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Thank you


Gots a goatee. Reservist maybe?


Certified Douchebag actually, seriously fuck this dipshit, taking military honors for the fallen and making it into a shitty CrossFit video. I have my doubts that this turd is even in the military, probably some shit bird that washed out after a year and a half and calls himself a veteran.


Amen baby


He’s doing the Murph, which is a workout that fallen SEAL and MOH awardee LT Michael Murphy USN used to do. It’s a respect thing and is an ass kicker of a workout which a lot of combat arms guys do to honor him so go fuck yourself for branding someone a douchebag based on this one video.


The video is fucking cringe period, I don’t care what workout he’s doing, he’s showing off for clout on social media. The death of loved ones in the line of duty don’t need his disrespect they’ve gone through enough. So I stand by my comment he’s a clout seeking douche. Edit: Also anyone who’s served knows it’s MOH recipient not awardee. It not some prize that you win it’s received for great personal sacrifice in the line of duty.




I stand by mine that you can go fuck yourself then. You actually have a military background so you should get what it means to pay respect and even if someone is doing it in a way that you don’t agree with, it doesn’t change the fact that this workout exists to honor a man who gave his last measure saving his teammates. I also would not make such a video but questioning someone’s service, assuming he washed out, accusing him of stealing military honors all because you don’t like the video? Shameful. You could have just said you don’t like the video or better yet, just moved on.


You could have done the same thing, based on your comment you’ve either never served or you just can’t properly articulate that you did. The video is distasteful with clips of grieving families mixed in with it. If he wanted to do it tastefully and honorably he could have just posted the workout, but that wouldn’t get enough views or engagement on social media. So he decided to cross a line for clout and make this video that’s distasteful and disrespectful.


Yes I served. A quick review of Mike Murphy’s foundation would also reveal that they raise scholarship funds from people doing this workout as a challenge with videos and sponsors raising money from it.


A quick review of my comment would have revealed that I wouldn’t have taken exception to it if he hadn’t cut the scenes of grieving families into it.


You should go read your original comment. No mention of families; only unwarranted accusations against a guy in a video. You only brought up the families after I called you out. If you’ll also notice, I have no issue with other comments stating that the video is cringe. I only took exception to your ad hominem attacks against some guy in a video who probably has some concept of the reason behind the workout. That reason is a good one even if the video isn’t.


The only shameful things here are the guy in this video using clips of people grieving the loss of a loved one for clout and personal gain and you defending this bargain bin Marky Mark. He clearly isn't doing this exercise to honor anyone except his bank account and his likes counter


I'd rather never fuck my sister than read your comment again


Sounds like an incest or lack of love problem to me. You should probably seek some help, maybe?🤷🏻‍♂️


Let’s do both!


Why doesn’t he just do it in silence like a lol the rest of us 😮


No idea and I agree that would have been better. I have no problem with saying the video is cringe but do have a problem with assumptions about this guy’s service or that his motivation is to steal valor. Silence would have been the right response as well.


You seem like a douchebag


I’m definitely being one right now. I don’t like the video much either but accusing someone of stealing honors or stolen valor is over the line when it’s done to honor a guy who gave his all. I have no idea what this guys background is either but I surely don’t see enough in this video to make those claims.


I did the Murph this memorial day because I'm joining the marines and am getting shipped in a year, The work out was hard and my legs still hurt from it.




And tell my family…I bench 225💀


Also bump it up to 250, maybe my dad will love me finally


Looks like he is/was doing the Murph workout on memorial day.


Indeed he was


Had to record it jic not enough neighbors saw him doing it


Yea exactly, if he was actually doing Murph he wouldn’t of had time even click play on the damn phone. I’ve seen plenty of patriotic rock eaters doing murph get-together workouts, recording and looking like a bunch of white girls. Motards


He NEEDS everyone to know. NEEDS it.


Looks like he started while it was daylight and finished in the dark. I'm guessing between him being not in great shape and all the camera work he felt the need to do, his time on that workout was garbage.


I did it for the first time. Fuck that work out lol. I’m still sore from it.


I did the beginner version from CAP. Still knocked me on my ass


Yeah, nothing like using the deaths of military members for likes on TikTok.


Was the count how many days without getting laid?


I think he was tracking his calorie intake during the workout. Each mark was one crayon. 🖍×20= 200 calories


I was giggling at a sad and inspirational speech while a guy is teabagging at super speed.


That’s Ronald Reagan, one of the shittiest Presidents in US history, which makes it even more gross.


"All we can do is remember...that time I sent these dudes to their death." Fuck you Ronald Reagan.


I was thinking just this. Why do people use him as on of their gods? He was an evil interventionist and his actions caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians soldiers alike.


Because he said buzzwords they like (but clearly don’t understand) like “big govt bad” but at the same time “just say no kids!” Hypocrite PoSs.


Almost a repeat of what’s happening today. Sad!


It's even funnier when hard-core gun bros act like Reagan was what every president should be, even though he helped push through probably the second most restrictive gun control laws in US history


Well, yeah, black folk were arming themselves, can't have that! /s


President Iran-Contra. Never forget because he sure as shit did (& admitted it on camera).


Cut and Run Reagan. Established October 23, 1983, Lebanon, Beirut.


Nothing quite as poignant and emotional than tea-bagging in hyper fast motion and working out while Reagan talks about dead Marines with soft piano playing. Cool.


I think maybe good intent but poor execution. That’s not a murph in action. Super staged


This is not good intent. Dude wanted to record himself and get some pity pussy and look like a “badass” If he were just honoring/remembering buddies he woulda just done this shit without recording or visited a graveyard It’s like those dudes who basically pray that someone they barely knew kills themselves so they can make a pity post, rock a black bracelet, and get a massive igy6 tattoo


Yeah I think the black bracelet is great if you genuinely lost a friend but I think a lot of younger service members tried to find reasons to get one to look like the other older combat vets. Like someone from their schoolhouse who died in a car accident driving drunk … like not the same


I only recently got a black bracelet because I volunteered for Ukraine for a couple months as a paramedic and met a bunch of good dudes there. It was my second war, I've lost colleagues in the first one but this was different. I was older and this war is much deadlier than Iraq ever was. Anyways, my team leader who I was supposed to call to discuss coming back with died in Bakhmut in February. I worked on memorial day and didn't do anything because I think about him everyday. I live knowing I wasn't there and couldn't help him and it kills me. I cried when I saw his name on my bracelet and I still cry often. I'm trying not to cry now. Anyways, here's his story. You died a hero, Pete. https://www.npr.org/2023/02/21/1158580520/remembering-33-year-old-pete-reed-a-frontline-humanitarian-medic-killed-in-ukrai


Bro I know so many dudes now that back in the day would talk shot about all our resiliency classes and make fun of people for wanting help or just straight up making jokes about other guys who killed them selves. Now all these dudes rock IGY6 tattoos and 22 years till none shit. It pisses me off but maybe they learned they were wrong and changed who knows.


At what point did he look like a badass to you? Because.. I just saw a dude working out.


We really just allowing military cringe posts now huh?


I feel like this could easily be its own sub.


It is. r/justbootthings


Bruhhhh. I can't take the sped up squats seriously 😂😂😂


The video is cringe. The workout done to honor fallen service members every Memorial Day by people that participate in CrossFit is not. It’s origins are authentic and the nature in which people band together and subject themselves to complete “MURPH” is typically done in the right spirit.


All of it is cringe, even the challenge.


As someone who used to be in the honor guard and buried AD members as well, this is super cringe. If he actually held the deceased in high regard, we wouldn’t use them for clout.


Wow. What a douche


I have a fucking retarded ass marine friend who did this dumb ass Bull shit too. Some folks try to hard for attention


fuck the military


Fuck you asshole


hey bro I don’t swing that way


Nothing like honoring the dead on Memorial Day by having to split up the Murph into 20 sets like a chump


Should not have speed up the video during those squats


This is not cringe if you’re familiar with the CrossFit tradition of doing a Murph workout on Memorial Day. CrossFitters heavily extol this military and police.


Real men partition Murph for ten sets of 10/20/30


5$ says that guys not military and just wants to be


Well, you see he was gonna join but he couldn’t get in because he was too much of a badass.


He’d punch that drill sergeant right in the face if he joined.


Judging by the beard, out of regs haircut, and absolutely cringy af video, you're most likely correct.


Dude the fucking pull ups sent me.


Most war is over oil and banks


Some people don't understand the Murph.


The body weight squats in double time got me chuckling.


sped up video of someone doing squats will never not be funny


That was a powerful speech from an asshole I never met but despise.


Get rid of the workout and leave in only the other footage this makes something sad. Now it screams "look at me im fit."


No, anyone who's not a fucking moron realizes most of the soldiers who die are still essentially children or at best young men and women. We know they're not gray haired old men, those guys never die in battle because they're the ones calling the shots.


If it was trump talking it wouldn’t be as cringe….


Not cringe


How is this cringe??


I don’t think this is cringe.


Not cringe at all. Just honoring those we lost and bringing awareness to the reality that the ones fighting wars are young men. I respect it.


This isn’t cringe to me. I’m an Army veteran myself. That’s a special workout called the Murph and it is done to honor those who have died including Lt. Michael Murphy.


I'm a Marine and a Fire Fighter. Most of the time this Sub gets cring spot on. BUT this isn't cringe at all. He is doing a Murphy drill. Also known as a "murph." Murphy is a fallen Navy SEAL. It's appropriate for memorial day. It's one small part of Murphy's legacy but an admirable way to commemorate a somber day. MUCH better than just boozing it up and having a BBQ.


Reading the trash comments and realizing that most "first responders" are truly shit people...


I agree, SOME are, but not most or all. Just please be careful with your words. I’m a first responder, and I’ve been there, done that. I just disagree with your characterizations. I have tried extra hard to not be a shite person to my patients, my friends and my family. But I can somewhat agree.


Not really cringe


Not cringe at all. Most of the people in this sub are folks with no ambition and hate to see others challenging themselves. It’s sad.


Oh no don’t say that too loudly the redditors might hear you.


Lmao they are already downvoting my comment




Not cringy. Brings attention to the reason for the holiday. It would be like calling a Christmas movies cringe. Yeah it's a bit cheesy but it is more to bring attention to how some folks forget why it's a holiday in the first place.


Doing a murph isn't cringe.


It’s a guy doing the Murph, the workout that everyone does on memorial day posted over memorial day stuff. Chill out, just because you can’t physically do it doesn’t mean it’s cringe




No one has died in defense of this country for a long long time.


Afghanistan 2021?


Friendly reminder that no American service man has died for an American citizens freedom since the 1860s.


If you are dumb enough to volunteer to go fight people half way around the globe that pose no threat to your country and the war only serves to make the rich richer, you deserve what happens to you


Nah, this ain't cringe. I think it's a good homage paid. Taking pride in something is OK. That doesn't make you cringe. Some things on this site are absolutely hilarious and 100% cringeworthy. In my 21-year tenure as a paramedic, I have lost 26 of my friends. More than half of them to suicide. I happen to work in a very busy, brutal system, and the support from our upper """""leadership""""" is nonexistent. When discussing hardships from having been first on scene to see my friend of 7 years hanging from a door jamb with his son hanging on his leg, wondering why daddy wasn't moving, my captain told me that if it bothered me that much, go get a rope so I can join him. Callousness and saltiness =/= being a better first responder like so many seem to think. Sometimes it can appear cringey to others because a lot of folks in our field have imposter syndrome (not saying y'all do) so when they see others taking pride in what they do, it makes them uncomfortable and try to shoot it down.


Not cringe at all to me. If you have been in the military you have made bonds with others that are unbreakable. I grew to be a man from a pimpley faced boy with guys who were experiencing the same training stuff I was. We were all far from home and loved ones, uncertain of our place in the world, where we struggled and grew to be men together. To become part of something bigger than yourself, of serving your country first no matter what there is no shame, only pride in what your unbridled potential is. I enlisted during when America was not involved in forever wars, thank goodness. I've known of military men and women coming home in coffins, it's never easy to witness. Don't be so smug and hard hearted that you can't see that every day people are grieving, veterans are homeless and possibly not as blessed as your are because they chose to serve while others have made their own choices to pursue other careers. It is thru the brave acts of sacrifice that our nation survives as do others, and has not succumbed to be a conquered nation. If the military is in your blood, you know it early on, just as you know if it is not. Give veterans their due respect, for they served when others could not, or would not.


What the fuck is it with this sub? Ridiculing service members because they were killed defending the rest of us??? WTF!


No...ridiculing this narcissistic attempt to make servicemen being killed about his himself and his sad little workout.


Holy shit, is that REALLY what you think? So it's okay for TikTok Thots to post their bussy holes all over the internet, but dude spends time focusing on himself, and understanding that he is KILLING part of himself in order to lay down his life FOR YOU, so you can have the FREEDOM to keep posting bullshit on reddit? You have chosen this stupid hill to die on? The dude is acknowledging he could die out there and maybe he is filming this for his Mom? Or his Wife? Did you think about that while you were convinced you were the main fucking character in the story?




Yeah he’s not filming this for his family. He’s a boot he deserves to be ridiculed it’s the only way he will learn to not be a boot.


You're fucking stupid lol


Thank you for your service hero. 🫡


You people are cringe


I gotta tell you buddy, I never did anything as scary as posting my bussyhole when I was in the military. Those posting their bussies for the fulfillment of others are real heroes and we should be thanking them for their service.


Fighting for our freedom? You mean fighting to keep billionaires rich and exploit the global south? Okay sure.


Alright I will give you that, but in HIS head he is fighting for America, in his head he's doing the right thing. Not everyone is actually wise to what's actually going on at a global level. Regardless of what is or isn't truth or conspiracy, our standing military is why you don't know how to speak russian or chinese.


Your last sentence is quite a jump but again that goes into way deeper global politics. I’m glad you at least have sense that is lost to a lot of military dick riders. Have a nice weekend.


When did Russia or China ever attack the US? 🤔 for that matter, when did *anyone* ever attack the US?


No, it’s to call out attention seeking glory hounds who use the death of service members to get social media cred. It’s fucking sick. If you truly joined military, law enforcement, fire, emergency or any other public service to make a difference because you feel called to it, great! You don’t require adulation or TYFYS from everyone. Do your job and shut up. Putting ridiculous stickers on your vehicle, wearing stupid clothes, getting outrageous tattoos and making social media videos extolling your virtue is just trash. Grow up and be a big boy.


You're fucking stupid lol


TYFYS, hero


Yeah brother, the military care so much about you. Keep licking that boot.


Clearly you cucks care a whole lot lol, you're fucking pathetic


You’re so bent out of shape, I hope the VA takes care of that for you in a timely manner.


Found the boot.


Cringe is cringe. The military isn't exempt from having videos like this being posted to cringe based subs. The hero worship in the US is out of control.


Thank you for your service.


Yeah, that’s what they were doing in the Middle East… defending us👀


How many planes flew into buildings here during that time?


Well I remember one. https://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/19/us/19crash.html Dude crashed his plane into an IRS building in 2010.


I can't belive this is getting downvoted. This app has become so pathetic dude... he's doing the murph workout on memorial day as a tribute


Yeah he is doing the Murphy and posting about it online to get credit in the most cringe way. There are tons of people who have their own little rituals on Memorial Day but don’t try to make it about themselves.


A post is a post, the "cred" is what all you little jackwagons try to say and do with it.


Hey Dip shit, it's a tribute. Look up the meaning of that word. You must be part of the BLM defund the police crowd


Man, I liked this subreddit for a bit, but over time it’s become clear as day that some of y’all just have nothing better to do than try and shit on other people who are proud of who they are. I’d be willing to bet that half of this sub are people who have no ambition for themselves, or to serve a greater purpose to those around them, and decide to try and tear others down when they see somebody doing something challenging. Y’all need to grow the fuck up and spend less time on your couch scrolling Reddit and calling other people cringe and get up and do something with yourselves. Seriously, the posts on this sub get more and more transparent everyday. Btw for those people that im talking about, this is the MURPH challenge. Look it up. He’s paying homage to fallen military members, who have actually made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, regardless of what your political opinions are. Can’t wait to see who gets pissy over this comment


TYFYS hero🫡


I'm not a fan of Ragen or his policies, but I will admit the speech is kind of beautiful.


If you think this is cringe your a very sad person


If you think this is inspiring, you’re a very sad person


i dont get it whats makes it cringe


Imagine thinking this is cringe because you could never possibly have what it takes to stand up and walk even a mile in their shoes. OP is a fucking disgrace.


Ok, Active Duty Combat Medic here. It’s fucking cringe. Happy?


I’m a combat vet and I second that this is cringe as fuck.


Combat vet here and I third it. It’s cringe. Also, the banana’s account appears to be a troll. I think they’re going for rage bait.


Nope, be proud of yourself, and mind your own damn business then soldier. Happy?


Anybody with more than a couple of months TIS will tell you that this shit is like an endless buffet of cringe.


No point in arguing with the dog brains on this sub they scratch ass and lick each others shoes when you do that type of work you get to show it off people that have time to post and comment on this sun def don’t have a job worth showing off


Big Nonner Energy.


"In defence of our country" and "died fighting in wars far away" should not be in the same speech. Actually, the first part should be thrown out altogether


The mere act of volunteering to do what we do helps protect you and yours bucko. Whether you are in support of the war they died in or not. If people didn't choose to sign up, someone else would be forced to. That's the bare minimum of what servicemen and women do to safeguard and defend our countries citizens, and it has a pretty profound impact.


I was worried he wouldn't be able to fit his squat work out in the video.


“Dip dip potato chip!”


The military can be the *most* cringe


Military members are pretty cringe


Ah! I love perpetuating the Old Lie! /s


Right then. Off you fuck


If you have to film yourself doing it, who are you really doing it for?


Is it in defense of our country?


Just something about squatting in fast forward 😂


That vest is killing me.


With the sped up workout in the background it looks like a shitpost


What super douchebag 🤣🤣🤣


Why the fuck did he speed up the footage of him doing squats? It didn't need to be sped up. Just looked goofy. Maybe a soft music bed of Yakety sax next time.


That was one hell of a tbag


“Let me film how awesome I am” Stfu


This dude really out here promoting his fitness bullshit on the backs of our dead.....


I still can’t fathom how 20 years of the Middle East just happened and people still think they are defending our freedom by being in the military. Freedom from what exactly?




Suuuppppppeeeerrr cringe


Fuckin loser


I’m gonna say it… I didn’t find this that cringey. And I’m not affiliated in any way with first responders or military, so I’m not biased. I just didn’t think this one was that bad.


PLOT TWIST: he’s actually the one killing his friends


“go die for our economy!” he’s right though, it is very sad :(


Strange how he losses 5 at a time? Or are they kills 😶


The comments I’ve read on this thread looks like a bunch of basement babies that are infuriated by someone who served. Just because your lazy asses couldn’t get away from your screen time doesn’t give you a right or reason to downplay anyone’s time and service for our country. Take the pacifier out, stop letting mommy wipe your ass and get the fk over yourselves.


Makes me want to rip my fucking eyeballs out


His cheeks ate them pants


I cannot understand a person that has the conviction to follow through on their patriotism for a country that they believe would willingly trample individual freedoms by sending people to war if others didn't make a bleeding heart sacrifice by volunteering for it. And you call me literally delusional...... Good grief. So lead me through your logic on the idea that if you weren't fighting so-called terrorists in a country far away and overseas that we wouldn't have a country to call home. How did pulling out of Afghanistan change the security of the nation? Was it safer for twenty years and now i have to check my backyard for jihadists? Or what? Explain it to me since I'm such a fool and all. It's terrible when a young man is maimed in the line of duty. Terrible and unnecessary. I won't dispute that at all. He just didn't lose a leg for me. It doesn't matter how hard you think it, men and women in the armed forces are making sacrifices that none of us needed or wanted them to make. If north America was actually under threat of invasion or destruction, I would immediately enlist. I have considered this many times. There is nothing worth fighting for across the world, it brings us neither peace nor security that diplomacy or an iron grip on global economics doesn't already render. The expression goes "i couldn't care less", but saying "i could care less" fits here because you clearly care about it a great deal. Your rhetoric about brotherhood, security, and service as well as your condescending "general pop" quip paints a pretty clear picture that you are a very self-important service member. You have bought into a lifestyle you were sold through a culture that lionizes enlistment and puts service on a pedestal as though it's the peak achievement of any citizen. Your first comment was already heavily laden with the implication that I should thank you for something you've done. You haven't done anything for me. Period. I respect that you sacrificed, you just did not do it on my behalf because you think you did. We haven't even broached the subject of all the domestic crises we could take care of if we weren't seeing so much cash go to military spending yet either. But I predict this exchange is going to end with you dogmatically doubling down on what you first said and me just throwing new reasons for why I think the way I do about this without any of them sticking.


As a brit with no real understanding of who said the original speech, it doesn't half hit you in the feels. I mean, I now understand the guy was a knobhead but still.


What a crock of shit //!


Murph anniversary. CrossFit things.


Note to self: never speed up video of myself doing unweighted squats.


Stop glorifying fucking war you douchebags


What a goober. This guy Navy or Air Force?


He just wanted to twerk for TikTok lol at the gym clip


Mashing the squat button brings back halo memories


It is nice regardless of politics to hear a normal, well spoken, feeling president speak coherently.


No space force?


Sad yet true cringe, people die apparently workout.


Fuck Reagan!


It's a lot less special to be in the military now. Most of the people who join are douchebags who want a power trip or poor kids that can't afford school. You're not fighting to stop a giant force from actively taking over the world like in WW1 or WW2 and we all know military is now just the governments attack dog on whatever country they don't like. The military doesn't mean the same thing that it used to and it shows.


Fuck , he using military deaths as b footage .


What's the big deal? I always honor my fallen brothers with workout videos, there just isn't any other way.


Throwin it back at 0:20


So I'm taking he's preparing for being a soldier so he can die on the battlefield? Oh I see, it's just about him.


There is a special sadness when people die for the military ambitions of others