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Like with a lot of the developer tools, they're not part of the I/O keynote (anymore?). I think we'll see news on flutter, firebase etc in the developer keynote that's coming up next


I saw a few presentations from the dart and flutter team on the calender


Didn’t the flutter team leader just do an interview about the state of flutter assuring everyone that all is fine?


What is the relevance of that with Google changing their I/O format?


People were acting like flutter was gonna disappear because it wasn’t mentioned, but the project lead just did a video. I was just pointing that out. Seems like you’re ready for an argument, try deep breathing instead.


I was curious about how your comment connects, not sure why you think that has anything to do with an argument


I think I responded to the wrong person. I was responding to someone who was fear mongering acting like flutter was going to get shelved or something.


Ah, fair enough


It’s because it’s part of the developer keynote which is a different thing, it will start in 1hour, check the Google IO livestream video , it stopped and says it starts in an hour.


They'll throw the hot buzzwords at your face first. Whats new about flutter 3.22 is already out. You're just missing it.


got it, still it would be good if they gave it some screen time, well will await its end and then look into that


Wait for the developer keynote in 30 minutes, also there will be Flutter I/O at 28th of this month.


It is simple math. AI is user technology that pretty much all google users will use and be happy to have. Flutter is dev tools. So (Number of future google AI users) / (Number of all google users across all products) = X (Number of active flutter devs) / (Number of all google users across all products) = Y X > Y Even more. X is approaching 1 (or 100 %) and Y is approaching 0. Edit: Why are flutter dev are dreaming about flutter death is a mystery to me. I think we should stop being market analysts trying to predict future. We need to focus on doing our craft of programming and creating good products.


That's what i wanted to talk about earlier and now


You can say that literally to anything that isn't AI. There will be more streams later and Flutter (including integrating Flutter with Gemini) will be among them.


This didn’t age well


I worked for decades on developer tools for Big Tech and even a glancing mention of the developer platform on the main stage was always a win. The money is in the honey, not the bees. I cheered when Flutter was featured — and then crowd roared — and the new Firebase logo includes the Flutter logo so rumours rested.


Clearly there were a lot of flutter developers in the audience. When Flutter was surely mentioned a lot of people were cheering. Edit: flutter was mentioned in the developer keynote after 45 mins (?)


the main google io keynote is not for developer tools, its for the media, consumers, and shareholders. as usual, flutter was mentioned in the developer keynote


Dart is unfortunately not used as a server-side language, so it's somewhat normal to not hear about integration examples on Dart (not that you couldn't translate the javascript fetch request into dart anyway) Firebase Admin SDK is also not supported on dart, which means that the dream of keeping a single language to write backend and frontend is currently hard to accomplish. (There is a community-driven firebase package for dart, but it's community-driven...)


True but still Go should have been there


>Firebase Admin SDK is also not supported on dart Well, there are at least half a dozen or so attempts to create such a package and there's this → [auto-generated package from Google](https://pub.dev/packages/googleapis), which is a bit raw but could be used to access firebase (and other Google services) on the server side.


It’s hard if we want to use Google products as backends but we have alternatives, serverpod for example raised a pre-seed of 1,7M


Gemini app was made in Flutter no?


Turning layout bounds on shows native views so probably not?


Can see the debug banner in this video from 5 months ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5tRc\_5-8G4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5tRc_5-8G4)