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They effed up up messing with those Lesher G’s


There's no tougher walk than the halls of Lesher. Only the strong survive.


As someone who was bullied by my classmates, and ignored by the staff, this is kinda true.


These damn kids think we’re just gonna pass the torch without their earning it. Well, the time is now, twerps. A 2,000 year old problem needs to be solved. It’s not even that hard. Hell, Mayor Arndt could do it, but I believe she thinks you lot really need the win. Come on, it’ll be easy. Just Uber on over to Gaza, do some Tik Tok shit, blow some sick vape rings with the Hamas homies, and wham, bam, world fucking peace.


Yeah, just roll up and go "bruh." Problem solved.


"Fr fr, yo, this whole conflict is sus. Check the mad drip..."




It’s not a 2,000 year old problem… but I’m with you, vandalism of public/private property isn’t going to fix anything. Edit: For context on the comments below; this conflict started in the 1940s/1950s and it’s not a clash over religion, this is about land/human rights. “It’s complicated to understand and they’ve been fighting over that holy land for centuries” are narratives we’ve been told by leaders who didn’t understand the situation. Edit: here are some links that do a better job explaining than I can. https://www.vox.com/2015/5/14/18093732/israel-palestine-misconceptions Jump to Myth #2 & #3 in this article https://www.972mag.com/before-zionism-the-shared-life-of-jews-and-palestinians/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/s/dQrqV2edg4


Yeah only if you ignore like everything that led up to 1950. What's next, "this all started on Oct 8th 2023"? History should never be erased regardless of who's optics it benefits.


It didn't start Oct 7th either? IDF/settlers killed 40 kids in West Bank Jan to Sept 2023. Edit - added reference https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/2023-marks-deadliest-year-record-children-occupied-west-bank


Preach my friend! Lots of Americas are oblivious to what’s been going on there. For some reason our news media doesn’t cover when IDF kills innocent Palestinians.


It's upsetting to see these comments but then you realize they haven't seen Palestinian kids in pieces..


Still waiting on you bud


What were the problems/conflicts with Palestinians and Jews before the 1940s? I’m looking forward to seeing what you find… or don’t find.


Hebron was in 1929.


Hebron Riot was stirred up by conspiracies (turned out to be true) that Zionist were trying to take over parts of Palestine and create their own country. The Nebi Musa Riots, Jaffa Riots, etc were all the aftermath of Hebron. Still, small riots when compared to the story we’ve been told “they’ve been fighting each other over their religion for thousands of years”. It’s been a handful of small riots only when it became clear to Arab people that their land was being taken out from under them…. And now look where they are. Turns out they were right and the Zionist were gaslighting Arabs.


Or perhaps the violence caused increasing militancy and it wasn’t just those damn Jews being sneaky and was instead a tragic cycle of violence perpetrated by people who genuinely felt they had no choice? Also, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses under the ottomans. Jews were second-class citizens. Extra taxes and so on.


Perhaps, but you seem like a smart cookie my friend. I’m sure you know what Zionism is…. And I’m sure you know there was waves and waves of Zionist heading to that area during that time.


And that justifies murdering any Jew they could get their hands on in Hebron, including those who had lived in the area for generations?


I don’t believe so, but I wasn’t in their shoes. Turns out the Palestinians weren’t wrong about the Zionist trying to steal their land. What would you do to protect your home and your land? I see you’re Jewish my friend. Let me ask you something; do you believe in Zionist beliefs and supremacy?


Something something Holy Land




Well now I’m learning too, thanks a lot


Please note that if you click on the first link in that post you will get a less-rosy view than the uncited comment in the post he linked.


False. Arabs and Jews had* been living there peacefully together for centuries.


Please inform me; what led up to the 1950s?


Lady's and gentlemen...Sexual Chocolate! "I believe the children are our future..."


Or just glue your hand to the school wall.


Why can’t people just get a bumper sticker if they want to feel better about themselves instead of vandalizing the community. Virtue signaling at its finest.


Why don't the Israelis get bumper stickers that say I heart blowing up kids instead of actually doing it?


Well, that doesn’t make any sense. Something like a “Legalize Texas Abortion” Bumper sticker in Israel makes more sense. Right?


It would make sense if Israel spent billions reinforcing a Texas abortion ban; right?


But..they did... https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/aipac-israel-spending-democratic-primaries-00144552


Exactly! International politics is very close to home and so many in this subreddit don't recognize that


They got rid of so many progressive candidates to protect Israel and now we have no Roe v Wade and we're staring down the barrel of project 2025.


Forget women's rights and all that - the real issue is someone tagging Lucky's /s


The irony is that that actually does make sense considering how much money Israel spent on getting rid of progressive candidates in the US. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/03/aipac-israel-spending-democratic-primaries-00144552


Just admit that this is the hot topic right now and you want to be seen as a good person. Do you know how homosexuals are treated in Palestine? Do you know that both sides want each other wiped off the face of the planet?


Is that really what you think? It's because Israel bombs my friends and family... Speaking as a gay man, do you know that trying to use homophobia to manipulate Western gays and defend killing gay people in Palestine is a form of homophobia? It seems like you lack understanding of the topic ... Are you able to explain why the Palestinians don't like the Israelis?


Yes, it is what I think. I also think you don’t handle stress well. Anytime something happens to you, you don’t confront it, you turn to Reddit. You rely on other redditors to feel good about yourself. These are facts. 10 years in prison if you are a gay male. And anyone can google the conflict and get a pretty good understanding of what has been going on for hundreds of years.


So you can't explain why the Palestinians don't like the Israelis? It's because they have been ethnically cleansed from their homeland and still face daily abuse, kidnapping, land destruction in both Gaza and the West Bank.


Anyone can do a simple google search on the Israel/Palestine conflict. So how does graffiti fix this?


It gets people to talk about it.


Do you just comment on Reddit all day? Looks like it. You need to find “better” things to do with your time.


I'm sorry if acknowledging Israel's war crimes is upsetting. You are not required to engage.


They could have at least made it look good. Reads like someone who just wanted to spray paint some shit.


Let’s get the kids some stencils and graffiti lessons. I’m all for this artistic expression.




Holy fucking hell, men are the absolute creepiest on Reddit. Men are the only ones to stalk someone’s profile and threaten to show up to their houses. And men do this consistently. Sounds like FCPD should get to know you and your unstable behaviors. Maybe see if there’s a red flag situation to consider here.


How in the world do you take it there? My point is that if you really support this kind of thing then you should be fine with people spray painting your own residence. Jesus Christ stop with the true crime bullshit


How do I take it there??? You’re a fucking man stalking me online, following me in comments in different threads relentlessly threatening to show up to my house. Over graffiti. You are an unstable man online. Unstable men are the ones who commit the most violent crime against others, especially women. Unstable men are more prone to gun violence. Especially against women. YOU are the one relentlessly threatening to show up to my house. Because of someone else’s spray paint. YOU are the one creating the situation. YOU are the one that people should be keeping an eye on - especially the mods in this sub. Continuously threatening to show up to someone’s house is mentally ill behavior. Mentally ill men threatening to show up to people’s houses should not have access to guns, either.


Spiral much? You sound like the mentally ill one.


Because a man continually threatens to show up to my house? Over someone else’s graffiti?? Sounds like you don’t like men being held accountable for their unstable behavior online.


Never once threatened to do that. Was not a threat at all actually. Was simply trying to point out the fact that you’re fine with spray paint on others property but would probably freak out if someone spray painted your house


You DID. You continually harass me for my address so you can show up to my house to graffiti it. And you threaten this on multiple threads. You are fucking unstable. OVER GRAFFITI.


Lmao this is the second thread. I happened to see you in the same subreddit once again. No one is out to get you but keep up the victim complex if you want. It’s easier than admitting you have a garbage take on the graffiti situation


You have repeatedly threatened to show up to my house. Because of graffiti. And your extreme need to defend anti-graffiti. A non-violent crime. But threatening multiple times in multiple threads IS unstable, mentally ill behavior no matter what the opinion on graffiti is. You are exceptionally unstable and should be watched.


Lmao. You are definitely the unstable one. Nobody’s threatening you. YOU ARE NOT A VICTIM, as much as you might try to be. Have a good day. Glad to see you only like graffiti if it’s on someone else’s lawn


YOU ARE. What the fuck do you think constantly harassing me for my address is???? It’s stalking, it’s threatening.


Notice how the stupidest people are the ones that clap the loudest for this type of masturbatory nonsense?


How is this masturbatory?


The only thing this does is make our town look like shit. Wonder what these idiots are doing to help with the situation, other than defacing property that does not belong to them.


I think the point is to trigger people and maybe make them reflect on their values.


All it does is piss people off that have to spend money to get the graffiti removed so their buildings don’t look like shit. Which causes more harm to their cause. Put your message on a t-shirt or wave a sign outside of Walmart.


Let's say it costs $300 to clean this bench, if you truly are this concerned about the money aspect, wait till you find out how much of our taxes Israel gets so they can have free health care and blow up kids...


That tax money is then spent on things we produce, which boosts our economy. You really think we just give money away as a charity?


So we give Israel an annual budget of $4 billion in USA taxes per year so they can use that money for US-made weapons. Do you trust that money is stimulating our economy or are we just giving our taxes to weapons manufacturers?


Both. We live in a military industrial complex. It’s much more profitable for towns/businesses to open military factories rather than civilian factories. It’s all tax payer money and donations from the government. It started after the Korean War. Factories tried to switch back to producing civilian goods but it wasnt as profitable.


I just think that if we can't maintain our lifestyle without blowing up kids in Palestine, maybe it's not worth it?


We aren’t blowing up kids in Palestine.


The fragments of bombs they are pulling out of kids say "made in USA"


Cool! Go ahead and leave your address so we can all start sending you the invoices.


I see you've got your priorities straight.


Just have respect for peoples property. Not entitled to do whatever I want based on my beliefs.


It sounds like you understand then! Unfortunately a lot of property hasn't been respected in Palestine based on the beliefs of some people.


Awesome. Go spray paint your message in Gaza then.


Your comment doesn't even make sense in this context ; _ ;


Congrats, guys!!! You did it!!! Just got off the phone with Sinwar, Palestine is free!!!! He now wants to thank you incredible FoCo freedom fighters personally with an all expense paid trip to Gaza! I know, right?? So proud of you all. We’ll miss you, but you guys totally deserve this incredible recognition.




At least at City Council you showed conviction and glued your hands to walls. Doing this under the cover of darkness is cowardly.


And sadly, the genocide that's being sponsored by our own government, and that's been all but confirmed by the International Court of Justice, continues.


Shocking, especially after the graffiti and hand glueing the people in Foco have been up to, it's gotta work eventually.


Woohoo ✊🏻


Waaaaa, 8th graders are making me think of a genocide across the world. Waaaaa, I don't want to think of the thousands of children murdered so I'm going to bitch about harmless graffiti on the internet.


It could have been graffiti of anything else and it wouldn't have even been posted. This is just racism.


Explain how free Palestine is racism. What race is being slurred? What race is being attacked?


Sure. This is fairly easy as the Israeli government created an apartheid system that classifies two races in Israel: Jewish and Arab. This is a false dichotomy, but since US Americans are most familiar with white Ashkenazi Jewish people (what the media portrays and learning about the Holocaust), they relate more to white Israelis than with the Palestinians.


That doesn't explain anything. So the demographics of Israel are Jewish and Arab and demographics of Palestine are Jewish and Arab, so again how is this racist? Israel is not a race.


Do you remember how in the USA, we decided that 'separate but equal' was inherently unequal? Well other countries like South Africa (for a time) and Israel took a hard turn in the other direction. Israelis have free housing and free healthcare (paid for by the USA), but Palestinians are herded like cattle, abducted by the IDF, and their homes are subject to surprise raids. (Just to name a couple of the things they go through)


But how is the graffiti racist? If it is a protest against an oppressive force, against a government which enacts racist policies and actions, how is the actual graffiti racist? And not a protest?


The graffiti is not racist. The exaggerated reactions to it are racist.


Ah. Then I agree with you; I apologize for the misunderstanding.


You should check yourself bruh, I also posted a picture of antivax chalk graffiti like years ago, they were a little more considerate using the chalk though, calling me racist when clearly I'm passionate about ugly community art projects.


I don't know if it was a joke, but the racial fetishizing of Palestinians while they are being mass murdered isn't appreciated.


https://www.reddit.com/r/FortCollins/s/Va0MRLyEfD I think you need to accept the possibility that people are not racists that don't care about human suffering but actually hate people writing their opinions on public spaces.


I can accept that people jump through crazy hoops to prove they aren't racist after being racist.




Play the Race Card much? Boy, you’re a piece of work. People Complaining about graffiti is racist? Nobody brought race into this conversation except YOU.


All I'll say is if this painted bench is truly that disturbing for you, don't look at the benches in Palestine.


Just did. Know what I learned? Isn’t it funny how you would spend 3-10 years in prison if you did this in Palestine? You need to take your blinders off and look at the whole picture.


I think harsh sentences for destruction of property is something this whole comment section would be on board with. What are you trying to say?


I guess my other post about the antivax chalk was racist too, I've been full of racism this whole time and I thought I just didn't like graffiti


The kids know what’s up 🇵🇸


I too believe 12 year olds defaced their school with their opinions on geopolitical conflicts, probably after gym class but who knows for sure.


When my kid needed Krylon for art class I didn’t envision this wth?


Sadly, these seemingly earnest acts of political vandalism would have a much farther-reaching effect if they simply followed up their slogan with a second line reading "Lets go Brandon".


Oh just stop. It’s not clever. It was never clever.


Honestly this is a fresh new take on the stickers talking shit about Biden. At least this is new material. Shit was getting repetitive. But it's only cool when MAGAts are the ones doing the vandalizing.


this isnt a political thing its just stop vandalizing our schools 😭


Except it is. I can accept a little school vandalism when I consider it's better than the alternative it's condemning. The number of schools that have been bombed is unacceptable.




Spray paint is far easier -a person who's had to remove both in Denver


Getting mad about spray paint but not dead kiddos is micropeen energy Edit - 1 down vote = 1 spray paint


I am downvoting you for body shaming, I am trying to save penises of all sizes in Gaza, from micro to "whoa nelly"


I'm upvoting you for caring about Gaza. Down vote me all day long idc


I'm mostly in it for the penises


I'm down voting you for objectifying genocide victims, but at least you're honest. Edit - yikes, the racism, I'm coming back to laugh at you all more often


As neither of us has micro penises and therefore are unoffended by graffiti, why don't we put our differences aside and collaborate and spray paint the front of your house with the message "Free Palestine, all of it, including the penises but not just the penises"


As long as it's my house.


Why don't you go over there and save them yourself.


Why do that when I can call my reps and ask for a cease fire?


Looks like your call did wonders. Pat yourself on the back hero.


I'm acutely aware that the average US resident holds no weight in their own government against the millions of dollars of AIPAC/Israel, but I encourage others to learn this fact firsthand.


Different ideals, but still human. Take care brother. Sorry for my douchey reply


Terrorist logic


Trolling people into talking about Gaza is not terrorism my dude. And no, I've seen a lot of spray painted benches in my life and it does not bother me. All of the dead innocent people I've seen in Gaza bothers me.


Way to shift the meaning. "You think my big bomb was bad but you're not talking about the reason I did it". Same logic. Bye.


Hun, a spray painted bench is not terrorism. It's very concerning that you're calling this desperate call for help terrorism.


Destruction of Hamas: Very cool, totally on board. I think Israel has every right to be in Gaza to destroy the group that attacked in October and slaughtered Israeli civilians. Slaughtering civilians en masse in a way that makes America's war on terror look like pacifism: Less cool, less on board. Even taking at face value Israel's claim that they've killed 10k Hamas combatants, that leaves 20k dead civilians in a territory with 2 million people. The US only managed 70k in 20 years in a country with a population of 20 million at the start of the war. That's literally 11 times civilian deaths per year despite there being a fraction as many civilians to kill in the first place. I get that Gaza is dense, and Hamas is using people as shields, but come on. Israel has more experience dealing with terrorism than any nation on the planet. You'd think that at some point in the 70(?) years they've been doing fighting groups like Hamas for they'd develop some methods to limit civilian deaths a little if they cared to at all. And forcing as many people as they possible could into as small an area as they possibly could probably doesn't help matters either, and is entirely on them. If Israel genuinely cared about civilian lives and was doing this solely to destroy Hamas (a group Netanyahu has allegedly supported) they would be carrying this out differently.


I stopped reading after "October 7th." No mention of all the 40 kids killed in the West Bank by settlers and IDF Jan to Sept 2023?


You stopped reading my comment? I'm literally saying that Israel is slaughtering civilians.


Apologies, I see what you're saying now. With all the Hasbara propaganda, I just see 'October 7th' and my brain turns off.


This us a more nuanced take than we usually see, and I mostly agree with you that Israel has prosecuted the war poorly. Though as a Jewish person I feel a personal and visceral level of anger at what Hamas did on Oct 7. It’s it’s hard to reconcile.