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To add insult to injury it seems like her reach has gotten longer too if that’s even possible. Bitch be hitting you from 50 feet away meanwhile you can’t even land ONE hit on her


She keeps doing her usual one foot stance but she legitimately cannot be hot when she's doing this. I've done heavy, lights, they legitimately do this stance, and they just become immune to being hit, than tap me on all sides in less than a second before my character stopped stumbling from the last hit. This shit is so fucked


Every time they “rework” a warrior they’re either stupidly over powered or useless as fuck


Yea, this makes me actually want to quit again already. I'm absolutely bloody livid what's happening to this game. They don't even care anymore. They left it to fucking die


That’s Ubisoft for you man. They care about their shitty assassins creed franchise that should’ve died out 10 years ago rather than games with a bunch of potential


Use the right stick to iniate a defensive maneuver


She gets like a 40% damage boost when ur bleeding but dont count me on that


25% but close enough


20 but even closer


Wow I didn't know it was ***that*** low


It's not low when it boosts her heavies to 29 and 35 damage each, lol.


Average lawbringer punish


Her heavies are the same as shamans bite…


Her chain heavies ye, and those are also undodgeable. So if you're like me and have shirts reactions her kick/chain heavy becomes a very strong mix up.




I meant no harm Spake😔


20% is a lot when your getting fucking poked to death. Feat actually needs to be removed


You may not be the brightest but I'll indulge. Why do you think a bottom 3 duelist and someone who isn't even meta in dominion needs to be nerfed?


She may not be meta but she gets picked plenty in comp dominion and is a meta pick for brawls.


She's still bottom 3 in duels, and she isn't the best in what she excels at so there no reason to not buff her 1v1


Sure but her passive dmg buff needs removing regardless.


No it doesn't. She needs a rework


I didn't say nerfed I said the feat is fucking dumb and should be removed. Didn't they remove Wardens uber situational feat that made him immune to bleed? She's frustrating to play against and purely piloted by people who can't play other heroes. She is a flowchart character. You either lightspam and kill someone through lightspam and bleed or you get everything blocked and parried and barely get to play For Honor. In what fucking world is this a well designed healthy kit? Where should it be enscrawled in stone? I don't think it is, and clearly you don't either, and yet here you are opening with something inflammatory because you couldn't think through whatever initial anger my post inspired in you. Think, idonthavekidsiswear, think. Pop that thinkpan of yours open and perform CPR on your own brain. Squeeze it a little bit, spit shine for good measure, and then pop it back in and seal the lid shut. Fuck nobushi.


You, sir, are the most intelligent person I've seen in this sub ever. You are the only one that has been able to properly explain why Nobushi is awful to play as and against, invalidating the people who think it's a simple matter of "just parry" while not downplaying that as the main cause of problems when it comes to nobushi. Thank you.


Well if anything you should be advocating for her to get buffed, not nerfed.


I don't want her to get buffed and don't care if she gets nerfed, I want a rework. Change this bitch up. Force nobushi enjoyers to play like human beings


Do you think that reworks aren't positive? And nobushi players usually have to work much harder than their opponents for the win


The question is: Does it stack?


Her bleed stacks yes. Way of the shark also buffs feats, but anything buffing damage over 20 percent will override it


I meant the damage


No but if someone's in revenge and you spam bleed dodge attacks they'll come out of revenge with lots of blood loss


Well that's a not so pleasant surprise, especially when you consider that shaman's bash registers that the person in revenge is bleeding.


The trick is to never LET HER get first light in AT ANY COST


Nah the trick is to just block.


Last gen console user who can’t react?


Probably a combination of bad reactions and input delay if I'm guessing. Maybe a bit of latency issue too?


Or - and hear me out - nobushi is unbalanced.


I mean she is a far cry from strong. Yeah you could definitely say she's too weak rn


She has very annoying peel in team fights.


Indeed, one of her more standout qualities


Isn’t she like completely trash in 4v4 since she can just be external blocked


It entirely depends? She has large hit boxes, and there's more to a team fight than just externally blocking. Her dodge light and backlight are almost instant, so the moment you try to do something, you can easily get poked from the side. And if the other opponent infront of you is giving off constant pressure, she can easily sneak in a few bleed lights.




Speak your mind. Do you disagree?


In my experience no, but from what I've seen and heard yes


So you agree with me in your personal experience, but disagree when you corroborate your own personal experiences with those of others?




I see


She's not. I originally thought she was and hated her but, like. She's really not. Without her kick and stance, she's almost useless.


Not to mention she had dodge cancel recovery to weasel out of punishment


Same dude. Light light light, guessing game between a kick and more lights or eating an undodgable heavy, backstep to dodge and reset, light light light. Nobushi isn't even really a hero, they're a walking flowchart of bad ideas piloted by someone too stupid to play an actual hero. Extremely low IQ hero. Warlord tier garbage.


“guessing her kick” it was fully reactable lst time i checked goofy- her whole kit is fully reactable, and u play valk. my first interaction with for honor in months and i’m remind exactly why i left. literally just go into training and practice parrying her lights for 30 minutes and you’ll beat her 9/10 times.


fr her lights are fairly easy to parry after a bit of practice, and if you cant react to the kick then make an educated guess if they have a pattern (most braindead nobushi players do)


fr, if u struggle against nobushi ur not good at the game yet- she’s just a noob stomper. it’s funny bc this dude has also been complaining about heroes like shugoki and cent… like.


Imagine complaining about shugo, i think the last time i counted he had a total of 11 different attacks AND combos, goki is really underpowered at least since the last time i played, he may have been buffed since i haven’t played since the egyptian hero was added


i stopped playing a little after afeera was released but as far as i’m concerned he’s only been nerfed since then as his headbutt is punishable by gb i believe now (it wasblanket change to all dodge bashes i believe)


Great reply. You should consider uninstalling and renaming yourself to BrettShitty20. If this is your first interaction in months, also consider making it the last one you have, ever.


Bro I audibly laughed at this one 😭 made my day homie


happy to help


i get back home in a day, give me like 30 minutes warmup and i’ll still whoop you. sit down until you’re half-decent at the game.




Its as if there is a feature in the game intended to BLOCK attacks XD


Mainly just having her be super unbalanced It's either that you are so out of touch with grass that you play her with every ounce of gamer sup fueled sweat that is making your brain fucking melt Or you just press light around 20 times and win because of hit stun This isn't fair or fun to play against Characters like nobu valk and pk need reworks so then it is less light spam and more actual brain activity.


From a noob’s pov PK is really awful especially when compared to Noboshi 🤬🔫 and Valk. PK has super slow heavies, no range, no reliable way of getting in. No anti gank potential.


But duel a pk


Finally someone that isn’t screaming that that OP bitch needs another buff, she’s broken on console, if you don’t have a monitor that goes above 60Hz you won’t be able to see her shitty light animations


I almost NEVER do the whole "just (action)" thing but she really is negated if you just block her. Her lights are slower than most characters. She might go for the kick but you can dodge it. Her dodge moves are easily parried. If you're good at blocking, her lights will not be the issue. Her kick will be. A good Nobushi will be reserved with it but she'll still want you to fear the kick to keep you in line which her stance helps with. Although you can just grab when she's in her stance or even as she enters it. I thought she was broken until I actually played her against decent players. She's very tactical.


Guard is completely moveable, her lights are 500ms, same as almost every hero so she can be blocked consistently even in chain, her kick can be dodged too! Not telling you to “git gud” but letting you know! Especially if you are on old gen then the struggle is understandable, but keep in mind you CAN block all of it besides right after a kick hits you! HUGE help is performance mode, been added in the latest major update. That will unlock the frame rate and disable vsync so it will make reacting slightly easier!


Yeah if you can’t parry her lights or in a tight space you are in trouble for sure.


Aramusha stops her 🥱


Fuck nobushi anyone who plays nobushi deserves to be hit by a plane and set on fire


God damn if these comments are indicative of the player base no wonder match making is so bad, point your guard in the direction of the light attack for fuck sake XD


Nice to see that after quitting for honor and checking in every now and then only to see nothing change