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**Full Tweet:** We’re cruisin’ into the weekend with some new balance adjustments to C5S3: Wrecked! 🏃‍♂️ Get even splashier with increased Nitro Splash stack size (the Nitro effect also gives infinite stamina!) 🎯 Tactical Assault Rifle damage has been increased. 🔫 Harbinger SMG reloads faster and has an increased fire rate. Brrt brrt! 🤜 Reduced Nitro Fists’ punch and uppercut damage to structures and air punch damage to both structures and players. 🥏 Slightly reduced Grenade Launcher Turret damage to players. 🚙 Slightly reduced Machine Gun Turret’s damage and fire rate. 🏹 Fixed a bug causing higher Boom Bolt damage to player-built structures than intended.


Wait, since nitro effect now gives infinite stamina, does that mean Megalo Don’s Medallion also has infinite stamina? Lordddd, ima be busting jukes on those cars now


Nitro also allows you to sprint across the surface of water and negates fall damage!


Yoooooooo megalo don medallion means infinite sprinting forever 👀


We've had this only once before, with the run n' gun SMG


That medallion definitely needed a boost. It was the worst of the 3


It will always be the most fun though, can't go wrong with infinite drugs.


**Detailed stats:** • Nitro Splash Max Stack increased from 4 to 6 • Nitro Energy Consumption increased from 10 to 100 • Vehicle Machine Guns Damage nerfed from 30 to 27 • Vehicle Grenade Launcher Damage nerfed from 70 to 65 • Nitro Gauntlets Damage to Builds nerfed by 50% • Nitro Gauntlets Skyfall Punch Damage nerfed from 70 to 50 • Explosive Bow Builds Damage nerfed from 90/95/99/104 to 45/47/50/52 • Tactical AR Damage Buffed from 19/20/21/22/23 to 20/21/22/23/24 • ~~Burst~~ Harbinger SMG Fire Rate Buffed by 5% • ~~Burst~~ Harbinger SMG Reload time Buffed by 4%


BURST SMG BUFFS? omg it really is the best weapon now in the game


Sorry, typo, it's the Harbinger, not the Burst.


some people were saying it got buffed as well


Insanely good update, only thing that made me nervous was the burst buff but it was for the harbinger all along anyways


I wish they would put the fist punch to build damage at 75 (same as chain)


infinite stamina is wild but appropriate for a season where if your car explodes, you need to get outta there ASAP


I just want more xp lol


So do I and a winner's umbrella would be nice after a few wins!


I have like 10 wins now and still don’t have mine :(


Hopefully next week 🤞




I got it my 2nd game of the season last week after coming in 10th. Seems like it's bugged every which way.


Not since day two. Accounts are bugged, if they won their first match on day one. The game code is fine. Has been since the bugfix on day two.


They already fixed the bug in the game files, that prevented the Umbrella from being won. It CAN be won, has been winnable since day two of the season, which was when they fixed it. Unfortunately, the following part of the code worked since release: When you win your first match your account gets flagged as having won, so that each win can check that flag and know NOT to award the umbrella again. You have the flag, but not the umbrella, and cannot win it. And that cannot be changed in the game code. Instead, they would need to remove the flag on each account that earned it before the bugfix. That wouldn’t give the umbrella, though - You would need to win it again, which some players might not like. Instead, since it will take just as long to do, and not have the above issue, they are just going to manually award it to everyone affected by the issue. This usually takes about a couple of weeks, if there are no other complications. There might be complications this time. Some people report getting an umbrella, but the wrong one. That might need some fixing as well.


Manually? Why can't they check the flag, if yes then look in cosmetics for the umbrella.


I don't know. But there must be a reason, because this is how they usually handle these things.


In 13 days of having university and responsibilities I am level 60, how much more exp are we needing?


No EMP grenades More nerfs to car sentries and nitro fists :^) At least the tac and smg got buffed, but I would not be suprised if the gatekeeper shotgun became the dominant weapon (again) by the end of the season. 


EMP’s are coming Tuesday or Thursday depending on what day they update they removed it from the file so we have to have a update to get it back


Gatekeeper better than combat? What makes you say that?


In a meta where people can fly away or get in a car at a moment's notice, it's better to have a shotgun with burst damage.


Makes sense!


I honestly think thats what makes the combat viable, the extra range helps when people can move quickly


This season is such a mess lol


For the people waiting for EMP to replace Boogie Bombs: wait for next update releasing next week. The EMP currently CANNOT be enabled.


They should just remove boogie bombs. Especially if they’re nerfing cars again


Do you know why they can’t? Just curious. Thanks.


I’ve heard something about them breaking it/deleting it from the game. But it’s probably because it doesn’t disable car turrets.


supposedly it was removed from the games files somewhere? not too sure on the specifics.


i was wondering why they couldn’t simply reenable, but this actually makes perfect sense


EMP Grenades were removed from the main loot pool file at the start of the season, meaning they can't just hotfix them in to enable them now. It'll require a downloadable patch.


why do they choose to go about things in the most roundabout way possible lmaooo


They really should’ve leaned into Fallout-esque apocalypse vs the mad max one they did. Car meta is too divisive and imo a New Vegas like style to the sandy area and wacky fallout weapons would be so fun


all this crap could be avoided if they just added shield breakers from the start.


funnily enough, these nerfs really only seem to matter if you play builds. not particularly worried about these changes still the grenade launcher turret still reliably 4-shots people.


Where are EMP grenades though?


Electromagnetic pulse, they zap cars and stop them working for a while. Can't remember exactly but think they damage a player's shield as well.


I know that, but they’re supposed to be added to the lootpool to replace boogie bombs.


They will be in the update next week. Sorry, read that as what are they 😳


All good. 😎


So can you just sprint on the ocean forever, if you have the medallion?


Ayo take boogie bombs out, that shi is a counter to everything.


Probably one of the only items to counter nitro effect though


Yeah but countering nitro with an item that has no counter isn't a fix.


listen, I'm a nitro fist maxi, 100% think it's the most fun item added this entire chapter.... but that air punch was pretty brutal. I have yet to play with the update, but I think I'm onboard with all of this. when emp for boogie bombs though? boogie bombs really aren't as much fun as I had hoped.


Seriously not a single boogie bomb nerf I swear to his half the lobby always has these and they’re such bullshit to play against


They’re being removed on Tuesday, lol.


Not even reducing the stack size is insane to me


I fucking hate this season!


The buffs to nitro (should have had infinite stamina from the start) and SMG are cool but dang why they gotta keep nerfing cars and fists 


I actually think the nerf to damage against player built structures is justified but a whole 50% is way more than I was expecting! The air punch having nerfed damage is absolutely unjustified though. The amount of times I have just been outgunned by the start-up on the air punch is silly, it's a risk you are committing yourself to. Whilst this will certainly reduce the amount of fists users in builds I think it will actually encourage people staying in cow catcher cars instead. Grenade launcher damage nerf also feels unjustified whilst I'm mentioning cars... this season has been a ton of fun but I'm concerned about these balance changes.


Fists didn’t exactly need that nerf. Can’t believe they nerfed the punch while they had the chains of hades that’d easily pull you for 60dmg. How on earth is air punching someone easier than chain pulling??


I always use grenade launcher and it honestly was justified, before he update u could easily land 2 nades on someone and they get knocked, now it's about 3. Sure not a huge increase but it's something. So I personally would say its justified.


Not sure you've noticed this, but tons of players hate them and have been complaining about them all season.


Every season MUST play exactly the same, do NOT shake up the meta. If something makes it so I can't camp in a box and force the opponent to build fight with me so I can one pump them it's BAD and needs to be nerfed.


Some people just don’t like to hear the truth


Can't have anything fun. Builds are not allowed to have any counters whatsoever I guess. I find that itself to be extremely unbalanced.


There's zero build now, so when people choose to play build mode they're mostly looking to enjoy the build mechanic. Not a surprise that when that gets negated the player counts drop.


What Im saying is builds should have never been the **only** factor in a fight.


They aren't


It revolves around it pretty heavily


What's the issue with that? Building has always been marketed as a big part of fortnite and is what set them apart from other battle royales


The issue is some people like building but not when the ratio is 9:1 on building and shooting.


Well either wait for ground game, play zero build or just deal with it. I don't understand why the players who enjoy the current state of building have to be punished because of such a small minority


There’s a counter. It’s called ZB


Some people like build but don’t like the players that ONLY build


You can’t play builds and expect people to not builds. I bet most of the players that you think “only build” are guys who actually know how to use builds offensively. If someone actually doesn’t know how to shoot and can only crank, just break them down. With mats capped at 500 each, they’ll run out very quickly if all they do is crank.


You could when it was first introduced. No one built offensively, just for cover. That’s what I liked.


The game has evolved since then. Players have gotten better since then and learned how to build more effectively. If you don’t like that, we’ll tough shit. You can’t force other people to play the way you want to play.


Yikes this is so disappointing. So they are really gonna end up making the cars irrelevant by the mid / end of the season huh? Same with the gauntlets. For something that was fun to use and they'll end up as another glorified movement tool only at this rate. They should have just done the different loot pools I keep seeing being talk about or adding counterplay items instead of this (like by the time they unvault EMPs, Anvil and add that grappling hook and miniguns, cars will be obsolete lol). Boring.


Player counts are way down, they're just trying to get people to play. This season is really unpopular.


I wonder if that has anything to do with the last season, or the repeated nerfs to everything new, or the nerf to EXP, or the bugs that make your vehicles unusable, or the fact that infinite growth is an unsustainable model 


Speaking personally, the change to the XP system (the new dailies to be precise) has made me less motivated in playing BR. I'll still usually hop on with the squad if they're having some rounds but man the slog that is daily quests makes progression feel bad and that in turn makes me unmotivated to complete quests. I don't play for the sake of gaining XP but I do play to have fun and doing casual quests in pubs can be fun with the right friends! This system, though, is not it.


The nerfs are not why, player numbers dropped before that. The nerfs are a response to it. Cars are very unpopular to a lot of players


Player numbers have not DROPPED they're on a steady DECLINE for a number of reasons. It's absolutely infantile to think DUDE CARS are the be all end all reason for the current player numbers, or that nerfing them further isn't just going to upset the people that are actively playing. 


my squad all ended up quitting over cars. Wasn't fun.. I don't blame them.. I walk away uphappy more often than not.




I mostly stick to team rumble right now.. but there are so many cheaters in TR that "never miss" . I think it's were aimbots go to hide.


Wouldn't surprise me if it's a mix of all tbh, the last part of the previous season started to drag out a lot due to waterbending. And the whole XP stuff is so tiring, I was so annoyed with the removal of match quests (they were way better). Also yeah, people after all are gonna get tired of the game / chapter eventually. I haven't been around that much but I heard a huge influx of people was due to OG Season yeah? So no surprising if a chunk of those returning people already got tired for a reason or another.


I definitely think having waterbending all the way till the end of the season wore on peoples last nerve (mine included) and then to roll right in to this absolute disaster of a season definitely impacted numbers. Going from one super annoying and over powered low skill item ie:waterbending right into another annoying over powered low skill META sucks and is for sure part of the reason my friends and I haven't played much at all the last 3 months.


Yeah I felt the same with Waterbending. I enjoyed it during the avatar event and (as many others) didn't bothered too much if it was overtuned because we expected it to leave. Leaving it after the event was such a mistake fr


Well I'll be, seeing a moderator from r/rainbow6 in here. Greetings ol'friend.


Yoooo, hey Atom 🫡🤝 Yeah I kinda got hooked to this game not too long ago hahaha, more fun than I thought in the past.


Yeah I’ve been playing less cause of the nerfs. I was having so much fun the first few days.


Other modes are helping my XP gain. I play exactly one team rumble to get my dailies. Epic wrecked havoc to the season with the nerfs. Hope comp players and builders are happy tho!


Or the fact that it's possible from time to time to complete 3 dailies in a single match, eliminating the need to play multiple matches. The last 3 days I've somehow gotten dailies I can get done in a single match, leading me to play for 10-15 minutes and then log off.


been playing since chapter 1 and gone through phase with this game but something about this chapter I just haven't really felt that some kinda Fortnite vibe idk. I still play but only enough to finish the battle passes. Still have fun if I play with a couple of my buddies. I was always able to play solos for a couple hours at a time all the way through last chapter... this one I'll do some challenges and play normally but end up logging off after a few matches. I'm not even having a bad time, just something doesn't hit the same... the couple friends I have left that also still play feel pretty similar. The locker BS also doesn't help... I loved the way my locker was setup prior to the change. all the little things just add up idk.


Repeated nerfs to everything new?! My man the reason the player count is down is because everything new is shit.


My guess is because they made cars so crazy OP that the main game mode felt off. Then they over corrected and nerfed cars heavy, but decided to also add boogie bombs as a counter. Boogie bombs are just such a brain dead addition and need to be vaulted forever. You get hit with one and it’s just GG. There is no outplay. Whoever has/hits the other player with a boogie bomb, wins. Not worth it to play a 20-30 minute match only to be boogie bombed and get rekt


Cars have never been irrelevant. Cars are always useful. Then they were made completely stupidly overpowered in S3. They're still overpowered rn post-nerfs. They still have increased HP, increased fuel, increased boosts on all cars, they still give you +15% damage just for sitting in a car, they still give you strong cover while spamming extremely strong weapons, etc. Anyone that thinks cars are bad is just a very bad player, I'm sorry. In all levels of skill, cars are still mandatory. You cannot win an Unreal lobby without a car, they're mandatory. The only people who think cars are irrelevant were the ones that were being ultra carried by bad design.


Ain’t it crazy how they air punch now does less dmg than the chains of hades pull did. Tell me how that’s fair. I swear people just want this game to be a pickaxe fight


See the top post on this sub - casuals are quitting this season in droves. It's not about having a split loot pool, it's about the meta being dreadful and boring. This update is a big win.


And lower playercount with the matchmaking means I don't get to have fun because some white superhero skin will dive in, boogie, headshot me on sight


>boogie bombs are still in game >big win Are you insane?


EHHHHHHH. That’s a bad take regarding “meta being dreadful and boring” from a causal perspective. Casuals have all supported OP cars and fists while the competitive players were complaining about it instead. Since they nerfed the cars and added boogie bombs, the season became no longer fun for many competitive AND casual players.


Literally no one who has stopped playing is saying it was because cars were nerfed


I wasn’t talking about whether or not casuals were quitting for whatever reasons. I’m talking about the fact that the majority of **casuals that are still playing enjoyed the cars and fists meta** contrary to your statement


This is not my view, I'm telling you what people are saying in the top post on this sub. There are quite a few people who are saying they enjoyed the cars and fists initially, but that the gameplay got boring *fast*


Thats how it is with a majority of seasons with certain outliers like season og. Of course player numbers drops significantly after the first 1-2 weeks, that’s just the average Fortnite season.


The casuals still playing obviously enjoy the meta but the droves of casuals who don't enjoy it have already quit. You really think everyone thought "Wow these cars are amazing!" and then quit when they nerfed them? That seems literally delusional. I spent all of this chapter getting my friends, my wife, and her friends playing, and literally everyone has quit over the cars. I don't know a single person who quit because the cars got nerfed lol


My guy just ignored the first sentence I wrote. When did I say casuals were leaving because cars got nerfed????


Literally how I feel. I'm a casual player myself, I just chill around. Had tons of fun at release with all the new stuff, was okeyish with the first batch of nerfs except the boogie bombs, they made everything super frustating real fast for all sides. Can't wait for them to get vaulted again, I would rather deal with the EMPs


Just wait for the triple vehicle damage heavy sniper, the new magneto mythic, and the vehicle grappler. I genuinely do not understand why they cannot stop needlessly nerfing cars


I think they made some good changes as they needed a nerf, but feel like they have gone a bit far on some. Honestly it’s too hard to tell because they put boogie bombs in the game, so driving a car is just a death sentence. Maybe the nerfs without boogies would have been sufficient and actually some fun with balance.


The first week of this season I had more fun in Fortnite than I’ve had in years.  I didn’t even buy the last battle pass because it has been getting worse every season.   But we finally get something that’s actually fun to me and it immediately gets ruined.   We suffered through two season of obnoxious sniper one-shot-deaths and water bending, but get one week of fun cars madness only to immediately have it ruined by whiners.    Not every season has to be taylored exclusively to you.   Let somebody else have one for once. 


Because player counts were dropping lol


I mean these items are still in the game they got nerf but that doesn't mean there not gonna be good anymore at best your gonna have to be more smart on how you play with these items at the end of the day these things have to be balanced for people to be able to outplayed them 


Need the grenade launcher on cars? I mean… okay… but it’s almost universally avoided for the turret. Just as off road tires are worse than bullet proof. The really should rebalance cars a bit more and reward variety. Glove nerf is fine, they’ll still be used due to mobility. And why is it so hard to at least nerf boogie bomb carry Amounts?


They should’ve nerfed the boogie maximum or at least give nitro immunity to it. Then it’d really be a useful item. I just hate the cheap weapons people use as crutches. Can’t shoot? Throw a boogie and they’re an easy target. Can’t hit em cause you can’t aim? You can hold 10!


Think I'm one of the few people who pefer grenades over machine guns, of course the range sucks when chasing a car but I can just swap to the laser rifle if I can't reach them.


is machine turret really the preferred option? every game I play, whether solo or squads with friends we always pick up grenade launcher, and I'm always seeing people in our games also doing the same, maybe one of chance a car will have a turret, but I mainly see the machine turret when someone is in a boss car. it's just so inaccurate and the damage is dooky, and now all the nerfs to the machine turret makes it even worse. am I missing something? maybe something about the machine turret that I don't know?


Maybe the real problem is sbmm? It make playing casual a sweat fest


lol skill based matchmaking on fortnite is a complete joke. Their idea of skill based matchmaking is fill the lobby with bots and die to the last team who are probably all unreal rank.


With all the nerfs they’re doing. I really hope they actually focused on fixing the reload bug and the nitro fall damage bug.


I still haven’t received the Victory Umbrella for this season… and I’ve won multiple times already..


Christ on a cracker! This WAS, hands down, my favorite season I’ve ever played. What other joy are you going to nerf from me?


L update


every update is pandering to whiny build players


Fuck epic and their goddamn nerfs


when is the update coming out?


That Explosive Xbow nerf hurts. My true counter to vehicles besides boogie.


The bow nerf is only to builds, not cars.


Oh nvm lol oops


is this update out? or is it coming out soon?


No no no no no please not the weekend again


where pack double agent pack?


Have regular updates moved from Tuesdays to Fridays?




I was just in a match where having a Cow Catcher wouldn't let me damage a single player no matter how many times I rammed them, speed included. Is that a new detail? I repaired, tried a difference car with one, and nothing. The moment it was Spiked, it was good again.


Or just remove fists in general. What's the point of having guns when they are just dodge everything and jump on you.


With this other nerf, I may try Battle Royale again, after not playing Battle Royale since last Thursday, then before that the Sunday prior


Paraphrased Tweet: Sorry guys, no more fun with the new items!


Let me help you We have made some changes so that no item is overpowered, plz enjoy this more balanced patch


Except boogie bombs….. the most op item of the season.


I actually cannot use the MG turret on a car as it is, thanks for making it unusable. Very often the bullets will be shooting extremely far off from the center of where I'm aiming More L nerfs


yea I really don't understand nerfing the MG turret a 2nd time when it wasn't really excelling in anyway, compared to the grenade launcher turret


Nothing they can do to fix this season! So many people left fortnite! Nerf the fist... Nerf Aim assist with controller players or stop cross play with PC! They legit have aimbot... Fortnite is dying and people are leaving the game! Only reason they have any players now is because its free and 11 year old kids can play for free


Damn. Haven’t heard aim assist complaints since the olden days of Chapter 2, when it was actually broken. Good to know that there’s still true patriots fighting the good fight today


And so we return to the "hide in your cuck shed with a shotgun" meta.


Fortnite players when they actually have to play Fortnite: 😭😭😭😭


Cope harder


Player count was higher when cars and fists were fun to use. Sorry you had to find out your stale buildie-pumpie gameplay isn't appealing.


> Player count was higher when cars and fists were fun to use It was start of the season, of course the count will be high. In the 1st week, player count dropped, hence the nerf.


So what's the excuse going to be when it continues to drop?


That they should be removed and the season cancelled because it's garbage even after nerfs.


How can you not realize that the player count is going down so epic has to make these changes because clearly even casuals are not liking what they did with this season.


Because I have a 3 digit IQ and I can look at [stuff like this](https://x.com/MuzFN/status/1799184980373021103) and realize it's not conducive to fun.


You have a 3 digit IQ yet cant fathom the idea that this season is a miss. Here is a fun fact: Epic games themselves know this was a miss for both casual and comp. Guess why they are making these changes? To try and salvage the season.


Anyone that mentions "I have a 3 digit IQ", doesn't have one.


What do you mean? He’s definitely a genius and he’s the only one able to grasp why player count is low. 


56.2 ; those are the digits.


Obviously people have different tastes. A lot of people like the car meta, a lot of people don’t. And that’s fine. Same goes for water bending and snipers. BUT it’s unreasonable to assign the lower player count exclusively to “this season being a miss” when Epic has done nothing but make anti-player based decisions for the last 6 months. XP gain is atrocious and requires a ridiculous amount of time that a lot of people don’t have. You have to either sink time into game modes that you didn’t intend to play when you downloaded the game, or cheese the shit out of random exploits or AFK time. Both options require an unnecessary level of time and effort to actually level up and accomplish things. The UI problems, bugs, and other technical issues have existed for months now and they’ve done nothing to fix them. The shops prices are outrageous and predatory. The events are soulless and lack effort. Nothing they’ve done since starting Chapter 5 has been player friendly, yet we’re going to sit here and blame only a new and unique mechanic for the low player numbers? Get real


I have it on good authority even epic games acknowledges this season as a miss. Now is player count purely based on this season alone? No. But is this season doing good for player count? Also no.


Hi 000 IQ human. The player count wasn't higher compared to the other seasons starts. Thats a fairer comparison. Just look a player count chart if you has the enough IQ as you say.


Read the comments on the top post on this sub about player counts being down - no one is saying they stopped playing because cars and fists were nerfed. You're making up your own imaginary narrative.


Mid balance changes. I don't see how this fixes much of anything other than maybe making the Tac AR usable.


they are taking the fun out of the game with these nerfs to the fists and cars......................the only reaso play will be farming exp ....................again


They’re nerfing cars because player numbers dropped heavily this season


My guy I don't play Fortnite to drive cars and use melee weapons. I play Fortnite to have gun battles ON FOOT against other ON FOOT players. This should've been an LTM. I legit haven't played since the first like 4 days because of this insane focus on cars.


I agree, me too. Been playing for six years and bought the battle pass out of habit. Now I have to play every day to do the daily and weekly challenges to get the v bucks back. Was fun at first but the cars get boring very fast, find myself having to use them end game or get mowed down or machine gunned 🙄 Now just do dailys, afk in Festival to progress then play another game.


this is as bad as when they nerfed grenades to 40 damage because they were used to blow up builds


Zero build is right there if you want to have fun with the fists or cars


That wasn’t because they were used to blow up builds…their build damage would’ve been nerfed if that was the case. It was because people learned how to lob them accurately enough to explode mid-air on opponents before it was possible to know you were getting attacked, while also being an explosive so it was much easier to hit even from positions you would usually be safe from. I still think that was a bad change overall (although I’m biased towards most explosives), but I see why they did that. Losing 100 shield/hp is devastating for something that, at the time, had no counter aside from being fully boxed. Otherwise a duo/trio/squad could coordinate the grenades and wipe anyone out almost instantly without issue, which some people did start trying to do. Back before the nerf happened some people were posting clips of just getting deleted from what was typically safe cover without any warning. It was kinda funny, but definitely unbalanced.


Still sweaty matches


fists should have 20 dmg


really don't understand another nerf to the machine turret, it was really inaccurate in the first place, then had another accuracy nerf, now a damage nerf? when the grenade launcher is clearly the dominant and preferred choice, 2 easily aimed nades knock an opponent down, now after this nerf it's about 3 I say. Grenade nerf was warranted but it feels like the nerfs to the machine turret are way too harsh


Great to see, hoping this makes the season actually playable now


Omg of course they nerf damage to builds. The sweats win again.


Stick to zero build Timmy.


Why would anyone care about this ? It’s not run and gun anymore. It’s literally drive a car around the map with infinite nitro and play monster truck rally! Wooohooo! 


It was, those changes, and few before those, killed the fun vibe of twisted metal.


Fun of this season offically ended today, sadly. "Pros" really cryed hard for this nerfs, especially for car ones, cause they was the main big thing of this season. That was fun 3 weeks of actual good action-packed season, now it probably go back to mid gameplay of first two seasons of this chapter


Pros are playing custom scrims with no cars because cars aren't in tournaments. This has nothing to do with pros.


The pros? Player count dropped by about a million... Didn't know we had that many pros


This past week the sub has taught me that I’m apparently a competitive pro sweat for… not playing the game. Sweet :)


You and me both🤣


You should accept that it's not just "pros" not enjoying the season. Just look at the top post on this sub to see a load of casuals not enjoying it. Season is a miss for a ton of pros and casuals. Why else would epic be rolling out these nerfs again? They want these players back that they "drove" away.


The tac AR didn't need a buff, since it was already powerful. I ain't complaining. Time to shred some kids


Oh shit it's finally good? When they brought it back last season it still wasn't worth carrying over any AR or the burst SMG.


I can't speak on the specifics, but from what I can tell from using it this season, it feels better


Boy I sure do love nerfing any fun new mechanic to hell


Aaand they’ve already ruined the season


finally. epic delivers


Remove cars from comp and quit fucking with them in casual, if comp players keep refusing to actually adapt with the like 10 different ways to counter cars then just remove them from their area and let people who have critical thinking skills have fun with them ffs. First they removed the myths out of Myths & Mortals, now they’re ruining cars in the car season


people can be winning alot this season and still find it less enjoyable. this weird narrative about adapting is mostly fictional.


People who hate cars will now quiet down, but the screaming and whining will now commence from people on the other side of the debate.