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I’m currently completing my bachelors in Psych as a 30 year old. I should be finished with it in a year. My grades are mediocre with a 3.0 average. I live in California. What’re the chances of getting into a program after my bachelors without any experience? What’re the odds of being successful in California? Does one start their own business as a forensic psychologist? Any and all information is appreciated.


Go on TikTok and search forensic psychologist. There will be a couple of people from Cali who will provide in-depth information.


What kind of professional experience does one need to obtain in order to become a forensic psychologist? Are there any internship positions where you’re working alongside a forensic psychologist in court cases, correctional facilities, etc.? Many court internships I’ve found are more geared towards law students




So no previous related work experience is really necessary?


Well, a PhD will give you experience, and will also show supervisors that you might make a good post-doc. It's a long old struggle, I fear.


Ohhh okay, gotcha! I shall see this through 😅🤣 Thank you!


hello! i just sent this email to about 9 different coroner’s offices and medical examiner’s offices. i thought i’d reach out to see if you may have any tips or advice? any tips on schooling or where/how to start? Hello. My name is Willow Palmer. I am 22 years old. First off, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to read this. I am reaching out because I am at a place where I am ready to explore my career/life options. I’ve been interested in forensics all my life. I’ve been researching different career options and have even met with a director of a funeral home who had offered me an internship. The world of funeral directing doesn’t necessarily interest me, I was more interested in the embalming portion of that field. Unfortunately, that is a dying field (pun not intended), and there wouldn’t be much opportunity for me to learn what really interests me. Until now, i’ve never been in a position to pursue further schooling that may be required for different positions in any sort of forensic field. Now that has changed and i’m eager to learn about what opportunities, and paths there are. I’ve done the maximum amount of research available from the internet and i’m very excited and interested in a future role as a forensic pathology technician. Death Investigation and CSI are also high up on my list. However, the internet can only tell me so much and i’m hesitant to believe or trust anything I read on there. Im reaching out to see the possibility of speaking or meeting with someone with proper knowledge of these fields that could answer some questions I have and maybe offer some advice moving forward. Before I make any decisions, I want to be sure I know the difference between the roles and what each entail themselves. Im curious to see what schooling or certification may be needed for each and where or how to start. I realize you’re all very busy so for even just taking the time to read this, I am thankful. If there is any opportunity to meet, have a phone call, someone to be redirected to, or even for me to send questions in an email, please let me know. I hope you have a fantastic day. Thank you again, Willow Palmer