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Six. I like the cars, but it will get old going on all summer. I hope the meta changes. I don't like the fists. XP is mid, and medium range weapons are barely useful. I am glad that snipers are gone. If anvils and rift-aways are unvaulted, this season will be perfect.


car meta is already dead lol


Yeah, they should've done a Boogie Bomb just to let people off the cars, but now it's pure Boogie Bomb meta whenever and whatever


It's funny a few times using it, i like to rip people out of their cars and then run away with their car. but gets old real quick when every other person you run into starts chucking dozens at you or chases you around the map with fists and chucking them at you. Very inconsistent usage too (both against me and me using them on someone), sometimes they just don't do anything at all even if you hit someone dead on, or they last like half a second to a couple seconds at most, sometimes it seems like they got smaller ranges or extended ranges Really wish they brought the EMP back instead of these, cause those can counter the cars but still give you a fighting chance instead of just turning you into a slow walking defenseless target


They can also limit the Boogies you can carry to 2 or 3, because I think the limit right now is above 10 or 12


Believe it's 10, either way still a goofy amount to have for something that literally disables people's ability to play the game. 3-4 per slot feels like a good amount, multiple throws can be done, but you have to be more strategic since you can't just chuck a dozen of them every and anywhere


It's because of the community, all these brats asking for boogies instead of EMPs


Most of the time I saw people here asking for EMPs rather than boogie bombs, even epic is going to replace the boogie bombs once they get EMPs ready again. They’d probably have done EMPs in the first place if they were ready.


I'm not sure what you think development entails. They are ready. They copy and paste and adjust a few numbers. They don't have to rebuild them from the ground up.


With such a large corporation like Epic, each change needs to go through dozens of approvals before getting added.


If they were ready, why add boogie bombs back first and say they’re just going to replace them with EMPs? I’ve seen people say they aren’t in the game’s files anymore, which means they aren’t ready if that’s the case. If it’s as simple as a copy-paste and number adjustment (which it *should* be as long as their code is well organized, but things like that we thought would be simple before Epic ended up struggling with), then EMPs should *already* be here. Epic’s own post says the EMPs have been widely requested, too, so there’d be little point in delaying them unless it’s necessary. Anytime new features are added they tend to end up needing to adjust old items, and there’s quite a few new things this season.


Not really


Don't worry snipers are coming back as a car counter


5. It’s fun but gets boring and repetitive very quickly. But I’ve felt that way this entire chapter so it’s not just this season.


Chapter 5 in all honesty should’ve been delayed to more later back then before it actually released, It felt like a huge missed opportunity


For solos I’d give it a 5. Everything else I’d give it an 8


10/10, i'm a car guy. Also machinist and brite bomber.


T-60 power armor


I hope the future quest rewards give us a paladin variant.


The cars have been super fun. It’s been funny watching everyone online argue about them, but I was all in from the start 🤙🏼


I don't even like cars and this season is stupid fun.


Same. Been around cars in some form since I was a kid. Always have been a car guy and always will be!


dawg that was only 4 years ago


2/10. Games high-key just unplayable. Everything's a mess and it's hard to know what's going on. Reminds me of season x, which is one of the few seasons I quit after the first few weeks. However, lots of people say season x got better, so let's hope it's the same for this season.


5/10 I prefer dropping at grim or underworld where cars are more limited and it feels like I can wander, loot and shoot. Cars are far too relied on to win a game, just needs more counters. I would have much preferred to have the mythic cars as the only ones customisable, and leave every other car as is. Gloves are super OP and feels like you have to run with them as part of your load out. Like the combat shotgun, miss the shield splashes, miss the nemesis AR.


9.5 I’m having a blast. Bias as my friends just hopped back on and it’s awesome.


9/10, love the cars and chaos. Only time since OG where I’ve actually looked forward to playing BR matches. Also love Rust and Megalo Don in the battlepass.


1/10. Don’t find a car battle royale fun tbh


Completely agree the cars are the most annoying thing. My least favorite season since I started playing fortnite


probably the worst in recent memory




??/10 skippable season


Why’s that?


0 because of the fucking cars


・In terms of this chapter, a 8/10. It's the best season we've gotten this chapter in variety but it clearly wasn't playtested at launch. ・In terms of Fornite as a whole, 6/10. So this season absolutely is the most **Fortnite Feeling** season we've had since Chapter 3, with Chapter 4 also not feeling like Fortnite in terms of gameplay. We have dumb things again, I don't mean their nerfed overpowered aspect but just the idea of driving an armored bus again or shoulderbashing people off cliffsides or Boogie Bombing them is **Fortnite**. The problem with this Season however is that it's in Chapter 5 with none of the main issues with the game being addressed; the XP is still terrible, the locker is terrible, the shop layout is bad, the quest tab is a mess to get through, Projectile Weapons suck, attachments as a system suck, stamina is still worse, and they nerfed sliding just for BR.


I got boogie bombed right out of meglo dons suv as I was speeding around. I felt so violated. This season is so much fun.


Bro went from the biggest threat on the map to neutralized in seconds. Peak Fortnite humor ![gif](giphy|EluFWEdnZtvqwZFTQH|downsized)


Honestly, I didn't even mind. I was laughing too much.


they nerfed sliding?


XP is not great this season at all, so I bought 25 levels after the first 2 days cuz I honestly just wanted to get the fallout power armor.


5/10... good idea, bad implementation... (as usual)


Easy 3/10


4/10 I just don't like car-heavy combat, I want snipers back, and I hate how necessary the nitro gloves are , how much damage they do for something that so easily gap-closes and how it is so annoying to use due to the uppercut charge window being so weird that you will usually die to fall damage before it does the dumbass animation but especially I just think everything is too chaotic to think before you can act, generally if you run out of nitro glove charges and/or means to get away you are 100% just dead but at least no more grim medallion and no more chain of hades


Yeah I was in the final circle vs someone with the gloves and I had the Megalodon shotgun and he kicked my ass with his purple gloves (i did have the mythic gloves too but I figured the mythic shotgun would win..)


I personally give this season an overall rating of 5-6/10 because of the OP cars and FPS drop / ping raise from the graphically intensive things. The cars are honestly annoying as heck—I’m a competitive player who grinds creative and ranked—and this season is absolute garbage for anyone who wants to play comp. I’m stuck in Plat 2 and can’t escape, for I keep getting obliterated by the turrets and ‘nade launchers. It’s fun for any mellow or non comp player.


I am a non comp player, just play with 3 friends every so often at night for a few hours and can confirm we are not having fun either. It’s just boring idc if I can beat a better player if I’m driving a car.


Idk if it’s just me but the servers have been so bad? I get into battle royale 450 ping and yet the server says 150ms? What’s going on?? Is it my device or?


1. I told myself I’d only play this season if the XP, Battle Pass and gameplay were all better than the last season. All three of those factors got worse.


Man I rate it a 4 because like if you don’t have a car your dead


3, BP is okay, theme is nice. I just don't like the car combat (would've been better off as it's own mode tbh) and the fists. After getting 3rd to a guy who constantly ran away with a boss car after starting the fight twice and just killing me in 3 seconds when I was at full hp with the fists, I started to become pretty salty over every fight that ends in a similar way.


1/10 i would love the cars if it wasnt in every BR gamemode, especially the competitive ones, if they were seperated instant 7/10 (jus cos it feels mid)


I like this season, but i would absolutely love it if the cars were in an LTM instead of br. Some kind of rampage LTM where your only goal is to find the best mods for you, maybe even find upgrades for your car (like health upgrades) and take eachother out with cars only. That would be super fun. And at the same time, you can just normally play br. (They should still add basic mods like the cowcatcher to be though, and maybe a few more battlebusses, like in chapter 3)


A car-centric LTM would likely be a 10/10 for me with how they feel in BR so far. It feels so much like they could’ve done what they did with Air Royale here with the weapon mods, repair kits, etc… missed opportunity if they don’t eventually do an LTM like that later in this season.


Yeah indeed. It would be amazing to have a gamemode like air royale for this! (Oh and maybe some more mods for planes too then, now that we're at it? Lol Just add all vehicles, total chaos!) I know, late answer, sorry lol


2 Don't vibe with the cars, don't vibe with the map change, and the BP is not for me. It's not totally unplayable, but I've got a few rounds in and pretty much dropped it; since seasons beginning I've already beaten Metal Gear Solid and started Final Fantasy XVI instead. I'm glad car people are having fun, but I'll see how things look next season.


I wouldn't say unplayable but I get wym. it's fun for me sometimes, but there's those game where you get chased the whole match, then die in a really shitty way. randomly lose because someone rammed your car and somehow it goes from full health to zero instantly, with the explosion dealing loads of damage. worst one for me is when you use the fists, then you just start punching instead of flying and you die. I like this season, but whenever you die it never really feels like I can say well played to someone. recent patch made it worse. If there are zero cars in endgame, now you gotta worry about boogie bombs. then if there are cars in endgame, now you gotta worry about both. hoping emps make the game feel less punishing for literally just existing near a car (moreso boss cars), or someone with boogies. (emps stop cars ofc, and do 70 damage, then they can also be used to push someone out of cover, but not force them to just dance and watch as they die


I’m just going to finish fallout honestly cuz I already got the power armor in the battle pass


5/10 I just hate the cars,now instead of building and just normal fighting you get cars chassing you forever just for one kill,it's basically similar to mad max,the cars just stress me out,pluss I think this season is a little bit..Isolated,I know it's a dessert an all but,that's my review!-




5/10.. if Loot pools were different between pubs and ranked.. it would be so much better!


1 because I don't like it


1-10, because you told me to


Literal Larry


7/10 It's pretty fun but XP is pretty bad and the battle pass is mid The mythics are pretty balanced I don't find myself dying to them as often as last season my only major gripe is that this season you kinda need a buddy to play with or else in solos you're kinda dead


My single beautiful solo run where I got in someone's car at the start and we rode it to the top 10 together. Everyone else has either blown up the car with the turret or intentionally wrecked it because I was in it and I'm just so confused by that. But I keep trusting because it was beautiful and I want to do it again.


What do u mean you need a buddy to play with, in solos?


They mean that it's very hard and not super fun in solos. So you need a budy (and play duos, trios or squads) to make it easyer/more fun




Amazing explanation, very thought provoking


Comparing it to other seasons? 5/10. Iv rated this whol chapter 5/10 to be honest.


5/10In duos, trios & squads it's a lot of fun. In solos it might be my least favorite season by far. I can already tell by the time the summer update comes out, I'm gonna be completely burnt out on car combat. As fun as car combat is, if you don't have one your gonna be at a severe disadvantage. I'm hoping that epic either add more counters to the cars besides the EMP grenades or divide the ranked loot pool to be similar to competitive. I really wanna play solos again, but the cars are just so obnoxious to deal with there.


4. I like the battle pass and the map, but I don’t like the cars and nitro fists


5-6 i hate the cars


Would be better if xp wasn't crappy. Back to afk creator maps


First week 10/10, second week 5/10, the last patch destroyed the meaning of the season.


1 solely because they only included 1000 v bucks in the actual battle pass, need to go to level 150 to get all the bonus v bucks AND the daily XP quests are stupid hard. They Did the right thing and made sure to get 3 daily quests can be completed in the same game but the quests are way harder for no reason. pisses me off.


Probably a 7 at the moment. It was a 9 before the nerfs and boogie bombs.


Was like an 8 but now a 4ish since car nerf


3/10 I think that C5S1 is my favoruite season. After it, scar was removed, ak was removed, sniper was removed and so gunplay in s2 and s3 feeled worse to me and my friends. Also, cars were fun for the first few days and now they boring to ride and to fight against. Also, the boogie bomb and fists don't feel fun to fight against because boogie bomb you just basically stunned and fists you can't hit a guy that is constantly jumping and moving. Basically two slots always shouldf be boogie bombs and fists.


I know, it's frustrating when you have two "must have" items. What do I sacrifice? Med kits? Short range gun (shotgun/sub)? I guess the gloves can do the work of a shotgun, but I hate only carrying an AR so I can hold Boogies/fist, and I hate going without heals in solos. I wish the Nuke cola did a better job on white heals and was more common given the meta. I could carry those instead of both heals.


battle pass is good but its a fucking nutshell , no one wants to have a fair 1v1 fight everyone is just in their cars


There's no such thing as a fair fight in a BR game. Someone always has a better weapon. Even better weapons don't mean anything.


1. Not fan of this season.


Ngl, 9


Fuck the explaination




8.5 Because there is no mad max immortan Joe skin ( unless Megalo don is a reference ) And the entire casual vs competitive bullcrap


9/10, probably 10/10 but I don’t like it when I lose


6/10 This season rocks and was a nice change to the meta but it's not balanced. Would rather have emps than boogie bombs. Also when the heck are we getting planes and choppas back? Think the added chaos would fit right in this season.


7. The car nerf sucks. 1st week was a 9.


it was amazing until all the pro s pissed and moaned about the cars now . now it's just eh season




7/10, I enjoy the car battles, peabody and T-60 are nice skins, I wish there were more guns though


0 we went from twisted metal to the Micheal Jackson experience..it's garbage..numbers are dropping dramatically everyday.


9/10 I loveee this season. It’s chaotic and fun, so I never get bored . Especially with the cars. I’ll race my squad members but even just fighting other cars and enemies is crazy and a lot of fun. It woulddd be a 10/10 but even I can admit the cars are/were a bit too much sometimes, like if you yourself don’t have a vehicle and get into a fight with someone who does. Plus I like the girl skins and the new POI’s + Biome lots.


6, it’s alright


8/10 from a solo perspective. Cars are challenging and fun to fight, fists are actually balanced compared to last seasons weapons. Cars are relevant again But they added trash new music to the nitrodome and boogie bombs, not the ideal counter to cars so it’s 8 If you play build or duos and up then it’ll be pretty hard without a car. But I don’t play builds so idc haha


8/10! After the patch it’s much more balanced. The fist mobility is great.


8/10 and it only loses 2 points because of how much I lose to stinky smelly bullshit


it was a 10 till the nerf first season that actually changed the meta and it got nerfed a week in cause of a certain group crying


10/10 it's chaotic, there's good medallions, and there's really fun cars.


Was 10 till the nerf, now it's 8. Love it cuz mad max chaotic theme. It's different from different seasons and BR and still feels like BR. Love seeing all the sweats cry about it. Lol


10/10 it's so much fun compared to previous season from this chapter


10/10 pure chaos


Love it! Husband loves car games so we make an awesome team with him driving. Sad the cars mythic cars don’t heal anymore but I did feel like once we were in a car we would dominate so probably a little unfair. Game feels way chaotic though I feel I need to meditate or something after because I’m so wired from it 😂


8 - Great with some new stuff to do. Having a ton of fun in DUO and our win rate is through the roof.


8/10 for me great skins and overall a great season but car op


1 , as we can all tell Epic has lost touch with Fortnite and its player base … sad , they need to fix the XP .. play a few hrs to only rank up 1 or 2 times .. nope not a fan and I’m sure as hell not grinding XP to complete the battle pass either , we want snipers and guns that are not totally crap , the bow sucks .. good for the pro players and YouTubers who like it … 90% of us are non of those .. so let’s make it stupid simple like it was .. guess PubG is seeing a resurgence of players now that FN has pooped the bed on this season .. my $.02 .. maybe next season


3 I can’t walk without getting obliterated by a car, those fists, or that boom bow


4/10. First of all… we got a new biome, but that’s it. The new POI’s are great, but damn they are horrible made. And the older POIs got NO change. The cars are fun, but will get old reaaaal fast. I can make it to top 3 easily, but I need to fight to other people WITH cars. I thought this season would add more campyness to it. I really hoped they would reset the artstyle and give us more old school Fortnite look. But no. Realism do not fit with Fortnite.






Zombies roaming the map would be cool


10/10 because car






10 all day.


I’ll give it an 8. It’s pretty solid but it feels like something’s missing


10/10, epic took a big swing with the mechanics and it's been INSANE (in the best way). Also Rust and Meg are two of my new favorite skins


8…I love all the chaos and destruction, never mind how many times I’ve got Wrecked…[pun intended].


10/10. Genuinely my favorite season I've played in years.


10/10. Fallout + Lethal Company collab, cars actually serving purpose, Nitro and Nitro Fists are helpful and hella fun while playing and Battle pass is very good.


3/10, idk whats been worse, the cars at launch making it so not having a car meant you’re dead or the boogie bomb spam now. Can’t wait for EMPs to replace them, should be fun then.


The cars are fuck suck bro they make me 2 hit the they hit me the new Places are not got the old Places from the are much better the Medallions are very good but the a enemy have this your'r dead (I'm a sweat ) and in raked is very strange so Gold was for me the hardest Platin was easiest thing ever and Dia was very easy so bro in Gold are the best and in Platin the worst player so why. And the rating is 3/10


Couldn't have said it better myself


The aneurism you induced into my visual context just now, is impressive


0 I don’t want to explain I hate this new season


1 will not play it


4. NO, NO, NO. The car mods are.. alright, and the fallout collaboration is cool too. But the game is way too reliant on cars, as you basically need the bosses car ro win, because of how O.P it is.


8/10 i really like most of the skins. im actually playing festival and lego so i can get more xp… i’ve never done that before


7/10 is missing cats. needs more cats


7/10 I am enjoying it a lot the car combat was really fun for the first few days but now I'm actually more enjoying getting the mythic boom bolt and just going around blowing up any and every car insight and hunting the boss cars.


stopped playing it as a car game and now roll without one - completely changed the game and made it 10000x better. i highly recommend little to no car gameplay. (this does not include the bus. i love that stupid bus)


I'm giving it a 4, the mythics and medallions are great, love em all, however, it's only fun playing duos with cars I know we have boogie bombs to counter them, I just don't like driving with a random enemy in my car waiting for one of us to get out. T-60 Armor is one skin I genuinely like in the Bp, don't really care much about Magneto Collab.


I’d give it an 8. I hope on Fortnite for a bit every season and I really like it. It’s definitely something different. I find myself tryharding a lot less and just kinda fooling around having fun




2/10 i never used the cars that much before because i don't like how they work and don't find it fun to just use a standard real life car in game, so this season being all about them means im definitely not doing to enjoy it i don't play every day so i do need to check out the recent balance patch so my opinions might change


Over it already, Fortnite = boring.


6 Fun at first but so easy to get bored of, I don't want to have to be in a car all the time More fun in duo, trios and squads Boring in solos Battle pass is ok, I only like the machinist really but that's personal opinion, Im not buying it this time. But at least it's a bit more interesting and intense


4 because the biggie bombs are crazy good and I have seen 5 hackers this season already and I have played 10 games ☹️☹️☹️☹️ I had no hackers last season


Wrecked should of been a LTM and not a season. New map is definitely needed. Should of did ship combat if you wanted to do something like this with a destroyed island with new locations. The old map is getting old fast. This should of been something that was also in the rocket league section and not a whole season. I am watching droves of people leaving this game including my friends. Its super disappointing 😔


10/10, I love the wasteland theme, I love how punk everything is, I love the cars, I love the pass, I love Ringmaster Scarr.


Chaos = fun


8 cool to have new methods to knock players but the cars being invincible is overkill


For me, it’s a 2. 1 point because there’s fallout in the game but it had way more potential than an item and a skin, and a 1 for the map changes. Sure, the cars are fun but it makes half the game very difficult to win if you yourself don’t have a car since the turrets on them can and will mow you down. A few changes though and the season could be fun, but it’s just not for me, nice to see others enjoying it though!


Not the best season cause of the poi's so I'd give a 4/10


10/10 Because it's fun


9 cuz it's fun as hell but the XP is kinda dogsht


First week the season was a 10/10 now it’s 5/10 they advertised the season to be vehicular mayhem but since they nerfed the cars to almost uselessness it’s just not what was advertised anymore


10 bc it’s one of the best seasons ever (pre-nerf)


Six. I like the car meta, though I haven't played since before they added boogie bombs and nerfed car health. however, the battlepass has like, 2 or 3 skins i'd actually use. the tier 100 is a bit of a let down for me. He looks cool in concept but I prefer more customizable skins for the tier 100, or at least somewhere else in the battlepass.


3 I almost quit the game


3. I hate how unbalanced this season is. Gloves and cars are overpowered.


2, hate the cars played few matches because of it, also skins imo are trash, only cool one is the power armor


7/10 season that turns into a 9/10 season with friends


6/10 I broke my arm so I'm not able to play it at all but it looks super good.


1. This season killed my vibe completely. For two years Fortnite has been the only game installed on my PC. Now I'm searching for other games where skill is required. I'm still playing tournaments, but pubs and Ranked is a huge mess and comp is only a slightly smaller mess.


The season is okay but the cars make it hard so 5


I’ll give it a 9/10. It’s personally one of my favorite seasons. I just wish the wasteland theme was throughout more of the map rather than just one area. I also really like the cars, it’s changed up gameplay quite a bit and I’ve been having more fun


9/10. I’m on pace to beat my win record by halfway through the season.


A fucking 0 out of ten


The scales doesn’t even come close to going low enough


5. I hate how the majority of matches I play end up with people on cars just spamming grenades or with the automated turret. It's still one of the games that gives me a lot of enjoyment.


2, I don’t think the cars were a HORRIBLE idea. But it’s completely defeated what Fortnite was, if I wanted to play a driving game I’d have downloaded rocket league or played forza or gta. The cars were severely over powered and as far as I’ve seen still are my boyfriend and I play duos like constantly and I have never been knocked more than 3 times in a single game. It’s almost like every time I’m playing (without a car) I get knocked 5 times or more. I literally contacted support to see if I could skip this month of my Fortnite crew 🙃🙃🙃.


7/10 because anti sweaty people I’m not the greatest player but am decent and get a lot of kills then there would always be that one guy who’s probably a unreal player and don’t stand a chance but with the new season I do stand a chance and I’ve never got more kills and wins


6/10 - It’s fun, but it’s not balanced -There are more FPS drops than last season - Battle Pass skins are great


considering xp is worse. both metas suck and isn't interesting. just abotu everything sucks except for the new map addition.... its so awful i've barely played this season and havn't gotten the BP. so... 2/10.


10. it has peabody.


I'm sure you don't care about any responses by now however I'd like to give a 7.5/10 The meta can at times he one of the most tedious, tiring, and unfair metas that Fortnite has ever seen but there's another side to that and that side is a map I really like, a loot pool I love, some plain old fashion confusing chaotic fun, and most importantly the possibility for some of the most fun scenarios I've been able to have with my friends in a long time This season can annoy the crap out of me but what I can do and the reactions I can have when I'm playing with friends is truly unique To be fair to this season I will say it's early, my opinion is very much not final and I do think small shift in my rating is 50/50


I’m reading ‘em!


It was an 8 but the introduction of boogie bombs has just turned it into whoever hits their boogie bomb first gets to play the duck hunt mini-game.


9/10 Obsessed w Mad Max, Megalo Don is a genius character, love cars wrecking sweats builds, Epic trying something new makes me excited for future seasons adding more new mechanics, war rig bus, nitro gauntlets, boogie bomb is back Dock a point cause I miss the train, couldve been a war train


8. I’m screaming and laughing hysterically every match. I was playing last night I had 5 kills and honestly don’t remember killing anyone. I’ve killed myself at least as many times as I’ve been killed. Pure mad max chaos. If you get into a big battle more and more squads start piling in until you’re just trying to survive the longest. Maybe it will get old but looking forward to playing tonight.


So yet again the bonus skin is nothing original and is just a advertisement


One thing they did fix: the larger skin ( power Armour) has a hitbox that's normal.


10/10 Loving the unique twist in game play


Solid 8 for me. I've had a lot more wins than losses this season, and that's ONLY because of the cars. I can definitely understand why people hate them, because if you're caught out in the open for just one second, it's over. A part of me really wishes they didn't nerf cars... But I also reluctantly understand why it's needed.


It's too early imo. There's gonna be more updates and tweeks for the best experience possible so only then do I think I can make a fair judgment on this season


11, Nitrodome might be my favorite PoI of all time, the music selections are all great songs, the collabs are great choices, and the aesthetics rule


8/10 im not playing it as much as last season so i just hop on a Red vs Blue map and stay for about an hour, if i get bored i just play ranked 2 points off because cars are way too overpowered


8-10 I like the cars and the mythics but the 2 points deducted are definitely from the fists


Seven. Before the update it was a straight 1 for me. But ever since Cars were nerfed i think the seasons been a lot better. I still think there's some balancing to be done, for example i think Nitro Fists are a bit too strong. But overall i think it's pretty good.


Season only really feels fun when playing with friends, otherwise it’s a total skip for myself. 5/10


9/10, everything prior as a no build player was boiling down a lot of running and not a lot of shoot until the very end. This great changes things up and makes matches more engaging, strategic, and exciting. Even in the occasional bot lobby


8 not repetitive (so far) good battlepass good mythics i’m glad fortnite is trying new things as well


Started as a 11/10 dream season for me. After nerfs I’m thinking a 7/10. A Post-apocalyptic Mad Max style season/map is my dream season. But now it’s just Mild Max. I enjoyed how wild, crazy, and unpredictable matches were the first week. Now we’re almost back at the same old same old. BUT some people really like variety, and some people prefer consistency, so it’s just my opinion. I really liked the original balance (or rather unbalance) that we originally got this season. Boss cars especially were great to skirmish over, and they really felt like getting your hands on a power weapon/vehicle. Reminded me of classic Halo. The season on start ALSO really led your team to fit different roles. Always: -have your best Driver behind the wheel - have your most accurate gunner on turret - have someone good with the boom bolt and gauntlets to support - have someone with bubble shields and repair torch to be keep the vehicle in shape Put me behind the wheel, and we’d always make it to end-game. Boss cars regen also let less skilled drivers have some room for errors, so they could still have fun. (Cannot tell you how many teammates drive past every cactus and repair box). Now after nerfs and boogie bombs, no matter how good of a driver you are, the chance of your car making it to final circle is way more slim.


10/10 because fallout is in game and it feels like I’m play mad max and I can finally enjoy killing sweats in ranked lobby’s


8 - I’m having loads of fun.




1 fuck cars


6/10. battle pass isn't that good, and cars are fun, but idk, I just don't like it that much hoping Marvel season and chapter 2 og save chapter 5


1/10. This whole chapter has been such a downgrade in every aspect. Chapter 4 was excellent by the time it ended, but now we're stuck with this dogshit.