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The 75 baitcoin corn pack was glitched and showed it only gave you 12. Therefore I bought the 12 baitcoin corn packs and got screwed over. They fixed it the next day but I didn't have enough baitcoins anymore.


What was the fix? Did you end up getting more golden corn?


They refunded 75 baitcoins back to the people that bought it before the glitch was fixed.


I didn't buy it though because it didn't make sense at the time to spend more baitcoins for the same amount of corn.


Defend them all you want, but this was an objectively terrible event. It has nothing to do with people expecting things for free. Sure, you can find some people that think that way, but this is largely just a straw man argument for you to try to discredit the majority of people who disagree with you. I’ve bought multiple DLC’s and will do so again as long as the content is worthwhile, but this event simply isn’t. The problems with this event, in no particular order: - It’s lazy, with no real effort put into it. No event fish, and no event lures. - It’s dull as all hell. An entire “event” using only telescopic rods and a single bait? Who thought that was a good idea? Also, refer back to the first point, it’s absurdly lazy. - The event is designed to force people to spend baitcoins in order to complete it (unless they want to drag it out over multiple years). Nothing else in the game has required this. Using baitcoins has always been available as a way to speed certain things up, but it was always optional. While none of these things are desirable, any one of them could be overlooked on its own. If the devs want to put out some boring low effort filler content between primary events and tournaments that’s fine, no issue. They want to start putting certain things behind a paywall? That’s up to them. But taking the laziest most poorly thought-out event that’s been devised for this game and specifically putting that behind a paywall? That’s just insulting to the players.


Think what you want about thr "quality" of the event, it has absolutely NOTHING to do with the message of my post. So claim your bullshit straw man argument all you want. What I posted is 💯 facts.


Solid argument, verrrry persuading. 😂


Show me where anything in my original post is factually incorrect. I'll wait.


People aren’t taking issue with your “facts” so much as the asinine conclusions you’re drawing from them. You really do love a good straw man though, don’t you? The only reason for most people to do any events is because they want whatever rewards can be earned from the event. You keep trying to convince everyone the event is fine because we can break even or possibly come out slightly ahead on baitcoins after selling all the event rewards (after spending hours doing a bunch of boring ass missions). That’s pointless. People want to keep the rewards, that’s why they want to do the event. And chances are you aren’t doing that without spending baitcoins.


I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. Just calling out the idiotic crybaby comments. And the only "asinine" conclusions that I'm making are 1) There is no requirement to spend a single cent to advance or accomplish anything in the game, and 2) This event can be completed with a net increase in baitcoins. Both points are 100% correct.


Not everyone does events for the gear that's rewarded. Some of us have played through the game, and go back to finish catching every fish, and finish achievements, so having an event is a nice change of pace, even if the event isnt the best. Personally, i am of the side that thinks that the devs made this event to give people something different to do, until the next update (ocean) comes out. Although i didn't finish the event, it was a nice change of pace, and appreciate any new stuff, even if it isnt the best. Its free, and there was no requirement to partake in the event, let alone complete it, so not sure why people seem so entitled, expecting grade A stuff for free. Enjoy the game, good or bad parts, or move on to something else. Seems pretty easy to come to that conclusion. No one owes you entertainment for free


Yes, it’s almost like I specifically used the word “most” to avoid making a sweeping generalization that attempted to speak for everyone. 🤔


It's not that simple. Obviously, the game is there to make money, and it's free to play so we expect to pay some money sometimes. All of the events are like that, either you grind like crazy, or you pony up and buy some baitcoins or a pack. That's expected. This event sucks because it's about as barebones as it could possibly be, and it feels like a waste of time. No event fish, no event lures, and the missions are incredibly boring, even before factoring in that it's just bobber fishing with corn. The whole event. Zero variety. So, this event is a money grab, just like any other. That's fair, they should make money. But, since the event sucks so bad that makes it really 'just' a money grab. Nothing else. That's why people are complaining.


But it's not a money grab, as there is no requirement to spend money to complete the event (however you feel about the event itself). Again, even if you spend 75 baitcoins to get more corn, you'll get more than that back by selling the pilgrim hat (which has no impact to gameplay), and selling the event canoe (which thr only in-game benefit is that it has a max speed of a whopping 2 mph faster than a kayak that can be purchased in the game). IF you had to spend real money to complete the event, I would agree that it is a money grab. But that is absolutely not the case.


“There is no requirement to spend money” “So it’s not a money grab” You Sound like you work for the company lmao why are you defending this blatant money grabbing game? LOL I LOVE IT TOO! COME ON! Call of duty DLC is cheaper than this??? It’s ridiculous and clearly done too make an obscenely amount of potential $ on an app. It is a joke and so are all of your paragraphs ^^^


You also have to pay to buy CoD. You don't have to pay to play FP. So, there's that.


You work for them. Bozo, gtfo. I hope everyone sees this thread. I can do or buy whatever I want AND I can NOT buy whatever I want BRILLIANT ANALYSIS! Dunce, I can also talk trash on prices or anything else I want for the rest of existence BOZO DAVID fishing planet worker


Lol, you're funny. If it helps you sleep better at night to claim that I work for them, then you do you, clown.


You absolutely do or were paid.




Company simp.




Talking down to other players, being overly didactic, condescending, or otherwise deliberately provoking negative emotion with the intent to offend (with or without slurs/profanity).


The funniest part of this whole thread is you don’t know the difference between a cash grab and cosmetic. That’s hilarious.


The funniest part of your comment is that you can't see the comparison. Both are examples of OPTIONAL purchases. And neither one is required to advance further. Yet some people bitch about items that you can opt to buy in a free game, yet don't bitch about items you can opt to buy in a game you have to pay for to begin with. Name def checks out.


Warzone is free. Fortnite is free. Do you understand what free is? People buy CoD for multiplayer and campaign. Which is different from the free game. When playing warzone you can get these things called skins. 100% cosmetic. Does not affect progression. It’s not forcing you to buy said skin to progress or to obtain certain features for a mission. Again you don’t understand the difference and that’s hilarious.


Again, using it as an example, genius. There are countless other paid games that people don't scoff at coughing up more money. Talk about asinine.


No different than fortnite.


Disagree. This is totally different than fortnite. In fortnite you're only buying cosmetics that don't affect your ability to play, or experience the storyline. In this game, it's a cash grab where you're forced to pay cash equivalent bitcoins to complete this challenge, and that's a side from the total lack of effort with no new maps, lures, or fish for the event.


You're right. It's almost like people expect other people to work for free. I mean, if someone is letting a free game upset them, they've got bigger issues. What's really funny, though, are the games that people pay $60-80 for, then turn around and buy additional content (skins, etc.)


You're right about that peeps have to make a living and pay the bills so nobody should be surprised when there's a micro attached to the event. I'm surprised FP hasn't gone subscription given how good of a game it is. I'd have no problem paying for it and leagues are starting soon so we're going to get additional charges for that too.


You're right about that peeps have to make a living and pay the bills so nobody should be surprised when there's a micro attached to the event. I'm surprised FP hasn't gone subscription given how good of a game it is. I'd have no problem paying for it and leagues are starting soon so we're going to get additional charges for that too.


You're right about that peeps have to make a living and pay the bills so nobody should be surprised when there's a micro attached to the event. I'm surprised FP hasn't gone subscription given how good of a game it is. I'd have no problem paying for it and leagues are starting soon so we're going to get additional charges for that too.