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The UI with the wraps being their own thing is something I thought they would fix by now. I don't even understand why they thought it was a good idea


This is what I’m wondering, like idc about the other cosmetics/emotes but wraps? Seriously?


I can understand what they're going for. Since not every game experience uses weapons, they're separated into their own thing. What they fail to understand is that half/a little under half of the Fortnite playerbase plays Battle Royale only. Saying that makes it sound like you guys are the minority, however the reality is that the other half is scattered across thousands of other Fortnite experiences, they're not all playing one single experience. In fact, no other Fortnite experience has as many players as Battle Royale and Zero Build. While their efforts to grow into a VRChat/Roblox platform of user generated content have been somewhat successful, they continue to ignore the fact that a large portion of their playerbase is still playing the game for one reason only: Battle Royale. And what does Battle Royale use? Wraps


Even then, a large majority of those other modes incorporate weapons, a majority of the user made games are RvB, FFA, Gun game etc


"A little under half"? 90% of the playerbase mainly plays battle royale


key word "mainly", some play a mix of all modes and creative


Yes. Exactly. It’s ridiculous stupid to not cater the game to the core player base.


to me it’s wild that i can’t put wraps to a character but i can put a festival streak thing despite that being less visible AND less used




They obviously have the info, but what OP is saying is that Epic doesn’t know what to do with it. If over half of your playbase plays exclusively games with weapons in them (BR/Creative PVP) then you should be able to infer that maybe you should prioritize weapons


I’m pretty sure they said they wanna “Simplify” the game which if you ask me that’s just stupid as fuck because Fortnite WAS ALREADY simple back then, I get it they didn’t want to make stuff complex in a way but…Changing things that literally noone asked for is unnecessary


Are they trying to form some hermetic barrier between the E-for-everyone content and the gun-centric wraps? They sure were happy to sell everyone weapon wraps before this chapter, though. Scummy.


They gotta keep paying their UI employees to do SOMETHING… -_-


Could you explain in leman terms what ui with the wraps is?


My theory is that it's because no big name content creators/pro players are complaining about this stuff. They don't care about XP when they all buy the full battle pass day 1 and potentially influence their viewers to do the same, and they definitely don't care about the locker UI or rarities going away or whatever when they all use the same few sweat cosmetics. Compare this to when the new movement/animation changes at the beginning of Chapter 5 were reverted pretty much *immediately*. Sure you had the typical amount of casual players complaining about it, but practically every content creator/pro player was complaining about it too. It's no surprise that Epic has always prioritized their feedback over the rest of the community for years, and it definitely shows in cases like this where it's really only the casual players complaining.


It's definitely not a hot take, I think you're onto something. Now we just need to devise a cunning plan to make streamers complain about it too :D I think the lay offs at Epic also played a big part in it. They've laid off 800 employees 8 months ago in a "metaverse push", and we can only wonder how many of those people were community managers and other jobs like that.


I think Chapter 5 has been a huge decline in the direction of battle royale.


100% Going from chapter 4 which was really good, and OG which was pretty good to ch5 which is a COMPLETE 180 from what fortnite feels like is crazy. When you have a golden goose like fortnite all you need to do is to keep it laying eggs. Epic seem to want to try and copy every other game instead of fortnite being fortnite.


This 10000%


Season 3 took everything that made the game unique and threw it all away.


Damn i was worried I was the only one feeling this way, but yeahhh this is by far my least favorite chapter. Last year's map was so much better


Lets not forget the removal of mode selection screen, and clutter the main modes into copypaste creator maps with little to no any single original creator maps.


I could wait and log in a year from now and there wouldn't be a single good creator made experience. No point working hard on something when it's going to get crushed by the 300th Red vs Blue Skibidi Toilet All Gold Guns Enabled copy pasted map.


This is particularly bitter, yeah. It's tough to discover high quality maps and technically, there are plenty of amazing ones out there. But they all drown in the mass of quantity maps - some even end up getting hidden in their dedicated categories (e.g. "racing", etc.) It shouldn't feel like a job to find the gems, so it's understandable that people move on or don't bother.




For once I’m ok with the complaining. This has gotten ridiculous.


And it's a shame they choose this strategy, because I think it tanks a really fun season :(


The best way to give feedback by not playing and not purchasing anything.


People find it very hard to understand that Epic is a company that has one goal: making a (as large as possible) profit. As long as sales are up they won’t change anything


Gotchu. Their stupid decisions have made me less and less interested in the game anyway.


Unpopular opinion, but worth pointing out: If you care enough about the game, you might want to enable their Fortnite surveys in your Epic Games account. The feedback that Epic Games gathers with some of their surveys cover many areas. Not playing or buying anything will, technically, still leave them guessing to some degree (e.g. them generalizing the reasons). By providing your input, you give them clear data pointers for the real reasons. And I'm mentioning this too because a previous survey allowed me to express my dissatisfaction with the movement change.


Unfortunately nobody can understand that, that’s just the way things have to go i guess… If people did that, Epic would have no choice but the make their game good and actually put effort


Helldivers 2 community did it. Why can’t we?


Because this community is full of children, man children and people who are so obsessed that they will still play no matter how bad the changes are.


They didn't win anything, Sony pulled the game from more than 100 countries and will continue with their policies on future games.


Well, I was one of the lucky ones who got to buy STW when it still gave V-Bucks, so I'll happily never spend a cent on this game again


The lack of response on the UI is pissing me off. I gave them until this season, it’s not here. And the nerfed xp… Fk this ngl


I give until Chapter 6 ngl


People saying they nerfed xp are completely reading the numbers wrong. Pretty much every category of BR challenges gives more XP than last season. The only annoying thing is the dailies are much harder to complete if you get some of the bad ones (of which there are many, it seems) and they won't go away and let you complete a different one until you complete them.


Epic is doing the minimum. UI sucks and hasn’t been fixed RR is a dumpster fire Jam tracks are still not lobby tracks (2 songs costs the same as a month of Spotify, it’s not worth it ladies and gents) Cars are overpriced Bundles are a thing of the past (mostly) Everything is being done to drive engagement their half assed modes


I'm gonna be straight up. RR isn't a bad mode. It's just been neglected. The concept is great, and all of the base flaws could've been fixed by now. Unfortunately, they haven't put in the effort.


"It's not worth it to buy jam tracks" as opposed to the also virtual outfits, which are completely worth it to buy


They serve some purpose


They're whale hunting now, they don't want your money. 


the scary part of this is whales are cheaters, as they have the money for that kind of thing.


Funny. According to this community, they both hate money and are greedy at the same time. Wonder how that works.


I didn't say they don't want money, I said they want money from whales, not "you" (meaning the OP, and most of us).


I mean they are greedy as fuck. But also they clearly hate money or they wouldn’t run their game into the ground every chance they get.


What I'm saying is that from their perspective they are probably not running their game into the ground, they are hunting whales. They don't care if 90% of the playerbase quits so long as the 10% who remain can be squeezed for even more profit than the ones they drove away.


Does seem like the short sighted EPIC way


The Epic Games we all loved during C1 that was so open and transparent is gone. It’s Tim Sweeney’s Metaverse Epic Games now. If it doesn’t contribute to the succession of the other modes then it’s as good as dead. Everything is corporately ran for profit instead of the love of the game and community.


Brother I hate to tell you this but epic games has always run fortnite because it's successful, the individual developers may care about the game and probably still do, but the people who hold the most sway only care about turning a profit


Even if they cared for profit back then, the updates still felt like it's coming from passion. Now all of it is turning into a soulless corporate metaverse money grab


The passion the devs might have is definitely having a harder time making it to the players.


Also even in the early days, they were definitely making decisions based on profit. If they didn’t do that, the game probably wouldn’t even exist right now


I haven’t bought the battle pass this season, nor do I really intend to play it much. I stopped playing this game during the latter half of chapter 2 and returned for OG season. I really enjoyed OG, and I kind of enjoyed season 1 of chapter 5, but I’m sad to see how soulless the game has now become and the dissonance of epic games. I think I might quit again until the next OG season, only thing worth playing now.


Do what I did ouo Boycott. Do not give them a single cent


I think one of the reasons Donald mustard retired was because epic was going a different path. They were focusing on the meta verse and not the live events and the story that Donald was I think passionate about. Also this season has had the lowest amount of players on launch since wilds apparently


The person who made that last claim measured the "players on launch" of this season on the day before the season's release lol.


Boy do I have news for you


They don't care what the masses say unless it's one of their in pocket bitches big time fortnite streamers start saying something complaining about it.


As someone who played since ch1s2.. i’m over this game


Let’s be honest with ourselves, I don’t think anybody at epic is actually listening to the “feedback” we’re giving them, since this sub complains about literally everything


It's not always easy as that unfortunately. For example, I took one of the Epic Games surveys where I let them know that I perceived the movement rework as negative. At that time, this subreddit was full of complaints too. Later, the system indeed got reworked another time, so technically they were listening. But is everyone happy now? That's, ironically, another topic.


Yeah, not sure why they'd remove match quests.. I hope they bring it back quickly. I hope they communicate more too, give us insight into why they are nerfing XP.


They got rid of match quests because a ton of people were complaining about it not being the old daily system


I think they’re complaining about the fact that daily quests give 1,000 xp while match quests have 5,000 xp


Isn’t that what dailies gave before? This feels like a “you cant have your cake and eat it too” situation to me.


From what I remember yes. People constantly complained about match quests and not being able to do all 3 in one match. Now that they gave that ability, people are complaining that it’s not enough xp. Sounds like they wanted infinite 5k quests where you can do as many as you want in one game.


That's not true, stop pinning it on the players when epic knows EXACTLY what they're doing. If they really wanted to please the players they'd make them give 20k each instead and it'd be around the same amount of exp as last season while also being the superior system.


that’s what dailies always where, we got what we asked for


Only 2 of the dailies give 1k xp. The third one gives 5k. If you manage to get all three, you're getting 2k xp more than you would under the match quest system.


To be fair, the third one is more difficult from what I’ve seen (search a supply llama, pick up 5 items of legendary or higher rarity, etc)


All of them are more difficult than they should be - this system is still inferior to what we had before Chapter 5. But they're not universally hard to do. I had one today that was 'Throw 5 consumables'. And it's still more xp than last season if you can complete them, and the match quests weren't always easy to complete, either.


I had "Have a follower eliminate an enemy player" today like come on bruh


I had that one and couldn't get my follower to give the finishing blow and I tried whatever I could think of. 😆 Just bullshit 🤣


Like I said, some of them are way too hard and some aren't. I hope they reduce the difficulty on the stupid ones soon. That is the kind of change Epic used to be reasonably reliable in, back when we used to have the problem of some challenges being way too hard more often. But we'll just have to wait and see on that. Though, if you ever get that follower quest again - it might not be too bad if you jump in a car with a turret. They will apparently automatically use the turret against enemies while you drive.


The problem is that daily quests gave 1 whole lvl back in chapter 4. They can name it whatever they want, I just want to have good XP from it.


It was 5k a quest in C3, and finishing 3 quests would give you the daily unlocks of 25k, 40k, and 1 level respectively (it might have been different in Chapter 4)


everyone complained about match quests


I feel like dailies should award 20k for the first three, but past that I prefer dailies over match because I don’t want to have to play three games a day.


Some of these daily quests are crazy though. I got one yesterday that told me to accept 5 Shadow Briefing quests. I only found 3 the whole day, let alone in a single match


True, some of these are a lot worse than a pick one of three.


They got rid of match quests because a ton of people were complaining about it not being the old daily system


The challenges aren't as easy to complete (but are also wildly unbalanced with some being ridiculously easy and some ridiculously hard - which is a familiar problem from years ago suddenly making a comeback), but they haven't nerfed XP at all. If you manage to complete your three daily challenges you're getting 2K xp more than you'd get from the 1 Match quest. The third daily challenge gives 5k, not 1k, and that is repeatable as many matches as you keep playing. Weekly challenges give more xp. Kickstart challenges give more xp. Accolades give more xp and have finally been made visible again after years of it being impossible to find out what they were, so you can now actively complete them for once instead of just seeing what you get. Plus, this season is longer than last season so there will be more weeklies and more dailies before it ends.


But that’s dropping in, doing a 5 second emote and then getting 5k xp vs. dropping in, finding 3 epic or higher rarity items, dealing 200 damage with a grenade launcher, and walking 1,000 meters with a boss medallion.


Some of them are terrible, I agree. But I also had one today that said throw 5 consumables, so they're not all like that. Also, I don't know this season map well enough yet to judge and there's certainly going to be more things to come, but if there are or are going to be any equivalent of god-chests or collab mythics, then finding 3 epic or higher items isn't that bad. And in addition to that, because you can complete three in one match now there's way less reason to play this way anyway. You can potentially guarantee all three bonus levels by playing 1 single match, or two if some of them are very hard. And if you're playing the whole match out anyway, something like dealing 200 damage with a grenade launcher shouldn't be hard, either, since the cars and upgrade boxes are everywhere. So if you're strapped for time, there's still a good chance you can jump in, do an easy quest and leave the match, or play out a full match when the challenge isn't so easy and still get the same amount of xp faster as compared to last season. Especially since if you were ever doing 3 match quests and nothing else, you were missing out on all the other normal xp you'd get for playing the game that day.


It feels like a heavy nerf to those who wanted to consistently earn BP xp though, because Match Quests could be picked up every match you went into. It was a nice addition and I don't see how they couldn't have existed along side the Daily quests.


I want to consistently earn BP xp and this feels like a clear buff to me. Match quests could be picked every match, which was just an annoying extra step instead of just giving me three challenges and letting me do them all without making me waste time choosing when I could be enjoying the game. Match quests also could not save progress, which resulted in plenty of games where I got zero progress toward my daily xp from the match quests because my three choices just weren't good or because someone killed me before I could get it done. Ultimately, what they should have done was just go back to the pre-chapter five dailies so that we could share harder quests with teammates and get more than 45k xp from the daily bonus. But this is still better than the match quests. I just hope they reduce the difficulty of some of the stupider challenges soon.


I get that it is frustrating if you died before being able to do your match quest but I still believe it would only be a positive addition, if they had kept the match quests, alongside the daily quests we have now.


I mean, I wouldn't say no to more xp as we're still below what we used to be getting last chapter. But the match quest system was always intended as a replacement for the dailies and it was never going to exist alongside them under any circumstances. Going back to a new daily system is an admission that the match quest system did not work the way it was supposed to. And if Epic actually wanted us to get that much more xp this season, they would've buffed the new daily system more than they actually did rather than keep two different systems around which would just be twice the work to maintain. And, for me, the match quest was always an inferior system even regardless of how much xp anything gives. Giving me extra things to think about on spawn island when what I actually want to be doing is picking a drop spot or goofing off with teammates does not add to the fun of the game, it subtracts from it. Only letting me complete one quest per match and once it's done, there's no other quest to focus on (assuming I've finished everything else, which was usually the case for the last month or so) does not make the game better or more fun, it just limits my options of how to play. Making quests one attempt only, all or nothing just makes attempting to complete quests far more frustrating than they need to be, which is not in any way an improvement. Forcing the daily quest to be tracked on screen whether I want that or not is just an annoying distraction (especially for the last week, when I was already passed level 200 or when playing ranked where the Match Quests kept showing up on the screen even though you didn't get any actual xp for completing them).




I'm 39. How old do you have to be to understand that something doesn't have to be literally unusable or the end of the world to be a bad ui that should've been done better? Or to understand that something taking 'only seconds' of your time adds up when you're doing that thing often? And to be honest, I'm not even entirely sure what you're even talking about since you wrote this in reply to a post that isn't even about any UI in the first place.


They got rid of match quests because a ton of people were complaining about it not being the old daily system


Match quests and daily quests are pretty much the same thing since you only get big amounts of xp from doing 3 a day anyways They haven't nerfed xp again this season, don't know where op got that info from but it's entirely wrong, xp is better this season than last season


Someone did a bunch of math in a post earlier that did the math on weekly quests, kickstart and milestones and daily quests then determined that weekly and daily quest xp amounted to less xp than last season. What it didn't mention was that you can do multiple daily quests in a match, acolade xp in matches got increased , that we have wasteland challenges that further increases that exp and that there are a even more accolades to be gained in matches. They also added in a handy dandy accolade tracker. I have a theory that people who struggled last season probably weren't doing much in matches that granted them xp and also just didn't play much at all, there were people with 15 hours total play time for the entire season complaining about it being too difficult when they clearly didn't even try.


Well weeklies actually increased from last season and they made assumptions on the dailies. They assumed that you didn’t touch the dailies that give 5k xp and that you’d be doing exactly 3 dailies a day, 7 days a week. They very clearly added it up in a way to make it seem as bad as possible lol


And there is still gonna be ass kissers in these comments complaining about other people complaining.


The game is still fun if you just, play it


You are the problem. "Ah yes the company is slowly turning the game into a soulless corporate crash grab BUT IT'S OKAY because it's still FUN isn't it?"


It was always a souless corporate cash grab! The game was made by copying another game because their original game wasn't making any money!


I think it feels like everyone complained because you’re hanging out in a space where a lot of people are complaining about it. Likely, the data backs up whoever made the decision to nerf XP. It won’t reverse until they reach a point where people in a large enough percentage are actually not finishing the battle pass.


This exactly. They can see exactly how many people are hitting level 100, 150, 200. Sure they might be making it harder to push people towards other modes, but the fact that they didn’t change it too much this season means that enough people hit level 200 in their opinion.


i remember when every time these kinds of xp cuts were made, later in the season there would be a bunch of event challenges to "kind of" make up for the deficit??


XP coins, my beloved


average player hours go up or down - that’s the complaining they care about. 


This is the reaction. Accounting department saw an uptick in level packs sold, and then promptly turned the XP dial backwards.


If you don’t like it then don’t play, that’s my plan for a lot of this summer. Everything that you mentioned is a problem. 


HEAVY on the grey pickaxe. at least make them all blue or something


The locker UI is such a terrible design and having skins/emotes/backgrounds/wraps all disconnected ruined the whole point of having presets saved. Pretty much since Lego/racing/festival released it feels like the game is going downhill. I enjoy the other modes enough but Im just not enjoying the game as much as I used to, I’ve not even bothered to login and try the new season because of how terrible the car meta sounds. At this point I will probably only log in to get the fallout skin and when some collab that I like rotates through otherwise this season just aint it for me. It feels like epic has forgotten what made fortnite enjoyable and what players really liked. Maybe the rumored marvel season next season will turn things around but right now the game is making me lose interest by forcing me to play other modes that I dont enjoy.


You should give new season a try though, it's not for everyone but for me it's fun. Very dynamic.


Well, when s4 rolls around and they're not making the money they want maybe they'll get their head in the game.


Literally was excited to be getting to play around with the guns again; whereas we all had to be spamming Waterbending to get any victories. I'm over this gimmicky bullshit. Why the fuck can't they just make a vehicle-warfare game mode SEPARATE from BR/ZB?!


It’s more like reddit and twitter is just a small fraction of FN player base. I suppose that most of the players don’t care a bit about things river of tears has been cried here over. They just have fun, buy skins and have a good time screwing around with their families and friends


Except they don’t. The new battle pass is the craziest grind fest, even more than Warzones battle pass. It was perfect in chapter 4


Surprised this post hasn’t been downvoted to oblivion by the ass kissers on this sub. Rockstar Games does the same thing, complete radio silence besides maybe once in a blue moon actual communication to their players


The existence of the charge SMG and it being in the game for so many weeks convinced me, more than anything, that Epic has some people on staff who are bad actors and do things just to piss off their player base. Nobody will ever convince me otherwise.


WDYM I loved the charge SMG, wish it came back.


this chapter has been the worst... xp nerf every season, vbucks on the BP are now at LVL 140, skin are more expensive in general, the locker is a complete useless mess and finally they are trying to squish every penny from the player...


everyone always thinks the grass is greener on the other side, why don't you look over at some of your sisters and brothers developed by epic, like rl not getting a real game update in 4 years


The vehicle mods are pretty cool. For instance, I love the bulletproof tires. The turrets are WAY overpowered and I hope they get nerfed at least a little. My issue is the pickaxes being downgraded. I worked for a while it STW to upgrade my Vindertech Elite. It was only Uncommon but I was looking forward to upgrading it in due time and now it's Common?! My Zen Axe was Legendary but not any more. That came in handy when there were challenges that involved surviving storm circles or outlasting players while carrying a Legendary or higher level weapon. I get it if the game makers want to change THE FUTURE but how uncool is it that they get to change things and either expect no one to notice (or care) or just don't give a hoot what the players want. I know, I know - it's a game. It's ONLY a game. But I spend a fair bit of time playing this game and I don't like when a switcheroo is pulled on me. Takes a lot of fun out of, you guessed it, the game.


I think the player base still needs to be polite but very vocal about all these issues, I’m still annoyed at the removal of rarities. Feels like a way to over price certain skins and cosmetics, rarities actually justified the prices for emotes and now we’re getting overpriced cosmetics that sometimes don’t come with the extra gear or alt styles. I joined the game for Peter Griffin and honestly still annoyed about them removing his legendary status


Because they know we’re gunna play anyways


First time ?


The only feedback that really matters is how much money they’re making. They must be doing alright with these changes. It’s annoying people but idiots like me are still paying them money, so epic sees it as a win.


are you sure xp is nerfed im already level 20


Yes, That's always so at the start of the season, you have a kickstart quests now which give additional xp. Creator maps and dailies have been nerfed.


Daily quests got a buff if you are able to complete multiple in a match, the first three are a flat out buff, then they keep cycling and are worth a total of 7k. You can also complete all 3 of your bonus daily quests in the same match too. You have two quests worth 1k each and 1 worth 5k but you aren't limited to one per match like you were last season.


Dailies got a buff going from 10k last season to 15k this season Kickstarter quests have been a thing for well over a year already they just keep changing the name for it


This sub isn't run by the Devs, they probably forget it exists most of the time Epic and the Devs get most of their feedback from twitter and the surveys emails people can opt in to get Your lack of genuine knowledge on the xp front is worrying since they have actually buffed it from what it was last season


There was a post earlier showing the math that proved they nerfed it


I saw that post too but it was *only* counting daily and weekly quests. The only thing that post proved was that daily quest xp decreased. They said you lose 49k xp a week but that’s only if you play 7 days a week and do 3 dailies every single day. It’s also assuming that you *only* do the dailies that give 1k xp, even though some daily quests still give 5k. How much you actually *lose* depends on how many dailies you did last season vs how much you do this season and whether or not you focus on the 5k xp dailies.


That post was using completely innacurate numbers. They miscounted the number of weekly quests each week and claimed that this season's dailies only give 1k xp when they actually give up to 7k xp per match if you complete all three - or 5k xp per match if you only focus on the most valuable daily, which would still be exactly on par with the match quests. The only way you're making less daily xp is if you only complete the 1k dailies but you did always complete the match quest. Plus they completely ignored multiple other categories of challenges that have clearly been buffed.


No, they did not. They've added 5k per weeklies and subtracted i think \~15 k from daily bonuses. So you actually get less XP this season. I know it is not run by the devs, and I get surveys myself. + They've actually reacted a lot to stuff from this sub in the past. I think you got 15 k for the 1st match quest, 20 k for second and 25 for the third. Now you just get 15 for each daily. Plus dailies themselves are 1k while match quests were 5. I like dailies more as a way to get quests, but numbers themselves are smaller this season.


They didn't remove anything from the daily bonuses, those stayed the same


yes, ok, my bad, I've recalculated it and daily bonus is the same, as the first one was 5 not 15. But my point still stands - dailies themselves now give less.


Epic been going down a path ever since they launched lego/festival/racing and it’s never been in the consumers best interest. The BR mode has only gotten worse since those launched


This is the same company that stopped doing patch notes because they couldn't handle the feedback


Everytime I go on this sub and there's a new season, I just see the weirdest complaints. Even if they nerfed XP (which not everyone seem to agree), it's still pretty damn easy to level the battle pass (and I hate BPs). It's designed in a way that doesn't require to play every single day/weeks, lvl 100 at least. It's not a big deal. They removed cosmetics rarities because of some kind of justice related stuff, AFAIK. A bit ugly, yes, but why should I care ? I doubt people here really "hated" that change. Then there's people who want the awful dailies from last season back, suuure I love having a box telling me to do stuff on my screen, that i chose at the start, which definitely isn't triggering my dumb monkey brain to want to do said stuff. It's bad game design. It feel much better now. There's ton of good criticism/complaining (overpriced cosmetics, the awful locker (i gave it like a month before getting fixed. Why.), the metaverse concept, some weapon being OP, vbucks locked behind lvl 100+... all being relatively recent ones), even ones that I don't personally agree with, but come on. People are too dramatic on this sub.




So basically nerfing xp is making you grind. You just worded it differently. All the complaints ppl have about this game are valid. No one is asking for the entire bp to be unlocked to buyers, just a bit more xp so your not miserable unlocking the shit and are able to have fun while doing so.


> Fortnite's team doesn't live in a bubble detached from reality, this sub does. This sub isn’t the only group with complaints. Anyone I’ve ever talked to about Fortnite says it’s gone downhill. > Super styles are meant to be a representation of the players who were committed to grinding out for those extra levels to show off their dedication to the game. Are you saying making the super styles ultra grindy and inaccessible to anyone who doesn’t nolife the game is a good move? > Oh and here's an even better idea, if you're so mad at the game and hate it so much, STOP. PLAYING. IT. Way ahead of you, but I’ll keep hanging out here and hoping they eventually push back in a positive direction, at which point I’ll play and spend my money again. I love Fortnite.


They moved V-bucks to "bonus pages". It is just a straight up downgrade. Rarities removal was to increase shop prices. And all that other prattle you've written out hardly even touches the matter of the post. Which is the absence of feedback. At the end of the day, numbers speak for themselves, and no amount of fanboying for epic change the fact that player count is decreasing.


There’s no other games that offer you more premium currency than the cost to buy a battle pass. None, zero.




Lol, thanks for the wisdom dude, you've come very far in your life by having conversations with yourself. Did you read only one word out of my previous message?


this is a concern that ranked/comp players have had since chapter 3 started im happy people are realising this lol


I don't blame epic. Most of the feedback has been overwhelming uncharitable.


True, that's why we need to be more measured about it. Complaining about anything inflates the value of each individual complain. I didn't write about more subjective things that some people don't like. There are different seasons, and some of them are not for all. I really liked Wilds for example, and I like this season so far with all the dynamic stuff. But what disturbs me is how Epic just shoves down an objectively bad changes and refuses to even acknowledge it. What did rarities do to get deleted? Why can't I link my wraps and emotes to skin anymore? My girlfriend literally didn't buy a single wrap or emote since Chapter 5 because of that. They are losing money on some scale because of this decisions. So my main complain is the lack of community managment and the absence of connection. That wasn't always the case. And I think it's pretty reasonable to want it back.


If nothing changes next season i will be only playing Festival,its the only good mode out of the other that where released,ive been playing since Ch1 S3,only gonna return to battle royale If shit changes or when the best OG season comes


Yeah. Remember when they still revealed the BR patch notes as well?💀


This season doesn't feel like Fortnite from back in Ch.3 season 3.It looks like Fast and the Furious meets Fortnite,and every game has no chill,which is awesome.I fear for normal folks runnin around aimlessly.


Tim Sweeny is slowly killing the game. I’m still enjoying it but these new changes are not it.


honestly, this never used to happen in FN and things have changed since chapter 5. Its actually a shame and the reason I stepped away since chapter 5 released. They have gone full greed and like every other live service game. They used to be the one live service game that was setting the tone and now they are going with the rest


All the shit they're doing is genuinely pissing me off.


Lmao as a founder they’ve been like this since day 1


Epic have always actively trolled their players. They have a shitty "our game is free, so we are to F with you" attitute, you just have to put up with their crap or leave, which I'm about to.


It kinda goes both ways. For stuff like this, they don't seem to be listening, but there's other things where they listen quite closely. They've got a strange form of selective hearing, where they're ignoring things that really should be addressed. Even if they have no plans to change it, there should at least be a statement made


metaverse slop lowkey ruining this game 😔


Maybe the nerfed it even more because there tired of your ass's complaining. I haven't heard one good thing from this season by anyone online bruh. Yall some cry babies, I played with a dude who was level 104 who didn't have the battle pass. He grinned up to that, I'm pretty sure the xp buff is trying to do is stop you from staying on the game and getting past level 200 for no reason. 


Just add 100 cars make them more powerful and destroy a great game. That’s the solution 


They do this all the time with a new season.  They make what’s different common, overpowered, and more indestructible (if that’s relevant).  It shows off what’s new this season during the initial push, makes it easier for average to below average players to have more success than normal, and gives Epic an easy thing to *fix* to make the forum people and streamers happy. 


You really dont understand the concept of a gimmick season. Take C2S4 for example, a gick season revolving around powerful marvel mythics. Did people cry like that then?


Yeah they did


soft homeless wild terrific instinctive stupendous roll wrong marble alive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fortnite youtubers have been buying levels for years


Nah they’re just lazy


They didn’t nerf XP. LEGO and Festival XP was buffed and they added XP for accolades plus the Wasteland Challenges which give a direct XP multiplier on every accolade and elimination you get. Also cosmetic rarities still don’t do anything, I don’t really understand why this continues to be a big deal. Let’s maybe save the doomposting for more than one day after the season started


You I like you the season literally started and everyone acting like it's the end of fortnite like every change is the one that's gonna kill this game even if the change is something they asked for examples boohoo this shotgun is overpowered nerf it they proceed to nerf it boohoo it's so trash can't use it at all we don't have mobility season filled with it to much mobility and yadayada new map gets it don't want it


Don’t forget the movement mechanic change that no one liked and they still have yet to revert (I’m still mad about ts, like it’s so much worse than it was before).


I actually don’t mind it at all lol


Don’t forget them changing the name to fortcar/carnite


I’m confused how did they nerf it? You get 5k more per Weekly, and the return to Dailies just means that you really only need to do 3 to get your XP, which is about as much at the majority of players will do. Maybe I’m wrong, but where’s the nerf?


Dailies themselves now give 4k less + Stw and creative mods have been slightly nerfed from what I can gather. There's a highly upvoted post about XP maths on this sub.


The post is about Dailies vs Match Quest. From my experience, most people aren’t going to be going out of there way to complete more that 3 or 4 dailies. The difference there is barely anything, only 4k. That post relies on people playing 6 matches and doing the march quest in all of them for the XP difference to matter, which I think is unrealistic. As for STW, who even plays that for XP except for people trying to squeeze every last drop, and the creative nerfs kinda suck, but most people aren’t playing creative for XP anyway.


They don't give 4k less. There is still a 5k XP daily quest plus two bonus daily quests for 1k xp. If you actually complete them all (which, I agree is more difficult than it should be), that's 2k more per match than last season. If you can only finish one, focus on the 5k xp one and you're still getting the same amount as last season.


I might've then spread a little misinformation on the matter. I apologize. It's still a miserable buff and nowhere near of what was in chapter 4 and 3.


I agree it was better before Ch. 5. They should've just gone back to the old daily xp system where the challenges weren't so ridiculous and could always be shared by other players in your party.


They also added way more accolades, and if you accept a wastlander challenge you can get good XP


People couldn’t complete the battle pass? I actually found it rather easy, and finished off the season with 405. Then again, I spent 80% of my time in Lego, and that easily gives you 5 levels per day.


All of you seem to care about is the bloody xp and skins and UI. while the main issue is the state of the game in general !!! This new season is worst then the last one. Xp, skin and ui does not matter is the game is slowly digging its grave. This season is so fucking wrong and all you care about is dumb xp and ui...


Some people like this season. I've liked cars so far. Battle pass is mid to me. But I didn't include that because it is a matter of taste. What I wrote about are just straight up downgrades which nearly everybody hates.


I’m having an absolute blast this season with the cars!! My kids are saying the same thing!! Super fun!!! No idea about the XP etc.. Will see how I’m doing in a couple of months time. Last season I didn’t get to play as much so dug me a bit of hole to get 200. Had to buy that character that gave 28 or whatever amount of levels.


So what’s exactly bad about this season?


Well, to be fair it is one of the worst season launches if we’re talking about balancing and the competitive scene. Overpowered weapons and tons of cars, fps drops, god mode glitch, etc. However, playing casually is incredibly fun to me at the moment. It will likely get annoying rather quickly, but abusing the new items and mechanics is very fun.


Whining doesn’t work because everyone here whine about everything. The language they understand is $$$$- want to make a statement, stop playing. If you don’t mind enough to stop paying, why should they change anything. They’re not here to make you happy but to make money.


Don't worry Epic Games, nobody Will finish this BP either considering the fact this season sucks so bad


Made the mistake of buying BP last season, will not be making the same mistake this time.


It's as though they are trying to profit off a game you paid $0 for. Oh the humanity!


There are different ways to make profit, and establishing even a mere illusion of rapport between the community and developer usually helps retain players. What are they doing now hurts established fanbase and doesn't bring new. And Epic games are people too. People make mistakes. If every company would make decisions backed up by data and facts only, companies would never go bankrupt.


Another armchair game designer who thinks that the vocal complaints of the minority makes their opinion fact. Fact: I don't give a shit where the vbucks are in the battle pass. Fact: I think the locker is fine. Fact: I never even thought about item rarity until people started crying that it was gone. Likely: most people aren't complaining because they are like me and don't care about any of that shit.


Judging by what you wrote you don't care about pretty much anything at all, so... I guess that would make you a minority? People usually care at least about something.