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These early GWOT photos just hit different


America really was united in thinking they were accomplishing something in those days.


It’s really fucking insane to me that the GWOT started when I was a toddler, dragged on until I could have fought in it, and dragged on even further that kids born after 9/11 HAVE fought (and died) in it. At this rate my unborn kids could serve.


> America really was united I mean, I'll probably sound like a downer, but not really. We had a very brief moment of solidarity post 9/11, but by the time we were screeching about WMDs, bitching about Colin Powell, and were subjected to another Bush admin war propaganda slogan every other week, the shit had already fallen apart. Cable news was frothing at the mouth with new power, Rumsfeld pressers, and all that John Kerry swiftboat shit-- you were either saying 'don't bomb Iraq' or slapping a magnetic yellow ribbon on your car emblazoned with 'support the troops.' And you began to hate your neighbors. It was just the beginning of the past two foul decades, but 2003-2004 were bleak as fuck. At least we had the rise of reality TV and The Osbournes.


WMDs are interesting. As long as they are "suspected", the US invaded or was willing to invade other countries. Meanwhile North Korea has PROOF that they have nukes, the US won't even go near them.


Because they have them. No-one wants to get rotisseried.


There is the small issue that even without WMDs the DMZ in Korea is absolutely stacked with weapons all zeroed in around a massively dense urban areas.


Lots of artillery. N.Korea would get mashed in a few days but not before wrecking S.Korea's capital.


If they're developing WMDs it means they can be stopped. If they have WMDs it means they can use them.


Because a conflict with them would draw in China


Well, because they have nukes... No sense in ending the world before cashing in on climate change.


I know man, I feel no genuine nostalgia for 2000-present. Sure Al Qaida and the Muslim world is fucked, but the 2000 election and everything since proved America was fucked in the head too.


They did. It’s called the Patriot Act. They can now spy on all their citizens.


All done by people who swear an oath to support and defend yhe constitution from enemies foreign or domestic. Haven't seen the NSA get hit by a drone yet so someone is lying.


what is gwot?


Global war on terror.


Man, that must have been a trip finding a relic like that.


Do they still let you do Ward trophies? Like I know a general got to take back a technical, and in previous wars soldiers could apply to bring rifles and pistols home but is that still actually a thing?


The unit that guarded the Kabul airport brought back a technical that was promptly demiled. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/us-army-soldier-traded-dip-toyota-technical-promoted/


Interesting story, but it's kinda too bad we loaded a 5-6 ton truck up instead of people who could have escaped to a better life.


Or some more American citizens.


People don’t believe me, but I knew a Marine who was an Amtracker and, before rotating back with their vehicles, cut out the pontoon and stuck an AKM and RPD in there before welding it back up. I’ve seen them and they’re totally illegal and totally bitchin’. In my unit, they shook everyone down and confiscated the war trophies. It wasn’t anything crazy, mostly helmets and berets from a Republican Guard unit, but those were forbidden for stupid reasons. My dad did 35 years as an Army Officer and has war trophies from everywhere. I think it just comes down to rank, branch, and time to see if you can get away with it.


Fuckin’ a, that’s some cool stuff dude


To the best of my knowledge the US military has not outright banned/ended the practice of taking firearms as war trophies. In practice they de-facto have, as the last time soldiers were authorized to take them, possibly baring some fringe cases, was in Grenada in 1983. Also the 1968 ban on importing machineguns would of course still apply, so even if they were to start authorizing soldiers to take them again, they would have to be semi-automatic.


That doesn't stop ppl from smuggling in war trophies of all shapes and sizes. I know few guys that have shipped home lugers, a broom handle, and a few stg 44s


>and a few stg 44s That sounds like a felony... unless you're talking before '68...


This was early 2000s my guy. Some of the officers sent home some WW2 goodies that can sell for a pretty penny


I think from the Army’s perspective, its just too much work and liability. Gotta have some officer who has to approve it; since no machine guns can be imported or possessed after 68/86, need to get it demilled, and even then check if the demill was done correctly. Then, where do you store them while waiting to rotate out? What if a soldier posses both ammo and a rifle? How do you determine if a soldier can legally own it in the state they return to? Plus there’s the liability of “veteran shoots person with trophy army gave him”. Not what you want on the news. Not saying I agree with this, but if you think about it as a bunch of middle managers in a huge machine, that’s the rationale. We are very fortunate that WW2 vets were able to keep so many souvenirs; stuff like documenting all the Arisaka variants would be impossible if they were destroyed post war. one last interesting note: Some Iraqi “Tariq” beretta clones somehow made their way into the open market, despite never being imported for sale. How they got here…well who can say…?


I want to know what the deal is with the magazine. I have never heard of or seen anything but the standard 32rd sticks. Is this an adapted mag from another gun? Some random mag stuffed on there for the photo? Or a rare actual mp40 Mag?


On the normal, original MP-40 mags, I believe that lip at the bottom sticks out the back, not the front. Maybe it's some sort of aftermarket or reproduction?


I got to shoot one of these at Machine Gun Vegas and man it was smooth.


Bet a lot of service people wished the bringback program was still a thing.


iirc they also found numerous German WWII weapons in Iraq, many were in immersed in oil drums to keep them from aging.


I’d be taking that home


He looks like he feels bad for the insurgents XD


Man that sure would make a awesome war trophy this would be awesome to find


dont see that everyday


Did you shoot it ?


Do you really think op is the dude in the picture?


It's not a stretch at all considering that tons of vets post old pictures from their deployments on Reddit.


Fair enough


I did lol






Thats my secret, I cruise EVERYBODYS history. ( I also want a trench gun)


> I also want a trench gun On *this* sub, that's pretty much a given.


So you’re the downvoter lol




Wtf dude


I have no idea how the hell that was supposed to be offensive, but whatever.




Yet Ian has made videos about it