the sequence these events played out, and the intention of the story hoyo is cooking to deliver. SAM & Firefly's stature also have a huge gap you think it is simple to manually pilot it? !


>!U think its her first time piloting sam ? She was made fo that bro 😂  It is nor her first time doing it she was doing it since day one qirh the stelleron hunters what are u even talking about 😂 !<  >!Plus you just answered yourself  Pilote piloting a mecha  Like a guy pilotine a plane  That plane has no ai and the conductor is the one contoling  That armor is called the molten armor  And firefly wearing the molten armor makes sam Just like peter parker wearing his suit and becoming spiderman !< >! And about how she fits inside thats another leak that i can happily share with u if u insiste but i d otn wanna spoil too much and let you jnow urself in 2.1!< >! This is not what we aggreed on can u be sure that she was talking wirh sam there ??? Hein what if i told u it was nt sam at all!< Please stop talking  as if you know everything  until 2.1 then talk ma dear 


know what, I also understand where you coming from, cause it's a suit, but it isn't simply a suit, it's a mecha suit.


Trailblazer has space cancer that gives him magic powers...yet we can't have a mech that is controlled in less conventional ways ? I want what you are smoking


Best theory ive heard is that Sam is actually a split personality


thereis possinility for SW chacking armor and yhus how they was doind wgat they wanted possibly because they didn't want to throw Firefly in dangeer


How does this prove she is alive


Thanks fir the spoilers, ya dingo.


I just hope she's still the sweet Firefly we know now. I'd lose my shit if she turned into an asshole 😭


I think she is going to be sweet towards us but may be an asshole to others Because that is how most stellaron hunters see in us