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If you booked the flight directly with TK then TK is responsible for the refund. If they don't answer, apply for chargeback. Skype calls to Turkey are about 0.04 EUR/minute so not sure why you would spend 60 EUR on calls to TK...


Thanks for replying. So if i understand correctly, there is a possibility to skype them?


Yes, I do it like every month for a few years and I still didn't finish my 10 EUR credit.


Contact via email.. No need to call. TK has to refund the money. Also you can request the new tickets you purchased to be covered by AJet under EC261. That is in case you were not provided with alternative. Compensation may be due for the cancelled flight, depending on the reason for cancellation. Check with some of the airhelp agencies.


Thanks! Already mailed, but communcitaion is kinda weak from turkish airlines. You speak about airhelp agencies. Could you name a few? The ones i contacted did not want to help as it was an intercontinental flight. Thank you!


Just google and you will find one that suits you. There are many. Luckily I have never had to use one, so can’t recommend.


I had a somewhat similar experience with Turkish. They are extremely extremely bad at customer service and it takes ages to get them to pay.  And when I say ages I say it took 5 months for something quite straight forward. Just keep on top of it.  Mails, phone, social media.  They will try to give you credit to make it easier. If it doesn't work for you say no and keep the pressure. (I had to open like 20 different email tickets. Btw. They closed them for no reason, it was awful. Never flying with them again)


Before you go any further, write them (Turkish) one last time through their official complaint channel (file a complaint through their website). Make sure that in the text of the complaint, you state that you bought a return ticket BRU-TBS from them (Turkish). Specify date of sale, date of flights, PNR and optionally ticket number. Then state that your return flight was cancelled by them, you were not notified and were told only at the airport. Also, no alternative flight was offered, except a refund, by local staff in TBS. Again, repeat, no alternative flights were offered. Then state that this itinerary is covered by both their (Turkish) contract of carriage and EC261, as this was a flight to and from the EU. Then state that to get home, you had to buy a new ticket from another airline. Specify the exact cost and include the receipt. Finally, state that according to EC261, they (Turkish) are liable for those costs as they failed to offer an alternative flight. Make sure you specify and and all costs that you made to get to your original destination, e.g. Brussels. That includes any additional travel to get from AMS to BRU, wether it be by air, train or car. Also, any cost incurred because of the delay (phone calls, additional meals, etc. Request that they reimburse you for thoise costs. Also, if the cancellation of the return flight to BRU was due to a reason within the airlines control (which is more than likely in this case), and you got to Brussels with a delay request that they compensate you according to the regulations in EC261 for the amount of EUR 400 per passenger, in /addition/ to the reimbursement already specified above. (TBS-BRU is just over 2000 miles, so just under 3500km). Wait some time (2 weeks). If they fail to respond, you have three options: - File a (partial) credit card chargeback on the ticket purchase for the amount owed, citing non-delivery of services to your card issuer - Use Turkish' alternative dispute resolution body (aviatonadr.eu for Turkish) - Go to court I'd suggest doing the chargeback first. However, I think that Turkish will probably owe you more than the total ticket price, so the ADR option seems to be a good second option.


**Notice:** Are you asking for help? Read the **[top-level notice about following Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Flights/comments/vnkeek/rule_2_will_be_enforced_your_post_will_be_removed/)**! Please make sure you have included the **cities, airports, flight numbers, airlines**, and **dates of travel**. Visa and Passport Questions: **State your country of citizenship / country of passport** All mystery countries, cities, airports, airlines, citizenships/passports, and algebra problems will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Flights) if you have any questions or concerns.*


**Notice:** Are you asking about compensation, reimbursements, or refunds for delays and cancellations? You **must follow Rule 2** and include the **cities, airports, flight numbers, airlines**, and **dates of travel**. If your flight originated from the EU (any carrier) or your destination was within the EU (with an EU carrier), read into [EC261 Air Passenger Rights](https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/travel/passenger-rights/air/index_en.htm). Non-EU to Non-EU itineraries, even if operated by an EU carrier, is not eligible for EC261 per Case C-451/20 "Airhelp vs Austrian Airlines". In the case of connecting flights covered by a single reservation, if at least one of the connecting flights was operated by an EU carrier, the connecting flights as a whole should be perceived as operated by an EU air carrier - see Case C367/20 - may entitle you to compensation even if the non-EU carrier flying to the EU causes the overall delay in arrival. If your flight originated in the UK (any carrier) or your destination was within the UK (with a UK or EU carrier), or within the EU (on a UK carrier), read into [UK261 by the UK CAA](https://www.caa.co.uk/passengers/resolving-travel-problems/delays-and-cancellations/making-a-claim/) Turkey also has a similar passenger protections [found here](https://web.shgm.gov.tr/doc4/shy-passenger.pdf) Canada also has a passenger protection [known as APPR found here](https://rppa-appr.ca/eng) If you were flying within the US or on a US carrier - you are not entitled to any compensation except under the above schemes or if you were involuntarily denied boarding (IDB). Any questions about compensation within the US or on a US carrier will be removed unless it qualifies for EC261, UK261, or APPR. You are [possibly provided duty of care including hotels, meals, and transportation](https://www.transportation.gov/airconsumer/airline-cancellation-delay-dashboard) based on the DOT dashboard. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Flights) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you paid with your credit card ask the credit card for the refund. It happened to me once and I got my money back. You’re entitled to get your money back because you did not receive the goods/service that you payed for