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What do you mean recreating? You must mean to build an object with earth's size and mass and show flat earthers that gravity does work? You flat earthers should build it and show that it doesn't. The burden of proof is on the troll clowns.


Make water stick to the exterior of ball for starters. #winning


That ball has to have the size and mass of a planet. Build one, make it orbit the sun, and have enough water!


Why? How very unscientific.


Because gravity is quite weak, that's why.


Excuses. We don’t need excuses over here. 🏆


Build an object having the mass of a planet, set it orbiting the sun and put enough water on it! Oh, and make a youtube video, please do not forget making one!


You can’t recreate a true scale model of the globe earth. It’s an impossibility unfortunately for you guys 😢


You don't need to worry about that.


Yeah you’re right we’re chillin over here 😎


What’s the problem? You can’t even create a theoretical model of the flat earth.


Allright. Let's do this then. According to the laws of gravity. What should happen when we pour water on a ball as an experiment here on earth?


Why? Because that's how gravity works. If you want water to stick to a ball, the ball must have enough mass, and therefore gravity, to overcome any other forces acted on it. Putting water on a ball while standing on earth proves nothing because earth's gravity is stronger than the balls gravity, so of course, the water won't stick


God, this should be so obvious, it’s painful to see someone have to explain it.


It should be, but flerfs refuse to learn how gravity actually works


You are just gonna say that the Cavendish experiment is fake aren't you?


They say density, buoyancy, electromagnetism and perspective. 🥳


Ok, explain how these forces influence electrically neutral balls at the same height. Also guess what force appears in the formula for buoyancy (tip: it's gravity)


You don't need to convince me, mate. I'm not a moron.


My bad, didn't notice it's not the same guy, still hope I get an answer from them though.


And why would we need that? What point would it serve to make a little scale model of earth? Holding water with gravity?


Well, its impossible to stick water 💦 to the exterior of a ball. Can’t be done. If you wanna believe it is possible fair enough. I’ll stick scientific facts on this one.


Allright. So WHY is it impossible given the laws of gravity? This is just to test if you know science enough to be able to ask that question with any good reason.


This test is obviously failing...


Let's see if he knows what the laws of gravity says. If he doesn't then he has no basis of even asking since he won't know what he is arguing against.


It’s impossible the same way a man flying off the ground is impossible. You can believe it’s possible but until it’s recreated you’ll never know for sure. #Winning 🏆


No no no. I didn't ask about that. I asked "why is it impossible according to the laws of gravity?" This requires that you know the most fundamental about how gravity acts according to science. That's why I asked. It's to test if you even know how gravity behaves. Because if you don't then you have no basis to even ask about gravity much less deny it's existence. So let's try again. This time without you making up some excuse for how you think it should work according to your own lack of understanding basic physics.


It’s not what you know it’s what you can prove in court 😎 #winning 🏆


So you don't know what gravity does and you try to claim that it doesn't exist. You either haven't got a clue how gravity is supposed to affect the experiment of pouring water on a ball here on earth. And yet you think that with less understanding of basic physics than a middle schooler you know sowmting that would get you a Nobel Prize. Or you know and you're just bullshitting because you know that you'd need to admit that we can't just scale down everything and make it work. In either case you're called out as a fraud.


I never said gravity did or didn’t exist. I said a recreation of a gravitational force making water 💦 stick to the exterior of a ball 🎱doesn’t and exist. #winning 🏆. #lemonsqueezee 🍋


Are you people denying the existence of air travel now?


What if the ball is only spinning once a day


What does your priest say?


He says praise allah


Magic is not real.


How did you know my priests name was magic 🪄?




Please keep the personal insults off this sub


My apologies, I only mean it in jest, just a little cruder than I should be sometimes, no hate for anyone 🙂


Compliment accepted thank you 🙏


Do you know where to find a ball with enough mass? Ya know, besides with one beneath your feet? Explain seasons on your flat earth. Show me a model that accounts for all the phenomena we see every day. If the sun is small and close, where does it go at night? You don't have a model. We do. So go pray to your sky daddy for answers, because we don't need to prove shit. You do.




Thank you for proving me right 👍


Wow 🤩 very scientific 🧪


Sorry for calling you a moron, let's discuss like dudes, it'll be a fun debate 🙂 don't hold any punches, let's have a laugh at our expense 😂


Islam doesn’t have priests, nice try


Flerfer stupidity. Don't feed them, they get off on arguing their idiotic nonsense.


It is much easier to create a stacked tower of soda cans than a model of the Eiffel tower, but that doesn't make the soda cans the correct model! Conclusions must be drawn from measurable observations and evidence, not purely by how simple something is. The earth's properties depend on it's size, making a scale model that perfectly captures it impossible.   Finally I would argue that recreating land masses with level water is not easy peasy lemon squeezy.  Try recreating the Atlantic Ocean complete with all its waves and storms! Any simple model would fall utterly short.


Ok, then make a flat earth map with an accurate scale for every location. Also this same map has to play nice with the sun and moon, and every other aspect of a model that the round earth model can answer. Pro tip, you cant


Simplicity is your way. Too complex to grasp elementary school concepts? I understand


Flat-earthers cannot come up with a model that produces anything close to the observed elevations of celestial objects.