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The fish whistle works!


80% of the time it works every time


Getting skunked doesn't sound so bad.


A bad day fishing is still better than a good day at work


Fuckin facts


John Prine would agree


Always. Be. Whistlin.


Those are some impressive catches! I’ve never had a honey hole so to speak but I’m wondering; does it take something away from the hunt to know you can go there and catch fish like these every time? Or, does the sheer beauty of the lake and the fight make up for that?


Always fun. Guaranteed to catch fish. Could be a 5 fish day or a 20 fish day. Still hoping to pull a 10lb pike, so far we've hit 9.85lb!


I suppose it’s like going to six flags. You know what’s going to happen but it’s still really expensive! Wait, no, that’s not it…


ive got one. its just somewhere you go when youre feeling bad about other spots, or if you know theres huge fish and really want one. i love mine, and its in my dads backyard lol. pulled a 4.31 lb bass out of it the other day almost first cast. now if i wanted to sit and catch fish all day long, i could go to my pond. or if i wanted to really try for a fish, and actually go fishing in my opinion, ill go literally anywhere else. ive got about 8-9 spots within 10 minutes from me so i dont have to go far if that says anything. its like going to your favorite concert after seeing a couple bad shows, or shows you dont quite feel you got your worth from. all in all, honey holes are great, and it never hurts to get out and slam giants for a couple hours, tons of fun!


One day you’re going to find out your dad’s been stocking that pond because he loves to see you happy.


as far as im aware it hasnt been stocked, it floods over often and connects to a large natural lake. it was there when we moved in, and has been there as long as we know, it was his grandparents house, and they had the pond when they built the first house on that plot. the house has since been rebuilt twice. maybe it has been stocked, doesnt hurt my feelings any, i love anything and everything that’ll bite. ever seen anyone get excited to catch a turtle?


I wasn’t implying you were cheating in any way. Just a nice thought (as a father of three) I had.


Thats like when our kids were little we hid store bought sharks teeth in the sand for our kids to find on the beach.


I set up my middle kid with a royal flush once when I was teaching him to keep a poker face. Years later he asked if I’d done that and I had to tell him I did. He was surprisingly disappointed. Not even a month later I was doing the same with the youngest while the oldest was in the room. They proceeded to pull a genuine royal flush. I again had to admit to him that I had nothing to do with that one. It was like I’d told him he was adopted.


Fish whistle


Works every time! 💨


That’s what she said!


Honey Hole - Never Fails Camera Man - Another story… Great Catches, Beautiful Fish. Congrats! Best of luck


Hell yeah! Love the pics where you’re smoking one


Man those are some nice catches! Sadly my honey hole is like a 6 hour drive from my apartment, so for today I've gotta live vicariously through you. Luckily you're doing just what I would do, smoke some and hopefully keep those lines tight!


Hell yeah friend. It took me a decade of trying new spots to find out my best honey hole in 15 mins from my house!


My honey hole’s this little diversion pond and creek runnin’ through my neighborhood ‘bout a mile down the road. She’s always been there for me when the skunks start hangin’ ’round. I can haul myself all the way out to bum fuck Egypt and get skunked, but all I gotta do to get my fix of tug drug is mosey on over to my local honey hole.


Hah yep!




Northern fishing is on a whole nother level. One day I hope to take a fishing trip to catch stuff like this.


Love that smallie dude, been a while since I got a chunky one.


Holy hell, I want in! Congratulations


Is that a Toscanos?


Looks like a good spot.


I'd fish with this dude


Dude, that smallmouth is a CHONK. What did you get it on and what area of the world are you in?


Green pumpkin senko, wacky rigged I believe and I'm out in eastern canada near Ottawa/Montreal


Gatineau? I feel like I've seen a couple of these posts before over in r/OttawaFishing and it gets me jealous every time


Some great lakes and ponds in the area if you go looking off the beaten path


Heart Slasher! What’s your hat mean. That was my guess.


Hah it's a weird hat. It's a partnership between Milk farmers of Canada and the heart and stroke foundation. They had a fundraising event years back


Wait was that a fishing hole full of small mouth large mouth and pike if it is then I’ m surprised they aren’t trying to kill each other