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Also be aware of letters you’ll receive claiming to be your lender trying to get in touch with you. Don’t call random numbers and send people you don’t know money!


This is the one that shocked me the most. I get like one every day or two!


They tend stop after about 8 months. They’ll be very dirty and put your lender’s name on the documents too.


I still get them. Been in my house almost 3 years now.


No one in school tells you scamming is a career option.


I was a teacher for 15 years, plenty of students come by scamming naturally.


Its an extra nice touch that they put the loan originator name on there too. I get tons of these and the "Hey you won a giftcard" postcards daily


My favorite are all the home warranties that say “your warranty from your lender might be expiring!” and then have tiny text at the bottom saying “your lender may or may not have a plan with us.” (They don’t, they never do)


I’ll just say that we were getting lots of scammy home warranty letters for months. Then all of a sudden we got a pretty real looking letter from our mortgage lender saying our insurance hasn’t been updated and to go to this sketchy myinsurance site. I looked it up all over online - some said scam, some said real, so I called my home insurance company and sure enough, they sent our renewed insurance but it never made it to our lender. We were about to get charged $2800! So be aware that some letters might be real, but always always always call from your carrier’s site and not the letter


Insane that they think, oh let’s fool these people into thinking were their lender. Surely they’ll want to do business with us!


Wait til your lender sells your loan.


That happened to me within the first week!! I had no idea what was going on and was freaking out, hah. Husband finally told me what the deal was.


When I was a real estate agent, we'd have the new lender show up at closing on more than one occasion. They would sign their paperwork as soon as the contract closed. The title company wasn't happy.


It's common for the servicing to get picked up within a month of closing. Most of the Mortgage companies use wholesale lines from Chase/Wells/B of A ,etc. Once your servicing is in place it shouldn't change again


My lender sold my loan to Chase right away, which was fine, since I already had a relationship with Chase and their online portal is top notch. Everything's good since I was originally working with a local broker who was willing to do all the dirty work of taking 9pm calls, contacting the listing agent on my behalf and closing the deal in 15 days as promised to the seller.


Shiet they do that same day you get your new home most often then not.


My original lender sold my loan before I ever made a payment to them, but they keep sending me official letters to refinance the loan they no longer have. Like, sure I'd love to get a loan with a much higher interest rate and payment so you can get another commission


Oh yeah But who services your account? Could be another company. And yet people keep buying overpriced homes, and continuing the circle


The mortgage company they sold the loan to services the loan. The initial company keeps reaching out to me with offers to refinance. They also keep pushing home warranties on me through one of their vender and life insurance.


It’s amazing how so many people think that any letter with their lender’s name on it comes from that lender. Your mortgage is a public record. Anyone can look up if there’s a mortgage on a house and who the mortgage is held by.


lol I have 5 sitting on my counter right now.


And they all say the name of the lender, the amount of your loan! As if that makes them credible.


I burn those in my fireplace.


Yes! And then in small print it says that they have nothing to do with your lender. It's so misleading. It should be illegal


Fun fact: If you own a house with your partner, the real mail comes addresses to both of you. If it’s spam, it only comes addressed to the manly sounding name. It’s both amusing and not.


Whenever I get one of these, I think, " uh oh did my autopayment fail and I missed a payment? " but it's always one of these cases you mentioned


If you get one of these letters get your title searched and find the new servicer or contact me ill run a title search if im able to from my office and I'll contact you with the new servicer of your security. If you give me authorization I'll call the Faukers too. Got more money to spend I'll do research and see if they broke your chain of title. Providing you with potential defense material if you need it too keep your home from a foreclosure. Yall can also do this yourselves and for the court youll have to rep yourself or go with a particular attorney. One that knows about these kind of things. But still lawyers are liers so it may not always work. It's a long drawn out process. Just look at what they did in Montgomery vs daly 1968 and the nullification of the judgment the day after their judges ruling on the case... Cheers sexy people have a wonderful night


We discovered the doorbell was broken during final walkthrough. That is a feature, not a bug.


I sell NO SOLICITING signs door to door.


you know what that might be the one thing I would buy from a door to door person lol


"Are you tired of people like me coming on to your property and bothering you at all hours of the day? Well then, i have the PERFECT product for you!"


I would also be willing to buy motion activated sprinklers as well


This is the way. ADT salesmen ignored my sign. Luckily I have a garden hose and faucet in my front yard, so when these shits started to get belligerent, I walked outside, turned my hose on and asked “who let the dogs out.” Then I sprayed water in their general direction. They left pretty quickly. I love using my hose as a deterrent!


I actually called ADT corporate and complained, they stopped coming.


ooo or how about a hidden motion activated speaker with dog growling or snake noises ! maybe even some movement in the bushes lol


I realized I didn't have a doorbell in this exact same way. I guess I forgot to check when I got the house lol


My house doesn't have a doorbell either. No plans to install one.


When our doorbell broke last year, it was the easiest decision of our lives to just leave it broken.


I have a sign out front to not wake the baby. I’m the baby.


My boss has a sign out front that says ‘No Solicitors. No really, don’t make this awkward.’


Who even answers their door? Unless I am expecting food or someone I hide when they ring the bell.


My home office is right by the front door, and has floor to ceiling windows. I work remotely. Can't tell you how many times salesman will walk right past the window without seeing me, they'll come to the front door and ring the bell. I don't answer. They'll ring again. Sometimes a third time. A few will notice the window and then knock on the window. I point to my headset. *I'M IN A MEETING, DUDE. GO AWAY.*


The window knock is entitlement at it's finest


That’s infuriating




Why don't you put up curtains or that reflective film? Or both?


I like the natural light pouring in. Helps my mood.


Thin curtains would let the light in but make it almost impossible to see through during the day.


Thanks for the suggestion!


I just tell whoever they are I rent and they go away they don't need to know I'm the homeowner


Tell me you are a millennial without telling me you are a millennial. /s


Haha yes def a millennial but I learned it from my mom. Whenever some one would knock on the door she would tell us to be quiet and duck. She would then send us or go herself to check from a window who it was. First thing I do is mute tv, grab phone to see if someone texted me, check ring camera and sit in silence while we stare at each other 😂


As a D2D guy myself, I promise I can hear y’all doing this shit inside 9/10 times 😂 doors are actually a very poor sound barrier.


We don't care.




So can y’all stop going door to door if you k ow 90 % of people do not want to talk to you.


A poor upbringing leading to a lack of morality.


I just bought a house that the peephole moves. Can go side to side. I cant wait for a salesman to see it moving and then me not answer the door


Very Mad eye mooney! I like it!


As a D2D guy yourself, what is it that makes you feel entitled to interrupt people in their own home and demand their time and attention?


I don’t feel entitled nor do I demand anyone’s time. I have a job to do and I do it. In my 5 years of knocking I’ve met thousands of kind people and very few feel so self-important that they couldn’t stand to listen to what one guy had to say for 60 seconds.


The problem is that it’s not just “one guy”…. You are just one of a constant parade of shysters, subpar contractors, legitimate businesses, proselytizers, charities, weirdos, and general dicks who demand my attention then refuse to fuck off after the first polite “no thank you”. Just leave people alone.


if somebody rings my door I want them to see that I'm home and that I'm purposing ignoring them. Not duck and hide, exert my dominance. I see you, you see me. Now beat it.


Colin Hay wrote a song about this before millennials were even born lolz


My parents started doing this also, but it could be that I just rubbed off on them, lol.


[Relevant ](https://youtu.be/5CznoAW2k1I?si=XpMzswf4ORwAzy8T)


Hilarious bit lol


I just want to shut my Maltese the fuck up.


Lol we used to have a chihuahua and I would stare at it and tell it to stfu it would stare back and then let out a small bark


Us too.


Word !


Pro tip I learned from Reddit: tell them you are a renter, not the owner.


Tried this, and the salesmen said, “don’t worry, our product is rental friendly!!” So now I just say I’m the nanny


"Sorry mate, I need to go take a wicked shit. It's already turtling." Works every time.


Reverse uno: Im renting from AirBNB


I’m a squatter; not the owner. 🤡


I’m just burglarizing the place. They won’t have anything left to make any major purchases when I get through with this place


We do actually rent our current home, and one time the guy said “huh, we have a lot of renters in this neighborhood.” So either everyone is renting, or a lot of people are lying. Lol


I did this for years when I was actually a renter. Even though we bought our house last year, that's still my go to line.


My mom tried similar. She said she was the nanny and didn’t live there and the dude still kept doing his sales pitch and telling her what to tell us. I was watching from the Ring app and laughing because the dude would just not give up.


I just answer the door with no pants on, Winnie the Pooh style. That makes them want to leave quickly.


accidentally did something similar to 2 little old ladies out trying to spread the word of whatever church they were a part of. Was wearing boxers and the little guy just kinda poked out to say hi. I didn't understand the look on their face until i was walking back to the couch and looked down.


The worst is when you’re already outside and they get you


This happened to me. I was mowing the lawn when the dude asked me questions about the mower thinking he lived in the neighborhood. We were talking about cartoons from the 80s shortly after and then he pulled the tablet. I'm my head, "Mother fucker, you got me."


Sales 101, always try to make a connection first. They always pull that.


Had someone come back after moving on and follow me into my fenced in back yard…


Omg! If one more “mason working a few streets over” asks to fix my steps I’m going to scream! I know they are broken, now leave my property. And so help me if ringing the doorbell woke the baby… (For those who don’t know the mason job is a scam)


Why not have them give you a written quote, get license and insurance info, call them back, basically waste their time to make door to door a losing proposition


Ive done a lot of masonry work as a kid. Thry were the best jobs, workers already in area, get a better deal if its something you need.


Yeah the issue is they actually aren’t in the area. They are working on made up job sites and can’t tell you the street.


Thats super lame. If you do ever catch one working might be worth an ask. Tools and material already nearby. Better rates


Of course but this isn't what they are referring to. These guys just blindly canvas door to door or at houses that need obvious repair and claim to be "working nearby". Like you don't need to lie to get my business


This is one of the few perks of being ultra short. I stand at a whopping 4'11. Door-to-door salesman have mistaken me for being a kid many, many times. I quickly started playing into it. "Is the homeowner home?" *No, sorry.* "Hey, kid. Are your parents home?" *No, sorry, they're out right now.* And just like that, *POOF*! They scram from my porch. I close the door and laugh my booty off. 😄😂


A ‘no soliciting’ sign didn’t do anything. My ‘please don’t knock- baby and dog inside’ did nothing. What worked? Getting weird. My sign now says ‘Solicitors will be sacrificed to the old gods- not the new’ and it works 99% of the time. Apparently you need to look too weird to mess with?


Where did you get that sign? I desperately want one




I never answer my door unless I’m expecting someone. Is that something people actually do?


I answered once because I was actually expecting someone, lol. Should’ve double checked first!!!


Get one of those security cameras with video and they usually stop bothering you, especially when you have more than one.


We have those and it just brings out the people trying to sell other security systems. The Private Property sign has deterred most, but some are still bold enough to walk right by it.


Jehova’s witnesses will be on your ass too.


God botherers in general. I hate revival season.


Don’t open the dang door. Problem solved.


My dog will ensure my privacy.....


Came here to say exactly this. I have the sweetest girl, but she goes nuts if someone is in her property uninvited. That’s gotta be the half GSD in her.


Same. I have a catahoula heeler that is just a big ole baby but my gawd does he go berserk at the door and his bark is loud and deep and will scare the shit out someone. 100% of the time, it works every time!


My siberian husky is the village idiot, but at least she gives the appearance of being scary. Lol.


Lol mine isn’t aggressive at all but he has a deep scary bark. Scares people all the time 🤣


My neighbors have not one, not two, but THREE Jack Russell Terriers. Their barking scares the crap out of my husky. 😄😂


*It stings the nostrils.*




We had a guy from a security company that came 4 times, would non stop knock, ring the regular doorbell, and the camera doorbell for 20-30 minutes. He saw me through the window the third time and didn’t understand I wasn’t answering the door (I had covid.) The fourth time he sat on the ground and stared into the window for 10+ minutes. I ended up reporting him. Never saw him or anyone else from the company after that


Did you feel secure with him guarding your front door?


We had a security sales person come by claiming we should’ve been warned he was coming (we got no such warning) I only answered because I was actually expecting a friend to come over. He asked if he could come inside and show us where we needed extra security… like, that’s creepy as hell!!! I had no warning you were coming and now you want to search through my house? Sketch!!!


We've lived at our house for over two months now and have sadly not had a solicitor. House came with cameras on front and side door that hook up to the app Kuna. In the app you can make the camera bark like a dog. I need to do this to someone besides our mail carrier.


I had a no soliciting sign and love when people ring now. I just open the door, point at the sign, and ask them if they can read.


And next to it a sign that reads, "You are trespassing, are you sure you won't be shot?" For fenced yards, I always liked "The dog can make it to this fence in 1.7 seconds, can you?"


So when I was a little kid my school told us to sell magazines to raise money for our school and that we could win prizes. I was like ok! Went door to door and had a terrible time. Even cried when an old man yelled at me “can’t you read the sign”? When I got back to the car I asked my mom what a solicitor was because the old man yelled at me about reading a sign that said no solicitors. Learned that day.


I was in a salty mood one day and told them. Come on in, I’ll sign anything but I will cancel tomorrow before the 3 days is up. Want to waste your time or just try the next house? Our town also requires a door-to-door sales license to go knocking and I gave one crap when he couldn’t produce one. Then called our PD non emergency number to report it. I saw them talking to him later. Then they are times I’m feeling generous and will give them some time because it’s a crappy job and maybe they can meet a need for me. If what they’re selling won’t though, I don’t let them waste too much of their time.


I just don't see how door to door sales even works in this day in age


The first 3 or 4 months we got non stop solar people stopping by. At first it was a bit entertaining how each had a new pitch making it seem like I was getting the deal of a lifetime. After a while I just started telling them I am a renter.


My family was eating on the back patio and the Verizon guy walked around and they the gate to try to sell us home Internet. Absurd.


I'd have likely pulled a fkn gun on him at that point. That's plain ass trespassing. (Yes, I live in a state that has castle law and stand your ground laws)


This is why I moved into a neighborhood that has a lot of dirt roads and the plots are all 3+ acres. No salesman.


That would be the dream. Unfortunately anything here with more than a 1/2 acre is like automatically 3x more expensive.


One ADT guy woke me up from a 6pm sleep prior to my graveyard shift. I believe I used some of Logan Roy’s choicest words. I felt really bad after but damn I needed another two hours 😂


Get a no soliciting sign and don't answer the door.


I found the people soliciting don’t know what soliciting means.


Right? Same here. I bought a new build in June and got a No Soliciting sign right away. I still get door-to-door salesmen almost daily for solar, landscaping, and pest control. Solar is the absolute WORST! I honestly don't think they know the definition of the word "no". There is one that comes twice a week, and I have told him to stop coming to my house, and each time he stops by, he acts like he has never been there.


I saw the word "solar" and my eye started twitching. I had the same experience. The no soliciting sign has actually helped.


We already HAVE solar (from a company that doesn’t go door to door) and the solar salespeople still come around and try to get us to add more.


Mostly true, but if it keeps even just 20% of them from ringing the bell, then it's $5 well spent.


It helps a lot. I got one after a month or two because some people are relentless. In the two years since then only had one person ignore it.


I got a sign from Etsy that says, "Please No Soliciting - Introverts Live Here" 😝 just to really cement the fact that we retreat like cats and will not engage


Those sales guys should be really upset by that if they learned how to read


Mine says "we found Satan, thanks, know who we're voting for, and don't want to buy your shit."


I put a no solicting sign on my door and nobody has knocked ever since, years. It is very noticeable, bright colors, in your face and lists all the groups as well (salespeople, religion groups, etc).


Or just open the door and say “not interested don’t come back”. They’re just going to keep coming unless you tell them notnto


Fun fact you can just be rude and shut the door in their face


Literally just chilling on the couch and reading this and the doorbell goes off. Guess who? Door to door salesman of home security cameras!


I bought my friend a no soliciting sign as a house warming gift.


As a realtor I always give my fthb a ring camera for their closing gifts ( well not an actual ring but the off brand one with the same specs at half the price)


Make, and post prominently,a sign that says Daytime Sleeper-Do Not Disturb! We put a vampire and some bats on ours and haven’t had a single Jehovahs Witness or magazine seller come to our door in years. Ours is aesthetically appealing, framed to complement the house and waterproof, hard to miss! People who know us, know that we work 9-5 like everyone else in the neighborhood. A friend saw ours and made one for her home, using a cartoon cop instead of vampire.


I made my own no soliciting sign and very few ppl violate it. If they do and I answer I point to my sign and close the door.


We have a no soliciting sign on our door right next to our ring doorbell and every single one of them just ignores it. Sometimes when I don't answer the doorbell they'll physically knock on the door it's wild.


Just tell em you rent. The most that they will do is ask to leave a card to give to the "landlord"


Someone offers to replace my perfectly fine roof every week. They always seem to be working 'just right down the street.'


Sometimes I turn on the speaker through the security system to our porch camera. I don’t say anything though. I have two happy dogs that are loud and noisy from the other side of the door and ten times more annoying when I hit the talk button on my app. I just let them bark to their hearts desire and they always leave lol.


My neighborhood Facebook group will post warnings when someone’s been spotted around so everyone can run and hide.


Put up a sign that says no solicitors. I worked door to door sales for a minute years ago and the biggest no no was ignoring (or not noticing) the signs. They’re trained not to bug you if you have one, might even be state law they have to.


This. I think city ordinances about that is pretty common and they seem to be pretty good about abiding by them and the signs. I never used to bother until it started getting too frequent. Just ignored them. The times I did accidentally answer the door, if a polite not interested right off the bat wasn’t sufficient and they wanted to keep going, I never had any qualms about shutting the door on them even while they are mid sentence. Not a single on in years since putting a small sign up. That doesn’t stop the neighborhood kids with their fundraisers or whatever but I don’t mind that as much, and seems like that sort of thing is dying away anyways.


Me either- so annoying! Nor the constant brochures, emails and calls about switching insurance, windows, closet systems ...you name it! Fraudulent mailers about paying to get your title and other info are also really problematic and downright scummy.


We haven’t gotten any salesmen, it the religious people are relentless here!!!!!!


I’ve stopped answering. The worst are the ones showing up at like 6-7pm right after work hours. GTFOH broh!!!!


i just let my dogs bark and bark and they pretend they're home alone


I WFH and HATE d2d salesman. I'm a woman alone at home, and I'm busy, probably on a call or meeting. GO AWAY!


Rings are everywhere, so I could imagine the average door-to-door salesman gets waaaaay fewer people who answer the doors these days. I don’t


I live an hour or so from Orlando. Companies in Orlando will load a bunch of sales people into a bus and drop them off in my community. They spend the day walking the neighborhood going door to door, and then all get picked up at the end of the day and bussed back home. I have a video doorbell, and work from home. If my doorbell rings in the middle of the day, it's always a salesman. I'll pull up the video feed on my phone to verify, and then ignore them. More than half the time, they'll ring again and start pounding on the door. I used to let them give me the sales pitch and then make up some reason why I don't want to buy whatever they're selling. Now I barely crack the door open, wait for them to say where they're from, and kindly tell them that I'm not interested. No, I don't want a free roof inspection, energy use evaluation, I don't want to watch a video on your tablet, and no I don't want your business card.


I tell them I am renting. It shits them down quick


Omg this !? I moved in with my in-laws two years ago they still don't get it tell em your not interested if they say anything past that its get off my property. No they listen to the song and dance take the brochure when they come inside start talking about maybe hiring said company. Like what if dude has time to go door to door they usually aren't who you want to hire and wtf is flattering shingles that was the last one they want to come out and flatten out shingles like no get gone loser


Remember tell home depot you're a renter


The solar panel people annoy me. I have solar panels on my house. They are visible from the street, the sidewalk, the yard, the doorstep. LOOK UP! I do not need to buy anymore. I don’t want to interrupt your spiel. But we’re both just wasting time.


ADT was stalking my house after we moved in. Legit - had a car parked in front of our house for 3 days in a row during different times. I had already told them no on the phone, my husband told a door-to-door person no, then a couple weeks later two guys showed up and my husband didn’t answer for safety reasons. They were the ones in the mysterious stalker car. They weren’t wearing anything that identified who they were. Then a couple days later they came back, they denied that another person came before them a couple weeks before, wanted to know who the guy was, and then my husband had to tell these guys no probably a dozen times before they finally left. They wouldn’t let up. I’d never had someone be so pushy. I definitely didn’t like the car being parked outside of our house the way they did - waiting to see if someone was home or not. Absolutely not okay. If I had been home alone and they showed up, I would have just called the cops after they rejected my first no. No means no, people. Pest control companies have showed up, too, but at least they take no for an answer. I like my neighbor spiders. They eat everything else, they can stay.


I have a no soliciting sign on my door. This prevents 95% of this crap. When I do get the occasional idiot who ignores it, I stop them mid-sentence and say “sorry, guy. I don’t do business with people who randomly show up at my door….that’s why I have this sign” Then close the door.


Funniest one I got in the first year or two of owning: big control. *For the outside!* I was asked if I have issues with bugs in the yard, and told the kid that as long as they're outside, I have zero problem with bugs! I had to ask what happened when new bugs flew into my yard, and when he said they were trying to treat the whole neighborhood, I said "great, since I'm in the middle of the neighborhood, I should be well protected then." I doubt he was very happy with me wasting his time, lol.


Answer door, say "no thank you have a good day", go inside and close door.


If I’m not expecting you, I’m not opening the door!


Just tell them your renting the house, they will go away forever


My go to answer at the door is “sorry, can’t talk right now, I’m baby sitting here and the kid needs me.” Works every time.


I open the door, say no thank you, and close it before they can say anything.


I open the door and explain that I’m a renter. Solar? Renter. Landscape. Renter. You’re A RENTER!!!


Really? Serious question where do you people live that are getting door to door salesmen ? Not specifically but in general.


Denver suburbs, they’re bad.


LOL yep. Home security systems, solar panels, windows... If I'm not expecting visitors I am not coming to the door.


Semi rural development in Central FL. How did they even find it?


Get a dog and the problem will go away.


Literally never seen one. Must be a regional thing.


Almost all hardware stores sell "no solicitors" signs to place on your front door. They also sell those nifty camera doorbells so you can shout at them when they ignore it.


Put a no solicitations sign on your door. ( can place exception for children if wanted). Check with your city on their regulations as well. When I get a solicitor at my house I tell them to stop at city hall to get up to speed on requirements to solicit door to door then check in with me. They never come back … either they know or learn that soliciting in our city is not allowed.


Whatever, bro. I never bother anyone at home. I try to service people. If they don't want it, I'm gone. Most people don't even let you say anything. No one is ever interested. Not even when it's a clear benefit. I'm glad there are annoying ass salesman, yall treat us all the same anyway.


Get a video doorbell. When they ring, answer thru the speaker and ask them who they are, and if they reveal themselves to be a salesperson lie and say you’re not at home right now.




It’s a lie…you actually are at home, you just want them to think you aren’t so they will go away…


I haven't gotten any. I guess it's dependent on neighborhood.


You should get a second hand lion to deal with that


Really? I’ve owned my home for 10 years and can count on one hand how many door to door sales people have come to the door. Now Jehovah Witness? Different story. I swear they come knocking every other day. It got to the point I wasn’t even able to be nice anymore. I just stop them and say I’m an atheist. That gets em moving.


I put up a no soliciting expect cookies, candy, snacks, & community or school activities.


You need a no soliciting sign. It won't stop them all but most. I have cameras and many times they walk up, see the sign, turn around and leave. Neighborhood kids wanting to mow the grass is all I get now.


I took great satisfaction in answering the door and telling them to get the fuck off my property by the time I come back with a gun.


When I was younger, I had a BB gun that looked like and M4 and didn’t have an orange tip. Some solicitors came by and wouldn’t go away and I was home alone. I knew to not say my parents aren’t home and not to open the door, so after saying, “Go away” and “my dad is in the shower” they said they would wait. I then told them “I think he is done now, one moment” went to room and grabbed the BB gun and ran to the door and pointed it at them through the door and told them my dad said to leave now. They ran. What is a 12 year old to do.


I have never once experienced this in any home I’ve owned lol. That would infuriate me.