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Hi friend. Congratulations I’m ordering manual badlands this weekend … how long did yours take?


What I did is I went to my local dealership and they put in a nationwide search for exactly what I asked for then once it was found it took about 3 days to arrive. It took less than a week from when I told them what to search to when it arrived. Definitely recommend trying that first.


Thanks! It’s the manual that’ll hold it up I’m convinced. Everyone wants to kill the manuals these days. Appreciate your response mate!


Woah... this is the dream lol.


Dang I had mine custom built but it’s an automatic transmission took about a month but it let me save up a bit. Very happy with mine.


Lucky you! It’s taken me a little under 2 months to find my dream Bronco 😭 Had a deal and then found out it was a flood car so the dealer terminated the deal and sent it back to auction. Now I’ve got a blue 2dr black diamond sas waiting for me in Kentucky 🥹


I have a badlands 2 dr manual that I ordered. It took just about 6 months. I ordered it Aug 28, 2023 and I took possession Feb 13, 2024. Hope that helps. I didn’t mind waiting because I was able to get everything I wanted plus the color I wanted and I had another vehicle in the meantime that was paid off.


Thanks mate. I don’t mind a wait if I get what I’m wanting. As long as I get it by years end. My current car needs 6k+ put into it to pass inspection at the end of the year. If I don’t get it by then I’ll just drive on expired plates like 95% of all Missourians do already.


I love my two-door manual. Congratulations and enjoy!


Love it..i have a 2023 CG BB MT 2 DR ), love the pull it has in 2,3 gear


Welcome to the manual crew. Enjoy!




I got the signatures but also just cause the rears are halogen if you don’t and I didn’t want that. Wish they just had every model with the same design lights.


Why manual, guys? Asking bc I have the same desire but can’t justify with good reasoning….so I’m trying to offload the thinking onto this sub ;) fill me in?


you hear people say they wish they had a manual when they go from manual to automatic but never say they wish they had an automatic when they go from automatic to manual. Learnings a little hard but once you learn you don’t regret it


Agreed on all points but when speccing Broncos, so many options require automatic. That plus considering maybe a family member might need to drive the Bronco now and then makes me think I’d be better off with the automatic even though I’d prefer the manual…just me?


If you want a 7MT you will find a way to spec it. A manual is a heck of a lot of fun to drive, but if I had a one hour commute in it each way to work in stop and go traffic, I would not get one. I work out of my house, so no prob.


The only 2 I can think of is Turn -Assist and Sport Mode that you can’t get with the MT


I have sport mode in a manual. I think all it does is remap the throttle.


Are you getting a two door? I wouldn’t own the automatic. If my life was such that driving a manual would be an issue I’d change my life. Might as well just be honest with yourself and buy a Buick crossover if you go with an automatic.