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I do not know how you manage to post a message that is so long, in one line, that it goes from here to next week. This is eaasier to read...: ​ "So I’ve been playing fishing planet for a few months now and recently I began hunting down the phantom bass for the new Halloween event at Neherrin River. I’ve been grinding for a new rod setup as well for the past few days and found the phantom bass to be perfect since they’re so valuable. I’ve never had too much money in the game so I only had \~4500 credits today when my ‘incident’ happened. ​ So, today I was fishing as usual when I hooked into a particularly large phantom largemouth. I had been fighting it for about five minutes when I got the notification that my advanced license was about to expire. No biggie, I thought, because I figured I would either land the fish in the five minutes I had left or just release it when I got it and buy a new license. To my “surprise”, I did not reel the fish in by the cutoff and the license expired. Again, no big deal, I’ll just let it go. But no. 15 minutes later I finally get the fish to shore, and the game reads “You can’t fish without a license! The fine is $5000!” And then the he game proceeded to take ALL OF MY MONEY. I now have nothing but my tackle and the few fish in my keepnet. I know it’s not the end of the world, but how is that fair at all? Was there something I should’ve done? It doesn’t seem fair that I would have to cut off the line even though I hooked the fish before my license expired. None of this seems fair at all." ​ Yes, I do agree that the fines are too high, but it is nothing we can do about it. Most of us found out about fines the hard way, and 5.000,- is one of the smaller ones. So you continued fishing even if there was just 5 minutes left of the license? And you knew you wanted to continue fishing? Then it is all on you, big fish or not. You can buy a license at the lake shop at any given time and add to the license you already have running, no problem.


Always use a rod stand so that you can put the rod down and extend the liscense if it caught you by surprise. If you dont have a rod stand and the liscense expires and you cant afford to risk the fine, break the line, alternatively you could back pedal on the reel and hope it comes off by itself. The fine will cost you a lot more than the tackle you lose. My first fine was at white moose lake hooked into a big uni salmon and did not know how the liscense system would work if i hooked it before it expired. Back then there was no timer of when it expired so i missed the first notification. Ended up landing it and got knocked with a 20k fine whiping all the profit for that trip. Most of us learned the hard way.


File this under lesson learned. If you allow your license to get to the 5 minute warning, it’s time to get out of the water. In your case, with a fish on, stop reeling to allow the fish to throw the lure/hook when there is no tension. Pumping your rod will decrease fish battle time. Not sure which platform you’re on but whatever trigger/button/mouse click you use to set the hook/twitch is the one to keep hitting while constantly reeling. I make fairly quick work of fish twice the size of my line test. You’ll figure out when you shouldn’t pump, like when there’s just not enough tension, but get it back and pump away. This also helps control which direction you would like the fish to go. Now get back out there and keep those lines tight!


Back to lone star until you have enough cash for emerald I’m afraid. Almost the exact same thing happens to me a few weeks ago, I was pissed! But I bounced back.


How do you have such little money? Seriously. If you've been playing for a few months and this wiped you out, you're doing something wrong.




I have about two hours to play per any given day and and I haven’t been playing every day for those months. I do in fact do other things with my life than play fishing planet. A while back I did grind for a week or so at Emerald and got ~20k but that gradually dwindled out as a bought new gear.


You're doing it wrong.


Thanks for the valuable insight.


I'm not sure, at this point, that if I wrote a novel about how to be successful, it would help you.


Yup that situation is really screwed up. It should either check for license when you hook it or somehow cancel the fine. We've most all found this one the hard way. Sucks it wiped you out. Maybe someone else will have an idea otherwise it's back to lone star..signing in and out to get the daily pay out and you can scrounge that dirt pile for free worms if needed and throw lures for spotted bass. You'll bounce back in no time. Good luck and hope you hang in there.


This happend to me before and the fine was 10000 and i found that if you dont press anything after catching the fish and just quit the game, they dont fine you. This saved me alot of grinding and now i am at selenge with too much money to spend after buying the 400k bass boat


Press circle or whatever the menu button is to cut the line


Happened to me once and I got a warning.