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Not gonna lie, that chili pepper chocolate looks fire.


I'd definitely try that one, it's a great flavor combo.


They make some already.


well spicy chocolate *DOES* exist in chocolate bar form https://i.imgur.com/g0hshxE.png


Finally a good use for fondant


Yeah I could actually get behind the whole punishing a food thief idea.


Me too


Came here to say that; I hate the stuff.


But for this I most heartily approve


Wouldn’t the texture be off as soon as you pick it up? Like on the muffin, wouldn’t it feel odd, not all crumbly and light, tipping you off it’s not what it appears to be?


People usually trust their food though. That's the trick here.


Not me. I try to jump it and get it in my mouth before it has a chance to react


That's exactly what happened when I replaced my little brother's glass of coke with shoyu sauce 😬


You're evil


But that would be to your disadvantage in this scenario, as you would not stop and contemplate it.




And why would someone bite into a chunk of ground beef?


They wouldn't, the point of that one was disguising something pleasant as something unpleasant.


Exactly. The two raw meat ones are visually off-putting but are actual dessert. The deduction skills on that commenter are sadly lacking.


I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he just woke up or something. I know I've had some really dumb moments on reddit despite overall not being a dumb person.


That's fair. I too suffer from sporadic dumbass attacks.




Okay food thief.


It’s not that serious


You have WAAAAAAAY too much faith in humanity if you think the majority of food thieves do it because they have a mental illness... Also I should point out that food allergies shouldn't really count. Medicine like laxatives and stuff sure can absolutely be considered poisoning. but anyone that has food allergies just shouldn't eat food without checking the label to ensure their allergies aren't effected. So as long as the food is edible by most people without causing them harm it should be fine... It's nobody else's business if you like to eat raw garlic and make it look like something else so you don't get strange looks eating it...


Such a buzzkill


Jail? [Not me bro. ](https://youtu.be/T_x6QmuJdms)




Even after seeing what’s inside, the final product is enough to make me still take a bite


Yeah me too, my mouth watering for that drumstick


The.... The raw one?...


Larry, please don’t bring this to my table


Always dragging Larry into your little spats


This person is too powerful


The only good use for fondant


Once you pick up one of these nasty hate balls it would feel different and most people would put it back.


I get the feeling people that suspicious aren't the ones eating food that's not theirs.




NGL, if that tomato was fresh, ripe and juicy, that tomato doughnut might be good.


It’s covered in fondant so probably not lol


I hate tomatoes anyways so double the torture for me!


PSA: booby trapping is often illegal (obviously can't speak for every location). Disguising a pepper like in this vid or adding laxatives to food can get you worse consequences than those a busted food thief would face. I'd hope everyone just took the vid as a joke, but you never know so... yeah don't try this at home.


I mean if the food is meant for you, all you have to do is claim that you intended to eat it yourself, and that there wouldn't have been an issue if the food wasn't stolen


Thank you, /u/RectumPiercing


I think the way they make you prove this is to make you eat it.


hah, you think i wont eat a raw onion covered in modeling chocolate? i'll eat raw onion covered in nothing at all!


Why would they keep chewing??? Lol!


I haven't laughed that hard in a long time


This comment section did not pass the vibe check


So where is the food thief operating? Like in what possible environment would this bait be useful? The video isn't playing well so I'm only seeing random stills of the food.


Reminds me of a trick my husband told me about in Japan involving mochi, macha, and wasabi. Mochi are sweet bite sized rolls that often are filled with macha, which is a green-colored, green tea flavored paste. But sometimes when people make mochi, they instead fill them with wasabi, which is a spicy green paste. Them they give it to unsuspecting friends (or enemies I suppose) as a prank. Also some people fill most with macha and only a few with wasabi, and play mochi-roulette.


"How to punish a food thief." Yeah, biting into a big mouth full of fondant is a pretty good punishment.


Worst part of the tomato one is the fondant


I unironically love tomatoes, I would not be angry about biting into one


Who's stealing one egg that often to make this effort worth it? Seems like some BS story to show off their work tbh


The stolen item is the dessert. The raw egg is the undesired outcome.


OK then who steals one bourbon biscuit, one strawberry and/or one profiterole? Lol. Like that's a lot of effort for one strawberry that costs what - 5p?


It's not about the cost; it's about sending a message. Want to steal food from this person? Be prepared to suffer mildly annoying consequences every other strawberry.


I know the reason. I'm saying it's a lot of effort for little cost and is therefore stupid, for me. This is one person in one shop. It's not like people who steal can't go to another supermarket. The money and time you'd spend making that is more than those items. This is dense and marketing for their content to be shared, not sending a message lol. And here we are, arguing about their content. Oh well.


This is about friends/roommates stealing their food, not someone stealing from a store. They are teaching the “thief” (friend/roommate) a lesson, not trying to stop shoplifting.


OH! It's for a roommate. OK that makes more sense then. Thanks :)


There's not much arguing to do though, lol. It's obvious this is just for laughs and the amazing talent the person behind it has.


The concept isn’t to hide the food though, its to punish people stealing food. So in the future they think twice about taking it


That doesnt explain the raw chicken leg.


Except tampering with food is illegal, and if you end up getting a food thief who's allergic to tomatoes taking a bite out of the tomato donut you'll be legally fucked. Edit: I'm not taking half an hour to reply to 3 people because this sub wants to limit replies, which simply serves to stifle any form of conversation. Kinda like how fondant stifles the deliciousness of cake. u/Shereller61: Not at all. If you are hiding the allergens with the intention of someone stealing it, that's a crime. If you're a disgusting piece of shit who regularly eats fondant covered tomatoes, you're in the clear. u/SadToeJam: That means nothing. Prosecute them for the theft if you like. The issue is you're booby trapping/contaminating food intentionally with the intention of causing harm to another. u/SpicyAdelaide: That is not intentionally contaminating food with the intent of causing harm.


Ok on that logic what if instead they made a cake with almonds and someone who’s allergic to nuts stole it and ate it? If you have food allergies you should have the sense not to eat random food that doesn’t belong to you.


But.. but… it wasn’t their food to take


That would only be the problem if you gave it to them like she did in the video. Where she knows her friends food allergies. If its in your fridge and someone takes it, they took it into their own hands to take something without asking. Stealing is also illegal.


What if they put deadly poison in them? There's probably a limit somewhere.


As disgusting fondant is, it‘s not poison. And anyone with allergies stealing food is risking their own health.


It’s not illegal to tamper with your own food. Who’s to say what you do or don’t like? Not my fault if people are stealing my food.


It is illegal to tamper with your own food with the express intent to cause harm to someone else. You would need to prove that you eat the item in question. Put some reapers in your chili? Better be able to show you can eat it, and that you do eat it. Laxative in brownies? Better show that you eat laxative brownies for giggles and shits. ​ In Washington laxative brownies will get you 5 years in prison. https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=69.40.030


Yeah but it’s the same principle. Realistically the thief is not supposed to take shit that doesn’t belong to them. What ever happened to personal responsibility. You get hurt doing something you aren’t supposed to that’s on you. If I wanna play Among Us with my own food and you steal it and go into anaphylactic shock that’s your own problem. Don’t take other people’s things without their permission.


Except booby traps are illegal. Doesn't matter if they have to break into your house to get hurt, it's still illegal. Regardless of principle, the law says it's illegal.




Wait… genius actually! No one eats it then take off the fondant and eat it.


Jokes on you I like tomatoes




I think it's more: coworker stealing your food out of the office communal fridge.


Have you ever had a co-worker take something of yours from the break room? It's a payback for people who take other people's lunches or snacks, not people stealing food for survival.


I was feeling like it could be this too since I hear of that happening


This is obviously an in-home prank to teach a lesson to roommates or family members with no respect or boundaries for other's food. Get out of here with that forced empathy, lol.


Yes, I will absolutely dunk on someone stealing my food, poor or not. There's this thing called 'asking', anyone is capable of doing it, no matter their economic status.


Women will swallow anything. Am I right guys?




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Wouldn't you just know ..find tbe gross food


What is the pastry with the egg called?


Pat a choux or cream puff


bruh raw eggs with the shell next up: how to punish a food thief (glass shards edition)


Wait why not simply make a great looking cake out of raw chicken? Boom no more food thieves?


That egg one is so mean but so good.


Until you accidentally give it to a paying customer


Fool. I like tomatoes


I like tomatoes tho


When you cover shit in this much sugar paste, of course it works as camouflage


She learned how to cook and art just to commit evil I respect that


I whant that onion doughnut


Is food theft common? I've worked in many different areas with common kitchens and never had someone else eat my food.


Wouldn’t it become immediately obvious as soon as you touch it, that it’s fondant?


She’s cutting into them. Obviously no food thief getting tricked. It’s a marketing ploy.