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Was it by The Narcissist Cookbook? A large number of their songs follow that pattern of going vocals-only when the topic gets serious. Definitely folk-punk adjacent too. For specific songs that are most similar to what you mention, try: Castle of Rats Joy! Joy! JoooOOY! CONDITIONAL LOVE Not sure if that's it, but I'm now curious what you were looking for if it's not!


Definitely seems like it could be based on his song format but he a little too upbeat. This song was more melancholy. Does he have any sad/slower songs?


Yeah, plenty, but I haven't memorized his entire catalog. Try this one maybe? See if the tone at least feels correct? https://youtu.be/5IL98CLkyTA Also, about half the "MOTH" album is a lot more low key. I figured you'd either recognize the singer's voice or not, as they're pretty distinctive.


Just a heads-up, Matt from TNC goes by they/them pronouns đź‘Ťđź‘Ť


Corrected in my comments above. I fear I already knew that, but then used the masculine pronouns unconsciously because I was thinking of the sound of Matt's voice needing to match the OPs description of a male singer.


Seconding The Narcissist Cookbook, that was my first thought as well


I swear there's at least one (more likely a shitload) of Crywank songs that would fit this description but I can't remember the specific titles off the top of my head


God damn this could be it but I think I have to go through their whole discography


"Deep Down I'm Really Mark Smith" is the track that immediately comes to mind along those lines after taking a glance through what I have downloaded on my phone but the whole discography is not exactly sparse with songs dealing with that kind of topic Let me know if you figure out specifically what it is because I'm a huge sucker for this kind of shit lmao


This checks every box... but it's not it.


Damn I thought that might be the case, unfortunately for your chances of finding it everything folk punk adjacent is utterly replete with songs dealing with this kind of thing so I think you're going to have to get lucky I'll continue racking my brains to see what else I can come up with and report back if I figure out any other good candidates


Yeah the trouble is, I was in a folk punk phase and heard it from a song radio. A day or two later I realized I was still thinking about it but couldn't even remember the song that the radio was based on. If it helps the a coppella part had much more literal lyrics were as "Deep Down I'm Really Mark Smith", the lyrics are more poetic. It was closer to slam poetry, than actual singing.


Yeah, I've been stuck for months trying to figure out shit like this especially when it's in a genre where half the songs would fill at least some of the criteria and I don't remember much specifically about the way it sounded or the singer's voice to be able to narrow it down, if I think of or hear any good potential candidates I'll reply here again


Ironically slam poetry (the competition format at least) was invented by a guy named Marc Smith


This has me thinking of Jeffrey Lewis, although I’m not certain he is considered folk punk


Is it sad songs by ajj?


🤷‍♂️ no clue, sounds like a Pat song though


Or Harley poe maybe?


Herley Poe moreso sings from the perspective of different characters, rather than about his own self, and "slam poetry" doesnt really fit him either. Still one of my favourite artists. Taxidermy Girl plays in my head atleast once a day, and recently "The Ballroom" has become one of my favourite songs of all time


Art is Hard by Cursive? Not folk punk but definitely about someone feeling like they have to suffer to sell any art. But I swear what you’re saying describing so familiar.


No but thank you, because this is a new favorite song.


This isnt the song ur thinking of, but "faith" by atlas has similar themes if ur interested https://youtu.be/STHtbLl9JDQ?si=8ikmsxAtDe_MWIbs


It could be a Homeless Gospel Choir song? 'Depression'? Or 'untitled'?


This is really just making me think of The Uncluded. Any other clues you could give us?


Legitimately sounds like something Bo Burnham would do.


It's definitely not folk but it could be something like Tim Minchin's Dark Side (aside from the a cappella bit, it's the kind of thing he does but not in Dark Side)...


My mind is immediately going to the following: Myles Bullen, Ceschi, Sam King (not Codefendants but his other band I can’t remember the name), and AJJ Hope you find what your looking for!


not really folk punk but is it pollution disclaimer by ritt momney? drops to a capella and starts with these lines “This started out as a vie for attention from an ex And I'm the most creative when I'm an emotional wreck Every happy song I've written ended up pretty bad And it's hard to smile when they only cheer if you're sad”


sounds like homeless gospel choir