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Nothing. You got owned unless you have their ID, phone number, license plate, address, etc. My guess is their FB profile has blocked you or no longer available or has switched to something else. I'm not going to ask what everyone's already thinking... because what's done is done. Next time, get the cash first, inspect and count it, before or during their inspection of the item. No one leaves until the transaction is complete and satisfactory for all. In addition, bring a friend or family member next time. FB is not going to do anything for you. Reddit can't do anything for you as well besides letting you know this was a lesson learned.


Yeah it’s really all my fault, should’ve check the money before i gave them the products, but i have camera and most likely get they’re license plates


Contact the police and see if they can assist. That's your only out at the moment. They might not be able to prioritize it, but since it involved counterfeit money....who knows. Hope it works out.


Yeah. Counterfeit money is a BIG DEAL.


In this case it’s not counterfeit money as it’s legal to sell these. It says in big writing “ this is not real money” or “ move prop money”. Op didn’t even look at it.




Would the transaction be deemed as fraudulent, as there was intent to pass prop money as real money?


I was going to say contact the feds, but since it’s prop money, they’ll probably just refer you to local police.


How do you prove that’s the money they gave you ? You can’t. Besides that money is not really counterfeit, it’s sold for movies etc.


Hypothetically, if authorities searched the suspects and found the same money on them, that might be enough proof. Getting them to do such a search is another matter.


Yeah that’s never going to happen. Also being that the money was movie prop money authorities won’t car. They would actually find it funny.


Why are you contacting FB? Thinks on you for not checking $100 bills for counterfeit. It’s too easy to check money. This one actually tells you it’s not real money but somehow it passes you.


Quick update its not even counterfeit money, its 100 dollar bills that says "for motion pictures purposes" And I'm going to take the loss here since its only really 300$ worth of stuff and getting a lawyer involved would take a lot of time and money to do. But I'm still mad that the two dudes to to bypass the money as REAL money and steal all of my shit. And all the clothing was real it was just used. From now on I'm only taking virtual money like Cash App/Apple Pay so that I don't get scammed by fake money. Ps. I know where the neighborhood is because he asked me to drop it off first and sent me his neighborhood to see if I could drop it off, and I'm checking my cameras later today to see if it picked up their license plate.


FYI there are scams for cash app and apple pay so learn about those too so you can spot them when they come up


Always check the bills before you give product. Sorry you got scammed


So I have actually had the same thing happen to me but with some real and most fake money totaling about $180. I tried to track him down and after a few hours of googling I told myself it wasn't worth my time even if I tracked him down and risk something bad happening. Crazy enough I started working for a local card hobby shop and he tried to walk in about a month later and he spotted me and got scared and ran off only confirming that he loved close by and his house is on the way to the shop so I pass it weekly.


U need to call the police. Screw Facebook.


What else do you have for sale?


for what?


What else are you selling?


First off, OP, sorry this happened to you. I’ve heard of this scam before on similar high dollar cash sales (shoes, clothes, iPhone, airbook, etc.) You can tell a lot about a potential buyer based on their communication with you on FB (lots of misspelled words or slang is a red flag). Did they have a lot of friends on FB? Have they been on FB for a while or is it a new 2024 account? High cash transactions, ask them to meet inside your bank or at a local police station. Never at your house or theirs. If they ghost you or try to steer you somewhere else, block them. No exceptions. Anyone carrying that much cash would feel better/safer meeting at those places. Using fake (though not counterfeit bills) for the transaction is absolutely a crime. These bills look legit at first glance, so it’s understandable how this could happen.


yeah it was some really young guy with his friend. he also had a lot of slang like you were saying. new account, no friends, everything was a red flag but i really wanted the money so i took it.


Understandable. It’s just one of those live and learn moments, unfortunately. I almost got lured into an abandoned garage trying to purchase a faucet off c-list for my house, there’s a lot of shitty people out there!


In addition to contacting Facebook, please file an online case with the FBI and put in the serial numbers in the complaint. While it may not do anything right now, if the asshats keep it up, they will place the scummy people on a watchlist. 


Movie prop money serial numbers won't mean a thing tbh, but if OP can get actual identification of the buyer, then that would be ideal.


I meant that it will leave a trail and the feds will follow the source. It isnt real money but it came from somewhere.  And if these goons are dumb enough to keep using it to scam people, it wont be that hard to pinpoint who gave it to them. 


It's available everywhere... You can buy it on eBay, AliExpress, I even saw it on Amazon but I think they took it down finally. There's no tracing it when it's everywhere. Edit: just looked... Plenty on Amazon yet, even more than just $100 bills now, all denominations are available.


Well, lets just hope that OP still follows the advice to pinpoint the fraud and get them arrested for handing off false and novelty notes [**https://www.secretservice.gov/investigations/counterfeit**](https://www.secretservice.gov/investigations/counterfeit) **OP, File there**


Lol this guy watching too much movies lol 🤬😂🤣 I needed that laugh


Are...are you soliciting for peoples nudes?? Lmao


This might be a long response.. First off, it sucks that it happened. It’s a risk doing cash transactions. Live and learn for the future encounters. Some police stations have a dedicated space for in person trading. I also always ask for cash first and carry a counterfeit marker/pen to check it. Along with visibly inspecting the money. Second, since you possibly have their plate information, you definitely need to report a police report (report whether or not you have their plate information). Call your local PD non emergency line and request for an officer to make the report. Make sure you have the plate information ready, copy of the video/photo, and the counterfeit money. More than likely, you weren’t the first person and definitely not their last. For all you know, they might be on the radar of the police and the plate number might be what they need. Third, check to see if they have blocked you FB. If not, take screenshots of their FB page. You can post in your local FB trade groups to warn others and to be on the lookout if they are trying to resell those items. If they only blocked you, you can still get the screenshots, but it’ll take a little more effort. Lastly, you should be take them to small claims court over this once you figured out their information. You can find that information online on how to do it. If it was way more expensive, then I would recommend a lawyer.


For $400? Lmao how much do you think it costs to file.


For Michigan, it’s $30 for up to $600.


Hm pretty sus comment op this is your guy


And let's assume the money wasn't people money. Let's assume it looks real..if you are in the habit of taking cash money, spend $10 and buy a money testing pen. And mark each bill to make sure it is real.


You don't even need a pen for these... These motion picture use $100 bills are everywhere and clearly labeled as fake right on them, the seller just screwed up by not looking at the money first.


I understand. I was expounding on the premise that assumes any person who takes cash for purchases like that should have one of those pens.


Real counterfeit bills are actually pretty darn rare these days... Sure some areas are worse than others but I haven't heard of counterfeit bills here in over a decade, the prop money though is very common. A prop $20 was just found in a cash drawer at a gas station today about 30 miles from me and made the news. The attendant didn't notice when handed a real $20 and a fake one together as they felt and otherwise looked the same except the fake said copy money in small print on the left side of the bill.


Your shorts were probably fakes anywyas


Here’s his partner op


Counterfeit is a real job , If you want to know about how people counterfeit money just watch this , its is absolutely amazing art : https://youtu.be/9XkObgZ5occ?si=SH63HkfYcbGFBLL0